A6 RECORDS East Oregonian Saturday, May 29, 2021 PUBLIC SAFETY OBITUARIES DEATH NOTICES WEDNESDAY Charles Edward ‘Charlie’ Wait Dorothy Ellen Acker Weston October 28, 1935 — May 25, 2021 Milton-Freewater April 25, 1925 — May 26, 2021 Charlie was born great-grandchil- October 28, 1935, in d ren, nieces, Sublett, Kansas, to nephews and Raymond and Allie great-nieces and Wait. He passed -nephews. He was away on May 25, 2021. preceded in death He at tended by his parents, community college grandparents and and joined the mili- one stepdaughter, tary for two years. Paula Randall. He moved to Pend- We would like leton in 1965, where to give a heart- he met and married felt thank you to Joyce McLaugh- the East Umatilla County ambulance lin in Colorado in Wait crew for helping 1967. She passed us for the past few away in 2007. In 2008, he married Shirley Kirk. years and always checking up He was a contractor by on us. We are so grateful for all trade. He would always check you have done for us. Also, a out what you were working on. thank you to Burns Mortuary. He enjoyed golfi ng and spend- We appreciate all the help we ing time at the Eagles in Pend- were given. leton, Oregon. As Charlie always said, He is survived by his wife “Too da loo!” Shirley, brother Raymond At his request, there will be Wait (Barbara); sisters Shir- no service. ley Shotton and Ardis Wait; Burns Mortuary of Pend- stepchildren Harry and Larry leton is in charge of the Rueber, Carol Locke, Curtis arrangements. Sign the online Newbold and Cindy Epifanio; guestbook at www.burnsmor- and numerous grandchildren, tuary.com. Dorothy Ellen Acker, 96, of Milton-Freewater, died Wednesday, May 26, 2021, in Milton-Freewater. She was born April 25,1925. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. 10:14 a.m. — Police responded to a report of the unautho- rized use of a motor vehicle at Morrow Cold Storage on North- east Columbia Avenue, Boardman. 10:53 a.m. — Police responded to a reported assault on Southwest Court Avenue, Pendleton. 1:21 p.m. — Police responded to a reported assault on Southeast Byers Place, Pendleton. 4:15 p.m. — Police responded to a report of the unautho- rized use of a motor vehicle on West Birch Creek Road, Pilot Rock. 10:53 p.m. — Police responded to a report of the unautho- rized use of a motor vehicle on Baggett Lane, Hermiston. THURSDAY 8:07 a.m. — Police responded to a report of the unautho- rized use of a motor vehicle on Northwest Baltimore Street, Heppner. 11:59 a.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred on Geer Extension, Hermiston. 5:04 p.m. — Police responded to three reports of a theft on North First Street, Hermiston. 8:11 p.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred on Highway 332, Milton-Freewater. ARRESTS, CITATIONS • The Umatilla Tribal Police Department arrested Tabor James Taylor, 20, on six counts, including felony counts of second-de- gree assault and the attempted unlawful use of a weapon, and misdemeanor counts of menacing, second-degree disorderly conduct and tampering with physical evidence. • The Pendleton Police Department arrested Monica Angel Quintana Grant, 43, on three misdemeanor counts, including fi rst-degree criminal trespassing, third-degree theft and sec- ond-degree criminal mischief. MEETINGS MONDAY, MAY 31 No meetings scheduled Cindy Bradley TUESDAY, JUNE 1 BOARDMAN CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., online, via Zoom, Board- man. A link to the Zoom meeting is posted at the city’s website, www.cityofboardman.com. (Heather Baumgartner 541-481- 9252) IRRIGON PLANNING COMMISSION, 6 p.m., Irrigon City Hall, 500 N.E. Main St., Irrigon. (541-922-3047) PENDLETON CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Pendleton City Hall coun- cil chambers, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. (541-966-0201) PENDLETON DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SPECIAL MEET- ING, 6:45 p.m., Pendleton City Hall council chambers and via Zoom, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. Join the meeting on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84882982122?pwd=QX- grUmN0N1QybFp4ZFhkdWRjQXZUQT09; visit www.zoom.com and enter meeting ID 848 8298 2122 and passcode 248854; or call 253-215-8782, same meeting ID. (Charles Denight 541-966- 0233) PENDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT WORK SESSION, 3 p.m., Pendleton School District offi ce, 107 N.W. 10th St., Pendleton. (541-276-6711) PILOT ROCK CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Pilot Rock City Hall council chambers, 143 W. Main St., Pilot Rock. (541-443-2811) UMATILLA CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Umatilla City Hall council chambers, 700 Sixth St., Umatilla. (Nanci 541-922-3226 ext. 105) UMATILLA MORROW RADIO & DATA DISTRICT, 1:30 p.m., Umatilla County Fire District Station 23, 78760 Westland Road, Hermiston. (Shawn Halsey 541-966-3774) WESTON LIBRARY BOARD, 5 p.m., Weston Public Library, 108 E. Main St., Weston. (541-566-2378) WESTON PLANNING COMMISSION, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall, 210 E. Main St., Weston. (Sheila 541-566-3313) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 BLUE MOUNTAIN BOARD OF EDUCATION, 6 p.m., online, via Zoom conference or phone, Pendleton. 4:30 p.m. presidential evaluations process options workshop via Zoom: https://bluecc. zoom.us/j/700103313?pwd=K25wRFRtY3I5TXd1bW9CRGVjd- 0JzUT09, meeting ID 700 103 313, passcode BLMT; 6 p.m. regular board meeting. Join the Zoom meeting: https://bluecc.zoom. us/j/97330220871?pwd=RWc5UmM3U1FBQ2RoR3FqWWN0d- 3JQUT09, meeting ID 973 3022 0871, passcode: BMCCBoard, or by phone at 253-215-8782. (Shannon Franklin 541-278-5951) CONDON CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Condon City Hall, 128 S. Main St., Condon. (541-384-2711) HERMISTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 4 p.m., Herm- iston Airport lounge, 1600 Airport Way, Hermiston. (541-567- 5521) MEACHAM VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, 6 p.m., Meacham Fire Department, Meacham. (541-786-2069) MORROW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, 9 a.m., Bartholomew Government Building upper conference room, 110 N. Court St., Heppner. Board meeting at 8 a.m. followed by budget meeting at 9 a.m. (Roberta Lutcher 541-676-5613) UMATILLA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, 7 p.m., Umatilla Fire Department, 305 Willamette St., Umatilla. (541- 922-2770) THURSDAY, JUNE 3 ADAMS PLANNING COMMISSION, 6:30 p.m., Adams City Hall, 190 N. Main St., Adams. (541-566-9380) PENDLETON DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 4 p.m., via Zoom online platform, Pendleton. Visit www.zoom.com and use meeting ID 891 5728 9839, passcode Baggins, or call 253-215-8782 for audio only (same meeting ID). (Charles Denight 541-966-0233) Pendleton April 8, 1951 — March 24, 2021 Cindy Bradley, 69, of Pend- brother Johnny. She is survived leton, passed away March by her husband Gary Brad- 24, 2021, at Vibra Hospital ley of Pendleton; sons Todd of Boise, Idaho, surrounded (Erica) Bradley of Wetumpka, by her family. Alabama, and Cody (Mari- Cindy was born anne) Bradley of April 8, 1951, to Billings, Montana; Eugene and Emma daughter Bobbi McClure of Pendle- Bradley of Pend- ton. She married her leton; six grand- husband Gary Brad- children: Sawyer, ley on September Sutton, Seeley and Baby Boy Bradley 23, 1972, and they made their home in (coming August Pendleton, where 2021), and Tyler and Kyle Emory; sister they raised three children. Bradley Betty Whiteman of Cindy never Cornville, Arizona; passed up the opportunity to brother Craig McClure of watch her children in sports Burbank, Washington; and and other extracurricular activ- many cousins, nieces, nephews ities, regardless of distance or and great-nieces and -nephews. miles traveled. She was a life A celebration of life will member of the VFW Post be held on Saturday, June 922 Auxiliary, loved attend- 19, 2021, at the Pendle- ing the Pendleton Round-Up ton Round-Up Grounds in and enjoyed her job at Walk- the Roy Raley Room from er’s Furniture. She was loved 1-4 p.m., honoring Cindy and by everyone she met. She had her mother Emma. many friends in the commu- In lieu of fl owers, please nity, and her door was always make a donation to VFW Post open to friends and family. She 922 Auxiliary, P.O. Box 34, had a lot of kids who consid- Kahlotus, WA 99335. ered her a second mom and/or Burns Mortuary of Pend- leton is in charge of the grandma. Cindy is preceded in death arrangements. Sign the online by her parents, Eugene and guestbook at www.burnsmor- Emma McClure, and her infant tuary.com. BIRTHS ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL, PENDLETON MAY 20, 2021 THOMPSON — Kaylee Thompson and Jason Thompson of Heppner: a girl, Mylah Rae Thompson. MAY 21, 2021 FERNANDEZ-COLLIER — Jennifer Fernandez and Teddy L. Collier of Irrigon: a boy, Cash Joe Fernandez-Collier. MAY 24, 2021 BROOKS — Ashley Brooks and Wesley Brooks of Pendleton: a boy, Raiden Abel Brooks. GOOD SHEPHERD MEDICAL CENTER, HERMISTON MAY 20, 2021 HAGGARD — Chrisena J. Haggard and Aaron M. Haggard of Boardman: a girl, Lyla Kay Haggard. MAY 21, 2021 AGUILAR — Haley N. Aguilar and Issac A. Aguilar of Hermis- ton: a boy, Kylo Cruz Aguilar. LOTTERY OBITUARY POLICY Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Megabucks 01-04-12-18-19-48 Estimated jackpot: $3.2 million Lucky Lines 03-05-09-16-18-22-26-32 Estimated jackpot: $42,000 Powerball 02-08-21-34-62 Powerball: 16 Power Play: 2 Estimated jackpot: $236 million Win for Life 01-19-21-49 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 2-9-2-1 4 p.m.: 1-0-1-5 7 p.m.: 7-3-4-9 10 p.m.: 4-4-5-8 Thursday, May 27, 2021 Lucky Lines 02-08-11-16-17-23-26-30 Estimated jackpot: $43,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 2-3-8-7 4 p.m.: 2-8-7-2 7 p.m.: 1-1-3-2 10 p.m.: 4-2-4-7 The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a fl ag symbol at no charge. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted by email to obits@ eastoregonian.com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian offi ce. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221. Eagle Cap Excursion Train We’re back on track! And excited about the 2021 season! Beginning Saturday, July 3 Two Rivers Train Ride See the full schedule and book online or call 541.437.3652 www.eaglecaptrainrides.com Karen Sue Anderson Athena Dec. 18, 1946 — May 26, 2021 Karen Sue Anderson, 74, of Athena, died Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at her home. She was born Dec. 18, 1946. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. Lyle F. Bliss Hermiston June 28, 1946 — Oct. 31, 2020 Lyle F. Bliss, 74, of Hermiston, died Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, in Hermiston. He was born June 28, 1946, in Santa Monica, Cali- fornia. A memorial service will be held Saturday, June 5, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Hat Rock Campground ballfi eld. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Peter “Pete” Villarreal Diaz Portland Oct. 15, 1956 — May 22, 2021 Peter “Pete” Villarreal Diaz, 64, of Portland, died Satur- day, May 22, 2021, in Portland. He was born Oct. 15, 1956, in Auburn, California. A rosary will be held Wednesday, June 2, at 9:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Herm- iston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memories with the family at www.burnsmortuaryhermiston.com. James Lewis ‘Jamie’ Kincaid Silverton July 23, 1963 — May 22, 2021 James Lewis “Jamie” Kincaid, 57, of Silverton, died Satur- day, May 22, 2021, in Portland. He was born July 23, 1963, in Pendleton. A celebration of life is still to be determined. Arrangements are with Crown Memorial Center in Salem. To leave online condolences for the family, visit www.crowncre- mationburial.com. Marilyn Mayes Elk Grove, California May 13, 2021 Former Hermiston resident Marilyn Mayes, 84, of Elk Grove, California, died Thursday, May 13, 2021. She was born in 1936 in Pendleton. Graveside services were held on May 25 at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery in Dixon, California. Carl E. Robins Stanfi eld June 6, 1943 — May 23, 2021 Carl E. Robins, 77, of Stanfi eld, died Sunday, May 23, 2021, at his home. He was born June 6, 1943, in Portland. Arrangements are pending with Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memo- ries with the family at www.burnsmortuaryhermiston.com. Louis Wells Pendleton May 17, 1925 — May 27, 2021 Louis Wells, 96, of Pendleton, died Thursday, May 27, 2021, at a local care facility. He was born May 17, 1925, in Glendale, Arizona. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. UPCOMING SERVICES SATURDAY, MAY 29 PIFER, VERNON — Memorial service at 11 a.m. at Living Faith Center, 1611 Diagonal Blvd., Hermiston. TUCKER, MIYOKO (JANET) — Memorial service at 2 p.m. at the Oasis Vineyard Church, 1255 S. Highway 395, Hermiston. SUNDAY-MONDAY, MAY 30-31 No services scheduled TUESDAY, JUNE 1 FOLLETT, BEV — Graveside service at 1 p.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery. DIAZ VILLARREAL, PETE — Rosary at 9:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church, 565 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, followed by Mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. WARRANTS AND COURTS CAN BE FOUND ONLINE AT: www.EastOregonian.com