A10 CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 651 Help Wanted 707 Livestock Sales 101 Legal Notices Laying Hens for sale. $2.00 each. (541)276-0953 EO-11451 PUBLIC NOTICE Opportunity to Object to the Draft Decision Notice for High Buck Vegetation Management Project 822 Nursery Stock - JM Eagle of Umatilla, Or. The world’s largest plastic pipe company is seeking a PRODUCTION LINE OPERATOR No experience necessary, employer is willing to train. Requirements: • 18 years old • Pass drug screen and background check • Work any day of the week including weekends and holidays. Pay is $15-16 per hour DOE. Hours are 7am-7pm or 7pm- 7am. Great benefit package, medical, 401K and retire- ment. $500 signing bonus, based on NO ABSENCES, NO TARDINESS and NO DISCIPLINARY ACTION. New hires will receive $200 after 60 working days and $300 at the end of 6 months. Apply in person at 31240 Roxbury Rd, Umatilla OR. 97882 or send resume to: branditurner@jmeagle.com Male Re-Education/ Intervention Facilitator Full Time with benefits pack- age $36,986.04-$37,000 an- nual DOE/DOQ The Male Re-Education/In- tervention Facilitator works with perpetrators of family violence providing space and opportunity for a process of change. Co-Facilitation with both male and female facil- itators will assist in estab- lishing an equally balanced healthy model of intervention, increase accountability and to model equally balanced healthy relationships. Posi- tion is open until filled. Sexual Assault Advocate Full Time with the bene- fits package $30,030.24- $38,305.56 annual DOE/ DOQ The Sexual Assault Advocate is responsible for designing, developing, expanding, and implementing an effective program to combat and curb sexual assault, domestic vio- lence, elder abuse, and teen dating violence on the Uma- tilla Indian Reservation. Posi- tion closes June 18, 2021 For Employment Applica- tion or Vacancy Announce- ment please visit the Tribes website at https://ctuir.org/ career-opportunities/ or call (541)429-7180 WHY WAIT! GET YOUR CLASS AD NOW! SELL IT! BUY IT! CLASSIFIEDS! PEONIES Kukka Farms, $15-$20 a bou- quet. Beautiful flowers for wed- dings or an occassion. See us Saturdays at Walla Walla Farmer’s Market or call Angie at (541)760-8086 828 Misc for Sale For Sale By Owner: Tools and Shop Equipment. 2 pickups: 2002 Ford & 1994 Ford 3/4 ton, both 4x4. 64’ El Camino. Too much good stuff to list. Not rock bottom prices. Call for more info 541-379- 0851 IT WILL SELL EMAIL : CLASSIFIEDS @ EASTOREGONIAN . COM I N C LASSIFIEDS ! 101 Legal Notices EO-11472 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Pursuant to Oregon Administra- tive Rule (OAR) 137-048-0210, Umatilla County Fire District #1 (District) is conducting an infor- mal selection procedure for an architectural/engineering firm to design and oversee fire station remodels, renovations, seismic upgrades, and additions to four of the District’s fire stations. The District plans to award a contract to the highest ranked propos- er(s) selected from those archi- tects/engineers submitting pro- posals. The anticipated contract or contracts will include: all de- sign work; site analysis; assis- tance with CM/GC exemption, solicitation and award process; construction oversight; and pro- curement of all necessary gov- ernment permits. The full Request for Proposals may be obtained from: Scott J. Stanton, Fire Chief Umatilla County Fire District # 1 320 South First St. Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 567-8822 sstanton@ucfd1.com Electronic or hard copy propos- als will be received by the Dis- trict until closing at 5 p.m., July 2, 2021. Responses received after this time will be rejected as non-responsive. Proposers hard copy shall submit propos- als in a sealed opaque enve- lope, plainly marked “Request for Proposals Architectural/ Engineering Services” to Fire Chief Scott Stanton at the above address. Electronic versions shall be emailed to sstanton@ ucfd1.com. Faxed proposals will be rejected as non-responsive. Publish June 17, 2021 FIND IT in the East Oregonian Classifieds The Walla Walla Ranger District of the Umatilla National Forest has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA), Draft Deci- sion Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact for the High Buck Vegetation Management Project. The document is avail- able online at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/ project/?project=53033 The draft decision authoriz- es commercial tree harvest, non-commercial tree thinning and landscape prescribed fire in Umatilla and Union counties. The proposed activity is subject to the objection process pursu- ant to 36 CFR §218 Subparts A and B. Objections will be accepted only from those who have previously submitted spe- cific written comments regard- ing this proposed project during scoping or other designated opportunity for public comment in accordance with §218.5(a). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously sub- mitted timely, specific written comments regarding the pro- posed project unless based on new information arising after the designated comment opportuni- ties. All objections are available for public inspection during and after the objection process. Ob- jections must be submitted with- in 45 calendar days following the publication of this notice in the East Oregonian. The publi- cation date in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the time to file an objection. Objections must contain the minimum content re- quirements specified in 36 CFR §218.8. Objections can be filed online at: https://cara.ecosystem- management.org/Public/ CommentInput?Project=53033 Objections can also be submit- ted via postal service or express delivery to Forest Supervisor Eric Watrud, Umatilla Nation- al Forest, 72510 Coyote Road, Pendleton, OR 97801. Contact: Holly Harris 509-522-6290. June 17, 2021 Thursday, June 17, 2021 EO-11469 PUBLIC NOTICE Amended Notice of Intent for Wagon Trail Solar Project Summary: Date Issued: June 17, 2021 Amended Proposal: Up to 500 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic (PV) solar energy generation facility with- in an approximately 7,339 acre (11.47 sq. miles) site boundary on privately-owned land zoned for Exclusive Farm Use. The original proposal included an approximately 5,957 acres (9.3 sq. miles) site boundary. Location: Morrow County, approximately 24 miles southeast of the City of Arlington. Public Comment Deadline: July 8, 2021 Introduction: The Oregon Department of Energy (Department), staff to the Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC), previously received a Notice of Intent (NOI) on November 3, 2020 from Wheatridge East Wind, LLC (applicant), a wholly owned subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, that it intends to submit a preliminary application for site certificate (pASC) to construct and operate the Wagon Trail Solar Project, a proposed PV solar energy generation facility. Due to modifications of the proposed facility, the applicant submitted an amended NOI on June 11, 2021. The applicant expects to submit the pASC in July or August, 2021. The proposed facility would occupy approximately 5,000 acres of arable and nonarable lands, which constitutes a State jurisdictional energy facility under ORS 469.300(11)(D)(ii) and (iii), requiring that the applicant obtain a site certificate from EFSC prior to construction and operation. The Department is accepting public comments on the Amended NOI from June 17, 2021 through July 8, 2021. Proposed Facility Description: The Wagon Trail Solar Project (proposed facility) would have a gen- erating capacity of up to 500 MW using solar PV technology. The proposed facility site boundary includes approximately 7,339 acres. The proposed facility consists of PV solar panels/modules, steel tracker tables and posts, cabling, power conversion stations, and related or supporting facilities. Proposed related or supporting facili- ties include distributed battery storage (lithium-ion); up to four collector substations on 5- to 10-acre sites, each; up to 8-mile 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line on H-frame structures extending up to 150 feet in height; an Operations and Maintenance building; up to three meteorological towers; site access, service roads, perimeter fencing, and gates; and, up to four temporary construction areas. Additional detailed information is available in the amended NOI Exhibit B (see hyperlink to Depart- ment’s project webpage in More Information below). Proposed Facility Location: The proposed facility would be located south of I-84 in Morrow County. A map of the proposed facility site boundary is attached to this notice. More maps are available in Attachment 2 of the amended NOI, and the Department maintains an online mapping program where the proposed facility site and regional location can be viewed via hyperlink: https://arcg.is/1Gf8CK EFSC Review Process: The review of an application for site certificate (ASC) is a consolidated, com- prehensive process where the Department requests comments from state and local agencies, tribal governments and the general public throughout the process, and concurrently reviews other permits necessary for the proposed facility. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed facility meets EFSC standards established under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 469.501 and set forth in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapters 345, divisions 22 and 24, as well as all other applicable Oregon statutes, rules, and standards. The Department serves as staff to EFSC and conducts the ASC review process. Pursuant to ORS 469.504(4), an applicant must elect to demonstrate compliance with the statewide planning goals by either obtaining local land use approval from the affected local government(s) or through EFSC’s determination of compliance. At this time, Wheatridge East Wind, LLC intends to sat- isfy the Council’s Land Use standard (OAR 345-022-0030) which includes compliance with Morrow County land use standards, by seeking an EFSC determination under ORS 469.504(1)(b). Morrow County Board of Commissioners is the Special Advisory Group for the EFSC review. Public Participation: There are several opportunities for public participation and comment during the EFSC process. The first is the public comment period on the NOI, which is currently open. The Department and applicant held a teleconference public informational meeting on Thursday, January 7, 2021. Informational meetings provide an opportunity for the public to provide comments and ask questions about the proposed facility and review process. After the application is determined to be complete the Department will issue notice of another public informational meeting. Then at the issuance the Department’s draft proposed order, notice will be provided about a public hearing and comment period that will provide an opportunity for the public to provide in-person and remote oral and written testimony on the application and draft proposed order for the proposed facility. The purpose of amended NOI and ASC informational meetings is for the Department and applicant to provide information about the proposed facility and EFSC review process to the general public, which differs from a public hearing, where the purpose is to provide the general public an opportunity to provide oral comments to EFSC and a Hearing Officer on the ASC and DPO. The Department will provide notice of all future public informational meetings and hearings. CLASSIFIEDS Notice of Intent: The amended NOI provides notice to the Department and the public that the appli- cant intends to submit an ASC in the future. The amended NOI contains preliminary information about the proposed facility and provides an opportunity for the public, state and local governments and Tribal governments to comment on the amended NOI. Comment Period and Informational Meeting: Public comments on the amended NOI are encour- aged to help the applicant identify issues and concerns early in the process. CLASSIFIEDS Comments on the amended NOI are due by July 8, 2021, and must be submitted in writing by U.S. mail, e-mail, or by fax. Please send comments to: Chase McVeigh-Walker, Senior Siting Analyst Oregon Department of Energy 550 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 934-1582 Email: chase.mcveigh-walker@oregon.gov Please Note: The submission of comments does not automatically register your contact information to receive notices. If you would like to receive notices for this proposed facility or any other EFSC project, and have not already done so, please follow the instructions on the next page. Worried about your ads appearing next to Dear Facebook advertisers: disinformation, misinformation or hate speech? Receipt of this Notice: You are receiving this notice because: 1) You own property within or adjacent to (within 500 feet) the property on which the proposed facility would be located. You will automatically receive all future EFSC notices for this facility if the site boundary remains the same. 2) You have previously signed up via ClickDimensions to receive notices on this facility, or all EFSC facilities. You will automatically receive all future email notices per your request, unless you unsub- scribe via ClickDimensions or by contacting the Department. More Information: More information about the proposed facility and the review process are available using any of the following options. If you need more information, please contact Chase McVeigh-Walker. 1) Oregon Department of Energy’s webpage: More details on the Wagon Trail Solar Project, including the amended NOI, are available online at: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/facilities-safety/facilities/Pages/WTS.aspx Resources describing the State Siting Process, including “Oregonians Guide to Siting and Oversight of Energy Facilities” are available at: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/facilities-safety/facilities/Pages/default.aspx 2) Updates by Email/Mail: Subscribe to ClickDimensions for email updates on the proposed facility or other energy facilities un- der EFSC jurisdiction. ClickDimensions is an automated email system that allows interested members of the public to manage subscriptions to information received about Department projects and events. For more information, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/ODOE-EFSC. Our journalism is written and edited by professionals. We take responsibility for what we do. To receive notices by U.S. Mail, please contact Chase McVeigh-Walker and request to be added to the paper notice list. 3) In Hardcopy: Hard copies of the amended NOI are available for public inspection at the following location at no cost. Hard copies will be provided at reasonable cost upon request to the Department. Oregon Department of Energy 550 Capitol Street NE Salem, OR 97301 Please contact the Department to arrange viewing of hard copies of the amended NOI. Our audiences continue to grow. The public wants and needs quality news and information more than ever. Accessibility information: The Oregon Department of Energy is committed to accommodating people with disabilities. If you require any special physical or language accommodations, or need information in an alternate for- mat, please contact Dawnita Bruce at 503-428-7905, toll-free in Oregon at 800-221-8035, or email to Dawnita.M.BRUCE@oregon.gov . Figure 1: Proposed Facility Site Boundary LET’S TALK. #SupportRealNews www.newsmediaalliance.org To advertise, call 1.800.781.3214 Publish June 17, 2021