East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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East Oregonian
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Inez Faye (Bondurant)
Griffels passed away unex-
pectedly on Monday, January
4, 2021, at St. Vincent Hospi-
tal in Portland surrounded
by her husband and children.
She will be greatly missed,
although her wonderful
legacy will live on in the
many lives she touched.
Inez was born in Pasco,
Washington, in 1944 to Joe
and Frances Bondurant. The
family moved to Hermiston
when Inez was in the third
grade and she graduated
from Hermiston High School
in 1962, having lettered four
years in volleyball. She
attended Pacific University
in Forest Grove and pledged
Phi Lamda Omicron sorority.
In college she met Steve Grif-
fels and married him in 1964
in Hermiston.
Inez worked many years
in the optometry profession
and retired in 2003. Inez and
Steve were married 56 years,
and for 45 years lived on the
family farm near Hillsboro.
Inez loved her family, volun-
teering, golfing, and travel-
She donated a total of
five gallons of blood and 27
gallons of platelets, which
made her very proud. She had
a love for Pacific University
and was on Pacific’s Alumni
Council for 18 years, was an
Inez Faye (Bondurant) Griffels
Verlyn Paul Schulz
North Plains
January 4, 2021
December 13, 1940 — January 1, 2021
Alum of the Year in 2004, and was a member of the Tualatin
was even the alumni presi- Plains Presbyterian church,
dent for a time. She and Steve known as the Old Scotch
had season tickets to Pacif- Church, and she had served
ic’s football games and thor- as an elder.
oughly enjoyed
Inez loved play-
ing cards, espe-
the games and
had fun tailgating
cially pinochle, and
with good friends
traveling, especially
as well.
to their beach house
Inez had a
in Seaside. She has
been in all but three
life-long love of
horses and was a
U.S. states. On their
4-H horse leader
21st anniversary,
for 18 years. She
they went to Hawaii,
loved the young
on their 25th they
people in her
went to Bermuda,
“Striding Out”
and on their 50th
club. She not only taught they took a trip of a lifetime
them about horsemanship but to France. She was especially
also about character, leader- delighted to visit Genolhac,
ship, and being a good citi- the town in southern France
where the ancestral Bondu-
She was a Washington rants were from. On their
County Fair Booster for 55th anniversary they spent
many years; volunteered at three wonderful weeks in
the Oregon Food Bank; and Hawaii.
was a member of the local
Inez is survived by her
Women’s Extension Club.
husband, Steve; their daugh-
One of her real passions ters Tina Griffels-Gonzalez
was golfing and she would (Israel) and Teresa Grif-
golf between two and four fels, who live in Hillsboro;
times a week. She enjoyed grandchildren Jasmine and
volunteering several years Tyler Hiu, Richard Jossy
at the Winco Golf Tourna- (Kourtney) and Melissa
ment at Pumpkin Ridge golf Newcombe (Trent), who all
live in Washington County;
Inez loved to cook, espe- her siblings Richard Bondu-
cially during the holidays, rant (Diana) of Hermiston,
and she made delicious candy Kay Justice (Ray) of St.
— especially caramels. Inez Helens and Bonnie Marks
(Don) of Imnaha; and sister-
in-law Linda Robinson (Lyle)
of Hillsboro. She is also
survived by many members
of her second family, the
Dorrans of Hermiston. She
lived with the Russ and Dee
Dorran family during three
years in high school, and she
dearly loved them. She is
also survived by many rela-
tives in Chicago, Pennsylva-
nia, Virginia, North Carolina
and Washinton.
She was preceded in death
by her parents, and brothers
Tim of North Carolina, John
of Illinois, and David of
Inez was a very loving and
caring person with a laugh
that was infectious. She
touched many lives. She was
always energetic and full of
life. She is going to be deeply
Due to COVID-19, a
remembrance service will
be held later.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
tions can be made to the
Harriett Unruh scholar-
ship fund at the Old Scotch
Church, 30685 N.W. Scotch
Church Road, Hillsboro, OR
Arrangements are with
Duyck & VanDeHey Funeral
Home. Visit the online guest-
book at www.dvfuneral-
Martha Elizabeth Warberg
November 14, 1928 — December 27, 2020
Martha Warberg died
Sunday, December 27 in a
local care facility. She was 92
years old. Those who knew
her were aware of her musi-
cal talent, her sense of humor,
and the fact that she taught
music in Pendleton for over
30 years.
Martha was born to
parents Walter and Cressie
Bennard on November 14,
1928, in Portland, Oregon.
She grew up in the northeast
side of Portland and attended
school there, graduating from
Jefferson High School in
1947. During her high school
years she played violin for
the Portland Youth Philhar-
monic, traveling by streetcar
to and from rehearsals and
Entering Willamette
College (now University)
in 1947 as a music major,
Martha was active in all
things music on campus.
She received a Bachelor of
Music in Education in June
of 1951. In the summer
of that same year she was
married to Robert White,
In 1967 Martha was
a student athlete she met married to Dale Warberg.
at Willamette.
During those years Martha
The couple settled in was active in music, play-
ing in orchestras
Pendleton, Oregon,
in 1954 and both
in La Grande,
taught for the
Walla Walla and
the Tri-Cities. She
Pendleton School
was a founder of
District. Martha
the Oregon East
t aug ht i n t he
Symphony and
strings program
played viola with
and Bob taught
history at Pendle-
them as well.
ton High School
M a r t h a
and coached the
composed music
baseball team. He
for her elementary
was also the assis-
students, the Pend-
tant coach for the
leton High School
A Cappella Choir,
high school foot-
ball team. They
and the Oregon
had three children:
East Symphony
Patrick, Jodi and
Jon. Bob was diag-
nosed with cancer
her summers in
and Martha took a
Eugene working
leave of absence to
on her master’s
care for him until
degree in music
his death in 1967.
education, finally
With his passing Martha graduating in the summer
returned to the work force, of 1976. While she worked
teaching elementary general on her degree, each of those
summers she played viola in
Mark Thomas Stronczek
the prestigious Bach Music
Festival Orchestra at the
University of Oregon.
In 1986 Martha retired
and applied her energies to
the Oregon East Symphony
Guild. She was also a
member of Delphian.
Martha is preceded in
death by her parents, Walter
and Cressie Bennard; her
husband Robert White;
her second husband Dale
Warberg; her daughter Jodi
White; her sisters Marion and
Peggy; and her brother Jim.
She is survived by her sons
Patrick White and Jon White
(Rena); stepdaughter Tracie
Holladay; five grandchildren;
and six great-grandchildren.
The family will announce
a gathering at a later date.
Those who wish to make
a donation in Martha’s
memory are encouraged to
donate to the Oregon East
Symphony, P.O. Box 1436,
Pendleton, OR 97801.
Share condolences with
the family at www.pioneer-
January 12, 1978 — November 14, 2020
It is with great sadness that passionate friend.”
the family of Mark Thomas
Mark is survived by
Stronczek of Portland, his parents, Bob and Sally
Oregon, announces his pass- (Lucas), and brothers Matt
ing on November 14, 2020.
and Carin (Schmidt) and
Mark lived with
children Lucas and
his family in Herm-
Bella, and Paul and
iston for 10 years
Erika (Baugh) and
where he attended
daughter Ryan.
Highland Elemen-
A full obitu-
ary is available at
t a r y, A r m a n d
Larive Junior High
Davies Crema-
tion and Burial
and Her miston
Services (www.
High School. He
graduated from
Walla Walla High
T he f a m i ly
School in 1996
and attended Walla
would especially
Walla Community College. like to thank the many medi-
After high school he pursued cal professionals of Oregon
a career in apparel design at Health & Science University
Oregon State University.
of Portland, and the Legacy/
God gives each of us a Emanuel Oregon Bur n
song, and Mark will be sing- Center for their devotion to
ing in the hearts of those he Mark.
left behind. A devoted friend
Memorial contributions
to many, Mark is fondly can be made to Holt Interna-
remembered by his family tional, Eugene, Oregon; and
and friends as sentimen- Oregon Health & Science
tal, “constantly hilarious,” University (OHSU), Portland,
“boldly honest,” and “ever a Oregon.
WHITE, ALVERDA — Services at 10 a.m. at Pendleton Pioneer
Chapel, Folsom-Bishop, 131 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton.
EDGE-ULAND, FE — Graveside service following state guidelines
at 1 p.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery.
No services scheduled
St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton
DEC. 29, 2020
GIBSON — Aimee C. Gibson and Taner S. Gonzalez of Pend-
leton: a boy, Cayden Christopher Gibson.
DEC. 30, 2020
BOUNDS — Danielle M. Bounds and Christopher R.L. Bounds
of Pendleton: a girl, Finnlee Parker Marie Bounds.
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
DEC. 30, 2020
MIDLAND — Mariah McKeever and Zachary Midland of
Hermiston: a girl, Xena Ray Midland.
DEC. 31, 2020
RAYMOND — Joelynn D. Raymond and Justin A. Raymond
of Hermiston: a boy, Damon Allen Raymond.
JAN. 1, 2021
LOW — Kimberly Johnson Low and Richard A. Low of Herm-
iston: a girl, Baylor Addison Low.
JAN. 4, 2021
CHALES LUCAS — Estela F. Lucas Hernandez and Andres
Chales Lorenzo of Hermiston: a boy, Cristian Andres Chales Lucas.
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021
Estimated jackpot: $6.7
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $76,000
Powerball: 3
Power Play: 3
Estimated jackpot: $410
Win for Life
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 9-7-8-8
4 p.m.: 7-8-2-5
7 p.m.: 6-3-8-7
10 p.m.: 7-9-8-7
Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021
Lucky Lines
Estimated jackpot: $77,000
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 1-7-1-1
4 p.m.: 1-3-6-2
7 p.m.: 2-4-6-7
10 p.m.: 2-9-3-0
Friday, Jan. 8, 2021
Pick 4
1 p.m.: 8-1-7-9
Verlyn Paul Schulz was to Verlyn’s life, but it was
born on December 13, 1940, in spending time with his wife,
Parsons, Kansas, and died on children, and grandchildren
January 1, 2021, at his home in that he truly cherished. He was
Hermiston, Oregon, at the age enthusiastically interested in
of 80 years.
everything and
As a child,
everyone — obvi-
Verlyn’s family left
ous in his love of
their dust storm-ru-
conversation. His
ined Kansas farm
family got used to
waiting as he made
and moved to the
new friends in
fruit orchards of
every national park
Washington. Over
and foreign coun-
the years, Verlyn
try during his trav-
moved several
times before settling
els (not to mention
with his parents
the hardware stores
and four siblings in
and bakeries). His
Echo, Oregon, when he was in stories were personal and
elementary school.
genuine, as was his servant
Verlyn graduated from heart.
Echo High School in 1958 and
Above all, he was a loving,
then from Concordia Teachers kind, generous and wise
College in Seward, Nebraska. husband, father, grandfather
He returned home to teach and friend.
He is survived by his wife
elementary school PE in
Hermiston, where he met his of 51 years, Jan Schulz, Herm-
wife Janet, another Hermiston iston, Oregon; son Michael
teacher. They were married (Laurie) Schulz, Hermiston,
June 14, 1969, and Verlyn Oregon; daughter Ericka
continued teaching at West (Ryan) Keefauver, Hermis-
Park and Highland Hills until ton, Oregon; brothers LeRoy
his retirement in 1998. Former (Doris) Schulz, San Diego,
students report that his classes California, and Dennis
were fun and lively, energetic Schulz, Irvine, California;
and creative, fair and inclu- sister Dorothy Ulrich, Pilot
sive. He thoroughly enjoyed Rock, Oregon; grandchil-
the hundreds of kids he came dren Tristan (Bailey), Trisha,
Annabel, Violet, Paul, Lorelai,
to know as their teacher.
In his spare time, Verlyn Hannah and Aria; and numer-
loved building and farming, ous nieces, nephews and cous-
including the construction ins.
of his own home and farm in
Verlyn was preceded in
the early 1970s where he and death by his parents, and a
Jan welcomed their two chil- sister, Phyllis Rees.
dren — Michael and Ericka.
A private family service
In summers, and later in will be held with a private
retirement, Verlyn farmed burial following at the Herm-
his property primarily with iston Cemetery, Hermiston,
alfalfa. He was also dedi- Oregon.
cated to his neighbor’s potato
In lieu of flowers those
shed and delighted in being who wish may make contri-
a troubleshooter for him. As butions in Verlyn’s memory
an active member of Bethle- to the Bethlehem Lutheran
hem Lutheran Church, Verlyn Preschool.
had a special place in his heart
Please share memories
for maintaining the building, of Verlyn with his family at
grounds and preschool.
Teaching through the com.
school year, farming in the
Burns Mortuary of Herm-
summer, and fixing every- iston, Oregon, is in care of
thing in between brought joy arrangements.
Joseph Charles ‘Joe’ Herb
April 2, 1941 — December 31, 2020
as a colonel.
Joseph Charles
Joe was very
“Joe” Herb, 79,
involved in civic
a re side nt of
organ izations,
the Wilsonville
community, passed
and over the years
away on Decem-
was a member of
ber 31, 2020, at his
the Lions Club,
K iwanis and
Rotary Interna-
Joe was born on
April 2, 1941, in
tional, where he
presided as pres-
Portland, Oregon.
ident i n both
He was the oldest
of three sons born
to Daniel Charles
Medford. He was
and Rena (Hertel)
actively involved
Herb. He was
in the Albany
raised in Roy, and
attended St. Francis
Commerce, and
Catholic Grade School, grad- in 1992 was awarded Citizen
uating from Central High of the Year. Joe taught bank-
School in 1959.
ing classes at Linn Benton
While working in Forest Community College and at
Grove for First National Marylhurst College. He was a
Bank, he met his future wife, lifelong member of the Catho-
Peggy Kirkpatrick. They lic Church and actively volun-
married on June 8, 1963, teered at church and school
in Forest Grove. As they events, school boards, fund-
followed Joe’s banking career raisers, and at Mass.
around Oregon, they made
He is preceded in death
homes in Lebanon, Albany, by his loving wife Peggy,
Junction City, Stayton and his parents, and a brother,
Medford. In 2014, they moved John. He is survived by
to Wilsonville, Oregon. They his four children and their
had four children together: spouses: Deborah and Scott
Deborah, Mary, Andrew, and Wryn of Ione, Oregon, Mary
Daniel. Peggy passed away VanKleeck and her compan-
on February 16, 2020.
ion Daniel McNabb of Sher-
Joe began his banking wood, Andrew and Virginia
career in 1959 with First Herb of Coeur d Alene,
National Bank, which later Idaho, and Daniel and Kelly
became First Interstate Bank, Herb of Salem; a brother and
then Wells Fargo. In later his spouse, David and Sally
years, he moved to Western Herb; six grandchildren:
Bank, then finally Washing- Joseph, Christopher, Brett,
ton Mutual Bank, where he Brianna, Samantha and Jack;
was vice president of lend- and seven nieces and neph-
ing in the Southern Oregon ews.
Region until he retired in
The family ask that in lieu
of flowers donations be made
In addition to his banking in Joe’s name to the Oregon
career, Joe was also a member Food Bank.
of the Oregon National
Services provided by
Guard. He entered the ROTC Duyck & VanDeHey Funeral
program in the early 1960s, Home, 503-357-8749. Online
completed Officer Training obituary, guestbook and
School, and served over 28 photos are at dvfuneralhome.
years before retiring in 2001 com.