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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 27, 2019)
RECORDS East Oregonian Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office WARRANTS Saturday, July 27, 2019 Brian Larry Jenkins Age: 46 Sex: M Charge: Probation Violation (PV): Theft, criminal trespass No bail Last known location: Milton-Freewa- ter, OR NO PHOTO Marilyn R. Isom Age: 59 Sex: F Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Possession of methamphetamine Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Jose Luis Gutierrez Age: 42 Sex: M Charge: PV: Failure to appear Bail: $60,000 Last known location: Hermiston, OR Star Loray Hill Age: 46 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Failure to carry/pres- ent license, driving uninsured Bail: $3,000 Last known location: Unknown Ariel Humberto Lopez-Flores Age: 47 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Criminal trespass Bail: $50,000 Last known location: Umatilla, OR Eric Keith Griggs Age: 37 Sex: M Charge: PV: DUII, reckless driving, refusal to take intoxicant test No bail Last known location: Hermiston, OR NO PHOTO Kala Marie Jeanette Jones Age: 43 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Possession of methamphetamie Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Pilot Rock, OR Jason Bradley Phillips Age: 32 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to appear Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Guadalupe Perez Rubio Age: 56 Sex: M Charge: PV: DUII, reckless driving, recklessly endangering another No bail Last known location: Boardman, OR James Brown Walker Age: 74 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to appear Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Stanfield, OR Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at anytime. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541-966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. SUPPORT GROUPS SATURDAY, JULY 27 OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. Coffee is pro- vided. (Ed 541-207-2548) OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410- 5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410- 5953) VISION FOR YOU OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 420 S.W. Locust Road, Board- man. (Pat 541-215-2342 or 503-752-7459) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., United Church of Christ, 114 S. East St., Condon. (800-410- 5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7:30-8:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (Becky Hecker 541-571-0121) HEPPNER MIRACLES OPEN AA MEETING, 8 p.m., St. Pat- rick’s Catholic Church parish hall, 525 N. Gale St., Heppner. (800-410-5953) SUNDAY, JULY 28 HUNGRY SPIRIT OPEN AA MEETING, 8:30 a.m., Roosters Restaurant, 1515 Southgate, Pendleton. (800- 410-5953) HARPER ROAD AL-ANON, 10-11 a.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Suite 2, Hermiston. OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. Coffee is pro- vided. (Ed 541-207-2548) OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410- 5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410- 5953) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, 73265 Confederated Way, Mission. (800-410-5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7:30-8:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (Becky Hecker 541-571-0121) Saturday, July 27, 2019 PUBLIC SAFETY THURSDAY 3:38 a.m. — An aggressive dog com- plaint was called in to the Hermiston Police Department from Southwest 10th Place. 9:22 a.m. — Umatilla police visited sev- eral areas of town for code complaints, including residences on Jackson and John Day streets. 9:24 a.m. — Stanfield police investi- gated a white Ford Expedition parked along South Edwards and Feedville Roads with its emergency flashers on and no license plate. 10:07 a.m. — A resident of Stanfield RV Park, 355 S. Main St., flagged down a Stan- field officer to complain of the theft of lawn chairs. 10:40 a.m. — Hermiston police received a report of an armed person on West High- land Avenue and Southwest 11th Street. 11:04 a.m. — A couple driving on Interstate 84 near the Tower Road exit at Boardman drove into the median and hit a concrete pad being built to secure bar- rier cables. The vehicle rolled a number of times, according to Oregon State Police, and came to rest on its wheels. The driver, a 21-year-old man, was taken by air ambu- lance to Kadlec Medical Center in Richland for treatment, and questioning by state police on his release. A 21-year-old female passenger was treated at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Hermiston and released. The vehicle was towed from the scene. 12:01 p.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of an assault at Cobb Road and Highway 11 near Milton-Freewater. 12:39 p.m. — A Union Pacific Railroad train hit a cow on the railroad tracks near UPRR mile marker 190.5. The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Department made a note of the accident. 12:05 p.m. — Pendleton police received a theft report from a resident of South Hills Apartments, 248 S.W. 28th Drive. 1:22 p.m. — A person reported two cows possibly in distress in a field on Stan- field Meadows Road near Stanfield. The reporter told Stanfield police the cows were stuck in a mud hole in the field and could need assistance. A Umatilla County sheriff’s deputy took a report. 1:44 p.m. — Theft was reported to the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office from a resi- dence on North Townsend Road and Diag- onal Boulevard, Hermiston. 1:39 p.m. — A shoplifter was reported by employees at Walmart, 220 S.W. Court Ave. A second report of shoplifting came at 2:55 p.m. from Grocery Outlet, 1810 S.W. Court Ave. 4:32 p.m. — Employees at McNary Market & Deli, 205 Wilamette St., Uma- tilla, called Umatilla police when a woman causing a disturbance refused to leave the store. 5:10 p.m. — Pendleton police gave a warning to the owner of a Siberian husky, who left the dog in a Chevrolet Silverado with the windows rolled down a couple of inches in front of the Main Street Diner, 349 S. Main St. 5:46 p.m. — A resident of Southeast Sixth Street, Hermiston, reported the theft of a dirt bike sometime earlier in the day. Hermiston police took a theft report. 6:13 p.m. — Umatilla County sheriff’s deputies were called to Weston Middle School, 205 E. Wallace St., for a report of criminal mischief. Another report of crim- inal mischief came in at 6:19 p.m. from COURTS Sentences PENDLETON — The following sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: FELONY •Estevan Ramirez, 23, Pendleton (EOCI), pleaded guilty to Aggravated Harassment: sentenced to 10 months Oregon Dept. of Corrections (DOC), 2 years post-prison supervision and $200 fine. •Tracy Elizabeth Pas- santino (Boughn), 50, Falls City, Ore., pleaded guilty to two counts of Failure to Appear I: sentenced to 120 days Oregon DOC and 2 years post-prison supervi- sion for each count. •Dustin Kyle Winter- ton, 26, Pendleton, was convicted of Possession of Methamphetamine: sen- tenced to 18 months pro- bation, 90 sanction units, 30 maximum jail units, 80 hours community service and $3,000 fine-suspended. •Austin Ray Satterwhite, 21, Pendleton, pleaded guilty to Attempt to Commit Class B Felony: sentenced to 48 months Oregon DOC and 3 year post-prison supervi- sion; pleaded no contest to Unlawful Use of Weapon: sentence to discharge. •John Arthur Baxter, 30, of Umatilla, pleaded no con- test to Failure to Appear I: sentenced to 13 months Oregon DOC and 2 years post-prison supervision; pleaded no contest to Crim- inal Mischief II: sentence to discharge. •Raymundo Ruiz Romero, 28, Echo, pleaded guilty to Theft I: sentenced to 2 years probation, 90 sanction units, 30 maxi- mum jail units, 25 hours community service, $200 fine, $4,800 fine-suspended and $2,797.16 restitution, plus court costs and fees; pleaded guilty to Computer Crime and four counts of Identity Theft: sentenced to 18 months probation, 90 sanction units, 30 maximum jail units, 25 hours commu- nity service, $200 fine and $4,800 fine-suspended for each count. •Eric Ivan Sanchez, 31, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Coercion: sentenced to 3 years probation, 180 sanction units, 90 maxi- mum jail units, 100 hours community service, $200 fine and $4,800 fine-sus- pended; pleaded guilty to Assault IV: sentenced to 3 years probation, 180 sanc- tion units, 90 maximum jail units, $200 fine and $4,800 fine-suspended. Suits Filed PENDLETON — The following suits have been filed in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •AmeriCredit Financial Services Inc. vs. Jason and Christina Maddox of Herm- iston: seeks $4,488.30. •Capital One Bank vs. Tammy Austin of Pilot Rock: seeks $4,649.75. •Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Jenni Mitchell of Pendleton: seeks $6,565.19. Judgments PENDLETON — The following judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •Midland Funding LLC vs. Jason Epperson of Hermiston: judgment for $1,275.83. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Yerizal Hernandez of Hermiston: judgment for $1,070.53. •Capital One Bank vs. Catalino D. Santiago of Stanfield: judgment for $3,651.92. •United Finance Co. vs. Chance A. Habig of Pend- leton: judgment for $870.12. •Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Virginia Waggoner of Athena: judg- ment for $1,258.39. •Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Michelle Weber of Hermiston: judg- ment for $4,711.90. •Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Daisy G. Palomino of Umatilla: judgment for $1,825.54. •Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC vs. Bruce Doty of Hermiston: judg- ment for $1,795.73. •Capital One Bank vs. Brandon Cross of Hermis- ton: judgment for $4,306.46. •California Casualty Indemnity Exchange vs. Sharice Ella Quaempts: judgment for $2,290.28. The firm of Grable Hantke Law Group, LLC, offers a wealth of experience in a variety of specialties, as well as knowledgeable and dedicated staff. Our firm is committed to providing personal attention to each client. You Never Know What You’ll Find At A Collectors West Gun & Knife Show! We specialize in all aspects of family law. Our areas of practice include: dissolutions, legal separation, modifications, custody, parenting time, adoption, paternity, restraining orders, stalking orders, spousal support and child support. We also specialize in probate, estates, wills, guardianships and conservatorships. August 3 rd & 4 th Pendleton Convention Center 7t4BUBQ 4VOBQt*OGPDPMMFDUPSTXFTUDPN Weston City Hall. Warnings were given in both cases. And at 6:29 p.m., a sher- iff’s deputy investigated an alarm, also at Weston Middle School. 7:18 p.m. — A resident of South Main Street, Pendleton, called police to report someone had just broken out his car win- dow and rifled through his belongings. 7:53 p.m. — A car prowl was reported by a resident of Mansfield Road, Athena. 7:58 p.m. — A resident of Reed Road, Hermiston, reported the theft of a vehicle. A Umatilla County sheriff’s deputy took a report. 8:59 p.m. — Hermiston police received a theft complaint from a resident on West Juniper Avenue. 9:14 p.m. — Theft was reported from North Ott and East Loop roads, Hermiston. 10:27 p.m. — A woman looking at a car being advertised for sale on the Hermis- ton Marketplace Facebook page called the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Department an hour after meeting the seller at the parking lot of KIE Supply because she felt the situa- tion was suspicious. The car had no license plate and the reporter thought the vehicle might be stolen. 10:28 p.m. — Pendleton police responded to three domestic disturbance calls in a 35-minute span, at Pendleton Square Apartments, 300 S.W. 28th Drive, at Vista Village, 2801 S.W. Houtama Road, and at a residence on Southwest Riverside Drive. ARRESTS, CITATIONS Thursday •Pendleton police arrested Jessica Mary Anna Collins, 29, on a felony charge of possession of heroin and a misdemeanor shoplifting charge. tel: 541.276.1851 • fax: 541.276.3146 334 Southeast Second Street • P.O. Box 1760 Pendleton, Oregon 97801 •Credits Inc. vs. Glo- ria M. Agnew of Portland: judgment for $1,756.62. •Discover Bank vs. Jared T. Eckley of Umatilla: judg- ment for $5,846.07. •Credits Inc. vs. Michael Tester of Pilot Rock: judg- ment for $557.24. •Credits Inc. vs. Juanita Trujillo of Umatilla: judg- ment for $493.69. •U.S. Bank N.A. vs. Eloy Perez-Herrera of Mil- ton-Freewater: judgment for $6,259.30. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Raylena Cimmiyotti of Hermiston: judgment for $2,597.45. •Credits Inc. vs. Marie Agripino of Hermiston: judgment for $854.21. •Credits Inc. vs. Rob- ert L. Delcurto of Stanfield: judgment for $5,614.30. •Credits Inc. vs. Julian G. Lopez of Irrigon: judgment for $633.82. •Nationwide Recovery Service vs. Kirri A. Lively of Athena: judgment for $8,401.71. •Credits Inc. vs. Andrea Madrid Lezama of Hermis- ton: judgment for $1,174.38. •Credits Inc. vs. Alma Ortiz of Umatilla: judgment for $7,182.47. •Credits Inc. vs. Victoria Pankey of Umatilla: judg- ment for $512. •Credits Inc. vs. Steph- anie L. Spradlin (Evans) of Hermiston: judgment for $5,378.03. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Cheira Mendoza of Uma- tilla: judgment for $974.63. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Pamela Hawley of Weston: judgment for $2,602.90. •Columbia Credits INc. vs. Anneliese M. and James Hasty of Hermiston: judg- ment for $1,841.06. •Credits Inc. vs. Alma Ortiz of Umatilla: judgment for $7,182.47. Divorces PENDLETON — Divorce decrees were signed in Umatilla County Courts for: Anthony Aaron Smith- hart of Baker City and Tene- asa Rose Smithhart of Mil- ton-Freewater; Amanda Ellen Lowe Schachtschnei- der and Christopher Lee Schachtschneider of Pend- leton; Jessica Lynn Ben- sel and Christopher Allen Humphrey of Pendleton. Marriages PENDLETON — Mar- riage licenses have been registered in Umatilla County for: Jason Alf Johan Ander- son, 43, and Kari Starr Anderson, 38, both of Rear- dan, Wash. Cesar Cadenas Suarez, 22, and Thania Madrigal, 21, both of Hermiston. Fernando Barrera Madri- gal, 22, of Irrigon, and Maria Rosario Avila Ambriz, 22, of Hermiston. Benjamin Robert Por- ter, 23, and Sheenah Prim- itiva Schultz, 22, both of Pendleton. Joshua Robert Dickinson, 22, and Natani Rae Havens, 21, both of Pendleton. Cole Ryan Bassett, 20, of Pasco, Wash., and Rachel Marie Crofts, 21, of Vancou- ver, Wash. Sheehan Brooks Barn- hart, 28, of Kenne- wick, Wash., and Kelsey Renae Swearingen, 29, of Pendleton. Paciano Arroyo Corona, 30, and Zuleima Sarahi Silva Torres, 26, both of Umatilla. Dakota Scott James Lyons, 23, and Kyle LouAnn Davis, 22, both of Pilot Rock. Vahit Fletcher Galaev, 30, and Martina Robyn Jurado, 29, both of Hermiston. 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