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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 2019)
CLASSIFIEDS Saturday, August 17, 2019 East Oregonian B3 EASTERN OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classifieds@ or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 See for classified ads from all over Eastern Oregon EAST OREGONIAN • HERMISTON HERALD • BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE • WALLOWA COUNTY CHIEFTAIN 104 Special Notices PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION. While we are happy to make any necessary corrections, we can not be responsible for errors appearing for mul- tiple days. Thank you! CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES East Oregonian 2:30PM the day prior to publication Hermiston Herald 10am Tuesday 1-800-962-2819 110 Announcements Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Inter- net & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-888-960-3504. (PNDC) CLASSIFIEDS DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUC- TION. 1-855-385-2819. (PNDC) 184 Personals Use an attention getter, color, or border to make your ad stand out! Contact Rowan or Chloe at 1-800-962-2819 to place your classified ad! 204 Automobiles 360 Garage Sales 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale Wanted! Old Porsche, 356/911/912 for resotration by hobbyist 1948-1973 Only. Any condition, top $ paid! PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE (707)965- 9546 916-288-6011 MOVING SALE ALL MUST GO! One day only August 17 7am-11am Shelves, glassware, kitchen items, home decor, can- ning supplies, craft books & supplies, bedding, china set, antique high chair, butcher block, some women’s cloth- ing, air-conditioner, table saw, compressor, handtools, grinder, logging tools, 2 chainsaws, lawn mowers, yard tools, wheel- barrow. Too much to list! 1538 SW 40th st Estate Sale House & Shop Never been a better time to sell. Get a FREE market analysis call $249,900 One level spaciousness. 2032 sf(m/l). 3 bed, 2 bath, fami- ly room. Newer HVAC. Large fenced lot. Shop. Call Vicki 541-969-9441 cell. #19156847. $335,000 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3142 sf(m/l). Large open living space. Hardwood floors. Master bed- room and family room down- stairs. 2garages, storage shed, fenced yard. Marsha 541-377- 5152 cell. #19416459 360 Garage Sales Garage Sale 609 NW 6th street Friday/Saturday 9/16 & 9/17 9am-2pm Community wide yard sale Shenandoah Estates in Pendleton exit 216, follow signs Saturday only 8-12 Garage Sale Friday-Sunday Friday 4-8 Saturday 9-4 Sunday 12-4 2600 SW Goodwin Ave Unit #21 Jack & Mary’s Yard Sale at Shenandoah 46341 Lloyd Rd @ exit 216 right on Lloyd Rd. Great Prices and no early sales No smoking on premise Friday 8-5pm and Saturday 8-2pm Trampoline cover, luggage, dishes, dog kennels, dog blan- kets, dog houses Friday & Saturday 8-4 Sunday 8-2 and half-price 560 SW Birch Pl, Pilot Rock next to Bus Barn Parking lot sale Saturday August 17 Sale will be at the Agape House at 500 Harper Road and begins at 8:00 a.m. Sale ends at 11:00. Clothing, furniture, and bins of knick-knacks. Clothing will be 5 items for $1.00. Furniture priced as marked and bins of knick-knacks will be you name the price. Turn Here Realty & Travel for all your Real Estate Needs-Call Kerry 541 377 6855 -Licensed in Oregon to find the home on your list. TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 IT WILL SELL EMAIL : CLASSIFIEDS @ EASTOREGONIAN . COM I N C LASSIFIEDS ! Estate/Yard Sale in Shop 518 NE Fir Pilot Rock, OR Furniture, mower, washer/dryer, Ford pickup, Goldwing, tools, houseware items, backpacks for Back-To-School, clothes (young men’s), and miscella- neous items SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2019 The Nature of Nurturing According to Mars Beds, dresser, flat screentv, new lift chair, a Pronto electric scooter chair, table & chairs, standup freezer, Wurlitzer piano, furniture & home decor, outbuilding shop full of stuff, aluminum wheelchair ramp to house and lots more. Friday-Saturday August 16-17 8-5 CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! 502 Real Estate HOMES SELL FAST IN CLASSIFIEDS! One Realtor accessing all properties--Prompt, Courteous, Reliable service with TURN HERE REALTY to find your New Home Call Kerry 541 377 6855 or drop by TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton 504 Homes for Sale Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to a larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 Mars heads into Virgo for some practi- cal nurturing. Use what experience has taught you about caring for others. Usu- ally interaction is better than none and closeness is better than space, even if it’s more difficult or irritating. The bottom line is that often people think they want to be cared for in one way, and then another way just works better. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Work comes in many forms, many of them undetect- able to the ignorant eye. Wherever an outcome is expected and there’s a per- son responsible for it, that’s work. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $395,000 NEW LISTING Time to Wash Car Wash. 27,443lot- witha 3349 building High traffic area. RMLS#19615657 Call Kal for more info (541) 969-7358. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 Protection and Representation with all Real Estate in Oregon- To Buy or Sell the home on your list Call Kerry at 541 377 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. John J. Howard & Assoc. 541.377.9470 New Listing 712 SE Court . Car wash or Espresso shop on a very high traffic intersection. $ 94950 Priced to Sell RMLS#19111739 Call Kal for more info (541) 969- 7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 1st time home buyers and don’t know where to begin? I can help you every step of the way to owning your own doorstep. Call Carolyn Rovier so we can get started! Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 Classified Ads work hard for you! How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 $239,999- RMLS #18081947 New Listing 4 b/r 1 3/4 bath North Hill. Freshly painted, beautiful hardwood floors just refinished. Great family home. Call Shane for more info (541) 379-7802. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 RMLS#18381851 Pendleton Property 3 br 2 bath manufactured home on a big lot with small 2 b/r 1bath rental house on same lot. Priced to sell at $145,000. Call Cathy for more info. (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 NEW LISTING RMLS#19061366 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT. Live in 2 b/r 1 bath. rent the oth- er home. Lots of potential in this property.Priced to sell at $195000 Call Cathy for more info (541) 215-0103 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 TAURUS (April 20-May 20). People don’t actually speak with the quick wit of romantic comedy characters and it’s annoying when they try to. Anyway, you can relax because your charm will come through in silence. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Belonging to the group should make the individual greater. Don’t confuse loyalty with sub- mission. Submission is diminishing of the self and does not really add expo- nentially to the strength of the group. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re fas- cinating, but resist the urge to talk about yourself today. When you drop the pro- noun “I” from your conversation, magical things will happen. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). When the world turns up the intensity, seek not escape but refuge in a higher perspective. This will provide a perch of protection where you can see everything that’s going on and decide where your participation is best applied. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your imagi- nation is being a bit aloof today, pouting because it misses your attention. Con- sider offering your imagination a proper invitation in the form of a blank page, a white canvas, a lit stage... LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The right teacher can be the difference between picking up a skill or not. The technical prowess of the teacher may not be as im- portant as the possession of charismatic qualities to keep you engaged. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). To demand the impossible is to decide to accept striving as the norm, reaching as a rest- ing posture and dreaming as a waking responsibility. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Emo- tions are power sources. Anything that stops you from feeling what’s in your heart is blocking you from your power. You’re brave and ready to face more, feel more and be more. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Straight talk, a sense of urgency, challenge and provocation are all on tap in the happy hour of life today, so grab a stein and si- dle up. You’ll be joined by a jolly crew. EAST OREGON EVENTS Find all your local events at EASTERNOREGONEVENTS.COM 501 Open Houses ! e s u o H n e p O SAT., AUG. 17 TH , 1:00 PM -4:00 PM 320 H IGH S T ., A DAMS , O R . *Awesome sunrise/sunset views! *2000 top-of-line Valley Manor Triple-wide. *24x36 shop w/2 overhead doors. *Oversized lot, .72 acre w/RV parking. *Front Trex deck w/wrought iron rails. *3-bed, 2-bath, bonus room/offi ce in Master. *Excellent kitchen w/additional counter- top & cabinet space, walk-in pantry. *Propane gas cooktop island, double ovens. *Craft room w/slider to patio. *2 water heaters. *Large back covered patio. *Yard, UGS. #19607785 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The cut- ting edge is cool. Only the insecure need to be cool all of the time. Then there’s the bleeding edge, where one works purposefully toward one’s own obsoles- cence, clearing the way for the next ver- sion of the future. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). People usually choose what they understand to be the best course of action at the time. Terrible results come from those with nothing better to do. Providing better things in any form is saintly work. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 17). You’ve worked on yourself enough. It’s your year to accept that you’re the whole package and enjoy yourself. You’ll seek excitement, follow your curiosity and reg- ularly do the things you used to save for special occasions. Teamwork is a forte. You’ll love where you and the group land together at the start of 2020. Aquarius and Aries adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 40, 2, 13, 8 and 17. 501 Open Houses $289,900 Marsha Morgan Broker 541-377-5152 37 SE Dorion Ave 541-276-0021 WHITNEY & ASSOCIATES Your new home is waiting for you and its time for the move -.SIZE UP or SIZE DOWN--- Call Turn Here Realty at 541 377 6855 and connect to ALL properties with ONE reliable Realtor-Licensed in Oregon TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton $45,000 PRICE REDUCED! GREAT VIEWS/1.49 ACRES ON 2 CITY TAX LOTS. Zoned for stick built or manufactured home. City sewer/water to property. Cari 541-377-5058 cell #13575330 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $184,500 – 6 Bed 2.5 Bath on North Hill. 3000+ sq. ft. Hard- wood floors upstairs. 2 car garage. Quiet neighborhood. Needs cosmetics. Priced to sell. MLS# 19351147 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $387,500 – 4 Bedroom 3 Bath 3754 sq. ft. Mid-Century Mod- ern, Panoramic View. Private setting. Wonderful home for privacy or entertaining. MLS# 19205109 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $79,000 – 4 Bedroom 1 Bath UKIAH home. Good condition throughout. Newer roof. New- er oil stove and zonal heaters. Cash sale only will not finance. MLS# 19667850 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $119,000 – 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Log Cabin near tollgate. Ap- proximately 2 acres. 100 yards from Snowmobile trail entrance. Cash only, will not finance. MLS# 19024843 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $115,000 – Pilot Rock 3 Bed- room 1 Bath MFG Home. Very nice condition inside and out- side. Carport. Fenced yard. Large Shed. Newer flooring. MLS# 19609256 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $275,000 – 2018 Fleetwood MFG Home on 2.51 Acres. 4 Bed 2 Bath. Open floor plan. Beautiful Kitchen. Lots of room for the family, Pets, and Live- stock. MLS# 19510220 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 Reduced !! Come take a look at this beautifully remodeled 3 bedroom one bath home with views! New deck off of the kitchen with great views, new carpets, flooring, counter tops, and furnace. There is room for the RV, toys and more. A must see! MLS 19138580, $162500. Give Carolyn Rovier Call at Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 $595,000 Prime residential develop- ment land w/sweeping views of the Blue Mountains. Multiple access points. Property con- tains six tax lots totaling 55.95 acres(m/l). Jef 541-969-9539 cell. #19264696 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 651 Help Wanted $587,000 19.24 acres with a 2800 sf(m/l) Valley custom built manu- factured home. Water rights, wheel sets, 5bay shop, in pris- tine condition and superb loca- tion. Kevin 541-969-8243 cell. #18177463 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 CHILDREN’S outgrown clothing, toys and furniture sell quickly with a classified ad. $525,000 Beautiful 1998 triple-wide the slopes of the gorgeous Umatilla River basin. 2380 sf(m/l), 4bed- rooms, 2baths. Covered front porch, 2car garage, large barn, woodshed. Jerry 541 969-6378 cell. #19105312 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $289,900 Mt. Hebron/4 bed, 2.5 bath, 3,300 sf(m/l) home on 1/3 acre. Fresh interior paint. newer roof, newer HVAC, huge bonus room, vinyl windows. Hot-tub, ken- nel. Jason 760-409-6842 cell. #19076449 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $519,000 – Beautiful 4 Bed 3 Bath Custom View Home. Ex- ceptional throughout. Updated Kitchen. Hardwood Floors. 2 Family Rooms. Large Bed- rooms. 40x54 Shop. MLS# 19582968 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national or- igin, or an intention to make any such preference, limita- tion, or discrimination. Famil- ial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver- tising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of dis- crimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. 651 Help Wanted Distribution worker Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED 5-bedroom, 2-bath in lovely neighborhood that’s as high on the walkability scale as it is on the charm! $244,900 Molly Webb 541-969-4188 #19501389 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $135000 – 3 Bedroom 1 Bath Ranch Style in Pilot Rock. Hardwood Floors. Vinyl Siding. Large Fenced Back Yard. Cen- tral Air Conditioning. Very nice home. MLS# 19534828 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $315,000 - 4 Bedroom 3 Bath Tri Level. Very nice throughout. Large fenced yard. Updated kitchen. Large deck and nice city view. Close to shopping. MLS# 19655891 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” (541-379-8690) Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 Need a few extra dollars per month? Can you work with machinery? Have some extra time during the day? East Oregonian in Pendleton has a part- time position for you! Pick up an application at East Oregonian, 211 SE Byers, Pendleton, Ore., or e-mail resume to Shifts available from 10am-noonish, 3-days per week, packaging newspapers to go out the door using our inserting machine/ labeler. Must be able to regularly lift 40 lbs. in a fast-paced environment. Pre-employment drug test required.