A16 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, June 8, 2021 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Man fed up with proselytizing in-laws FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE Dear Abby: My ex-husband Dear Abby: I am having trouble dealing with my wife’s extended had an affair with a woman named family, who are mostly evangel- “Lily” that lasted for the entire icals. My family isn’t overly reli- year we were separated. Although gious and some are atheists. Her we tried to work on things, he con- tinued to sleep with both of us. I family doesn’t think twice about got PTSD because of how bad it asking me if I have a relationship messed with my head. I wanted to with God, and have even declared Jeanne keep my family together, but I was that they are praying for me and Phillips tired of being hurt. my children. ADVICE When I finally let go, so did I chafe at these comments Lily. She got engaged not long after because I feel they do not respect meeting her new boyfriend, but she our religious beliefs, as I do theirs. and my ex still slept together. He had four This has been going on for all of the 40 relationships after her and kept trying to years we’ve been married, and I’m ready pursue me, but I didn’t give him any more to disassociate from them altogether. I do chances and met my now-husband. not want to be negative about their beliefs, After cheating in their subsequent rela- but I should be entitled to mutual respect. tionships, my ex and Lily got back together. Can you help, please? — Losing Patience (She moved in because her fiance kicked in California her out.) Eight months later they are now Dear Losing: I can try. One of the tenets engaged. I don’t feel safe with my son of the faith of evangelicals is evangeliz- ing — in other words, spreading the word around them because they are so toxic. Am I wrong for wishing they would sepa- about their beliefs. They feel that by doing rate again and both stay out of my life? It’s this they are following their religion. When affecting me emotionally again, as well as you are asked whether you have a relation- ship with God, your response should be that making it hard for me to love. — Almost Destroyed in Illinois your relationship with God is as close as Dear Almost Destroyed: You are you need it to be, thank you — and please spending too much time focused on your ex do not ask again. and his fiancee. They are birds of a feather When they tell you they are praying for and meant for each other. Because you are you and your children, say thank you again. unable to eliminate your ex from your life A little prayer on our behalf hurts no one, — I presume because of the child you share and may make them feel better about their — and the stress is affecting your mental own lives. Limit your exposure if you must, health, it’s time to consult a licensed men- but shunning your in-laws isn’t the answer tal health professional for help in insulating if your wife wants to maintain a relation- ship with them. yourself from this toxic twosome. DAYS GONE BY FROM THE EAST OREGONIAN 100 Years Ago June 8, 1921 The more conservative element of the population of Echo is not unduly excited over the reported strike of gold and silver in paying quantities on a homestead about 12 miles west of here. A good many claims have been staked, but so far as could be learned here today, no one has seen the mine from which specimens of ore were take where the rich strike is supposed to have been made. It is rumored that one of the principals in the present rush figured in an episode of the same kind a few years ago when on the strength of samples taken he secured quite a sum of money for development purposes. The mine never showed any profit. 50 Years Ago June 8, 1971 Mayor A.L. Draper of Umatilla escalated himself into the mayorality hall of fame in recent years by banning the sale of Playboy magazine within his city. Then he tangled head-on with state officials on the city’s role in dog control. Monday night in the Uma- tilla City Council meeting he opened a new can of worms. Stray cattle wandering into Umatilla will be herded into a city-built cat- tle corral near the cemetery on the southwest edge of town. Ownership of cattle will have to be proven to the city’s police department before the cattle will be released. Accord- ing to the city, the owners of the cattle will sweeten the city’s coffers with cash for vio- lating the city’s stray livestock ordinance. 25 Years Ago June 8, 1996 With the sun beating down, build- ing a playground is real work. But build- ing the Funland Community Playgrounds has its unique attractions, like a visit from “The Cool Off Committee.” That would be Carol Clupny, who comes around periodi- cally to blast you in the face or neck with a squirt gun, with your permission of course. Another woman offered sun block, and Rose Stephens, 11, walked around with a tray of cold drinks. Building a 13,000-square-foot playground in five days, using volunteers, takes much local planning and the expertise of Leathers & Associates, a firm that has built more than 1,000 of them around the world in the style of old-fashioned barn rais- ings. But even the construction supervisors say Hermiston’s project is a whopper com- pared to most others they’ve built. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On June 8, 1968, author- ities announced the capture in London of James Earl Ray, the suspected assas- sin of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In 1864, Abraham Lin- coln was nominated for another term as president during the National Union (Republican) Party’s con- vention in Baltimore. In 1953, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unan- imously that restaurants in the District of Columbia could not refuse to serve Blacks. In 1962, 20th Century Fox fired Marilyn Monroe from its production “Some- thing’s Got to Give,” say- ing she was unreliable. (Fox later changed its mind, but Monroe died before filming could resume, and the movie was abandoned.) In 1972, during the Viet- nam War, an Associated Press photographer took a picture of a screaming 9-year-old girl, Phan Thi Kim Phuc, as she ran naked and severely burned from the scene of a South Viet- namese napalm attack. In 1978, a jury in Clark County, Nevada, ruled the so-called “Mormon will,” purportedly written by the late billionaire Howard Hughes, was a forgery. In 1995, U.S. Marines rescued Capt. Scott O’Grady, whose F-16C fighter jet had been shot down by Bosnian Serbs on June 2. Mickey Mantle received a liver transplant at a Dallas hospital; however, the baseball great died two months later. In 2015, siding with the White House in a for- eign-policy power struggle with Congress, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Amer- icans born in the disputed city of Jerusalem could not list Israel as their birthplace on passports. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Millicent Martin is 87. Musician Boz Scaggs is 77. Author Sara Paretsky is 74. Actor Griffin Dunne is 66. “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams is 64. Actor-di- rector Keenen Ivory Way- ans is 63. Musician Nick Rhodes (Duran Duran) is 59. R&B singer Doris Pear- son (Five Star) is 55. Actor Julianna Margulies is 54. Actor Dan Futterman is 54. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE