A8 COFFEE BREAK East Oregonian Saturday, January 9, 2021 DEAR ABBY Far-fl ung family makes little effort to stay in touch Dear Abby: I am a 72-year-old divorcee. I live alone in a 55-and-older community where I have many friends and an active life. My three adult children are ages 37 to 43. The eldest lives out of the country with my 12-year-old grandson. My other son and his wife live 2,000 miles away and have two young children, one of whom I saw once three years ago. My daughter lives with her husband an hour and a half away. I see them about twice a year. My daughter will sometimes answer an email or text, sometimes not. My sons almost never contact me, not even on my birthday or Mother’s Day. From what I understand, they have little communication with their father or each other, either. Is this normal? It breaks my heart. This isn’t how I raised them. I always encouraged them to maintain a relationship with their father and we sent her the link, she has already their grandmother. Is there anything I can do? — So Sad in the East purchased items not on our regis- Dear So Sad: I’m sorry for your try. I am gracious, Abby. I thank heartache, and there is something you her verbally and follow up with a can do. Concentrate on your friends, note in the mail. However, we don’t people who are willing to return your have enough room for all the items to emotional investment. You should use just when she visits, so I plan to also ignore Mother’s Day, which is quietly return or donate them. an emotionally loaded holiday that When she’s here and asks why causes pain not only to mothers we’re not using her gifts, what do I J EANNE like you, but also to those who have say? I’d prefer not to lie and say some- P HILLIPS recently lost their mothers. I think thing like “the dog chewed it up,” nor ADVICE you have suffered enough, don’t you? do I want to be brutally honest and Dear Abby: My mother-in-law, tell her I found the things she bought “Gladys,” has never liked to shop from a gift too ugly. — Mom-In-Waiting Dear Mom-In-Waiting: Find a wide, list. She prefers to look on her own for a gift she thinks the person would like. My problem shallow box that will fi t under a bed. Select is, most of the things she buys are atrocious. some of the “atrocious” gifts and use them My husband and I are expecting our fi rst when Grandma Gladys comes to visit. If she child — her fi rst grandchild — and although asks why you’re not using all of them, explain that because you already had some of the gifts she sent, you donated hers to a needy family who could enjoy them. (It’s a diplomatic version of the truth.) Dear Abby: I’m a single woman in my 30s, not a Mrs. and too young for Ma’am. Am I a Ms.? What do they all stand for? — In Between M’s Dear In Between: You qualify for “Ms.,” if you wish to use it. As you know, “Miss” is the term used to denote an unmarried woman. After consciousness was raised regarding equal rights for women, some began using “Ms.” in the workplace when they preferred not to reveal their marital status. Tradition- ally, in the South, women over 21 are called “Ma’am” as a sign of respect. Farther north it’s applied to mature women, although not all of them appreciate hearing it directed at them. DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 9, 1921 Declaring that he still stood squarely on his campaign slogan of “economy, a clean city and an effi cient business adminis- tration of the city government,” Mayor George A. Hartman Wednesday night made his inaugural address before the city council and 50 men gathered to witness the action of that body at its fi rst meeting. The audience was hearty in its applause of the new mayor’s stated policy. By the end of the week, the street department, under C.A. Crabtree, superintendent of streets, had begun cleaning up Pendleton. Old piles of junk which have reposed behind buildings for months are being ferreted out and all rubbish which can be found will be ordered removed and burned. The commissioner and his force are working in coop- eration with the fi re chief, for the presence of such material is not only considered unsightly but is usually a fi re menace. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 9, 1971 Marine Lance Cpl. Glen C. Klein, 21, of Pendleton, died Tuesday aboard the U.S.S. Sanctuary from injuries sustained earlier that day. He received the wounds from an enemy explo- sive device while on a platoon size combat patrol in Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam. Klein, who had been in the Marine Corps since Sept. 8, 1969, was a member of Company L, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Divi- sion. He was born in Pendleton, attended schools here and was graduated from Pendleton High School. He attended Blue Mountain Community College for two years. He was married to June Miller on March 1, 1970, at Halfway. Survi- vors include the widow, in Pendleton; his father, Henry Klein, Pendleton; and two brothers, LeRoy, Pendleton, and Ronald, home on leave from the U.S. Army. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 9, 1996 An Enterprise woman’s stolen pickup has been recov- ered thanks to her son who spied the vehicle as it was being driven through Pendleton. Tim McFetridge, 27, of Pendleton, called his mother, Gayle, in Enterprise when he saw the 1992 Chevrolet pickup being driven by a man he couldn’t identify. Upon learning his mother had reported the pickup as stolen, McFetridge called Pendleton police on his cellular phone. The pickup was parked at Dairy Queen on Southwest Court Avenue. Steven D. Byerley, 27, of Lostine, was arrested on charges of motor vehicle theft, providing offi cers with false information and for driving with a suspended license. THIS DAY IN HISTORY On Jan. 9, 2020, Chinese state media said a prelimi- nary investigation into recent cases of viral pneumonia had identifi ed the probable cause as a new type of coronavirus. In 1788, Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. In 1793, Frenchman Jean Pierre Blanchard, using a hot-air balloon, flew from Philadelphia to Woodbury, New Jersey. In 1861, Mississippi became the second state to secede from the Union, the same day the Star of the West, a merchant vessel bringing reinforcements and supplies to Federal troops at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, retreated because of artillery fi re. In 1913, Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, was born in Yorba Linda, California. In 1916, the World War I Battle of Gallipoli ended after eight months with an Ottoman Empire victory as Allied forces withdrew. In 1945, during World War II, American forces began landing on the shores of Lingayen Gulf in the Phil- ippines as the Battle of Luzon got underway, resulting in an Allied victory over Imperial Japanese forces. In 1951, the United Nations headquarters in New York offi cially opened. In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his State of the Union address to Congress, warned of the threat of Communist impe- rialism. In 1987, the White House released a January 1986 memorandum prepared for President Ronald Reagan by Lt. Col. Oliver L. North showing a link between U.S. arms sales to Iran and the release of American hostages in Lebanon. In 2003, U.N. weapons inspectors said there was no “smoking gun” to prove Iraq had nuclear, chemical or biological weapons but they demanded that Bagh- dad provide private access to scientists and fresh evidence to back its claim that it had destroyed its weapons of mass destruction. In 2009, the Illinois House voted 114-1 to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who defi - antly insisted again that he had committed no crime. (The Illinois Senate unan- imously voted to remove Blagojevich from offi ce 20 days later.) In 2015, French secu- rity forces shot and killed two al-Qaida-linked broth- ers suspected of carrying the rampage at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that had claimed 12 lives, the same day a gunman killed four people at a Paris kosher grocery store before being killed by police. Today’s Birthdays: Folk singer Joan Baez is 80. Rock musician Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) is 77. Singer Crys- tal Gayle is 70. Nobel Peace laureate Rigoberta Menchú is 62. Rock singer-musi- cian Dave Matthews is 54. Actor-director Joey Lauren Adams is 53. Actor Angela Bettis is 48. Actor Omari Hardwick is 47. Roots sing- er-songwriter Hayes Carll is 45. Featured this Week: CHURCH PENDLETON LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH DIRECTORY Community Worship Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 565 W. HERMISTON AVE. First United Methodist Church Pendleton 210 NW 9th St. Pendleton Oregon (Peace Lutheran Church) Sunday worship 8:30pm 541-276-2616 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Patty Nance, pastor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Service: 9am & 6pm Tuesday Kingdom Seekers: 7pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm We offer: Sunday School • Sign Language Interpreters • Nursery • Transportation • & more! Pastor Dan Satterwhite 541.377.4252 • 417 NW 21st St. • Pendleton, OR 97801 www.facebook.com/PendletonLighthouseChurch The Salvation Army Center for Worship & Service -Presbyterian Church (USA)- 201 SW Dorion Ave. Pendleton Sunday Worship Service Service of Worship - 10:00 am Children’s Sunday School - 10:20 am Fellowship - 11:00 am www.pendletonpresbyterian.com 10:30 - Worship Service 5:30 Family Fellowship Meal • 6:00 Bible Study Sunday Mornings COME AS YOU ARE Open Hearted... Open Minded 150 SE Emigrant (541) 276-3369 1st Service: 8:30am 2nd Service: 10:30am 9:30 - Sunday School Wednesday Bible Study Includes Children’s Services St. Johns Episcopal Church Redeemer Episcopal Church Join Us Us Join On Our Journey With Jesus. 241 SE Second St. Pendleton (541)276-3809 www.pendletonepiscopal.org ok - 9 a.m er Pendle t a s y m Sunday Holy Communion da un edee 9:00 a.m. live S of the R Wednesday Holy ming ch Communion Noon Strea pal Chur o Episc Join us on ZOOM 9:00 AM Sunday Email: chuckb@eotnet.net for link N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. cebo M-F Morning Prayer at . 7:00 on Fa a.m. ton All Are Welcome FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH in Mission for Christ LCMC Sunday Worship.........9:00 AM Bible Study......10:15 AM Red Lion Hotel ( Oregon Trail Room ) 108 S. Main St. Pendleton Sunday at 10:30am PendletonFaithCenter.com “A Come as You are Church” OPEN HEARTS – OPEN DOOR www.graceandmercylutheran.org Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship, Refreshments & Sunday School Check Out our Facebook Page or Website for More Information 541-289-4535 Pastor Weston Walker Grace and Mercy Lutheran Church, ELCA (First United Methodist Church) 191 E. Gladys Ave. / P.O. Box 1108 Hermiston, Oregon 97838 Also Live Stream at PendletonFirst.com Community Presbyterian Church Solid Rock Community Church 14 Martin Drive, Umatilla, OR 922-3250 541-567-6937 Worship: 10 AM Sunday School at 11:30 ONLINE and IN-PERSON SERVICES S U N D AYS 541.276.1894 | 10:00AM | 712 SW 27TH ST. www.pendletoncog.com love God, love people, and make disciples who make disciples 140 SW 2nd St Hermiston, OR 97838 Worship Service: 11:00AM Sunday School: 9:45 Pastor Wilbur Clark SundayEvenings Celebrate Recovery: 6:00 Wednesday Evenings Family Night: 6:00 pm Pendleton First Assembly of God 1911 SE Court Ave. PO Box 728 541.276.6417 pendletonfirst.com To advertise in the Church Directory, please contact Audra Workman 541-564-4538 or email aworkman@eastoregonian.com