4 | Senior Living Winter 2019 SENIOR LIVING | AT HOME Home Safety Tips Safety is one of the most important focuses of many senior advocacy organizations — especially when it comes to overall personal wellness in the home. Maintaining a safe environ- ment can help you strengthen your independence and quali- ty of life. Here are some of the main home safety issues facing seniors today, according to Nationwide Insurance. Personal safety issues include muscle weakness, balance problems, limited vision and certain medications. Environmental safety issues include home hazards such as loose rugs, poor lighting on stairs and a lack of stair rail- ings or grab bars in the bath- room. MEDICATION SAFETY Always remember to medi- cate safely. The improper use and handling of medication can create serious safety issues. Here are a few tips for ensuring medication safety in your home: • Check medication expira- tion dates on all prescription and over-the-counter medica- tions. • Always follow all medica- tion directions closely. • Store your medications in a © ADOBE STOCK safe way, in its original con- tainer. • If you have to take medica- tion out of its original contain- er, be sure to clearly label it with the name, dosage and any other pertinent information. KNOW WHO TO CALL If you ever have questions about your medication, who can you call? Your physician should be able to help you with any of these types of inquiries, while your family members may be able to pro- vide quick, hands-on support if needed. Experts urge you to call the National Poison Control Hotline or another emergency services provider in the case of issues caused by improper usage of medicine. These pro- fessionals will be able to walk you through the steps neces- sary to minimize the damage that can be caused by things like expired medicines or improper dosage. RISK PREVENTION Prevent unnecessary falls and improve your safety by making yourself aware of any hazards in your way. Not sure how to make your home a safer place? Here are a few tips from Nationwide to help with your journey. • Install secure handrails and bright lights with switches at the top and bottom of stair- ways. • Repair loose or uneven steps. • Check stairs for worn or loose carpeting. • Install grab bars for the toi- let, bathtub and shower. • Install nightlights in areas you frequent at night.