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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 2019)
C2 YOUR EO NEWS East Oregonian Saturday, December 14, 2019 Altrusa elves cash in with holiday bazaar Local school board East Oregonian PENDLETON — Mem- bers of Altrusa Interna- tional of Pendleton con- gratulated Haley Flemmer as she walked away from the Altrusa Holiday Bazaar with a wad of cash. Just in time for Christ- mas shopping season, she won the $2,000 grand prize from the event’s raffl e. Other lucky winners received everything from an Ore- gon East Symphony fam- ily pass and jewelry from Montana Silversmiths to a $100 gas card from Byrnes Oil and a Wildhorse Resort & Casino dinner/movie package. Altrusa also was deemed a winner, as nearly 100 vendors fi lled the Pend- leton Convention Center — raising money for charitable projects supported by the club. Event chairwoman Dor- othy Bowen said the club returns approximately $80,000 to the commu- nity each year. They pro- vide support in the form of grants, scholarships and lit- eracy programs, as well as furnishing basic sup- plies for homeless students through its K.A.R.E project and weekend food bags for needy students via Feed the Child. In addition to vendor shopping, people enjoyed a variety of lunch options and baked goods, including cin- namon rolls and pies. Also, there were kids’ activities and Santa Claus made an appearance. The Pendleton Altrusa club was chartered in 1938. Members donate their time, talents and resources as a service to the community. For more information, email or search Facebook. member receives leadership award East Oregonian Photo contributed by Altrusa International of Pendleton Shelley Atkinson, left, and Nicole Herranen of Altrusa Inter- national of Pendleton congratulate Haley Flemmer, center, after she won the $2,000 grand prize raffl e drawing during the Nov. 23 Altrusa Holiday Bazaar. PILOT ROCK — Jen- nifer Gourlie of the Pilot Rock School District board of directors was recently recognized by the Oregon School Boards Association’s Leadership Institute. She received a bronze award for completing coursework through the OSBA’s program. Gourlie and others from across the state were honored Nov. 16 during the organization’s annual convention, held in Portland. Those chosen for awards — which includes four lev- els, bronze, silver, gold and platinum — were recog- nized for signifi cant levels of achievement in leader- ship and development. “This award recog- nizes the dedication of volunteers who want to learn how to be better school board members so they can serve their communities,” said Jim Green, OSBA’s executive director. OSBA is a member ser- vices agency for more than 200 locally elected boards serving school districts, education service dis- tricts and community col- leges. It also provides ser- vices to charter schools and their boards. For more information, contact Alex Pulaski at 503-485-4812, or visit Pacifi c Power grants energize local nonprofi ts East Oregonian Photo contributed by Tony Justus Craig A. Hylton, right, won the rifl e raffl e of the Umatilla County Republican Party, which was created and present- ed by Wayne York of Oregunsmithing LLC. PENDLETON — The Arts Council of Pendleton and the Umatilla County Historical Society each received holiday cheer from the Pacifi c Power Foun- dation. Lori Wyman, Pacifi c Power regional busi- ness manager, presented checks for $1,000 to Susan DeMarsh, Pendleton Cen- ter for the Arts board pres- ident, and $1,500 to Kari Brooks, historical society executive director. The arts center will use its grant to support the cre- ation of the Pinney Craft Space for teens and young adults. The maker space will provide creative youths with an opportunity to learn a variety of craft skills, like making jewelry and small- scale printmaking. As students perfect skills, their work will be sold in the Pendleton Foun- dation Trust Fine Craft Gallery, said executive director Roberta Lava- dour. Also, gallery visitors can watch work in progress in the craft space. For more information, call 541-278- 9201 or visit www.pendlet- Community development consultant Karen Willis of Eastern Oregon Business Source wrote the grant on behalf of the historical soci- ety. The funding will be used for new fl ooring in the Julie Reese Classroom at Heritage Station Museum, Pendleton. Carpeting will be replaced with vinyl plank fl ooring that mimics hard- wood. According to a state- ment from board president Tom Winn, the attractive new fl ooring will be more durable and easier to main- tain. Community groups can rent the space for meet- ings and events. The project is part of the historical society’s capital improvements campaign. Other upgrades include replacing windows, install- ing security fencing, replac- ing the HVAC system and repairing historic buildings on the museum site. For more information or to make a donation, contact Brooks at 541-276-0012 or director@heritagestation- The Pacifi c Power Foun- dation was created in 1988 by Pacifi Corp. Its mission, through charitable invest- ments, is to support the growth and vitality of the communities it serves. The foundation manages grants in four cycles with specifi c focuses. They are, including proposal due dates: educa- tional and research (March 15); environment, civic, community enhancement and other organizations not covered in other categories (June 15); arts and culture (Sept. 15): and health, safety and wellness (Dec. 15). For more information, visit www.pacifi foundation. Hylton takes aim with custom-built rifl e East Oregonian PENDLETON — Craig A. Hylton recently won the luck of the draw during a rifl e raffl e fund- raiser held by the Uma- tilla County Republican Party. The Pilot Rock man purchased two tickets for $10 each and one was drawn during the Dec. 3 meeting of the local Republican party. The rifl e was built and donated by Wayne York of Oregunsmithing, LLC. It’s a custom Clas- sic Winchester 70 action, 300 Winchester Magnum, with custom barrel and stock and a Leopold scope. The rifl e’s retail value is $3,900. On behalf of the Uma- tilla County Republi- can Party, Tony Justus expressed appreciation to York for his generous donation and to all who supported the fundraiser through the purchase of raffl e tickets. For more information, contact Jus- tus at or 541-969-3717. Photo contributed by Pendleton Center for the Arts Photo contributed by Nick Nash Susan DeMarsh, right, Pendleton Center for the Arts board president, accepts a donation from Lori Wyman, Pacifi c Pow- er regional business manager, on behalf of the Pacifi c Power Foundation. Lori Wyman, left, Pacifi c Power regional business manager, presents a donation on behalf of the Pacifi c Power Founda- tion to Kari Brooks, Umatilla County Historical Society exec- utive director. COMMUNITY CALENDAR SATURDAY, DEC. 14 MEN’S BREAKFAST, 8 a.m., Bethel Assembly of God Church, 1109 Airport Road, Pendleton. (541-276-7559) EASTERN OREGON CELTIC SOCIETY PIPERS GATHERING, 1 p.m., The Old Meeting House, 901 M Ave., La Grande. For pip- ers of all skill levels. Instruction is free, but a $2 donation for use of the building is appreciated. (541-568-4643) HERMISTON CULTURAL AWARENESS CLUB, 2 p.m., Starbucks, 1235 N. First St., Hermiston. Practicing the wis- dom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the community, includ- ing all cultures and races. Everyone welcome. (John Car- bage 541-701-7073) SUNDAY, DEC. 15 PENDLETON EAGLES BREAKFAST, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Pendleton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St., Pendleton. Open to members and guests. (541-278-2828) MONDAY, DEC. 16 BOARDMAN QUILT GROUP, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone St., Boardman. Quilt construction, quilting updates, education, history and friendship. Free. (Kathy Hyder 541-571-7009) BLUE MOUNTAIN PIECE- MAKERS, 12 p.m., Thimbles Fabric N More, 1819 Westgate Place, Pendleton. PENDLETON ROTARY CLUB, 12 p.m., Red Lion Inn Walla Walla Room, 304 S.E. Nye Ave., Pendleton. IRRIGON MOOSE LODGE TACOS AND BINGO, 6-9 p.m., Irrigon Moose Lodge, 220 N.E. Third St., Irrigon. Tacos from 6-9 p.m., bingo from 6:30-9 p.m. Open to members and guests. (541-922-1802) OREGON TRAIL GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, 6 p.m., Pendleton City Hall commu- nity room, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. (Tom Moon 541-278-9702) BLOOMER GIRLS GAR- DEN CLUB, 6:30 p.m., loca- tion varies, Hermiston. (Bar- bara Chadwick 541-567-2043) TUESDAY, DEC. 17 PENDLETON TOAST- MASTERS NO. 154, 6:30 a.m., Pendleton City Hall commu- nity room, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. GREENFIELD GRANGE PINOCHLE, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Greenfi eld Grange 579, 209 N.W. First St., Boardman. (541-481-7397) BIBLE STUDY, 10 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 352 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. (Rev. Jim Pierce 541-276-2616) BIRTHS St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton DEC. 4, 2019 HULSE — LeAnn R. Harer and Ajay M. Hulse of Pilot Rock: a boy, Mason Clay Hulse. DEC. 9, 2019 HYLTON — Justine D. Haney of Pend- leton: a boy, Simmie James Hylton. MORTER — Courtney Morter and Brian Morter of Heppner: a girl, Hannah Rose Morter. Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston DEC. 3, 2019 PIEL — Brooklyn M. Norton and Kyler J. Piel of Stanfi eld: a girl, Klarisse Joann Piel. DEC. 7, 2019 ADAMS — Iva J. Adams and Braxton Adams of Heppner: a boy, Bram Ranger Adams. DUARTE GARCIA — Andrea Rivera Preciado and Fernando Duarte Garcia of Hermiston: a girl, Neraeda Duarte Garcia. RAMIREZ BAUTISTA — Felipa Bau- tista Cardona and Andres Ramirez Calmo of Hermiston: a girl, Elidia Ramirez Bautista. DEC. 9, 2019 IVERSON — Shelby L. Moody and Stetson D. Iverson of Hermiston: a girl, Eve- lynn Jane Iverson. SHUBIN — Taylor D. Peck and Dylan M. Shubin of Hermiston: a boy, Parker Cole- man Shubin. GREATER HERMISTON AREA REPUBLICAN WOM- EN’S CLUB, 11:30 a.m., Desert Lanes Bowling Alley, 1545 N. Main St., Hermiston. No-host lunch. All women welcome. (541-567-0006) ”THE LIFE MODEL: LIV- ING FROM THE HEART JESUS GAVE YOU” BOOK STUDY GROUP, 1-2:30 p.m., Bowman Building, 17 S.W. Frazer Ave., Pendleton. (Pat 541-276-6671) WESTON-MCEWEN LIONS CLUB, 1 p.m., Dou- bletree Restaurant, 327 E. Main St, Athena. (Ellyn 541-566-3987) STUDYING THE MIRA- CLES OF JESUS, 4-6 p.m., Good Samaritan Ministries, 319 W. Locust Ave., Hermis- ton. (541-564-1041) GRIEFSHARE WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP, 5:30- 7:30 p.m., Peace Lutheran Church, 210 N.W. Ninth St., Pendleton. Support group includes a leadership team to facilitate sessions. A work- book for personal study and refl ection is $15; scholarships are available for those with limited resources. (Pastor Tra- vis Larsen or Hospice 541-276- 7592 or 541-667-3543) 6:30-8 p.m., AWANA, Pendleton Baptist Church, 3202 S.W. Nye Ave., Pendleton. For children age 3 through sixth grade. (541-276-7590) P et of the Week Bianca is a 2 yr old spayed lovable cat that will follow you around. Biana has been FELV/ FIV tested, up to date on vaccines. Bianca gets along with other cats, loves to play with toys and climb on the cat trees. 577 Pets Adopted in 2019! Visit Bianca at the Pioneer Humane Society/Paws Tues - Sat • Noon - 4pm 517 SE 3rd ST, Pendleton 541-276-0181 Check out the PAWSABILITY Thrift Store BIANCA -megumi’s dog grooming- 541.276.6220 920 SW Frazer Ste. 105 Pendleton, OR 97801