East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 10, 2021, Page 5, Image 5

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Thursday, June 10, 2021
East Oregonian
Paul Edgar Weese
Beverly Ann Harris
December 8, 1959 — June 4, 2021
May 22, 1941 — May 21, 2021
Paul Edgar Weese was and Cheyenne (Amber)
born December 8, 1959, to Soliz of Pendleton; his
David and Virginia Rose- brothers and sisters Leon-
mary (Parr) Weese in Pend- ard Dave of Lyle, Wash-
leton, Oregon.
ington, Gloria
Howles of Wash-
Paul attended
ington, Michelle
Pendleton High
School. He lived
in Pendleton,
Hermiston, and
Toppenish, Port-
Davida Hens-
ley of Culver,
land, Thornhol-
low and Pilot
O regon; fou r
Paul was
12 nieces and
married to Shari
nephews; and
Sw yga r t a nd
one aunt.
divorced in 1988. Paul and
He was preceded in
Jessica Reese were together death by his parents, David
32 years and married April and Virgina Rosemary
(Parr) Weese, and brother
30, 2021, to the present.
P a u l wo r k e d fo r Donald Weese.
Keystone, Precision Cast
A graveside service
Parts and U.S. Gypsum.
will be held Thursday,
He enjoyed the great June 10, 2021, at 1 p.m. at
outdoors were he loved Olney Cemetery, Pendle-
fishing and hunting. Had ton, Oregon. A Celebration
a great time BBQing. He of Life will be held Friday,
loved animal and cars. But June 11, 2021, at 11 a.m. at
his greatest achievements the Lighthouse Church, 417
were his children, grand- N.W. 21st St., Pendleton,
children, and sobriety.
He is survived by his
Memorial donations can
wife Jessica Weese of Pend- be made in lieu of flowers
leton;, his children Kadie to Jessica Weese in care of
Miller of Pendleton, Jacob Burns Mortuary of Pendle-
Weese (girlfriend Tanna ton, P.O. Box 489, Pendle-
Goodnight) of Pendleton, ton, OR 97801.
Robert Dean Woodend
December 6, 1955 — June 6, 2021
Robert Dean Wood- Walkup in 1976 in Walla
end was born December Walla. The couple had
6, 1955, in Dayton, Wash- two sons, Robert Charles
ington, to Robert Rich- and Mitchell Allen. They
ard and Claudia Kreitzer later divorced.
Woodend of
In 1992, He
mar r ied Caro-
ly n Taylor i n
He died June
Umatilla, Oregon.
6, 2021, at
Saint Alphon-
They had one
sus Regional
son, Andrew
M e d i c a l
James, and later
Center in
He lived most
Boise, Idaho.
He was 65.
of his life in
A memorial
Pendleton where
service will be
he worked in a
held at Bethel
variety of jobs,
Church, 1109 Airport including the Pendle-
Road, Pendleton, Oregon ton Woolen Mill, until
on Friday, June 11, at he became disabled. He
11 a.m.
was a member of Bethel
In his early years, Church in Pendleton.
Robert lived in Star-
He was preceded in
buck and Ayer Junc- death by his parents, and
tion. He attended school by his son Robert Charles.
in Clyde, Prescott, and He is survived by his sons
Dayton before moving to Mitchell of Walla Walla
North Platte, Nebraska, and Andrew of Payson,
where he graduated high Utah, and his grandchil-
school in 1974. In 1993, dren. He is also survived
he received his AA in by his sister, Carla Wood-
civil engineering tech- end Giger, an aunt, Elaine
nology from Blue Moun- Matthews, both of Walla
tain Community College Walla, and dear friends in
in Pendleton, Oregon.
his faith family at Bethel
He ma r r ied Ma r y Church.
Jason James Post
January 5, 1987 — June 5, 2021
Jason James Post was
born on January 5, 1987,
in Walla Walla, Wash-
ington, to Jim and Laurie
Post. Jason died in
Wallowa County
on June 5, 2021.
Jason grew up
in Pendleton and
graduated from
Pendleton High
School in 2005,
and from Walla
Walla Commu-
nity College with
a degree in crim-
inal justice.
On July 7, 2018, Jason
mar ried his longtime
s we e t he a r t Ro s a n n a
Corona, and on September
9, 2020, they welcomed
their beautiful daugh-
ter Dalilah Bea into the
family. Rosan na and
Dalilah were his precious
girls and the most import-
ant part of his life.
Jason is survived by his
wife Rosanna, daughter
Dalilah, parents Jim and
Laurie, sister Chelsie Bea
Post, grandparents Jan
Post and Bea and Larry
Ledbetter, and numerous
aunts, uncles and cousins.
Jason began his law
enforcement career in
2010 as a reserve offi-
cer for the Umatilla
County Sheriff’s Office
and in 2013 was hired as
a full-time patrol deputy.
Jason graduated from
the Department of Public
Safety Standards and
Training in June 2014. He
was a certified drug recog-
nition expert, field train-
ing officer and a mentor to
many officers.
He started in
mid-April as
a Umat illa
County parole
and probation
officer so he
could spend
more time with
his family.
Jason was
a devoted
father, brother and son.
He enjoyed hunting, fish-
ing, traveling, and spend-
ing time with family and
friends. He will be deeply
missed by all who knew
Funeral services are
scheduled at 10 a.m. on
Sunday, June 13, at the
Pendleton Rou nd-Up
Grounds in Pendleton,
open to the public. Follow-
ing the service, a funeral
procession will proceed
to the Skyview Memorial
Park, south of Pendleton,
for a private family grave-
side service. A reception
will follow at the Let ’er
Buck Room at the Pend-
leton Round-Up Grounds,
open to the public.
Arrangements are with
Pendleton Pioneer Chapel,
Folsom-Bishop. Online
condolences may be sent
to www.pioneerchapel.
Beverly Ann Harris,
79, of Heppner, passed
away on May 21, 2021, in
Beverly was bor n
to Laverne and Victor
Hilderman in Roundup,
Montana, on May 22,
A f t e r t he c ou ple
divorced, she was adopted
by her stepfather, Herman
The family made their
home in Portland, Oregon,
where Bev graduated high
It was there that she
met her husband, Bobby
Ha r r is. T he c ouple
married on April 20, 1961,
and celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary in
April of this year.
Bob and Bev moved to
the Ione area in 1978 when
Bob began work on the
construction of the coal
fire plant in Boardman.
They moved to Hardman
in 1980 and resided there
until 2015 when Bob got
sick, and they moved to
Heppner to be closer to
their kids.
Bev worked at Wright’s
Country Store at Ruggs
until its closing. She then
worked at Court Street
Market and later at Coast
to Coast Hardware until
she retired.
Bev loved crocheting,
sewing, and quilting.
Above all else, though,
she loved her family.
She was a devoted wife,
mother, grandmother and
After her husband was
diagnosed with dementia
and she was no longer able
to care for him at home,
she made a weekly trip to
Hermiston to visit him in
long-term care. She was
most often accompanied
by her great-grandson,
Jaime, who had a special
place in her heart. Her
passing will be felt deeply
by many.
She is survived by
her husband of 60 years,
Bobby Harris Sr., Herm-
iston; daughter Connie
H a r r i s of G e r v a i s ,
daughter Shirley Harris
of Heppner, son Bobby
Harris Jr. (Senie) of Irri-
gon, son Gene Harris
(Patty) of Heppner, and
daughter Candy Chick
(Kevin) of Heppner; as
well as 15 grandchildren
and 39 great-grandchil-
dren. She is also survived
by her brother Gary of
Milwaukie, Oregon.
She was preceded in
death by her parents,
Her man and Laver ne
Schmidt, and her brother
A memorial graveside
service will be held on
June 18, 2021, at 1 p.m.
at the Heppner Masonic
Memorial contribu-
tions for those who wish
can be made to Make-
A-Wish, America Gift
Processing, 1702 E. High-
land Ave., Suite 400,
Phoenix, AZ 85016.
Sweeney Mor t uar y
of Heppner is in care of
arrangements. You may
sign the online condo-
lence book at www.swee-
Leona Estelle ‘Leah’ Rogers
January 15, 1971 — June 2, 2021
Leona Estelle “Leah” met. Once you met her
Rogers, 50, of Pendleton, and got to experience one
passed away peacefully of her warm hugs, you
at home surrounded by were bound to be friends
loved ones.
— she wouldn’t have it
Born in Cald-
any other way.
wel l , Id a h o,
Most import-
ant to her was
to Naomi and
spending time
Roscoe Haug-
sted, Leah was
with her family
destined to be
a bright ray of
She enjoyed
sunshine in
everyone’s lives.
c a m pi ng ,
She moved
sewing, quilt-
ing, paint-
t o Pe nd let on
ing, traveling,
with her father
when he was
discharged f rom the crocheting and playing
service in late 1971. As Covet fashion.
a young girl she enjoyed
She was preceded
spending time with her in death by her mother
Grammy and Grandpa Naomi Newton Haug-
in Halfway, Oregon. She stead, brothers Loran
attended Harris Junior Haugsted and Daniel
Academy in Pendleton, Walker, and grandpar-
graduating in 1989 from ents Florence and Andy
Upper Columbia Acad- Haugsted.
emy in Spangle, Wash-
She is survived by her
ington, and attended Blue loving husband, Andy;
Mountain Community son Tyson Block and part-
College in Pendleton.
ner Danielle Di Pietro
She married Todd Peck of Ashland; daughter
in Pendleton. They raised Faun Haugsted and part-
two children: Tyson and ner Ryan Joy of Pend-
Faun. The couple later leton; stepsons Devon
Rogers of Ft. Campbell,
In 2015, after five years Kentucky, and James
together, she married the Rogers of Pendleton;
love of her life, Andy father and stepmother
Rogers, with his two Roscoe and Patty Haug-
sons, Devon and James, sted of Pendleton; grand-
completing the family.
children Noah and Estelle
She enjoyed work- Joy; brothers Allen Haug-
ing a variety of jobs over sted and Matthew Haug-
the years, including 60 sted and partner Alicia
Minute Photo, Obie’s Olsen; sister of the heart
Import Repair, and Holi- Dust y Flitz; in-laws
day Inn Express.
Casey and Alicia Rogers,
She found her true Katie Rogers and partner
passion as a learning Andrew Stubblefield, and
support assistant/para- Melissa Haugsted; and
professional at Pend- many nieces, nephews,
leton Early Lear ning cousins, aunts, uncles and
Center, where “Miss too many friends to count.
Leah” positively affected
A clean and sober Cele-
many young lives. She bration of Life will be held
was adored by students, at 3 p.m. Saturday, June
parents and staff alike.
12, 2021, at Harris Junior
Her strong faith was Academy, 3121 S.W.
an ever-present comfort Hailey Ave., Pendleton.
to her.
Burns Mortuary of
Lea h touched t he Pendleton is in charge of
hearts of everyone she arrangements.
For death notices and upcoming services, see Page A6.
For courts, public safety logs and lottery results, go to
Charles Leonard
‘Chuck’ ‘Buddy’ Akes Jr.
April 8, 1946 — May 24, 2021
Charles Leonard “Chuck” American Legion Post #24.
“Buddy” Akes Jr., 75, of
Chuck was an active
Milton-Freewater, passed member of The Church of
away at his home on May Jesus Christ of Latter-day
24, 2021, after a two-year Saints, serving in many posi-
battle with ALS (Lou
tions including
Gehrig’s Disease).
Chuck was born
the church as a
volunteer chap-
April 8, 1946, in
lain at the Wash-
Yakima, Washing-
ton, to Charles Leon-
i ng ton St at e
ard Akes Sr. and
Pe n i t e n t i a r y,
Esther Elaine (Spen-
second coun-
cer) Akes.
selor in the Bish-
When a young
opric, serving a
four-year service
child his family
Akes Jr.
mission in the
bought The Divide
local area with
Ranch in Joseph,
Oregon. Chuck graduated his wife, and was currently the
from Enterprise High School second counselor in the prison
in 1964 and went to college at Branch Presidency.
Chuck often said, “The
Oregon Technical Institute in
Klamath Falls, majoring in people I helped change their
civil and structural engineer- lives; that is what I would like
to be remembered for.”
In 1966 he and some
He is survived by his
friends signed up with the wife, Marcia; daughters
Army on the “Buddy Plan” to Sharee LaRue-Wright of
fight in Vietnam. Three weeks Milton-Freewater, Jacqueline
before boot camp, he was in a “Jaci” Jorgensen of Bremer-
motorcycle accident and spent ton, Washington, Candace
over a year in and out of hospi- Gaudin of Sandy, Utah, and
Carisa Cooper of Pleasant
He married Nancy Lusby Grove, Utah; sons Charles
in 1968 and the couple had “Len” Akes III of Prescott,
Charles III and Jacqueline. Washington, Kenneth LaRue
They later divorced.
of Rexburg, Idaho, Clay Akes
In 1974 he married Marcia of Salt Lake City, Utah, and
Lee (West) LaRue. Marcia had Colton Akes of Walla Walla,
Sharee and Kenneth from a Washington; sisters Lucia
previous marriage. They then Kelly of Pasco, Washington,
had four children, Candace, Roberta Isley of Burbank,
Carisa, Clay and Colton, Washington, and Esther
making a “his, hers and ours” “Lonnie” Danner of Umatilla,
Oregon; and 24 grandchil-
total of eight.
Chuck worked in construc- dren.
tion all his life, joining his
A memor ial ser vice
parents in Akes Backhoe will be held at 10 a.m. on
Service, laying underground Saturday, June 12, at The
telephone lines and building Church of Jesus Christ of
rest areas on the Columbia and Latter-day Saints, 1151 N.
Snake rivers. He and Marcia Elizabeth St., in Milton-Free-
started Marsa-Lee Construc- water. Interment will follow
tion in 1989, doing all types at Milton-Freewater Ceme-
of construction but mainly tery.
standing large steel buildings.
Memor ial cont r ibu-
Volunteerism and service tions can be made to the
was a major part of Chuck’s Milton-Freewater First Ward
life, from scoutmaster to vice Missionary Fund through
chairman of the Washington Munselle-Rhodes Funeral
State Department of Correc- Home, 902 S. Main St.,
tions Religious Services Milton-Freewater, OR 97862.
Advisory Committee, and he
To leave a online condo-
was a charter member of the lence, visit www.munseller-
Milton-Freewater Sons of the hodes.com.
James L. ‘Jamie’ Kincaid
July 23, 1963 — May 22, 2021
Jamie was born in Pendle- Katherine (John) Allen and
ton, Oregon, to Ralph E. Sr. Vicki Jo Buchheit; brothers
and Patti Kincaid.
Bud (Jenny) Kincaid, John
He lived his first 11 years Kincaid; sister-in-law Trilby
in Ione, Oregon. In 1974 the Beyer; and numerous nieces,
family moved to
nephews and very
Silverton, Oregon,
dear friends who all
where Jamie
loved him dearly.
He is preceded
continued to live
in death by his
until his passing.
He attended Silver-
father Ralph Sr.,
ton-area schools
father-in-law Bob
and graduated from
Leikem, and broth-
Silver ton High
er-in-law Mat t
School in 1982.
In his younger
Jamie was loved
years Jamie worked
by so many near
many years at
and far and will be
Redman Homes in Silverton missed immensely.
where he met his wife Heidi
May we forever get
and was gradually promoted comfort from hearing your
to a supervisory position. For voice in your “Birthday Song”
the past 26 years he was the you so diligently sent to your
production manager at Palm loved ones on our birthdays.
Harbor Homes in Millers- Always in our hearts — never
burg, Oregon.
forgotten. Rest in Peace our
Jamie loved the outdoors Sweet Jamie, “We Love You!”
and was an avid fisherman,
A Celebration of Life will
hunter and boater. His family be held on Sunday, August
and friends enjoyed numerous 1, from 1-3 p.m. at Vander-
fishing and hunting trips with beck Valley Farm, 37791 S.
him. He was a huge Beavers Highway 213, Mount Angel,
fan — GO BEAVERS! We Oregon.
would all chant “O.S.U.” with
him at many in-home Beaver
game parties! He was also a
Cowboys fan and loved the
Portland Trailblazers. He was
highly active in all his young-
Cineplex Show Times
est son Jace’s sporting activ-
ities and always cheered for Theater seating will adhere to social distancing protocols
Every showing $7.50 per person (ages 0-3 still free)
the Silverton Foxes.
Peter Rabbit 2:
Jamie loved life. He was
The Runaway (PG)
an amazing husband, father,
2:00p 5:00p 8:00p
grandfather, son, brother,
uncle and friend. He never
In The Heights (PG-13)
hesitated to end a conversa-
12:40p 3:40p 6:40p
tion with “love you.” Jamie
was known for his incredible
The Conjuring: The Devil
mind, quick wit, and compas-
Made Me Do It (R)
sionate heart. He was a great
1:00p 4:00p 7:00p
Jamie is survived by wife
Spirit Untamed (PG)
Heidi; sons Joshua (Melissa)
1:20p 4:20p 7:20p
and Jace; daughter Crys-
tin (Nathan); mother Patti
Cruella (PG-13)
Kincaid; mother-in-law
1:40p 4:40p 7:40p
Tracy Leikem; granddaugh-
ters Caitlyn and Cather- wildhorseresort.com • 541-966-1850
ine; grandson Rohan; sisters
Pendleton, OR I-84 - Exit 216