A14 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, June 3, 2021 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ After 23 years, husband reveals a frighteningly short fuse FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: My husband and I be at peace at all times. — Wants have been together 23 years. A few To Prepare Dear Wants: Because you didn’t years ago, he told a friend of his he wasn’t in love with or attracted to specify how many roommates you me. I’m the same 5-foot-6-inch, will be sharing your space with, I will assume there are more than 135-pound woman he married. Recently, he has become increas- one — which may place you in the ingly short-tempered. minority. Be open and honest with them about your desire for neat- He gets angry at every driver on Jeanne the road, he destroyed the vacuum ness and tidiness. They may not be Phillips when it stopped working and as particular as you are, but it will ADVICE recently went after our 10-pound provide you the opportunity to live with different kinds of people. As rescue dog for peeing when he yelled at him. I intervened when he to the peace and quiet you crave, started screaming that he would kill the dog. if adapting to each other’s schedules isn’t He then turned on me, yelling and breaking possible, consider heading to the library to find the peace and quiet you need. I wish things. you luck. I’ve never seen him this angry, and I am afraid it’s escalating and he will physically Dear Abby: I am retired, so I have free harm the dog or me. Is it time to leave? He’s time on my hands. Recently, while doing a favor for a neighbor couple, I was standing no longer the man I married. — Fearful in on their porch when a board broke and one of Texas Dear Fearful: What you are describing my legs went through up to my thigh. They is not normal behavior. Contact your doctor expressed concern at the time, and I told about the drastic change in your husband’s them I thought I was OK. personality because it could be symptomatic The next day, my knee and upper thigh of a serious illness. After that, the next time were swollen and bruised. My leg is improv- ing each day, and for that I’m thankful. This he presents a physical danger, call the police and ensure your safety by leaving. And if you happened more than two weeks ago, and I do, take your rescue dog with you. have not gotten a phone call or anything else Dear Abby: I am about to start my from these neighbors. Have people really gotten that insensitive, or am I making a big new college experience, but I have a few deal out of nothing? — Old School in Geor- concerns. I’m very picky, and I enjoy my alone time. I like to keep my space clean and gia tidy, and I’m afraid my roommate(s) will be Dear Old School: No, you are not slobs and I’ll end up cleaning up after them. I making a big deal out of nothing. And yes, also need alone time so I can focus on myself some people have become that insensitive. to recoup after a long day. When I’m here at The reason for your neighbors’ silence may be lack of empathy, or it could be fear of a home I will usually do that in my bedroom. But if I have roommates, that will be diffi- lawsuit. Or they may have thought it was cult to do. I guess I’m asking how to find a unnecessary to check further because you happy medium so my roommates and I can said you were OK. DAYS GONE BY FROM THE EAST OREGONIAN GARFIELD BLONDIE DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago June 3, 1921 The Round-Up Association has its eye on a new attraction that may be secured for the big show this fall in the person of Frank Tret- rowski, an employe of Penland Bros. Trans- fer Co. The demand for his services grew out of an incident yesterday afternoon in which he figured as the chief thrill maker. In some way Tretrowski lost his balance Thursday afternoon while driving a team of mules to a delivery wagon. He was precipitated to the tongue of the wagon. His team became frightened and started to run west on Court street. He had one arm hooked over the pole and the lines dangled through his other hand. He was yelling to the team to stop, but they maintained their rapid run, and he balanced himself in his perilous position. The team turned south on Aura street and were stopped within the first block. No damage was done, but onlookers expected to see Tretrowski picked up in pieces. 50 Years Ago June 3, 1971 Rachel Brunner, a 1970 Round-Up prin- cess, will spend the summer in Austra- lia because of an invitation she and other members of the court received last year in Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauman live on a cattle ranch 22 miles from Dingo, TODAY IN HISTORY BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN Queensland, Australia. They met the Round-Up court last year when the Pendle- ton group visited the Cheyenne Frontier Days. “If any of you can ever get to Australia, be sure to visit us,” they said. Rachel, a student at Washington State University, wrote to the Baumans and her mother, Barbara Brunner, sent the Round-Up edition of the East Orego- nian to them. “They invited me to work for them, doing odd jobs and helping with the cattle,” Rachel said. She realizes that it will be winter in Australia, but the Baumans told her they have mild weather. 25 Years Ago June 3, 1996 A second mammoth bone has likely been discovered on land slated to become a golf course on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. “We took measures to protect it,” said Jeff Van Pelt, manager of the tribal Cultural Resources Protection Program, adding that the latest discovery has yet to be positively identified. Preserving the site rather than excavating is a sensible approach, according the archae- ologist for the State Historic Preservation Office. As for the latest discovery, an Oregon State University anthropologist is returning to the reservation to study the bone, which tribal officials came across within a week of unearthing a four-pound hairy mammoth tooth. On June 3, 1989, Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, died. On the same day, Chinese army troops began their sweep of Beijing to crush student-led pro-democracy demonstrations. In 1861, Illinois Sen. Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic presidential nominee in the 1860 election, died in Chicago of typhoid fever; he was 48. In 1943, Los Angeles saw the beginning of its “Zoot Suit Riots” as white service- men clashed with young Latinos wearing distinc- tive-looking zoot suits; the violence finally ended when military officials declared the city off limits to enlisted personnel. In 1948, the 200-inch reflecting Hale Telescope at the Palomar Mountain Observatory in California was dedicated. In 1962, Air France Flight 007, a U.S.-bound Boeing 707, crashed while attempt- ing to take off from Orly Airport near Paris; all but two of the 132 people aboard were killed. In 1965, ast ronaut Edward H. White became the first American to “walk” in space during the flight of Gemini 4. In 1977, the United States and Cuba agreed to set up diplomatic interests sections in each other’s countries; Cuba also announced the immediate release of 10 Americans jailed on drug charges. In 2008, Barack Obama claimed the Democratic pres- idential nomination, speak- ing in the same St. Paul, Minnesota, arena where Republicans would be hold- ing their national convention in September 2008. Today’s Birthdays: The former president of Cuba, Raul Castro, is 90. World Golf Hall of Famer Hale Irwin is 76. Singer Dan Hill is 67. TV host Anderson Cooper is 54. Actor Vik Sahay is 50. R&B singer Lyfe Jennings is 48. Actor Arianne Zucker is 47. PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE