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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 2019)
A6 RECORDS East Oregonian PUBLIC SAFETY Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office THURSDAY WARRANTS Saturday, August 17, 2019 NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Terry Vinson Branch Age: 49 Sex: M Charge: Contempt of court Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Hermiston, OR Brian Larry Jenkins Age: 46 Sex: M Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Failure to appear Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Milton- Freewater, OR 6:44 a.m. — Hermiston police received a report of a burglary on the 200 block of West Standard Avenue. 10:51 a.m. — A Hermiston resident told police he dropped his wallet on his prop- erty on East Catherine Avenue and some- one placed it in his mailbox, but the wallet was short $300 cash. 10:53 a.m. — An Irrigon resident on Southeast Kristen Drive reported some- one’s guinea fowl were on her property. The birds ended up at Blue Mountain Wild- life, Pendleton, a bird rescue nonprofit. 4:37 p.m. — A 911 caller reported a bur- glary on Locust Road, Milton-Freewater. 5:11 p.m. — Boardman police and ambulance responded to a site on Kinkaid Road for a 72-year-old assault victim. Police obtained the name of a suspect and description of the person’s vehicle but did not find either. 5:31 p.m. — A resident of Southeast Utah Avenue, Irrigon, asked the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office to provide extra patrols because his neighbors harass him. He said they drive the wrong way in front of his house, and one person throws ciga- rettes into his trailer. He claimed they are bullying him to make him leave. 7:01 p.m. — Stanfield police responded to a burglary on East Main Street, Echo. 8:33 p.m. — A Hermiston caller said her husband was drunk; he started drinking at SENTENCES Donald Kean Lake Age: 58 Sex: M Charge: PV: Driving while suspended/revoked Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Eugene Robert Larsen Age: 43 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Theft, possession of methamphetamine Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Milton- Freewater, OR Thomas Cesar Manning Age: 35 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Possession of methamphetamine Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Nelson Faris Ramos Miranda Age: 35 Sex: M Charge: PV: DUII No bail Last known location: Prosser, WA Ryan James Muth Age: 29 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Driving while suspended/revoked Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Stanfield, OR PENDLETON — The following sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: FELONY •Phouphith David Bounxay- sana, 45, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Delivery of Metham- phetamine Within 1,000 Feet of a School and Delivery of Methamphetamine: sentenced to 27 months Oregon Dept. of Corrections (DOC) and 3 years post-prison supervision for each count; pleaded guilty to two counts of Felon in Posses- sion of Firearm: sentenced to 13 months Oregon DOC and 2 years post-prison supervision for each count. •Dustin Duane Mead, 33, Selah, Wash., pleaded guilty to Deliv- ery of Heroin and Delivery of Methamphetamine: sentenced to 5 years probation, 180 sanc- tion units, 90 maximum jail units, $3,000 fine and $2,000 fine-suspended for each count, and 120 hours commu- nity service. MISDEMEANOR •Sonia Rene Anderson, 44, Pilot Rock, pleaded guilty to Harassment: sentenced to 90 days jail-suspended, 1 year probation and $500 fine-sus- pended, plus court costs and fees. SUITS FILED Jeffrey Allen Pelham Age: 47 Sex: M Charge: FTA: DUII Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Rainier, OR Danny Keith Southards Age: 55 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Driving while suspended/revoked Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Milton- Freewater, OR Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at anytime. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541-966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. Follow us on Facebook! ARRESTS, CITATIONS •Hermiston police arrested Michael Ray Scott Garcia, 38, of Hermiston, on a felony post-prison supervision sanction, felony possession of a federally controlled sub- stance and two counts each of second-de- gree theft and forgery. •Stanfield police arrested Lisa Kay Row- den, 51, for fourth-degree assault. PENDLETON — The follow- ing suits have been filed in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions Inc. vs. Danielle Holden of Pendleton: seeks $350.68. •Nationwide Recovery Service Inc. vs. Torie W. Gonzalez of Pendleton: seeks $2,596.33. •Credits Inc. vs. Todd M. and Barbara Abercrombie of Irri- gon: seeks $466.66. •Credits Inc. vs. Eva Alva of Pendleton: seeks $1,391.55. •Credits Inc. vs. Daniel E. and Lorie J. Graham of Hermiston: seeks $704.47. •Credits Inc. vs. Spencer C. Hull of Hermiston: seeks $4,387.40. •Credits Inc. vs. Timothy and Karen Malcolm of Pendleton: seeks $993.88. •Credits Inc. vs. Kathryn Miller of Pendleton: seeks $3,003.59. •Credits inc. vs. Jose Luis Mu- noz and Lourdes Carrillo Lopez of Hermiston: seeks $2,237.93. •Credits Inc. vs. Nicole Obrist of Pendleton: seeks $2,500. •Credits Inc. vs. Ben Schofield of Pendleton: seeks $924.21. •Credits Inc. vs. Alexander R. Sendlinger of Hermiston: seeks $476.54. •Credits Inc. vs. Naquasia Leanne Smith of Hermiston: seeks $797.10. •Credits Inc. vs. Shelly Smith of Pasco, Wash.: seeks $483.66. •Credits Inc. vs. Laurie M. Timm of Pendleton: seeks $2,761.41. •Credits Inc. vs. Bennie and Shari Wilson of Stanfield: seeks $8,611.45. •Second Round Sub LLC vs. Jamie Alsteen of Athena: seeks $1,569.33. •Kirstin Boggs of College Place, Wash., vs. Kyle Rouse of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $10,000. •Velocity Investments LLC vs. Matthew Henderson of Herm- iston: seeks $16,006.89. •Discover Bank vs. Duane A. Grassi: seeks $7,999.80. •Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Credit Service vs. Christopher A. Uhde of Umatilla: seeks $868.44. $4,946.17. •Credits Inc. vs. Brittany Haskell of Umatilla: judgment fo r$1,736.43. •Credits Inc. vs. Crespin Proa of Umatilla: judgment for $567.15. •Synchrony Bank vs. Aimee Courtright of Pendleton: judg- ment for $1,696.62. •Professional Service Bureau vs. Joseph Tovar of Hermiston: judgment for $377.83. •Credits Inc. vs. Ana Avila of Hermiston: judgment for $5,641.35. •Credits Inc. vs. Sylvia Viesca of Umatilla: judgment for $1,707.23. JUDGMENTS PENDLETON — Divorce de- crees were signed in Umatilla County Courts for: Ryan David Flores of Hermis- ton and Amy Kristine Flores of Stanfield; Barbara Ann Co- ble-Hutchings of Milton-Free- water and Stephen Robert Hutchings; Phillip L. Hickey and Sheri D. Hickey of Hermiston; Jonathan Dow Davison of Bend and Jennifer Kathleen Davison of Adams; Cheri Kay Rosen- berg Hadden and Brett Aaron Hadden of Pendleton; Darrel Warren Ashcraft and Deanna Dawn Ashcraft of Hermiston; Brandin Lee Armenta of Stan- field and Annemarie Armenta of Hermiston; Lisa Ann Mavis of Hermiston and Martin Henry Mavis of Stanfield; Jill Marie Pitt and Joseph Ralph Pitt of Pendleton. DIVORCES PENDLETON — The follow- ing judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •Credits Inc. vs. Felix Rios and Sandra Garcia Garduno of Umatilla: judgment for $8,276.48. •Credits Inc. vs. Reyna L. Arre- dondo Valles of Hermiston: judgment for $9,018.43. •Credits Inc. vs. Roy G. and Christina Weems of Hermiston: judgment for $1,561.06. •Credits Inc. vs. Frank and Bonnie Brandin of Hermiston: judgment for $1,981.89. •Ray Klein Inc. vs. Dianna Lynn Chaney Ellis of Milton-Freewa- ter: judgment for $800.16. •Credits Inc. vs. Brian Barrett of Umatilla: judgment for You deserve total audiological care. Professional. Experienced. Local. history in a hardcover book $29.95 $44.95 plus tax & shipping offer expires 10/16/19 The East Oregonian is pleased to announce an all-new hardcover coffee-table book: “Umatilla County Memories: A Pictorial History of the mid-1800s through 1939.” We are thrilled to include photos of Umatilla County from our readers, in addition to photos carefully selected from local partners from the mid-1800s to 1939. Pre- order your 136-page commemorative book now and save $15.00 off the $44.95 retail price. Order online and save with flat-rate shipping Pre-order by mail now (discount expires 10/16/19). Select an option: ☐ Ship my order to me ☐ I’ll pick up my order $29.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling per book. $29.95 per book. Pick up order at the East Oregonian Order will be shipped to the address below off ice (211 SE Byers Avenue, Pendleton) after 11/22/19. after 11/18/19. Quantity: ___ x $36.90 = $______ total Quantity: ___ x $29.95 = $______ total Payment method: ☐ Check/Money Order Credit card orders can be placed online: Name Pam Wagenaar, Send form and payment to: East Oregonian 211 SE Byers Avenue Pendleton, OR 97801 or call 800-522-0255 Address Administrative Assistant 2237 SW Court, Pendleton 541-276-5053 MARRIAGES PENDLETON — Marriage li- censes have been registered in Umatilla County for: Justin Allen Raymond, 30, and Joelynn Danielle Mendoza, 25, both of Hermiston. Joshua Charles King, 33, and Macy Bre Paterson, 25, both of Hermiston. Michael Scott Boyd, 46, and Barbara Kay Aylett, 46, both of Hermiston. Heather Jean McCulley, 37, and Taisha Kathleen Myers, 30, both of Pendleton. Larry Ray Chamberlain, 61, and Joanna May Coller, 48, both of Baker City. Christian Jonathan Silva Ro- sales, 20, of Kennewick, Wash., and Amancer Shalom Robles, 22, of Irrigon. Jose Alfredo Nava Resendiz, 39, and Zahara Mejia Preciado, 39, both of Hermiston. Erik Alan Nelson, 52, of Pendle- ton, and Judith Ann Walker, 54, of Hermiston. Adam Conner Lange, 27, and Osa Jubilee Forrester, 28, both of Pendleton. Edgar Jacob Ramirez, 25, and Sarah Elizabeth Jackson, 26, both of Hermiston. Theodore Lawrence Kitrel, 22, and Jordynn Danielle Round, 22, both of Stanfield. Dakota Skye Fitzpatrick, 23, and Kodi Joi Archambault, 24, both of Pendleton. Collin Wayne Story, 30, and Mariah Brianna McQuown, 28, both of Weston. Umatilla County We Hear You! Renata Anderson, MA 6 a.m. and she wants him to leave. 10:32 p.m. — Pilot Rock police received a report about domestic violence on North- east Elm Street but were unable to find any- one involved. Less than 30 minutes later, a 911 caller on Northeast Elm reported harassment. COURTS Tony James Jones Age: 29 Sex: M Charge: Probation Violation (PV): Fleeing/attempt to elude police, reckless driving No bail Last known location: Salem, OR NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Saturday, August 17, 2019 City State Phone E-mail From the archives of Athena Public Library, City of Echo, Milton-Freewater Area Historical Society, Pendleton Round-up, Tamástslikt Cultural Institute and Umatilla County Historical Society Zip