A6 NATION East Oregonian Trump declares Mueller testimony a White House win President and his allies are seizing on testimony as a clear-cut victory KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM ROBERT MUELLER’S CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY By JONATHAN LEMIRE AND DARLENE SUPERVILLE Associated Press WASHINGTON — Believing a two-year shadow over the White House at last has been lifted, President Donald Trump seized on Rob- ert Mueller’s testimony before Congress on Wednesday as a clear-cut victory, mocking the former special counsel’s find- ings and performance. After claiming in advance that he might not watch the day’s proceedings, Trump blasted “the phony cloud” created by the investiga- tion and declared “there was no defense to this ridiculous hoax, this witch hunt.” “This has been a very bad thing for our country,” Trump told reporters upon leaving the White House shortly after Mueller concluded his testi- mony. He declared that it was an “embarrassment and waste of time.” Trump tweeted and retweeted more than two dozen times during Mueller’s testimony about his investi- gation into the president and the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. As it ended, Trump tweeted: “TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE!” And, like some of his most visible surrogates including his eldest son, Trump fixated on Mueller’s performance, noting his lack of familiar- ity with some aspects of the investigation and accusing him of playing favorites. “The performance was obviously not very good. He had a lot of problems,” Trump said. “This was a devastating day for Democrats.” Even as the testimony was still underway, Republicans took a victory lap. Rudy Giuliani, blasted Mueller’s frequent stum- bles and calls for questions to be repeated, tweeting that the former FBI director was “being destroyed on credibil- ity, knowledge, competence and numerous ‘ahs,’ pauses and excuses like ‘beyond my purview.’” Mueller’s nationally tele- vised appearance on Capitol Hill was long anticipated as a potential inflection point for the presidency, one that could galvanize more House Demo- crats toward impeachment or help dispel the investigatory cloud that has shadowed the White House for more than two years. Ever mindful of the need to spin powerful tele- vised images, Trump and his fellow Republicans unleashed a barrage of tweets and state- ments that continued a pattern of attacks in which Trump has made baseless claims about Mueller’s probe and its findings. Before Mueller even took his seat to testify, the presi- dent had tweeted nine times AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media at the White House in Washington on Wednesday as he departs for a short trip to Andrews Air Force Base, Md., and onto Wheeling, W.Va., for a fundraiser. about the investigation, mak- ing clear that he had his mind focused squarely on the pro- ceedings unfolding at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. “So Democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very inno- cent President, and when he fights back against this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country, they call It Obstruc- tion?” Trump wrote in one early tweet. “Wrong! Why didn’t Robert Mueller investi- gate the investigators?” In fact, the Mueller report did not declare there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Nor did the special counsel’s report exonerate Trump on the ques- tion of whether he obstructed justice. Trump also revived a base- less charge that Mueller was “highly conflicted.” Mueller, a longtime Republican, was cleared by the Justice Depart- ment’s ethics experts to lead the Russia investigation. Trump over the last week had been speculating with confidants about how the hearings would go. And while he expressed no worry that Mueller would reveal any- thing damaging, Trump was irritated that the former spe- cial counsel was being given the national stage, according to two Republicans close to the White House. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not autho- rized to speak publicly about private conversations. Wary of Americans being captivated by finally hear- ing Mueller speak at length, Trump seethed to one adviser that he was annoyed Demo- crats would be given a tool to ramp up their investigations — and that cable networks would have new footage of Mueller to play on loop. Though the probe did not result in charges of criminal conspiracy or obstruction, there has been growing con- cern among those close to the president that Mueller’s appearance could push unde- cided or reluctant Democrats toward impeachment. The president had a light schedule Wednesday morn- ing and afternoon during Mueller’s testimony. He headed to West Virginia later in the day for a closed eve- ning fundraiser. WASHINGTON — Robert Mueller refused to play the part. Not for Republicans and not for Democrats. In back-to-back hearings before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, the former special coun- sel in the investigation of Russian interference into the 2016 presidential elections largely honored his pledge to stick to his 448-page report . He often answered questions in a single word. Republicans tried to get Mueller to spell out the findings that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove any criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Democrats pressed him to expand on the conclusion in his report that he could not exonerate President Donald Trump on possible charges of obstruction of justice. But Mueller left both sides wanting. Some key takeaways from his testimony: MUELLER WOULDN’T BE A MOUTHPIECE Mueller wouldn’t even read from his own report. That made it challenging for Democrats who called him in hopes that the sheer force of hearing him say the words on television would be more powerful to many Americans than the written form. But Mueller demurred, and Democrats had to read his words for him. Similarly, Mueller wouldn’t answer specifically when Republi- cans repeatedly tried to question him about the origins of the Russia investigation, the use of secret surveillance warrants. Mueller would only speak generally about Peter Strozk, a former FBI agent on his team who helped lead the investigation and exchanged anti-Trump text messages during the 2016 election with ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Mueller left it to the partisans to do the parsing. RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IS STILL HAPPENING Mueller was, for him anyway, far more expansive when he was asked about Russia’s interference in U.S. elections. He also condemned Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that released material stolen from Democratic groups, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “Problematic is an understatement,” he said. U.S. intelligence agencies and Mueller’s investigation deter- mined Russian government entities were responsible for the hack and furnished the embarrassing correspondence to WikiLeaks in order to support Trump’s bid for the presidency. Authorities also found Russia engaged in an organized social media effort to sow discord among American voters. Mueller warned that what Russia did in 2016 was not a “single attempt.” “They’re doing it as we sit here,” he told lawmakers. INDICTING THE PRESIDENT WAS NEVER AN OPTION During his testimony, Mueller made clear that his team never considered charging the president with a crime because of Justice Department guidelines. Mueller, in his testimony Wednesday morning to the House Judi- ciary Committee, seemed to agree that he would have charged Trump with obstruction of justice had it not been for depart- ment guidance that a president cannot be indicted. Democrats seized on that answer, but Mueller then said, “That is not the correct way to say it.” Mueller later said his team “did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.” ”IT IS NOT A WITCH HUNT” Mueller swung back at the characterization made hundreds of times by Trump that the Russia investigation that shadowed his presidency was a “rigged witch hunt.” “It is not a witch hunt,” Mueller testified. Asked what he wanted the American public to take from his report, Mueller said: “We spent substantial time ensuring the integrity of the report.” One of the only other times Mueller pushed back on lawmakers during hours of questioning was to offer a spirited defense of the investigation. “I don’t think you all reviewed a report that is as thorough, as fair, as consistent as the report that we have in front of us,” Mueller said. Mueller said his nearly two-year investigation was conducted in a “fair and independent manner.” He also repeatedly praised the prosecutors, FBI agents and analysts who worked on his team, saying they were “of the highest integrity” and were “absolutely exemplary.” IMPEACHMENT REMAINS UNLIKELY Mueller’s testimony likely did little to change many minds in Congress on impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Ca- lif., has made clear she will not pursue impeachment, for now. Mueller wouldn’t take the bait as Democrats asked whether he meant for his report to serve as a referral to Congress to consider impeaching the president. He even seemed to make strides to not even say the word. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, asked Mueller about a mention in Mueller’s report about “constitutional processes for address- ing presidential misconduct.” Mueller refused to answer when asked specifically whether one of those was impeachment. — Associated Press Thursday, July 25, 2019 Border Patrol chief says she told of being in Facebook group By ASTRID GALVAN Associated Press PHOENIX — The head of the U.S. Border Patrol said Wednesday that she joined a Facebook group whose members mocked migrants and lawmakers so she could read what her personnel thought about her, and said she knew little about the group. Chief Carla Provost said during a congressio- nal subcommittee hear- ing in Washington that she logged on to Facebook very rarely and that she imme- diately reported her mem- bership in the group to an oversight division of U.S. Customs and Border Pro- tection after she realized she was a member. Provost earlier this month had issued a state- ment condemning the posts without saying that she was a member. Sixty-two current and eight former Border Patrol employees are being inves- tigated for their role in the “I’m 10-15” Facebook group, where agents ques- tioned the authenticity of images of a migrant father and child dead in a river. They also posted crude and doctored images of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cor- tez purporting to perform a sex act on President Donald Trump. Reports later revealed Provost was a member of the group, although she did not confirm those reports until her congressional testimony. She said during the hear- ing that she handed over her login and password to Cus- toms and Border Protec- tion’s Office of Professional Responsibility, adding that she very rarely used her Facebook account and only did so to stay in touch with friends and colleagues who live out of town. Provost said she once commented in the group on a post about a question from the TV show “Jeopardy” because her agents were talking about her in that post, Provost said. She was the subject of the “Jeopardy” question. “I didn’t even know at the time what group I was on,” she said. Provost said she joined the secret group in 2017 at the invitation of a col- league who told her agents were discussing her perfor- mance in her role at the time of acting chief. She said she would search her name in Facebook and read posts about herself without notic- ing whether the posts were in any specific group. Wind shifts huge wildfire away from nuke facilities in Idaho By REBECCA BOONE AND FELICIA FONSECA Associated Press BOISE, Idaho — The largest wildfire at the nation’s primary nuclear research facility in recent history had been burning close to buildings contain- ing nuclear fuel and other radioactive material but a change in wind direction Wednesday was pushing the flames into open range at the sprawling site in Idaho, offi- cials said. The lightning-caused fire at the Idaho National Lab- oratory is one of several across the U.S. West. Before the wind shifted, the Idaho blaze got close to several lab facilities, includ- ing one where high-level radioactive materials are studied and another holding a nuclear reactor, spokes- woman Kerry Martin said. She said she didn’t know how close the flames got to those buildings. The lab has several safety measures for wildfires that often ignite in southeastern Idaho’s desert rangeland, including clearing ground around each building and having several specially trained fire crews stationed around the site that’s nearly the size of Rhode Island. “It’s not our first rodeo,” Martin said. “We have fire stations, a lot of fire equip- ment, we have trained fire- fighters and equipment to cut barriers.” The wildfire that ignited Monday is estimated to have burned about 172 square miles. Non-essential labo- ratory employees have been evacuated. The nuclear research site includes reactors and research materials, as well as facilities for processing high-level nuclear waste and other radioactive waste. Meanwhile, rain in a for- ested Arizona city helped firefighters battle a wildfire that has raged for days in a scenic mountain pass but was raising the risk of flood- ing, officials said. Up to 1 inch of rain allowed crews to directly attack the fire, extinguish flames and build contain- ment lines in an area where nearly 3 square miles have burned since Sunday, said fire management team spokesman Steve Kliest. Forecasters warned of possible flooding in Flag- staff neighborhoods with aging drainage systems below the fire. Thunder- storms Wednesday and Thursday were expected to drench fire-scarred areas of the Coconino National For- est surrounding the city, a popular mountain getaway in the largest ponderosa pine forest in the U.S. The EO’s Biggest Special Publication of the Year COMING September 4th, 2019 Trust your advertising dollar to a company that has been in the publishing business for more than a century. • • • • • • Proven Distribution network of 20,000 magazines Distributed in the East Oregonian, Hermiston Herald, Wallowa County Chieftain, Blue Mountain Eagle, La Grande Observer and Baker City Herald. 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