RECORDS/COMMUNITY Saturday, February 27, 2021 COMMUNITY BRIEFING Wild & Scenic Film Festival opens April 1 WALLA WALLA, Wash. — The Wild & Scenic Film Festival arrives online in the Blue Mountain Region on April 1. This is the seventh year in which the Land Trust has partnered with the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) to present the films of this extraordinary festival. Last year, because of the pandemic, the Land Trust canceled its in-person presentation at Whit- man College but instead hosted 52 films online over eight weeks that were viewed by over 3,400 guests. This year, the festival will again be online. The premier presenta- tion will be streamed live beginning April 1, at 6:30 p.m. During the live event, guests can enjoy the films, local food options, chat with audi- ence members, and vie to win door prizes, all from the comfort of home. To join Blue Mountain Land Trust for this live event, visit bmlt. org/wild2021. Tickets start at $20 and dining packages start at $80. A recorded version of the festival will be available online through April 6. Tim Copeland, Blue Mountain Land Trust executive director, said, “The festival is a natural extension of the Land Trust’s work to inspire people to act on behalf of the envi- ronment. Our work at Blue Mountain Land Trust is more than just conserv- ing land; it connects people to the land. Building a stewardship ethic in the communities we serve is vital to ensuring the long-term success of land conservation. Natural resources education opportunities like the Wild & Scenic Film Festival help build this connection.” Featured at this On Tour event are “Here We Stand,” a film from Theresa Baker and Save the Redwoods League about improv- ing inclusivity in the outdoors; “Common Ground” shows how water can bring together the inter- ests of tribes, ranchers, and govern- ment to work toward a common goal; and “A Message From The Future of Paradise” reflects on the potential rebuilding process of a community destroyed by fire, providing a model for others. For more information, email Katy Rizzuti at Thul named to UW dean’s list LARAMIE, Wyo. — Bryce Thul, of Adams, has been named to the University of Wyoming 2020 fall semester academic Dean’s List. The honor rolls consist of regu- larly enrolled undergraduates above freshman standing who earned a 3.4 or better grade-point average, and freshmen who have earned a 3.25 or better grade-point average. To be eligible, students must have been enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours taken for letter grades. — EO Media Group BIRTHS St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton FEB. 16, 2021 SHEEHAN — Jillian Adlard and Ashton Sheehan of Hermiston: a boy, Brantley Banks Alexander Sheehan. FEB. 17, 2021 OSBORN — Harley Osborn and Tyler Osborn of Pendleton: a girl, Ada Joann Osborn. FEB. 18, 2021 KROM — Richelle-Gabby A. Coleman and Taylor L. Krom of Hermiston: a girl, Enzlee Mae Krom. FEB. 22, 2021 LEE — Stephanie N. Lee and Jeffery W. Lee of Hermiston: a boy, Rhett Hudson Lee. Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston FEB. 16, 2021 ADAMS — Lacy J. Frost and Bradly W. Adams of Hermiston: a girl, Oksana Maryjane Adams. FEB. 19, 2021 AGUILAR — Cheyenne Agui- lar ad Raymond Aguilar of Hermis- ton: a girl, Posie Aguilar. FEB. 20, 2021 ROSALES MENDOZA — Arcelia Mendoza and Jesus Rosales of Umatilla: a girl, Daleyza Rosales Mendoza. FEB. 23, 2021 THONGDY — Maranda Y. Thongdy and Ivan Garcilazo of Hermiston: a boy, Jayden Thom Thongdy. East Oregonian A7 MEETINGS Editor’s note: Due to concerns about the coronavirus, many activities have been postponed or canceled. Contact the venue before attending any public gathering to ensure the event is still scheduled, and at the place listed. MONDAY, MARCH 1 HEPPNER PLANNING COMMIS- SION, 7 p.m., Heppner City Hall, 111 N. Main St., Heppner. (541-676-9618) MILTON-FREEWATER PLANNING COMMISSION, 7 p.m., online, via Zoom meeting, Milton-Freewater. 6:30 p.m. study session, 7 p.m. regu- lar meeting. Join the meeting by calling 253-215-8782, meeting ID 824 9308 4052, password 048972. (Lisa Wasson 541-938-8235) OREGON WHEAT COMMISSION RESEARCH REVIEW, 1 p.m., online, via videoconference, Pendleton. Join the Zoom meeting at https:// wd=QUN4dkdORk9GV0h5RWdRN- jNWZTdDQT09#success, or attend by phone only by calling 253-215-8782, meeting ID 885 7200 3960, passcode 887669. Public welcome. (Tana Simp- son 503-467-2161) STOKES LANDING SENIOR CENTER BOARD, 6 p.m., Stokes Landing Senior Center, 150 Columbia Lane, Irrigon. (Karen 541-922-3137) TUESDAY, MARCH 2 BOARDMAN CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., online, via Zoom, Boardman. A link to the Zoom meeting is posted at the city’s website, www.cityofboardman. com. (Heather Baumgartner 541-481- 9252) IRRIGON PLANNING COMMIS- SION, 6 p.m., Irrigon City Hall, 500 N.E. Main St., Irrigon. (541-922-3047) OREGON WHEAT COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETING, 8 a.m., online, via videoconference, Pendleton. Join the Zoom meeting at https:// wd=QUN4dkdORk9GV0h5RWdRN- jNWZTdDQT09#success, or attend by phone only by calling 253-215-8782, meeting ID 885 7200 3960, passcode 887669. Public welcome. (Tana Simp- son 503-467-2161) PENDLETON CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Pendleton City Hall council cham- bers, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendle- ton. (541-966-0201) PENDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT WORK SESSION, 3 p.m., Pendleton School District office, 107 N.W. 10th St., Pendleton. (541-276-6711) PILOT ROCK CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Pilot Rock City Hall council chambers, 143 W. Main St., Pilot Rock. (541-443- 2811) UMATILLA CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Umatilla City Hall council cham- bers, 700 Sixth St., Umatilla. (Nanci 541-922-3226 ext. 105) UMATILLA MORROW RADIO & DATA DISTRICT, 1:30 p.m., Board- man City Hall, 200 City Center Circle, Boardman. (Shawn Halsey 541-966- 3774) WESTON LIBRARY BOARD, 5 p.m., Weston Public Library, 108 E. Main St., Weston. (541-566-2378) WESTON PLANNING COMMIS- SION, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall, 210 E. Main St., Weston. (Sheila 541-566- 3313) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3 BLUE MOUNTAIN BOARD OF EDUCATION, 4:30 p.m., online, via Zoom conference or phone, Pend- leton. 4:30 p.m. work session, 6 p.m. regular board meeting. Join the Zoom meeting: https://bluecc.zoom. us/j/97330220871?pwd=RWc5Um- M3U1FBQ2RoR3FqWWN0d3JQUT09, meeting ID 973 3022 0871, passcode: BMCCBoard, or by phone at 253-215- 8782. (Shannon Franklin 541-278- 5951) CONDON CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Condon City Hall, 128 S. Main St., Condon. (541-384-2711) HERMISTON AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 4 p.m., Hermiston Airport lounge, 1600 Airport Way, Hermiston. (541-567-5521) MEACHAM VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, 6 p.m., Meacham Fire Department, Meacham. (541-786- 2069) MORROW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, 9 a.m., Bartholomew Government Build- ing upper conference room, 110 N. Court St., Heppner. (Roberta Lutcher 541-676-5613) UMATILLA RURAL FIRE PROTEC- TION DISTRICT, 7 p.m., Umatilla Fire Department, 305 Willamette St., Umatilla. (541-922-2770) THURSDAY, MARCH 4 ADAMS PLANNING COMMISSION, 6:30 p.m., Adams City Hall, 190 N. Main St., Adams. (541-566-9380) PENDLETON DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 4 p.m., via Zoon online platform, Pendleton. Join the meeting at https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81407185052, or call 669-900- 9128, code 814 0718 5052. (Charles Denight 541-966-0233) STANFIELD CITY COUNCIL, 6 p.m., Council chambers building, 160 W. Coe Ave., Stanfield. (Ben Burgener 541-449-3831) FRIDAY, MARCH 5 No meetings scheduled MONDAY, MARCH 8 ADAMS CITY COUNCIL, 6:30 p.m., Adams City Hall, 190 N. Main St., Adams. (541-566-9380) ATHENA-WESTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, 6:30 p.m., Athena Elemen- tary School library via GoToMeeting platform, 375 S. Fifth St., Athena. Join the meeting at https://global.goto-, or call 866-899-4679, access code 834-598- 109. Contact the district 0ffice for the passcode by 4 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 8. (Paula Warner 541-566-3551) HEPPNER CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Heppner City Hall, 111 N. Main St., Heppner. (541-676-9618) HERMISTON CITY COUNCIL, 7 p.m., Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395, Hermiston. Meeting will be live-streamed on the city’s YouTube channel, HermistonYouTube. Citizens also can listen by phone or offer comment remotely by dialing 206-462-5569, meeting ID 322-962-8667. A limited number of chairs will be available; social distancing protocols will be observed. (541-567-5521) HERMISTON SCHOOL DISTRICT, 6:30 p.m., district office, 305 S.W. 11th St., Hermiston. (Briana Cortaberria 541-667-6000) IRRIGON FIRE DISTRICT, 7 p.m., Irri- gon Fire Department, 705 N.E. Main Ave., Irrigon. (541-922-3133) MILTON-FREEWATER CITY COUN- CIL, 7 p.m., Milton-Freewater Public Library Albee Room, 8 S.W. Eighth Ave., Milton-Freewater. (541-938- 5531) MILTON-FREEWATER SCHOOL DISTRICT, 6:30 p.m., Central Middle School, 306 S.W. Second St., Milton-Freewater. (541-938-3551) PENDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT, 6 p.m., Pendleton School District office, 107 N.W. 10th St., Pendleton. (541-276-6711) PILOT ROCK FIRE DISTRICT, 7 p.m., Pilot Rock Fire Department, 415 N.E. Elm St., Pilot Rock. (541-443-4522) COURTS CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEB AT: