A10 COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Saturday, May 29, 2021 DEAR ABBY Sisters react diff erently in longtime rift with mom Dear Abby: Seventeen years ago, when my sister “Elise” and I were 19 and 25, our mother kicked us both out. I have long since forgiven her, and I have a happy relationship with her. Elise, on the other hand, has never let it go. I don’t understand why, because she’s the older of us, and 25 was a normal age to leave the nest. Elise refuses to see our mother unless someone drives out to pick her up, so every holiday and birthday my stepfather picks her up and drives her round trip. Even when my sister is there, she speaks to no one, not even me. Mom and I talk and beg her to join us, while Elise sits off to the side and refuses to join in. I have planned girls’ trips for the three of us with the same result. I long for a relationship with Elise, but not a one-sided one. I feel bad for admitting she has a problem and Mom and for her, because I’m sure a desire to do something about it. Elise is lonely. I feel like a horri- Unless that happens, there’s noth- ble person when I say I have a ing you or your parents can do to sister but we are not close. Do you “help” her. think there’s any hope? — Missing Dear Abby: I am a 63-year- Normal in Michigan old man, bor n “Thomas J. Dear Missing Normal: There Reilly.” I was legally adopted at may be a lot more wrong with your 14, although I had lived with my JEANNE sister than a case of hard feelings. adoptive parents since I was 6 PHILLIPS As you stated, 17 years ago it was months old and was given their ADVICE normal for 25-year-old women to surname, “Johnson.” My wife of leave their parents’ home and live 42 years recently passed. My adop- independently or with a contemporary. If, tive parents died several years ago, and my at age 41, Elise is as isolated and uncom- brother, who was also adopted by the John- municative as you describe, she may need sons, has been gone two years. the help of a psychotherapist to get back My mother always wanted me to search on track. Of course, this would entail her for my birth family, but out of respect for her and Dad, I never did. Now, because I have no adoptive relations left in my life, I’m considering changing my name back to Reilly, but I’m ambivalent about it. I want to reengage with my birthright, yet remain respectful to the Johnsons, who lovingly raised me as their own. My heart has two halves, and I don’t know which to nurture. — Confused in the East Dear Confused: The line “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a classic in English liter- ature. In a situation like yours, however, it may not hold true. You honored your adop- tive parents and your brother every day of their lives. If you feel changing your name would make your heart whole, then follow through with what you need to do. DAYS GONE BY From the East Oregonian 100 Years Ago May 29, 1921 Who can supply a new name for Cabbage Hill which will do justice to the beautiful view of the Inland Empire which is aff orded from its crest? An S.O.S. has been sent out by members of the county court for suggestions that will enable the top point of the grade to receive a name that will be in keeping with its character. A realization that prosy Cabbage Hill is not appropriate as a name came to Judge I.M. Schannep when he heard Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer, declare recently at Portland that the view from Cabbage Hill was the most beautiful scenic sight he had seen from any highway in the whole state of Oregon, not even excepting the Columbia river highway. One suggestion that was made by the county judge was “Wonderview.” 50 Years Ago May 29, 1971 St. Andrew’s School, operated by the Catholic Church since 1889, will be discontinued next week. The school, 10 miles southeast of Pendleton, will continue to be used for recreational and educational activities by members of the parish. The 50-some students in the 82-year-old school, which includes the fi rst through eighth grades, will be able to attend St. Joseph’s Academy next year. Their tuition will be paid by the church. Blamed for the discontinuance were an erod- ing fi nancial situation, a declining number of students and fewer members of the order of sisters which has provided the teachers. 25 Years Ago May 29, 1996 Ten old buildings around Echo are being submitted to the state historical society for historical status in hopes the desig- nation will bring more tourists to town and free up some grant money for restoration. The city is preparing a multiple property listing application to get about 10 buildings scat- tered around town declared historical. Since the signifi cant structures are spread around town, Echo could not apply for a historical district designation. Along with the Echo Grocery, the researchers are working on City Hall, the Umatilla Masonic Lodge Hall, the Koontz Building, the Koontz House, the Echo Methodist Church, the Edwards Building, the Echo Tavern and St. Peter’s Catholic Church. The 10th building is still being decided, but there are plenty from which to choose, City Administrator Diane Berry said. THIS DAY IN HISTORY On May 29, 2020, fi red Minneapolis police offi cer Derek Chauvin was arrested and charged with third-de- gree murder and second-de- gree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. (He would be convicted in April 2021 on those charges as well as second-degree uninten- tional murder.) In 1790, Rhode Island became the 13th original colony to ratify the United States Constitution. In 1914, the Canadian ocean liner RMS Empress of Ireland sank in the St. Lawrence River in eastern Quebec after colliding with the Norwegian cargo ship SS Storstad; of the 1,477 people on board the Empress of Ireland, 1,012 died. (The Storstad sustained only minor damage.) In 1953, Mount Everest was conquered as Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tensing Norgay of Nepal became the fi rst climbers to reach the summit. In 1973, Tom Bradley was elected the fi rst Black mayor of Los Angeles, defeating incumbent Sam Yorty. In 1977, Janet Guthrie became the fi rst woman to race in the Indianapolis 500, fi nishing in 29th place (the winner was A.J. Foyt). In 1985, 39 people were killed at the European Cup Final in Brussels, Belgium, when rioting broke out and a wall separating British and Italian soccer fans collapsed. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mik hail S. Gorbachev opened their historic summit in Moscow. In 1998, Republican elder statesman Barry Goldwa- ter died in Paradise Valley, Arizona, at age 89. In 2009, a judge in Los Angeles sentenced music producer Phil Spector to 19 years to life in prison for the murder of actor Lana Clark- son. (Spector remained in prison until his death in Janu- ary 2021.) In 2014, Starbucks closed thousands of stores for part of the day to hold training sessions for employees on unconscious bias, in response to the arrests of two Black men in Philadelphia at one of its stores. In 2015, the Obama administration formally removed Cuba from the U.S. terrorism blacklist. In 2019, in his fi rst public remarks on the Russia inves- tigation, special counsel Robert Mueller said charging President Donald Trump with a crime was “not an option” because of federal rules, but he emphasized that the inves- tigation did not exonerate the president. Today’s Bir thdays: Actor Helmut Berger is 77. Rock singer Gary Brooker (Procol Harum) is 76. Movie composer Danny Elfman is 68. Singer LaToya Jackson is 65. Actor Ted Levine is 64. Actor Annette Bening is 63. Actor Rupert Everett is 62. Singer Melissa Etheridge is 60. Actor Lisa Whelchel is 58. Rock musician Chan Kinchla (Blues Traveler) is 52. Actor Laverne Cox is 49. Rock musician Mark Lee (Third Day) is 48. Cartoon- ist Aaron McGruder (“The Boondocks”) is 47. Latin singer Fonseca is 42. Actor Riley Keough is 32. Actor Brandon Mychal Smith is 32. Actor Kristen Alderson is 30. Featured this Week: CHURCH Solid Rock Community Church DIRECTORY 140 SW 2nd St Hermiston, OR 97838 541-567-6937 Community Worship Worship Service: 11:00AM Sunday School: 9:45 Pastor Wilbur Clark Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church The Salvation Army 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. St. Johns Episcopal Church PENDLETON LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH Center for Worship & Service Sunday Service: 9am & 6pm Tuesday Kingdom Seekers: 7pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm Join Us Us Join On Our Journey With Jesus. Sunday Worship Service 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Service We offer: Sunday School • Sign Language Join us on ZOOM 9:00 AM Sunday Email: chuckb@eotnet.net for link N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. Interpreters • Nursery • Transportation • & more! Wednesday Bible Study Pastor Dan Satterwhite 541.377.4252 5:30 Family Fellowship Meal • 6:00 Bible Study Sunday Mornings COME AS YOU ARE 1st Service: 8:30am 2nd Service: 10:30am 417 NW 21st St. • Pendleton, OR 97801 www.facebook.com/ PendletonLighthouseChurch 150 SE Emigrant (541) 276-3369 Includes Children’s Services 201 SW Dorion Ave. PendletonPresbyterian.com Worship Services On Facebook 10:00am Sundays Facebook.com/PendletonPresbyterian 108 S. Main St. Pendleton Sunday at 10:30am 14 Martin Drive, Umatilla, OR 922-3250 541-289-4535 Pastor Weston Walker Grace and Mercy Lutheran Church, ELCA (First United Methodist Church) 191 E. Gladys Ave. / P.O. Box 1108 Hermiston, Oregon 97838 ONLINE and IN-PERSON SERVICES S U N D AYS 541.276.1894 | 10:00AM | 712 SW 27TH ST. Redeemer Episcopal Church www.pendletoncog.com love God, love people, and make disciples who make disciples in Mission for Christ LCMC Sunday Worship.........9:00 AM Bible Study......10:15 AM 241 SE Second St. Pendleton (541)276-3809 www.pendletonepiscopal.org Red Lion Hotel ( Oregon Trail Room ) at r P Sunday Holy Communion days eeme 9:00 a.m. n ve Su of the Red ing li u Holy Wednesday h rch Communion Noon tream ok - cebo M-F Morning Prayer at . 7:00 on Fa a.m. ton 9 a.m S op Episc al C SundayEvenings Celebrate Recovery: 6:00 Wednesday Evenings Family Night: 6:00 pm Worship: 10 AM Sunday School at 11:30 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH PendletonFaithCenter.com “A Come as You are Church” Community Presbyterian Church OPEN HEARTS – OPEN DOOR www.graceandmercylutheran.org Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship, Refreshments & Sunday School Check Out our Facebook Page or Website for More Information Also Live Stream at PendletonFirst.com endle All Are Welcome Pendleton First Assembly of God 1911 SE Court Ave. PO Box 728 541.276.6417 pendletonfirst.com To advertise in the Church Directory, please contact Audra Workman 541-564-4538 or email aworkman@eastoregonian.com