RECORDS Tuesday, January 12, 2021 East Oregonian A5 OBITUARIES Frances Ann Slocum Dion Sherry Hamlin Orlando Gomez Heppner May 13, 1939 — December 3, 2020 West Richland, Washington July 7, 1941 — January 9, 2021 Salt Lake City, Utah January 4, 1963 — January 5, 2021 Sherry Hamlin passed Boeing Corporation in her from this earth at 79 years youth and finally retiring old. She was born in Omak, from Good Shepherd Hospi- Washington, and lived for tal after 21 years. She was an many years in Hermiston, amazing host and excelled at Oregon, and in her both cooking and final years very entertaining, and near her youngest was a true artist daughter in West with her sewing, Richland, Wash- always creating ington. many special expe- She was riences for those preceded in death who participated in her life. by her parents, A private family Lesley Lela nd service will be held Yetter and Ellen Hamlin graveside at Pleas- Louise Hutchins ant View Cemetery Yetter, brother Jerry Day, and her beloved in Stanfield, Oregon. Burns husband Doc Hamlin. Mortuary of Hermiston is in She is survived by her care of arrangements. brothers Jack and Larry Day In lieu of flowers, and and sister Pat Brandenburg; since Sherry loved to nurture her children, sons Ken Linck people, those who wish to and wife Tobi and Robin make donations in her name Linck and wife Donna, and can make them to Agape daughters Marlee Good- House, 500 Harper Road, or night and Jennifer Hamlin to Martha’s House, 305 S.E. Backer and wife Amy Fourth St., both in Hermis- Backer. Sherry was blessed ton, OR 97838. Both orga- with many grandchildren and nizations are affiliated with great-grandchildren: Christo- Eastern Oregon Mission and pher and Amanda, Danielle, provide food and temporary Linck and Hannah, Jolie and housing services to people in Jake, and Rachel, Kody and need. Jimmy. A memorial celebration Sherry grew up and grad- will be held at a later date uated in beautiful Lake due to the ongoing COVID Chelan, Washington. She situation. To leave an online condo- also graduated from High- line College. She had a varied lence for the family, please career while raising her four go to www.burnsmortuary- children, working for the Our beloved father, National Geographic Chan- brother and grandfather nel, as well as any car shows, Orlando Gomez passed away such as “Fast N’ Loud” or Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at “Counting Cars.” If he was the age of 58 surrounded by not sitting in his recliner his family in Salt enjoying his shows Lake City, Utah. he enjoyed work- Orlando was ing on at home born on January 4, projects or fixing 1963, to Frank and up any vehicle Bertha in Pasco, he could get his Washington. After hands on. Anyone graduating from who knew Orlando knew that he was Hermiston High School in 1981, he the most loving went on to study father and friend Gomez anybody could ask business adminis- tration at Oregon for. State University. He is survived by his chil- After graduation, Orlando dren Nathan and wife Nora, started a long career with the Andrew and Brandon; his U.S. Forest Service. This siblings Gloria, Frank (Jr.), career led him to multiple Johanna, Victor, Priscilla locations throughout Oregon and Elizabeth (Lisa); and his and Utah. Orlando was full granddaughter Hadley Drew of life with so much intellect, Gomez. Orlando was prede- selflessness, grit, a heart of ceased by his parents, Fran- pure gold, a caring for others, cisco (Frank) and Bertha kindness, humility, and love Gomez, and also his brother for his family and friends. Rene. A graveside funeral His family meant more to him than anything else in the service will be held at 10 a.m. world. He was beyond proud on Saturday, January 16, of his boys Nathan, Andrew 2021, at the Hermiston Ceme- and Brandon, and always did tery in Hermiston, Oregon. The family requests that his best to support them. Orlando was also a all flowers and notes are sent passionate pool player and to 139E Utopia Ave., Salt could often be found playing Lake City, UT 84115. pickup games and compet- Burns Mortuary of Herm- ing when he wasn’t at home. iston is in care of arrange- Anytime he was at home he ments. To leave an online enjoyed sitting in his recliner condolence for the family, and watching any outdoor please go to www.burnsmor- show on Discovery or the Frances Dion, 81, of Heppner, Oregon, died peace- fully in her sleep on Thursday, December 3, 2020. She was born May 13, 1939, in Heppner, Oregon, the third child of Lawrence and Frieda Slocum. Frances grad- uated from Heppner High School in 1957, where she was involved in marching band, volleyball, student body and cheerleading. She was also a member of the Rainbow for Girls Club. She moved to the Portland area in 1963, where she was a loving mother and raised her three children. She worked for Dow Chemical, retiring in 2005. Frances retur ned to Heppner in 2007 where she enjoyed gardening, Wednes- day lunches at the senior center, daily walks with friends and visits with her sister Carolyn Cutsforth of Rhea Creek. Frances is survived by her son Will Applegate; daugh- ter Tena Applegate-Chavez; son-in-law Mo Chavez; grand- daughters Steffani Chavez and Emily Chavez; best friends and loving companions Chloe, Bubba and Gracie; brother Peter Slocum; and sisters Carolyn Custsforth, Mary Neher and Nancy Nelsen. The family would like to express our gratitude to Karen of Temple Veterinary in her help in rehoming our moth- er’s loving pets. Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner is in care of arrange- ments. You may sign the online condolence book at Valerie L. (Runion) Hurford Umatilla June 2, 1962 — January 3, 2021 Valerie L. (Runion) Hurford outdoors and, most of all, she was born on June 2, 1962, in loved spending time with her Tumwater, Washington, to grandchildren the most. Those parents Yvonne and Willard babies were her pride and joy. Runion. She died on January 3, She enjoyed helping/taking 2021, at her home in care of people when Umatilla, Oregon, at she could, even If the age of 58 years. it meant putting She is survived others first before by her brother herself. She had Clyde; her chil- a good heart and dren Cody Runion, meant well always. KaSandra Hurford She will be missed by many, forever a n d C o u r t n ie Hurford; her grand- and always. kids Xavier (10), A graveside Hurford Isabella (3), Benja- service following min (7 months) and state guidelines will Leonardo (7 months); and be held on Saturday, January several cousins and nieces. 16, 2021, at 1 p.m. at the Herm- She enjoyed gardening, iston Cemetery, Hermiston, being in the sun, relaxing with Oregon. family and making unforgetta- Please share memories ble memories with her children. of Valerie with her family at She enjoyed shopping, getting excited and stopping at every Burns Mortuary of Herm- yard sale regardless if it was a iston, Oregon, is in care of bad one or not. She loved the arrangements. DEATH NOTICES John Francis ‘Jack’ Bowen Pendleton May 16, 1932 — Jan. 10, 2021 John Francis “Jack” Bowen, 88, of Pendleton, died Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021, at his home. He was born May 16, 1932, in Ellensburg, Washington. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Online condolences may be sent to Julian Briseno Hermiston March 24, 1959 — Jan. 9, 2021 Julian Briseno, 61, of Hermiston, died Saturday, Jan. 9, 2021, in Hermiston. He was born March 24, 1959, in Dallas, Texas. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Mary Kilkenny Emert Nampa, Idaho Jan. 7, 2021 Former Heppner and Ione resident Mary Kilkenny Emert, 79, of Nampa, Idaho, died Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021, at her home. Arrangements are pending at Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner. Deciderio Olmos Hernandez Milton-Freewater Jan. 26, 1948 — Jan. 8, 2021 Deciderio Olmos Hernandez, 72, of Milton-Freewater, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, at his home. He was born Jan. 26, 1948. Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater is in charge of arrangements. Larry A. Mills Heppner Jan. 30, 1936 — Jan. 8, 2021 Larry A. Mills, 84, of Heppner, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, at a Portland Hospital. He was born Jan. 30, 1936. Arrangements are pending at Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner. Edward ‘Ed’ Shinner Jr. Milton-Freewater May 5, 1963 — Jan. 8, 2021 Edward “Ed” Shinner Jr., 57, of Milton-Freewater, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, in Milton-Freewater. He was born May 5, 1963. Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater is in charge of arrangements. Jovita Solis Hermiston Dec. 27, 1964 — Dec. 28, 2020 Jovita Solis, 56, of Hermiston, died Monday, Dec. 28, 2020, in Jalisco, Mexico. She was born Dec. 27, 1964, in Texas. A funeral service was held Saturday, Jan. 9, at 3 p.m. at Burns Mortuary Chapel in Hermiston. Burial followed at the Herm- iston Cemetery. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Share memories with the family at www.burns- Linda Winn-Olson Hermiston March 31, 1948 — Jan. 8, 2021 Linda Winn-Olson, 72, of Hermiston, died Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, in Portland. She was born March 31, 1948, in Pendle- ton. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Gaylord Hugh Salter Athena April 9, 1930 — January 7, 2021 Gaylord Hugh his love of hunt- ing and fishing Salter, 90, of to his sons and Athena, Oregon, g ra ndsons. He passed away loved work i ng peacef ully at home, surrounded in his yard and by his family, on tinkering. He was January 7, 2021. a Little League Gaylord was coach for t he Cubs in the Trian- born on April 9, gle Little League. 1930, in Baker, Gaylord was an Oregon, to Hugh avid sports fan and Ida Laver- dure Salter, the and followed the second of four We s t o n - M c E - wen TigerScots, children. He spent his early years Salter Oregon Ducks, i n Lew istow n, pro football, pro Montana, moving to Ione, baseball and, in his younger Oregon, as an eighth-grader. years, boxing. He didn’t Gaylord attended Ione High miss any activities his chil- School where he participated dren and grandsons partici- in football, basketball, base- pated in. ball and other school activ- He will be remembered ities, graduating in 1948. for his love of family, kind- Gaylord spent the next two ness, sense of humor and years working alongside his helping others. father at the Morrow County Gaylord is survived by Grain Growers elevator in his wife, Joy; his daugh- Ione. ter Jodi Venneri (Doug) Gaylord enlisted in of Walla Walla; son Jeff of the US Army on May 9, Tacoma; son Jon (Carla) 1950, and was stationed in of Athena; grandson Elliot Alaska during the Korean Salter and fiancé Kati King conflict. After his honor- of Moro, Oregon; grandson able discharge, he attended Jason Demianew (Renee) Eastern Oregon College of Weston, Oregon; and in La Grande and studied great-grandsons Summit education, graduating with and Lincton Demianew. a Bachelor of Science degree He is also survived by his in 1956. He received his sister, Helen Salter of Pend- master’s degree and princi- leton, and nieces and neph- pal accreditation from East- ews Janice Brooks (Les), ern Oregon in 1967. Dick Sn ider ( Na ncy), Gaylord began his teach- Larry Snider, Rochelle ing career in Umapine, Salter-Campbell (Tim), Oregon, in 1956. After two Chris Salter (Marjorie) and years in Umapine he began Gordon Rowan (Julie). teaching at Athena Grade Gaylord was preceded School in Athena, Oregon. in death by his wife Viva in He taught seventh and eighth 1990; sister Joyce Snider, grades and coached football brother Robert William until 1967. In 1967 he was Salter, infant sister Lela named principal of the grade Salter, nephew Ken Snider school and continued in that and his parents Hugh and Ida role until his retirement in Salter. 1993. The East Oregonian The family would like presented Gaylord with to thank Sara Sanchez for the Golden Apple Award her wonderful care of Dad in recognition of the posi- in his final two months. The tive influence he had on his family would also like to students. He was instrumen- thank Chris, Carol, Shae, tal in planning the merger Jen and Aaron from Walla of the Athena and Weston Walla Community Hospice school districts in 1974. for their care and guidance. Gaylord married Viva At his request, there will Swearingen in Hood River, not be a service. There will Oregon. They raised three be a family celebration of children in Athena: Jodi, Jeff life when it is safe to gather. and Jon. They were married Memor ial cont r ibu- for 33 years until her death. tions can be made to Walla In 1993, Gaylord married Walla Community Hospice, Joy Ward. Providence St. Mary Foun- G a y l o r d’s h o b b i e s dation, Weston-McEwen included hunting deer, elk TigerScots Booster Club or and ducks along with fish- a charity of donor’s choice ing. He was extremely happy through Munselle-Rhodes when he caught an 18- and Funeral Home, 902 S. Main a 19-pound steelhead in St., Milton-Freewater, OR the same season. He loved 97862. returning to Ione to hunt To leave a condo - deer and play pinochle with lence online, visit www. his family. He passed on Michael William Smith Milton-Freewater February 1, 1948 — January 4, 2021 Michael William “Mike” area and support their nieces Smith, 72, passed away Janu- and nephews in their sporting ary 4, 2021, in his home in events. They loved taking trips Milton-Freewater, Oregon. to the Oregon Coast. Mike was born on Febru- One of Mike’s favor- ary 1, 1948, in Walla Walla, i t e activities was attending the Pend- Washington, to leton Round-Up. He pa rents Ja mes particularly enjoyed Rod ney Smith and felt accepted by and Helen Alleyn the Native Ameri- (Johns) Smith. He grew up in Athena, can community. He Oregon, attend- spent many years in ing school in both the Native Ameri- can Village during Athena and Pend- leton, graduating in Round-Up when 1967 from McEwen he volunteered his High School and Smith time helping take later taking classes care of the live- at Blue Moun- stock. tain Community Mike was a life- long OSU Beaver College. He loved fanatic, with over to run and partic- ipated in track in 16 of his relatives high school and at attending Oregon college. State University. Growing up in He was recogniz- able for his Beaver a loving farming hats with headlights community, much and wearing multi- of his early years were spent surrounded by his ple layers of clothing. He was eight cousins and siblings and proud to be a lifelong Umatilla as he grew older, working with County resident. them at the family ranch — Mike is preceded in death Johns, Smith and Beamer, Inc. by his parents James and Helen As a ranch hand, Mike drove Smith of Athena, Oregon. tractor and was most proud Mike is survived by of driving long-haul cattle his wife, Carol Smith of trucks around the state, and Milton-Freewater; brother even made himself a detailed Terry Smith (Penny) of balsa wood truck replica. He Warrenton, Oregon; sister never knew a stranger and Karen Smith Albert (Tim) of always enjoyed being around Athena; and numerous neph- people. Mike married Marilyn ews, nieces, grandnieces and Darrow in 1972, they divorced grandnephews who were in 1982. Mike later worked at special to him. Watermill Foods/TreeTop in A private burial will be held Milton-Freewater for 20 years, at the Athena Cemetery. A until retirement. memorial service will be held Mike married Carol Ellen at a later date due to COVID Grover, the love of his life, on restrictions. June 10, 1995, in Pendleton. Donations are welcome to Mike and Carol loved animals, Mike’s mother’s scholarship, raising a mule, “Zipper,” the Helen Johns Smith Memo- and many cats and dogs. If rial Scholarship at the Blue there was a local fair, circus Mountain Community Foun- or parade, Mike and Carol dation, P.O. Box 603, Walla attended, and never missed Walla, WA 99362. To leave a online condo- a chance to see the Harlem Globetrotters. A hobby of lence, visit www.munseller- theirs was to drive around the OBITUARY POLICY The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include small photos and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no charge.Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Expanded death notices will be published at no charge. These include information about services. Obituaries and notices can be submitted online at EastOregonian. com/obituaryform, by email to, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the East Oregonian office. For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522-0255, ext. 221. PUBLIC SAFETY AND LOTTERY CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEB AT: