A4 VIEWPOINTS East Oregonian CHRISTOPHER RUSH Publisher KATHRYN B. BROWN Owner ANDREW CUTLER Editor Saturday, July 13, 2019 WYATT HAUPT JR. News Editor JADE McDOWELL Hermiston Editor Founded October 16, 1875 OUR VIEW Tip of the Hat, kick in the pants t would be difficult to find a bet- ter example of the wise use of taxpayer dollars than the nearly complete new Pendleton Fire Station project. About two years ago local voters approved $9 million in funding for the new fire station and it looks like the project will be completed on time and — most importantly — under budget. That’s says a lot for the project contractors, officials and elected leaders who steered the venture. It shows that the proper use of taxpayer dollars was a high priority. The project is one of those neces- sary items every community even- tually must address. Emergency ser- vice projects are never cheap but they are essential. This time voters can be assured that their decision to fork over $9 I million was the right choice, and more importantly, that their money was used in a wise fashion. The contentious Oregon Leg- islative session may be over but a kick in the pants to those who are ensuring the the fallout from its end isn’t over. Senate leaders are preparing to fine Republicans for their eight-day walkout. The fines — up to $3,500 — could be sent out soon. There is nothing illegal about the move but it smacks of retaliation. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Sending fines to Republicans lawmakers who walked out will create even more strife and leave a sour taste for vot- ers from a session that is already rife with instability. A tip of the hat to the Eastern Oregon Women’s Coalition for sponsoring its first economic summit July 26 at Hermiston High School. Staff photo by Ben Lonergan Apparatus bays near completion as the work on Pendleton’s new Fire Station One wraps up. The effort is designed to spark dis- cussion about challenges rural Ore- gon faces — especially regarding its economy — and will attract some big names such as U.S. Rep. Greg Walden. Efforts like the economic summit are crucial for our region and provide a viable platform for building a strong future. A tip of the hat to those who are doing their part to make sure this summer is fire free. There haven’t been many forest fires — yet — this summer but one statistic should give all of us pause. Too many range and forest fires are still ignited through human error and negligence. All of us, as we recreate this summer, need to remember to use caution — espe- cially when the fire danger is high — and be aware that our actions could lead to serious damage to the places we love. Following guidelines on fire and camp safety and paying attention will go a long way toward slashing fires that can cost millions and put lives at risk. OTHER VIEWS Another state green program flounders frustrated about this? Willamette Week quoted Jeff Allen, executive tate government is once again director of Forth, an electric vehi- supplying just what residents cle advocacy group. One thing Wil- lamette Week‘s excellent article did have come to expect from state programs devised to make Ore- not mention is that Forth is actually, in part, a front for electrical utilities, gon green: failure. The Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate chargers for electric cars and electric Program was set up to subsidize the car manufacturers. Small wonder they are so passionate about grab- purchase of electric cars for Orego- bing those tax dollars. nians. Low and moderate income The Legislature has shown a real Oregonians can get the most — up thirst to create programs to encour- to $2,500 toward a purchase. If you are curious if you could qualify, low age Oregonians to get more green. and moderate income is defined as It was one of the big promises built less than 120% of area into the proposed car- median income for the bon tax, House Bill household size. For the that died this “THE STATE HAS 2020, Bend-Redmond area past session. But the RECEIVED 4,004 problem-plagued Ore- that is $91,800 for a family of four. APPLICATIONS gon Clean Vehicle Guess how many FOR ELECTRIC Rebate Program isn’t applications the state the first time such pro- VEHICLE has processed for peo- grams have floundered. ple of low and moder- REBATES” The most spectacular ate income. example is the BETC, Zero. That’s since the Business Energy the program launched Tax Credit. It was just about two years ago. as well-intentioned — aimed at giv- “The state has received 4,004 ing tax breaks for green energy proj- applications for electric vehicle ects. It was abused and exploded rebates,” according to the Willa- into a mess. A New Mexico truck- mette Week. “It has processed lit- tle over half of them. It has received ing company used it to try to collect millions in Oregon tax credits by 581 applications from low-income registering trucks in Oregon, with- car buyers. It has processed none.” out really driving much in Oregon. It’s unfair to put all the blame on A second example has been Ore- the state. AAA sued, arguing that gon’s Clean Fuels Program. Fuel under Oregon law the money raised producers blocked public disclosure from a 0.5% tax on new cars had of important information about how to be used toward road repairs. The the program really works. program was put on hold until that So when legislators come back case was resolved. But the state also next year bursting with promises doesn’t have enough resources to about how it will work, there are even run the program. plenty of reasons not to believe them. You know who is particularly Bend Bulletin S YOUR VIEWS Street paving projects long overdue This letter is directed at those who think the choice of street paving projects is wrong. Larry Platek, I can’t speak to Northwest Sev- enth or Eighth, but I can sure speak about Southeast Byers. If you have driven down that street lately you will no longer be able to play dodge the potholes because there are far too many to be able to dodge them. I live between 11th and 12th off Southeast Byers and I drive that street at least twice a day and frankly I’ll walk to town before I’ll drive if I’m just going to the post office or to get a haircut, etc., because of the street con- ditions. Southeast Byers is a main avenue of travel for parents taking their chil- dren to school and for the school buses, and it is now so full of potholes that it is not safe. I am so glad that after 10 years of bitching it will finally get paved; that you don’t know. As for Bob’s and Rob’s streets, I would surmise that they are in similar conditions or they wouldn’t be scheduled to be paved. Barbara Ann Wright Pendleton Trump should walk the talk about disrespecting the country The latest dust-up over Megan Rapinoe and the lin- gering flap over the Colin Kaepernick issue of disre- specting the flag beg the question: How can the false patriots in this country totally absolve Trump for his past incidents of same? Hiding behind mommy’s skirt and daddy’s money and a phony medical reason to avoid military service during the Vietnam War is leaps and bounds more shameful and disrespectful than the actions of the two people he seeks to demean. Let’s not forget his end- less disrespect of the late Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. Sen. John McCain and all service members that happened to be captured during hostilities while in the uniform Trump was too scared to wear. Our pres- ident is a shameless cow- ard. Bone spurs don’t go away on their own; let’s see X-rays and/or scars of this no doubt phony medical condition. He continuously bad- gered Obama for his birth certificate — let’s have an in-depth investigation into his past medical records concerning this rich kid’s excuse for not serving. A stable genius? He’s threat- ened to sue any school that he attended if they released his grades. A brilliant busi- nessman? He won’t release his taxes, fearful that the truth will come out about his lack of business acu- men. The king of debt he called himself. If he has any good qual- ities, he should finally dis- play them — although I’m sure he’s not capable of the humility required for that small task. David Gracia Hermiston The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to the editor to editor@eastoregonian.com, or via mail to Andrew Cutler, 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801