East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 2021, Page 21, Image 21

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021
East Oregonian
Chief Jesse Jones Jr. ‘Uma-Pi-Ma’
Thomas William ‘Tom’ Taylor
David Harry Payne
Pilot Rock
December 6, 1940 — December 17, 2020
October 22, 1926 — December 29, 2020
December 1, 1960 — December 15, 2020
Jesse James Jones Jr. was Jones, who became his third
born December 6, 1940, to son.
Jesse James Jones Sr. and Jea-
As Cayuse chief he was
nette (McKay) Jones. He was a respected as knowledge-
raised in the Upper McKay able man of Tribal history,
customs and tra-
Creek area and
ditions. He was
attended school in
always there for
Pilot Rock, Ore-
gon. He graduated
in 1959, partici-
and tribe with a
pated and excelled
smile, encouraging
in all sports for the
words, big hugs
Rockets, and was
and a firm hand-
shake! He was a
a member of the
wealth of infor-
1959 Class B Ore-
gon State Cham-
mation on lineage,
pion High School
able to remember
families or rela-
and selected All State Tour- tives and their ancestry, both
nament team. That same non-Tribal and Tribal.
year, Jesse was asked to
Married Marvella Henry,
appear in Portland to perform who brought Jesse his fourth
war dances and explain Ore- son, Gabriel Hawk Jones.
gon’s Indian culture in honor
of Oregon’s 100 birthday.
in Happy Canyon and
He married Merrily Broth- Round-Up since his youth.
erton and reared two boys, For many years he rode the
Jesse (Buck) James Jones III spotted horse in Happy Can-
yon and was in the silhouette,
and Brooker Phillip Jones.
He was employed many a raider of the wagon train and
years in the Pilot Rock lum- an elder on the floor. His roles
ber mill. In the late 1960s he in Round-Up were various as
learned the trade of a horse- well, from shoeing horses to
shoer from Hack Bloom. He participating in Indian horse
worked for 7UP ranch for races, relays, wild cow milk-
both Red and Terry Ander- ing and wild horse races. He
son doing various duties, but also presided over the Indian
mainly around the cattle on dances in the arena on Satur-
day mornings, and was in the
Jesse was a former mem- Dress-Up and Westward Ho!
ber of the Board of Trustees parades numerous times.
of the Confederated Tribes
In 2004 Chief Jones was
of the Umatilla Indian Res- inducted into the Round-Up/
ervation, and an avid horse- Happy Canyon Hall of Fame
man who also participated in with longtime family friend
wild horse races in the North- Dr. Richard Koch and rodeo
west rodeo circuit, including great Casey Tibbs.
the Pendleton Round-Up. He
Jacob Jones became Jes-
rode over 30 years in the Port- se’s fifth son in 2008.
land Grand Floral Parade on
He was preceded in death
his horses Joe Buck, Tequila by parents Jesse and Jeanette
and Dinero.
Jones Sr., and sisters Jose-
Jesse was also an avid phine and Mildred Nanegos.
outdoorsman who enjoyed
Survivors include sis-
elk hunting in the Johnson ter Juanita (Joe) Cox, Irri-
Creek area. He taught many gon, Oregon; sons Jesse
the land and how to hunt. He “Buck” (Nadja) Jones, Mil-
formed and coached Upper waukie, Oregon, Brooker,
Mckay Creek youth Tribal Gabriel and Jacob Jones, Pilot
basketball teams that played Rock, Oregon, and James
in many tournaments in the Jones, Pendleton, Oregon;
11 grandchildren; and three
After the unfortunate great-grandchildren.
death of his sister Josephine,
Burns Mortuary of Pendle-
he adopted James Anthony ton is handling arrangements.
Thomas Wil-
would have had
liam “Tom” Tay-
to move. They
lor was born Oct.
wanted to live
22, 1926, in Myr-
and raise their
tle Creek, Oregon,
family in Pend-
leton. He retired
to Isham Wil-
liam Taylor and
in 1982, after 32
Miriam Blanche
years of service,
Pearce Taylor, and
with the rank of
passed away Dec.
29, 2020, at Sun
In retirement,
Ridge Care Facil-
Tom and Janet
ity in Pendleton,
spent many years
Tom, his two
U.S.A. and vis-
iting several for-
sisters and brother
eign countries. He
were raised in
enjoyed pheasant
hunting with his
Oregon, and spent
favorite dog Cap,
elk and deer hunt-
living in look-
ing with his fam-
out towers in and
ily, camping, fish-
around Anthony
ing, golfing, and
Butte. Hunting,
poker nights with
fishing, and life
his friends. The
house in Pendle-
instilled in him
ton was the gath-
at an early age. It
ering place for the
was his life-long
grandchildren to stop after
After graduating from hunting trips and sporting
North Powder High School events to retell their stories
in 1944, he joined the U.S. to “Gramps.”
He was a past president
Navy. He served as a gun-
ner aboard the SS Taos of the Main Street Cow-
Victory during World War boys and belonged to the
II. His ship traveled to Elks, Masonic Temple, and
Hawaii, Australia, Guam Lions.
Tom was preceded in
and Calcutta, India, where
they loaded and unloaded death by his wife, Janet
bombs. Tom was in Cape Taylor; his parents; sis-
Town, South Africa, when ters, Jeanne (Bill) Barnett
Germany surrendered to and Phyllis (Dan) Looslie;
brother, Ed (De Ette) Tay-
the Allies.
After discharge from ser- lor; and daughter, Patricia
vice in 1946, Tom attended Van Nice. He is survived
Eastern Oregon University by his son, Mike (Patsy) of
on the GI bill, majoring in Echo; son-in-law, Scott Van
forestry. He would even- Nice of Cove; grandchil-
tually earned a degree in dren, Jenny (Justin) Samp
police science from BMCC. of Pendleton, Jason (Aimee)
Tom played basketball and Van Nice of Pendleton,
participated on the track Thomas (Christina) Van
team at EOU. While there Nice of Umatilla, Sam (Jus-
he set the school high jump tine) Taylor of Hermiston
record that stood for many and Jack (Deana) Taylor of
years before it was bro- Stanfield; 12 great-grand-
ken by his nephew. While children; long-time fam-
attending EOU, Tom also ily friend, Sandie Aldridge;
worked part time for the La and numerous nieces and
Grande Police Department. nephews.
A private graveside
He began his career with
the Oregon State Police in funeral will be held Friday,
1950 in Grant County as a Jan. 8, 2021, at 11 a.m. at
trooper working both traffic Skyview Cemetery Pend-
and fish and game. He listed leton. He requested to have
his job duties as “catching his ashes placed in an urn,
“stand me in my grave plot
Tom married Janet Culp, next to Janet and point all of
his college sweetheart, on me towards the mountains.”
In lieu of flowers, dona-
June 17, 1951. They lived
in Canyon City where their tions can be made to the
two children, Patricia and First Christian Church in
Michael, were born. In Pendleton and the Alzhei-
1959, the family moved mer’s Association through
to Hermiston as Tom was their website.
The family wishes to
promoted to sergeant and
transferred to run the newly thank the staff and caregiv-
opened OSP field office. ers at Sun Ridge for their
Tom was again transferred care of Tom.
Burns Mortuary of
in 1964 to run the Pend-
leton field office and has Pendleton is in charge of
resided in Pendleton since.
the arrangements. Sign the
Tom declined other pro- online guestbook at www.
motions as he and Janet burnsmortuary.com.
David Harry Payne, 60,
He enjoyed exploring the
passed away at his home natural beauty of Eastern
after a brief bout with cancer Oregon. His view from the
on December 15, 2020. He deck of his home provided
was born Dec. 1, 1960, in La beautiful views of wildlife
Grande, Oregon, to
and nature. He
also enjoyed lei-
Harry and Marie
surely spending
summer evenings
David grew up
in engaging dis-
in La Grande, Ore-
gon, where he com-
cussions dedicated
pleted high school
to existential mus-
ings and all things
in 1979. He went on
Herb Alpert. He
to attended Eastern
Oregon State Col-
lege completing his
time with his three
Bachelor of Arts
in Music with an
Lily, Ruby and
endorsement to teach.
Forever humble in the
His lifelong love of music
was formed early when he face of admiration, David
heard a song by Herb Alp- was beloved by colleagues,
ert on the radio at around the students, parents, and the
age of 6. David was hooked! Pendleton community. His
The trumpet became his pas- fusion of passionate inten-
sion. He endlessly pursued to sity, genuine care for oth-
play as well as Herb. As an ers, and sense of humor con-
accomplished trumpet player, cerning the human condition
David contributed to a vari- resonated among countless
ety of musical groups within friends and family members
the community. He played across the years.
David is survived by
at different times during his
career with the Eastern Ore- his wife, Barbara; mother,
gon Symphony, Happy Can- Marie of Pendleton; broth-
yon Band, and in various ers, Mike and John of La
Dixieland bands. He also Grande; daughter, Chris-
directed pit bands and played tine of San Diego; numer-
for many College Commu- ous nieces and nephews;
nity Theater productions.
stepdaughters, Rynn Coo-
Music was David’s life. per (Tim) of Pendleton and
He dedicated 30 years of Jorden Johnson of Benton
his life to teaching music. City; and three granddaugh-
He was an amazing middle ters. He is also survived by
school and high school band his two companions, Ruby
director. He inspired thou- and Sophie, his furry kids.
sands of students to cultivate He is preceded in death by
the art of music throughout his father, Harry Payne, and
the Pilot Rock and Pendleton his faithful, dog Lili.
He also leaves behind all
school districts. David was
awarded the Crystal Apple the GOONBUCKETS and
Award for excellence in edu- his Sunridge Middle School
cation in 2011. Because he family.
was proud of the award, he
Donations in David’s
kept it on top of his piano memory can be made to
in the living room. He was Sunridge Middle School
always proud to be a part of music department to help
the young lives in his com- students receive musical
munity. He was generous instruments, band books, or
with his time and energy other things needed to help
for his students. He always students achieve a goal in all
found a way to make sure things related to music.
An informal gathering
all of his students had what
they needed to succeed in will be held in David’s honor
music, whether it was fixing at a later date.
Burns Mortuary of Pend-
instruments, repairing books
or digging deep in the store leton is in charge of the
room for an instrument. He arrangements. Sign the
always wanted his students online guestbook at http://
to be successful.
Patricia Elouise (Cockburn) Karr
Maple Valley, Washington
February 5, 1922 — December 29, 2020
Patricia Karr passed
away peacefully in her sleep
on Dec. 29, 2020, at nearly
99 years old. Patricia was
born in Milton, Oregon, on
Feb. 5, 1922, to Leta Lor-
raine Cockburn (Van Slyke)
and Victor Marfield Cock-
burn. Victor was serving as
postmaster at the time. The
family moved up the Walla
Walla River when she was
4 years old. Pat and her sis-
ter Lela Heller (Cockburn)
attended schools in the area
as children. Pat spent all
four years at McLoughlin
High (Mac-Hi) School and
graduated in 1940.
She went on to attend
beauty school after gradu-
ation and met her husband,
Floyd, later that same year.
They married on April 4,
1942. After marrying they
moved to Portland, where
he had found work in the
shipyards. Their only child,
Vicki, was born in February
of 1943, the same year Floyd
entered the service. Pat and
Vicki moved back to Mil-
ton-Freewater around the
same time.
Four years later, after
Floyd returned from the ser-
vice, they purchased their
first house in Milton-Free-
water. He went to work
in the Ford garage until
Scarff Motors in Auburn
called him to run their parts
department and they moved
to Auburn, Washington, in
1948. Both Floyd and Pat
worked steadily for decades
at the Rohr Aircraft parts
plant in Auburn, Washing-
ton, until Floyd’s retirement
in the early 1980s. They
were active in their commu-
nity and Pat was a lifetime
member of the Order of the
Eastern Star.
With retirement they
started spending their win-
ters in Mesa, Arizona,
returning to Auburn to
spend time with Vicki and
her family in the summers.
Pat and Floyd enjoyed their
travels and spending time
with family and friends.
They loved to play cards,
dance and entertain. They
returned to Milton-Freewa-
ter later in their life before
moving together to Wheat-
land Village in Walla Walla,
Washington, in 2008. Floyd
passed away in 2012 and
Pat moved to Maple Valley,
Washington, to be closer
to Vicki, her husband Erik
Martinson, adult grandchil-
dren Derik and Shawn Mar-
tinson and new great-grand-
daughters Bridget and
Tatum Martinson.
She was preceded in
death by her husband, Floyd
Karr, and both Vicki and
Erik Martinson.
There will be a small
graveside observance for
close family and friends
of Pat on Friday, Jan. 8, at
1 p.m. at the Milton-Free-
water Cemetery. There is
a maximum capacity for
the service due to COVID
restrictions; please come
with a face covering and
practice social distancing
In lieu of flowers or gifts
please consider making
a donation in Pat’s mem-
ory to the Shriners Hos-
pital for Children in Spo-
kane, Washington: https://
pit al& ut m _ca mpaig n= -
Due to the pandemic, com-
ing together to remember
Pat Karr is very difficult. In
an effort to promote safety
for everyone and still honor
her impact on so many lives,
we are asking you to use
the website Padlet (https://
60n6r3mnfb0) to share pho-
tos, stories, or videos of your
interactions with her. Thank
you for your understanding
in these difficult times.
Patrick Lavin Wood
January 15, 1943 — December 17, 2020
Patrick “Pat” Wood, 77, anything. He had a lifelong
of Echo, Oregon, died on interest in cars and his skills
Dec. 17, 2020, at home. Pat and modest garage were
was born to John and Frieda proof that it’s not the shop
(Krause) Sherman on Jan. that makes the mechanic,
15, 1943, in Port-
but rather, the
land, Oregon.
When he was
makes the shop.
young, he was
He was a mentor
adopted by his
to many young
stepfather, Ross
people, particu-
larly those who
Wood. He was
work in the “use-
proud to say that
ful arts,” and was
he grew up in
a good provider
St. John’s. He
for his family.
Pat is survived
Elementary and
by his wife, Judy;
then majored in
automotive at Benson High his brother, Bill (Ginny)
School, graduating in 1961. Wood of Camas, Wash-
Pat married Janet Dor- ington; two children, Matt
ran in 1968 and they moved (Cindy) Wood of Helix and
to Eastern Oregon shortly Kristin (Bob) Brunick of
after. They had three chil- Twin Falls, Idaho; stepchil-
dren: Matt, Kristin and dren, Dan Sauer of Salem,
Doug. They later divorced.
Bryan Sauer of Springfield,
In 2000, Pat married Dennis Sauer of Pendle-
ton and Marilyn Tiboni of
Judy Sauer.
Pat worked as a welder Bend; five grandchildren;
in the Portland shipyards nine
before entering apprentice- eight stepgreat-grandchil-
ship to eventually become dren; and several nieces and
a journeyman sheet metal nephews.
worker. He was later main-
He was preceded in
tenance supervisor for death by his parents, and his
the Echo School District, son, Doug.
and he retired from PGE’s
In lieu of flowers, his
Boardman Coal Fired family recommends you
Power Plant.
provide a generous gratu-
Pat was a skilled ity in the near future to a
mechanic and welder who mechanic, tradesman or
could fix or build almost waitress.
Mary Ella Johnson Hoffman
June 8, 1949 — December 29, 2020
Mary Ella Johnson Hoff- worked to minister to others.
man, age 71, passed away
She married Richard
unexpectedly on December “Dick” Hoffman on May 22,
29, 2020 at Legacy Emman- 2011. Together they enjoyed
uel Hospital in Portland. going to the mountains,
A graveside ser-
vice will be held at
Skyview Memo-
to steer roping
rial Park on Fri-
events, and yard
day, January 8, at
sales. She was
2 p.m.
fond of going for
Mary Ella was
drives with Dick
born on June 8,
in his restored
1948 pickup.
1949, in Pendleton,
She was dedi-
Oregon, to Hobart
cated to her fam-
(Stubby) Johnson
ily and stepped
and Mary Car-
gill Johnson. She
in when she was
attended St. Joseph’s Acad- needed. She spent a lot of
emy and graduated from time and energy caring for
Pendleton High School.
her brother Dick Johnson
She lived in Idaho, Echo, through his health issues
Heppner, and Hermiston in these past few years. She
her adult years. She loved had a special, quiet unas-
hiking in the forest, train- suming way about her, and
ing dogs, wildflowers, and she always had a project she
creating things. She enjoyed was working on. She was
gardening also and won the an incredibly talented artist
Yard of the Month at her in several mediums — oil
house on West Baltimore in paint, watercolors, scratch
Heppner. She was famous art, sewing and crochet, to
for her sourdough biscuits, name a few.
Mary Ella is survived
cinnamon rolls, and dinner
rolls. For a season in Hep- by her husband, Richard
pner, she had a baking busi- Hoffman; siblings Beverly
ness called Hearty Bakers, McCloud and Dick John-
cooked at the senior meal son; nephews Randy Tach-
site and baked for the Wil- ella and Casey (Cindy)
low Creek Diner. Many peo- Anderson; niece Malis-
ple loved her cooking.
sia (Irvy) Markham; step-
She worked for the Hep- children Camie (Rocky)
pner Ranger District of the Britt, Johnie (Karol) Moyer,
USFS and was awarded Jason (Carrie) Broadfoot,
Certificates of Merit for Steve (Samantha) Hoff-
extra effort in completing man and Joe (Amber) Hoff-
Stocking Survey Contracts man; and many great-neph-
ews, great-nieces, and
for two years in a row.
She loved God and was stepgrandchildren.
Mary Ella is preceded
involved in churches in
Heppner and Hermiston. in death by her parents, sis-
She deeply loved her fam- ters Rita Johnson and Elaine
ily and prayed for them all Urban, and nephews Billy
to come to a full knowledge Tachella and Zeb Johnson.
Burns Mortuary of Pend-
of Christ’s salvation and to
live their lives for Him. Her leton is in charge of the
desire to serve God took her arrangements. Sign the
on some international trips online guestbook at www.
to several places where she burnsmortuary.com.