A12 CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 651 Help Wanted 801 Timber/Lumber LOOKING FOR YEW TREES/ BUSHES, 4” & up and any size stands. Call 503-757-1750 CCS is looking for a superb HR Director to oversee the ever-expanding HR depart- ment and provide executive level leadership and manage- ment agency wide. The HR Director oversees, delegates and coaches the department on the following functions: recruiting and onboarding. Training and development, compensation and benefit administration, personnel pol- icies and procedures, payroll, investigations, coaching and discipline, records manage- ment and advise manage- ment of human resource related matters. Qualified applicants must posses a Bachelor’s degree in HR or business, Master’s degree preferred, a minimum of 10 years in progressive HR ex- perience and must have su- pervisory experience. Can- didates must be able to pass a criminal background check and provide proof of $300,000 in personal auto insurance for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage. Salary for this full time position range from $98,400 to $152,500 an- nually, DOEE, and includes an excellent benefit package. Qualified applicants are en- couraged to go to www.com- munitycounselingsolutions. org and fill out our online ap- plication. Male Re-Education/ Intervention Facilitator Full Time with benefits pack- age $36,986.04-$37,000 an- nual DOE/DOQ The Male Re-Education/In- tervention Facilitator works with perpetrators of family violence providing space and opportunity for a process of change. Co-Facilitation with both male and female facil- itators will assist in estab- lishing an equally balanced healthy model of intervention, increase accountability and to model equally balanced healthy relationships. Posi- tion is open until filled. Sexual Assault Advocate Full Time with the bene- fits package $30,030.24- $38,305.56 annual DOE/ DOQ The Sexual Assault Advocate is responsible for designing, developing, expanding, and implementing an effective program to combat and curb sexual assault, domestic vio- lence, elder abuse, and teen dating violence on the Uma- tilla Indian Reservation. Posi- tion closes June 18, 2021 For Employment Applica- tion or Vacancy Announce- ment please visit the Tribes website at https://ctuir.org/ career-opportunities/ or call (541)429-7180 801 Timber/Lumber Black walnut live edge; ma- ple and oak; older shopsmith, $200; 7hp air compressor, $300; floor air nailer with nails, $75; antique blacksmith vice, $175. June 10, 11 & 12, 9am-5pm 53648 Cobb Rd, Milton-Freewater, OR 101 Legal Notices EO-11455 CITY OF IRRIGON LAND USE HEARING The City of Irrigon Planning Commission will hold the follow- ing hearings at 6:00 p.m., July 1, 2021, at City Hall located at 500 NE Main Avenue, Irrigon, Oregon. By direction of the Gov- ernor public attendance is by Zoom. • Subdivision with Variance: Property is described as Tax Lots 801 and 804 on Assessor’s Map 5N27E19CD and is zoned Residential. Request is to create 16 lots with a variance for a 40’ roadway and corner lots. The procedure is a Type III under the Irrigon Development Code 10- 4A-4. Criteria for approval are found at 10-2A, 10-3, 10-4C and 10-5. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above propos- al or ask questions will be pro- vided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter of failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Ir- rigon City Council and the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after June 24, 2021. For more information, please contact Aaron Palmquist at 541- 922-3047 or manager@ci.irrigon.or.us. Dated this 8th day of June 2021 City of Irrigon Published: June 10, 2021 EO-11448 NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Umatilla for the current fiscal year will be held at 700 6th Street, Umatilla, Oregon. The hearing will take place on June 15, 2021 at 6:00 pm. The pur- pose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with in- terested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after June 10, 2021 at Uma- tilla City Hall, 700 6th Street, Umatilla Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGES Amounts shown are revised totals in those funds being modified Fund: Refuse Fund Resource 1. Beginning Fund Balance $162,062 2. Refuse Collection $946,000 Revised Total Fund Resources $1,108,062 101 Legal Notices Thursday, June 10, 2021 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-11445 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Athena Weston School District will be held on June 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm at Athena Elementary Library, 375 South Fifth St., Athena, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Athena Weston School District Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 375 South Fifth Street between the hours of 9 a.m., and 3 p.m., or online at www.athwest. k12.or.us. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Paula L. Warner Telephone 541-566-3551 E-Mail Paula.Warner@athwestsd.org FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Adopted Budget 2020-2021 4,803,725 1,670,000 0 400,000 100,000 6,241,275 435,000 242,000 0 Approved Budget 2021-2022 4,499,200 1,735,000 0 435,503 140,000 6,087,750 1.715.547 341,000 0 12,893,918 13,892,000 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 14,954,000 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS 1. Beginning Fund Balance 2. Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes 3. Current Year Local Option Property Taxes 4. Other Revenue from Local Sources 5. Revenue from Intermediate Sources 6. Revenue from State Sources 7. Revenue from Federal Sources 8. Interfund Transfers 9. All Other Budget Resources 10. Total Resources Actual Budget 2019-2020 4,167,802 1,784,960 0 447,780 66,076 5,666,180 524,669 138,201 98,250 11. Salaries 12. Other Associated Payroll Costs 13. Purchased Services 14. Supplies & Materials 15. Capital Outlay 16. Other Objects (except debt service & interfund transfers) 17. Debt Service* 18. Interfund Transfers* 19. Operating Contingency 20. Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves 21. Total Requirements 3,648,300 2,135,055 898,961 671,873 685,214 179,267 447,568 138,201 4,375,755 3,134,032 1,007,305 1,397,583 1,473,950 227,175 500,000 842,000 928,000 6,200 4,950,692 3,348,349 1,121,675 2,040,594 801,000 245,990 530,000 947,000 963,000 5,700 8,804,440 13,892,000 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS AND FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY FUNCTION Function FTE for Function 1000 Instruction FTE 2000 Support Services FTE 3000 Enterprise & Community Service FTE 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction FTE 5000 Other Uses 5100 Debt Service* 5200 Interfund Transfers* 6000 Contingency 7000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance Total Requirements Total FTE 14,954,000 4,717,740 46.82 2,452,351 17.89 287,482 3.38 761,098 0 6,589,346 55.55 4,172,761 19.95 308,693 3.38 1,145,000 0 7,504,163 63.07 5,275,749 19.88 328,388 3.25 0 0 447,568 138,201 500,000 242,000 928,000 6,200 530,000 347,000 963,000 5,700 8,804,440 68.09 13,892,000 78.88 14,954,000 86.20 * Not included in total 5000 Other Uses. To be appropriated separately from other 5000 expenditures. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING FROM LAST YEAR NONE PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 4.3937 Per $1000) Local Option Levy Levy for General Obligation Bonds Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 4.3937 0 460,000 4.3937 0 470,000 4.3937 0 480,000 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Long Term Debt Estimated Debt Outstanding on July 1 General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings 2,295,000 0 0 Estimated Debt Authorized, but not Incurred on July 1 0 0 0 Total 2,295,000 0 June 10, 2021 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-11444 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Blue Mountain Community College Board of Education will be held on June 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom at https://bluecc.zoom.us/j/97330220871?pwd=RWc5UmM3U1FBQ2RoR3FqWWN0d3JQUT09 or by phone at 1-253-215-8782 (Meeting ID 973 3022 0871 and passcode BMCCBoard). The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 as approved by the Blue Mountain Community College Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on-line at https://www.bluecc.edu/about/adminis- tration/finance. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the basis of accounting used during the preceding year. Contact: Tod R Case Telephone: 541-278-5785 Email: tod.case@bluecc.edu FINANCIAL SUMMARY - RESOURCES Expenditure 1. Refuse Collections $853,200 2. Transfers $157,120 Revised Total Fund Require- ments $1,108,065 FOR QUICK CASH Use a classified ad to sell items you no longer use. Comments: THE CITY COUN- CIL APPROVED A MID YEAR GARBAGE RATE INCREASE. THIS INCREASE RESULTED IN ADDITIONAL REVENUE, PASS THROUGH EXPENDITURES TO SANITARY DISPOSAL, AND TRANSFERS TO THE GENER- AL FUND FOR THE ADMINIS- TRATIVE AND FRANCHISE FEE. June 10, 2021 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices EO-11442 PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION will hold the following hearings of public interest on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Library Meeting Room lo- cated at 490 NE Main Avenue, Irrigon, Oregon. For information on meeting participation via Zoom please visit the Planning De- partment website. https://www.co.morrow.or.us/pc/page/morrow-county-planning Land Partition LP-N-496-21: Elizabeth Dunn-Crispin, Appli- cant and Owner. The property is described as tax lot 2300 of Assessor’s Map 5N 26E 25A. The property is zoned Suburban Residential (SR) and located within the Irrigon Urban Growth Boundary on Wyoming Avenue. Criteria for approval includes the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance (MCZO) Article 3 Section 3.050 Suburban Residential Zone and Morrow County Subdivi- sion Ordinance (MCSO) Article 5 Land Partitioning. Land Use Decision LUD-N-36-21 and Variance V-N-041-21: Philippi Ranches, Inc., Applicant and Owner. The property is described as tax lot 1100 of Assessor’s Map 4N 25E 18. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) and located approx- imately one-quarter mile west of Boardman on Wilson Lane. The request is to allow a replacement dwelling with a variance to the manufactured home age standard. Criteria for approval includes MCZO Section 3.010 EFU Zone and MCZO Article 7 Dimensional Adjustments, Variances, Special or Temporary Use Permits, and Non-Conforming Uses. Land Partition LP-N-497-21 and Replat R-N-068-21: S&F Land Services, Inc. Applicant, Amazon Data Services, Inc. Owner. The property is described as tax lot 105 of Assessor’s Map 4N 26E 6. The property is zoned Port Industrial (PI) and lo- cated approximately 2-miles northeast of Boardman in the Port of Morrow. Request is to partition a 99.92-acre parcel to create two parcels. Criteria for approval includes the MCZO Article 3 Section 3.073 Port Industrial and MCSO Article 5 Land Partitioning. Land Partition LP-N-498-21: Parametrix Applicant, Windy River LLC. Owner. The property is described as tax lot 1700 of Assessor’s Map 4N 25E 25. Subject property is dual-zoned EFU and General Industrial (MG). Property is located approximately one-mile south of the Highway 730 and Interstate 84 Interchange. Request is to partition a 640-acre parcel to create two parcels. Criteria for approval includes the MCZO Section 3.010 EFU Zone. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above applica- tions or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be avail- able on or before June 18, 2021. For more information, please contact Stephanie Case at 541-922-4624 or by email at scase@ co.morrow.or.us. DATED this 3rd day of June 2021 MORROW COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Published: June 10, 2021 Actual Amount Last Year 2019-20 1. Beginning Fund Balance $10,412,911 2. Current Year Property Taxes, other than Local Option Taxes 7,916,599 3. Current Year Local Option Property Taxes 0 4. Tuition and Fees 5,268,059 5. Other Revenue from Local Sources 3,033,540 6. Revenue from State Sources 10,718,244 7. Revenue from Federal Sources 4,579,379 8. Interfund Transfers 999,674 9. All Other Budget Resources 2,449,566 $45,377,972 10. Total Resources Adopted Budget This Year 2020-21 $6,074,930 8,217,090 0 4,989,010 2,692,767 13,121,316 9,374,000 2,693,772 2,646,449 Approved Budget Next Year 2021-22 $9,204,020 8,682,390 0 4,872,160 2,992,159 10,560,490 11,851,405 1,416,694 2,290,402 $49,809,334 FINANCIAL SUMMARY - REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION $51,869,720 TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS 11. Personnel Services 12. Materials & Services 13. Financial Aid 14. Capital Outlay 15. Debt Service 16. Interfund Transfers 17. Operating Contingency 18. All Other Expenditures 19. Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves 20. Total Requirements $19,439,653 11,545,107 0 1,247,379 2,853,268 999,674 0 0 9,292,892 $18,609,205 19,993,754 0 1,308,043 2,943,420 2,693,772 348,269 0 3,912,871 $18,023,978 21,231,001 0 166,276 3,040,790 1,416,694 338,188 0 7,652,793 $45,377,972 $49,809,334 $51,869,720 FINANCIAL SUMMARY—REQUIREMENTS AND FULL TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES (FTE) BY FUNCTION Function Full-Time Equivalent Employees (FTE) for Function Instruction FTE Instructional Support FTE Student Services other than Student Loans and Financial Aid FTE Student Loans and Financial Aid FTE Community Services FTE $9,534,456 93.544 $4,569,188 43.796 $4,005,308 45.684 $5,704,917 3.230 $116,631 0.510 $7,480,106 44.000 $821,531 0.000 $999,674 $2,853,268 $0 $9,292,892 College Support Services other than Facilities, Acquisition & Construction FTE Facility Acquisition & Construction FTE Interfund Transfers Debt Service Operating Contingency Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance and Reserves $8,874,618 94.080 $8,427,651 45.041 $4,397,798 43.860 $8,063,941 2.780 $129,279 0.420 $8,472,716 34.514 $1,545,000 0.000 $2,693,772 $2,943,420 $348,269 $3,912,871 $7,962,042 82.660 $10,624,926 41.328 $4,044,617 41.053 $8,097,479 3.550 $140,033 0.420 $7,852,158 43.190 $700,000 0.000 $1,416,694 $3,040,790 $338,188 $7,652,793 Total Requirements $45,377,972 $49,809,334 Total FTE 230.764 220.695 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ACTIVITIES and SOURCES OF FINANCING FROM LAST YEAR $51,869,720 212.200 The College’s 2021-22 Budget includes some changes from the 2020-21 Budget as a result of Right Sizing the College due to decreased enrollment. During the COVID -19 Pandemic, BMCC has experienced significant reductions in student enrollment which will result in a reduction in Tuition & Fees and State Funding revenue. For the second year in a row, the College has made General Fund reductions in personnel and materials & services to bring budgeted expenditures in line with budgeted revenues for the next two years. When the Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance & Reserves is excluded from the Total Requirements, the College is experiencing a $1.6 million reduction in Requirements. Instruction, Student Services, and College Support Services reflect these reductions. The College is anticipating an increase in Federal Grant Funding which is reflected in increased Revenue from Federal Sources, Materials & Services, and Instructional Support. The College has budgeted a decrease in Capital Outlay and Facility Acquisition & Construction as a result of the 2015 Bond Funds being fully expended. In addition, budgeted Interfund Transfers have decreased as a result of not needing to transfer funds from the College Reserves to the General Fund. PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Permanent Rate Levy (Rate Limit 0.6611 per $1,000) Local Option Levy Levy For General Obligation Bonds Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 0.6611 $0 $1,983,857 0.6611 $0 $1,978,035 0.6611 $0 $1,947,713 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS LONG TERM DEBT General Obligation Bonds Other Bonds Other Borrowings Total Estimated Debt Outstanding July 1 $16,790,000 $6,315,000 $0 Estimated Debt Authorized, But Not Incurred July 1 $0 $0 $0 $23,105,000 $0 June 10, 2021 BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! East Oregonian Classified 1-800-962-2819 You can find your dream home... GET A JOB... check out the employment Classifieds today! IT WILL SELL Check out our real estate listings in the classifieds! EMAIL : CLASSIFIEDS @ EASTOREGONIAN . COM I N C LASSIFIEDS ! CLASSIFIEDS ARE the place to but it, sell it or find it... check us out for what you need! Reach the buyer you are looking for with a low cost, effective classified ad.