September 2019 - EASTERN OREGON PARENT - 7 It’s Christmas in September with a new library card! By JENNIFER COSTLEY (a.k.a. SANTABRARIAN) September is Library Card Sign Up Month, though I am sure I didn’t have to remind you of that. For most American Library Asso- ciation families, Library Card Sign Up Month is right up there with Christmas. Children and adults alike count down the days until the Jolly Librarian comes shoosting down their chimney. You’ll know me when you see me, for I wear a red cardigan, and sensible shoes, my Summer Reading Program tote filled to the brim with library card applications. For those who have yet to cel- ebrate the reason for the season, may this article be the introduction you’ve been waiting for. You’ll only ever have one first Library Card Sign Up Month. You might be asking yourself why in the age of the internet, smart- phones, and television streaming, a person would even need a library card. Questions like that will get you a Polar Express ticket to the naughty list, but for the purpose of this article I will answer. Public libraries provide internet access for those who do not have it at home. And often, you can check out laptops or internet hotspots using your library card. But streaming, Santabrar- ian! What about streaming? Many libraries offer stream- ing services for music and video. Those that don’t likely still check out movies, and if your library belongs to a consortium like the 77 library powerhouse that is the Sage System, then the movies, music, and other items avail- able to you are not limited to your local library. Being a cardholder grants you access to all 77 collections. Incred- ible, I know! So, how do you get a library card? It’s simple. Grab a photo ID and something to prove your address. A recent bill or your driver’s license will work if the address is current. Next, step into your hometown library. Libraries in Eastern Oregon are funded by prop- erty taxes so you will need to have your card issued in the city where you live. Once you have that plastic passport to the world of knowledge you’re free to check out all sorts of things. For example, did you know you can check out ebooks and audiobooks on your phone? You can with a library card. Museum Passes and American Girl Dolls? You got it. See, I told you it was just like Christmas! Speaking of ways to con your kids into being good all year, your child, five and under, can get a library card too! Using a Ready- 2Learn library card enters your child into a monthly drawing for awe- some, educational gift packs. There is truly something for everyone. Except pets. Don’t bring your dog to the library. My guess is you are al- ready halfway to the library, but in the unlikely event that none of the aforementioned perks were enough to woo you in our direction, there is always this cold, hard, gift card incentive. The American Library Association will be awarding a $100 Amazon gift card to one lucky September library card user. All you have to do to be entered is snap a pic of you and your library card us- ing the hashtag #getlibrary- carded on either Twitter or Instagram. The contest runs from September 1 to 22, so you have plenty of time to get your first card, get a new card, or dig out your old one. Looking forward to celebrating with you this September. XOXO Santabrarian ________ Jennifer Costley is director of the Pendleton Public Library and moth- er of two. Just don’t tell them she’s Santabrarian. Affordable Specialt y Care, For Your Children, Right Here At Home! THE BIG AUTHORITY ON LITTLE TEETH Call Today! 541-289-5433 1060 W. Elm, Suite #115, Hermiston, OR (across from Good Shepherd Medical Center) Open late, open Saturday, here for the whole family! Offi ce Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4pm 541-481-7212 • 450 Tatone Street, Boardman, OR 97818