East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 07, 2021, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, January 7, 2021
East Oregonian
John Daniel ‘JD’ Lambert
Michael Gray ‘Mick’ Tolar
Joel Makelin Florenzen
May 25, 1983 — December 27, 2020
September 8, 1938 — January 1, 2021
May 8, 1937 — December 17, 2020
sports and regu-
“JD” Lambert was
larly volunteered
born on May 25,
his time coach-
ing youth sports,
1983, to Allen and
particularly foot-
Kathy Orr-Lam-
bert. JD grew
ball and baseball.
up in Pendleton,
JD was a natu-
ral teacher and
where he attended
enjoyed sharing
Pendleton schools,
his knowledge of
graduating from
sports with local
youth. JD coached
School (PHS) in
youth from ele-
JD was an out-
mentary age to
standing athlete
high school. He
for PHS, excelling
was an assistant
in football, wres-
coach for Pendle-
tling and baseball.
ton High School
In 2018 he was inducted into and Weston McEwen High
PHS Sports Hall of Fame School in baseball and foot-
for his athletic contribu- ball at various times over the
tions during his high school years.
JD touched many lives
After high school JD and was a genuinely car-
chose to serve his country ing person. He had the abil-
and enlisted in the United ity to talk to and relate to
States Army in 2003. He people across all sectors. It
served in the 25th Infantry was often said that when JD
Division, 1st Battalion, 27th spoke to people he always
Infantry Regiment “Wolf- made them feel appreciated.
hounds,” where he was sta- JD had an infectious laugh
tioned at Schofield Barracks and smile that is cherished to
in Hawaii. JD was a com- all that knew him.
bat veteran of operation Iraqi
JD is survived by his wife
Freedom/Second Gulf War Lindsey and their two chil-
dren Payton and Tatum; his
where he deployed in 2004.
It was after high school parents Allen and Kathy
that he also met the love Orr-Lambert of Pendle-
of his life and future wife ton; brothers Jason of Rich-
Lindsey, marrying in 2003 land, Washington, Shawn
before he joined the army. and Jaime Orr and Timmy
In 2005 their son Payton and Megan of Kennewick,
was born, followed by their Washington; and several
daughter Tatum in 2008. JD nieces and nephews.
Service will be held in an
absolutely adored his chil-
dren and, to anyone who outside rural setting (dress
knew him, it was obvious accordingly) at 10 a.m. on
they were his pride and joy. January 9, 2021, at 78889
JD enjoyed being a father Gerking Flat Road, Athena,
more than anything else. OR 97813. Due to COVID
You could always find JD in restrictions we ask that
a gym or field watching his you wear a mask, and fol-
low CDC guidelines. There
two kids play.
In 2008, after serving his will be a live feed for those
country honorably, JD, Lind- for those wanting to attend
sey and kids returned home virtually on JD’s Facebook
to Pendleton. Once home JD page (J.d. Lambert).
continued his public service
In lieu of flowers, please
where he worked for Home- make a donation to Pend-
stead Youth Lodge, before leton Linebackers Club or
joining the Pendleton Police Rollin Schimmel Memorial
Department as a police offi- Fund in JD’s honor.
cer in 2013. In 2018 JD joined
Burns Mortuary of Pend-
Umatilla County Commu- leton is in charge of arrange-
nity Corrections as a parole ments. Sign the online guest-
book at www.burnsmortary.
and probation officer.
JD had a passion for com.
Michael Gray “Mick stretched into 31 years as the
Tolar of Hermiston, long- principal at ACH before he
time principal of A.C. retired in 1994.
After retirement he spent
School in Irrigon, Oregon, some time supervising stu-
dent teachers for
died on January
Eastern Oregon
1, 2021, in Ken-
newick, Washing-
and Portland State
ton, at the age of
universities. He
82 years.
especially enjoyed
Mick was born
some time in the
in Echo, Oregon,
classroom when
on September 8,
called upon to be a
1938, to Empie
substitute teacher.
Ray and Bennie
In 1966 Mick
Tolar. He consid-
Byerly; they had
ered himself for-
tunate to have grown up in Patrick Gray, Megan Lynn
such a loving family and and Aaron Jon. In Decem-
in such a wonderful small ber 1983, he married Susan
Lynn Lightbown.
Mick was active in
He was quite involved in
athletics as a young man. He numerous professionals and
played on Echo’s undefeated civic organizations over
1953 state championship the years, including char-
basketball team and the 1955 ter membership in North
state championship baseball Morrow Vector Control,
team. He was captain of the Columbia View Commu-
1956 basketball team, which nity Church and the OESPA
(state elementary principals’
finished second in state.
Mick enjoyed stopping to organization). He enjoyed
interact with any babies he family, gardening and fish-
might see. His love of chil- ing. He especially enjoyed
dren directed him toward traveling and meeting new
a career in education. He people, and was fortunate
received BS and MS degrees to have visited 54 coun-
in education at Eastern tries with his wife, Susan,
Oregon College (now Uni- before Parkinson’s disease
versity) before continuing brought an end to traveling
graduate work at the Uni- adventures.
versity of Oregon, where
Tolar is survived by his
he received his educational wife of 37 years; sons Patrick
administrative credential.
Gray Tolar (Tera) and Aaron
Although jobs were plen- Jon Tolar; daughter Megan
tiful throughout the state in Lynn Bryan; six grandchil-
1960, Mick wanted to remain dren: Breena Renae Tolar
close to home because his Beck (Travis), Brooke Renee
father was ill. Thus began Tolar, Katelyn Marie Tolar,
his long association with the Zack Loyal Bryan, Cade
Morrow County School Dis- Gray Bryan and Mya Lan
trict, where he served for 34 Bryan; and brothers Joseph
years. He accepted a con- Ray Tolar (Kathy) and Rob-
tract to teach sixth grade ert Lynn Tolar (Maria).
Mick was preceded in
at A.C. Houghton School
in Irrigon for the sum of death by his parents, and his
$4,500, the highest base sal- sisters Vera Louise Gurtler
ary of all Eastern Oregon and Mary Ruth Colburn.
College education grads in
Due to COVID, a brief
that year. He received an public graveside service fol-
additional $200 to coach a lowing state guidelines will
total of four sports: junior be held on Friday, January
high football, basketball, 8, 2021, at 2:30 p.m. at the
baseball and track. (Was this Echo Cemetery, Echo, Ore-
the beginning of merit pay?) gon. A celebration of life
After teaching for three gathering will be held when
years, his principal left. restrictions are lifted.
In lieu of flowers, dona-
He was encouraged by the
local advisory committee, as tions may be sent to the
well as the Morrow County International Rescue Com-
School Board, to apply for mittee, 122 East 42nd St.,
the position. Refusing to do New York, NY 10168-1289
so at first, he finally suc- (rescue.org) or a charity of
cumbed to encouragement your choice.
from others, and signed a
Please share memories
one-year contract at the age of Mick with his family at
of 24. He grave credit to burnsmortuaryhermiston.
Joyce Smith, a longtime staff com.
member, for mothering him
Burns Mortuary of
through the hot spots of that Hermiston, Oregon, is in
first year. The one-year trial care of arrangements.
Elmer Charles Ringering
August 14, 1935 — December 31, 2020
Elmer Charles Ringering cutting and polishing his
was born August 14, 1935, own rocks. He had a love for
in Brainerd, Minnesota, to gardening and always had
LeRoy and Evelyn Barrett a large garden with lots of
Ringering and died Decem- beautiful flowers. He loved
ber 31, 2020, at his
backpacking and
home in Pendle-
hiked hundreds of
ton, Oregon.
miles in the Wal-
Elmer moved
lowa Mountains
with his sons.
Minnesota, with
Elmer was pre-
ceded in death
his parents and
by his parents,
siblings to Ore-
gon City, Oregon,
brother Dale Rin-
gering, sister-in-
when he was 7
law Lil, and sons
years old. Elmer
Steven and Gary.
attended Auburn
He is survived by
Adventist Acad-
emy his senior year where his wife Marilyn; daugh-
he met his future wife, Mar- ter-in-law Cheryl Ringer-
ilyn Morris. They were mar- ing of Hamilton, Oregon;
ried June 30, 1955, in Pasco, son Jeff Ringering (Lori)
of Walla Walla, Washing-
The couple moved to ton; son Brent Ringering
Pendleton, Oregon, where (Anita) of Lewiston, Idaho;
he worked at Harris Pine and daughter Brenda Sals-
Mills. Their first son, Ste- bery (Scott) of Brush Prai-
ven, was born in Pendle- rie, Washington. He is also
ton, Oregon, and died at 10 survived by his sister Elma
months old of pneumonia. Trodell of Walla Walla,
Their son Gary was also Washington; brother Floyd
born in Pendleton.
Ringering (Violet) of Oral,
The family moved to South Dakota; sister Viola
Hillsboro, Oregon, where Pflugrad (Edvern) of Ham-
Elmer gained an apprentice- ilton, Oregon; brother Don
ship in cartography. After Ringering (Carol) of Forrest
three years, they moved Grove, Oregon; sister Irene
back to Pendleton and wel- Aldred (Frank) of Beaver-
comed sons Jeff and Brent creek, Oregon; brother-in-
law Bob Morris (Donna)
and daughter Brenda.
Elmer worked as a car- of Lake Havasu City, Ari-
tographer in the county zona; 10 grandchildren;
assessor’s office until his 14
retirement in 1994, win- and numerous nieces and
ning an award for 33 years nephews.
of outstanding service to the
No service will be held
Umatilla County Assessor’s at this time. A celebration of
life will be held next spring
Elmer was an avid rock- or summer.
hound and hiked many
Burns Mortuary of Pend-
miles in the hills searching leton is in charge of arrange-
for all kinds of rock. Petri- ments. Sign the online
fied wood was his favorite. guestbook at www.burns-
He spent countless hours mortuary.com.
Scott Allen Jacobson
April 18, 1964 — December 30, 2020
Scott Allen Jacobson throughout Umatilla County,
passed away on Decem- including volunteering at
ber 30, 2020. He was born community senior centers
April 18, 1964 in Kodiac, and providing medical trans-
Alaska, to Robert and Nancy portation and financial ser-
vices to those in
need. After Scott
Scott is sur-
vived by his wife,
left RSVP, he
of 27 years, Clare
continued to set
Jacobson of Pend-
up programs to
provide medical
his brother Kevin
transportation and
Jacobson of Asto-
other services to
ria, Oregon; his
those in need.
son Christopher
Scott was a
Ely and wife Marie
member of the
of Pendleton, Ore-
gon; his daugh-
Grange and Pend-
ter Kimberly Boone and leton Lions Club. For the
husband Devin of Eugene, Oregon State Grange, Scott
Oregon; his son Timothy served many offices includ-
Jacobson of Kennewick, ing junior director, youth
Washington; his daugh- director and gatekeeper.
ter Jacquie Galvez and hus- Scott was a devoted Chris-
band Brian of Meridian, tian, a member of the First
Idaho; his daughter Sarah Christian Church of Pend-
Bowen and husband Damian leton, Oregon, for over 30
of Pendleton, Oregon; his years. He had a love for
sons Nathan, Ryan and Aus- camping and enjoyed God’s
tin Tate of Pendleton, Ore- country.
gon; his grandchildren
Scott had many talents
Joshua, Cameron, Zachery, including, a phenomenal
Bailey and Oliver; and his voice, quick wit, a knack
great-granddaughter Amara for words, and that sense of
Kipp-Jacobson. Scott is pre- humor we all loved. Well
ceded in death by all his done, good and faithful
Scott’s passion was serv-
Donations to assist Scott’s
ing others, both in his career family may be made to Pend-
and in his community. His leton Pioneer Chapel, 131
career centered around man- S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton,
aging volunteers for the OR 97801 or Banner Bank.
Retired Senior Volunteer
Share online condolences
Program (RSVP). RSVP with the family at www.pio-
volunteers provide services neerchapel.com.
83, passed away
peacefully at his
home in Hermis-
ton, Oregon, on
December 17, 2020. He was
with his loving wife of 56
years, Patricia “Trish” Flo-
renzen, daughters Heidi Flo-
renzen and Jennifer (Floren-
zen) Gilbert, and son-in-law
Jonathon “Jon” Gilbert.
Joel was born May 8,
1937, in Fort Bragg, Califor-
nia, to parents Manuel Flo-
renzen and Josephine “Josie”
(Gollnick) Florenzen. He was
later joined by siblings Sha-
ron Rhea and Darryl Dean.
He grew up in Fort Bragg,
California, and graduated
from Fort Bragg Unified
High School in 1955. He
worked at the lumber mill
with his dad during summers
and after high school, saving
money for college.
Joel enlisted in the United
States Air Force in May 1957
and was on active duty until
May 1962. He was in the
Air Force Reserves through
1963 and was honorably dis-
charged. He completed his
basic training at Lackland
Air Force Base in Texas.
He became a radar operator
and was stationed in Keesler
AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi,
the Othello Radar Station in
Othello, Washington, and
then a radar site in Germany.
During his time in the
U.S. Air Force he enjoyed
traveling, meeting new peo-
ple, and experiencing new
cultures. He visited Paris,
France, rode a motorcycle on
the Autobahn in Germany,
and learned to ski in Switzer-
land. As a radar operator he
tracked Santa Claus’ journey
around the globe each Christ-
mas Eve.
After the Air Force he
attended Oregon Technical
Institute in Klamath Falls,
Oregon, in 1963 where he
met his future wife Trish.
They married on Octo-
ber 3, 1964, in Carson City,
Nevada. In 1966 Joel gradu-
ated on the Dean’s List with
an Associate in Engineering
in survey technology and an
Associate in Engineering in
highway technology.
Joel and Trish moved to
Vale, Oregon, in 1966 where
they made their home for 51
years and where they raised
their two daughters, Heidi
and Jennifer.
Joel worked for the Soil
Conservation Service as an
engineering technician in
Ontario, Oregon, from 1967
until he retired in 1993. He
received numerous Merits of
Performance awards from
the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture until his
Joel enjoyed being a hus-
band and father. He was
hands-on and loved par-
ticipating in his daughters’
activities. As young children,
he would read to them every
night when he got home
from work. He went to every
swim meet, concert, play and
parent-teacher conference.
When they joined the Girl
Scouts, he joined as a mem-
ber too.
He was a humorous and
fun dad. If the first big snow
of the season occurred after
bedtime, he would wake them
up to go outside and play,
even on a school night. One
Christmas Eve, he climbed
up on the roof to leave hay
for the reindeer to eat, as his
young daughters were con-
cerned they would be hungry.
Joel kept busy with his
many hobbies and volunteer
work throughout the years
and into retirement. He vol-
unteered for the AARP Tax
Assistance program and the
Vale Public Library. He was
on the Public Works Com-
mittee for the city of Vale and
served on the board for the
Vale Food Pantry.
He loved to
travel with Trish
and had been to
such places as
Madeira Island in
Portugal, Denali National
Park in Alaska, Washington,
D.C., and a cross-country trip
to New York City, New York.
He took numerous fun trips
to the Oregon coast to meet
up with friends. He enjoyed
meeting up with family and
friends in Boise, Idaho. He
would sometimes take the
girls for trips to Les Bois
Horse Racing Park. After
Jennifer’s 21st birthday they
took a family trip to Jackpot,
Nevada. His last special trip
was with his wife Trish and
his daughter Heidi to see the
monarch butterfly migration
in Pacific Grove, California.
Joel was a loyal Boise
State Broncos football fan
and loved to listen to the
games on the radio. He was
an avid reader (the Stephanie
Plum novels were his favor-
ite), and enjoyed photography
and woodworking. He shared
a love of pheasant, chukar
and duck hunting with his
son-in-law Jon and special
friend Ron Hellman. Occa-
sionally he chose his photog-
raphy skills over his hunting
skills and would come home
from a hunting trip with only
Growing up on the Cali-
fornia coast he developed a
great love of fishing he shared
with his dad. As a little boy,
he was known to occasion-
ally skip school and take his
dad’s boat out fishing. He
shared his love of fishing with
his daughters and took them
frequently to Bully Creek,
Brownlee, and Owyhee res-
ervoirs. His daughters some-
times preferred swimming
over fishing on these trips.
He learned to accept he may
not come home with a catch
because of the splashing they
created by disturbing the fish.
Joel had a love for garden-
ing and would spend each
summer growing two abun-
dant gardens. He especially
enjoyed growing tomatoes
and corn, which he gener-
ously shared with friends,
family and neighbors. He
loved bright colorful flowers
and planted zinnias yearly.
He had a soft spot for ani-
mals, and especially loved
cats and his daughters’
Joel and Trish moved to
Hermiston, Oregon, in 2017
to be closer to their kids in his
later years. He had a special
nostalgia for the redwoods
and enjoyed visiting his child-
hood home on the Northern
California coast, but his heart
always remained in Vale and
the Treasure Valley.
He is survived by his
spouse, Patricia “Trish” Ann
Florenzen (Hermiston, Ore-
gon); daughters Heidi Floren-
zen (Hermiston, Oregon) and
Jennifer (Jonathon) Gilbert
(Selah, Washington); brother
Darryl (Cynthia) Florenzen
special friends Bill Reynolds,
Jim Paoli, Kate Danks and
Kip Yasumiishi; and numer-
ous brothers-in-law, sisters-
in-law, nieces, nephews and
He was preceded in death
by his mom, Josephine
“Josie” Florenzen; his dad
Manuel Florenzen; his sister
Sharon Handelin Edwards;
and parents-in-law Wayne
and Mildred Percifield.
A Celebration of Life will
be determined at a later date
and is tentatively planned for
Fall 2021 in Idaho.
Donations in his memory
can be made to the Vale Ore-
gon Food Pantry in care of
City of Vale, 150 Longfellow
St. North, Vale, OR 97918.
Burns Mortuary in Herm-
iston, Oregon, is in care of
The East Oregonian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary
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