A4 East Oregonian Thursday, July 11, 2019 CHRISTOPHER RUSH Publisher KATHRYN B. BROWN Owner ANDREW CUTLER Editor WYATT HAUPT JR. News Editor JADE McDOWELL Hermiston Editor Founded October 16, 1875 OUR VIEW A fine recipe for disaster N ot many will admit it, but the fact is a lot of us text while we are behind the wheel. And many more talk on the phone while driving. Both of those by now ingrained hab- its for most of us will be under the spotlight, thanks to a Distracted Driv- ing Enforcement Grant the Hermiston Police Department recently received through Oregon Impact, a nonprofit that advocates against impaired and dis- tracted driving. The $4,000 grant is the first of its kind received by the HPD, which also pursues grants supporting high visibil- ity and DUII enforcement. And, according to the numbers, it’s a grant that can be put to good use. According to the Oregon Depart- ment of Transportation, there are four types of distracted driving — visual, auditory, manual, and cognitive. One of the most prominent behaviors, which can involve all four types of distracted driving, is cellphone use. Between 2013 and 2017, 20 people in Oregon died and more than 1,500 have been injured due to crashes involving cellphone use behind the wheel. This EO Media Group File Photo According to the Oregon Department of Transportation, there are four types of distracted driving — visual, auditory, manual, and cognitive. One of the most prominent behaviors, which can involve all four types of distracted driving, is cellphone use. includes 158 people who were injured while in the car with a driver between the ages of 16 and 18, who was using a cellphone at the time of an accident. Those numbers are up from a sim- ilar ODOT report from 2011 and 2015 where drivers using cellphones caused 917 crashes that killed 14 people and inflicted 1,330 injuries. The number of crashes in the city of Hermiston has increased 10% the past five years as the city’s population has expanded from over 17,340 to 18,200 people. Those are eye-opening numbers. Especially when the event that triggered the crashes — cellphone use — could be easily avoided. The fact is even one crash that injures or kills an Oregonian is one crash too many. “There’s a significant difference between talking on a cellphone and tex- ting on a cellphone,” said Hermiston Police Department Chief Jason Edmis- ton. “There may be some sort of justi- fication for someone talking on a cell- phone. Texting on a cellphone, there’s no rhyme or reason. Pull over if it’s that important.” Cellphones have changed our cul- ture. And they are a useful, handy tool most of us count on. Yet their very use- fulness has lulled drivers into a sense of apathy regarding just how dangerous it is to utilize them behind the wheel. For a car accident to occur, it takes only a few seconds, usually far too fast for the driver to react to avoid a collision. Add that fact to the distraction of talking on the phone — or worse, texting — and a fine recipe for disaster is in play. Let’s face it, we all have spent time talking on the phone and texting while driving, and for the most part we get away with it. Usually. But not always. OTHER VIEWS District voters get final say on Boquist Corvallis Gazette-Times P YOUR VIEWS Robocall legislation overlooked in town hall coverage A recent news article in the East Orego- nian about Congressman Walden’s town hall in Athena made it appear that it was full of disagreement and strife. In reality, the town hall was friendly and welcoming just like the people of Umatilla County. The town hall focused on support for Walden’s efforts toward forest management reform done in a way that can reduce the chances of wildfires and thereby also reducing carbon emissions. Rather, the news article fixated on one man’s question about the Green New Deal, which is a piece of extreme and costly legislation that will only hurt people in Umatilla County. Congressman Walden has been both a great friend and supporter of people living in rural Oregon and it is a shame that this article did not reflect that point. I attended Congressman Walden’s town hall event on June 30 and wanted to high- light an important topic to me that your recent news article conveniently glossed over. It seems like every day I get an automated call requesting my personal or financial infor- mation. Not only do these calls annoy me by interrupting my day, but their access to my personal phone number feels invasive. I was pleased to hear that Walden has taken action on this issue in Washington. He is currently championing legislation to stop these robocalls from scamming Oregonians and pestering us constantly. I appreciate him addressing issues like this that affect Oregonians like myself every day. It’s how he’s earned my support. Suni Danforth Milton-Freewater Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. Balance needed when reporting on Walden When I read your recent article on Con- gressman Greg Walden’s town hall in Athena, I wondered at such a different experience that reporter had from mine. I was so impressed with Congressman Walden’s thorough knowledge of every sub- ject that came up, whether the border crisis (which he has personally visited) to the opioid crisis, to the forests. He advocates for improved forest manage- ment for reduction of wildfires and the tons of carbon and pollution they emit, when an actively managed forest is an agent to seques- ter carbon rather than emitting it like our cur- rent neglected forest lands. We should be getting good paying jobs for rural communi- ties, whereas the Green New Deal the East Oregonian seems to support will do just the opposite. I was very interested when he mentioned research developed at OSU in use in Idaho of advanced nuclear energy with modular reac- tors, no emissions, plus new developments in hydropower when you need it in the amount you need. One commented on a desire for Congress to work together. Congressman Walden men- tioned all the many bills passed with bipar- tisan support, but he said the media is not interested in that, they only report on any con- troversy. The EO fell right in line, ignoring a mostly supportive group for a rude dissenter. Congressman Walden won Umatilla County by a 2:1 margin; it would be nice if the local paper would report on the many sup- portive comments and not refer to the meeting as “testy.” Balance in reporting was missing. Granella Thompson Weston erhaps the action taken by the Senate Special Committee on Conduct against state Sen. Brian Boquist is meant only as a placeholder until an investigation into his threats against Senate President Peter Court- ney and Oregon State Police troopers is finished. In an extraordinary session held on Monday, the four senators on the committee decided against barring Boquist from the state Capitol until the investigation is complete; that might take a couple of months. But the senators, two Democrats and two Republicans, eventually told Boquist that he can only report to the Cap- itol if he provides 12 hours’ notice. The extra time allows officials to arrange for additional state troopers to ensure the safety of employees and the public. When the full investigation is over, the Senate then can decide what sanc- tions, if any, should be taken against Boquist: It could vote to expel him, but that would require a two-thirds vote of the Senate, and no senator ever has been expelled. It could elect to censure him — essentially pub- licly condemning his actions — but that hasn’t happened since 1971. In any event, judging by Monday’s hear- ing, there doesn’t seem to be much appetite among the committee mem- bers for taking strong action against Boquist. So a final judgment on Boquist may well rest among the voters in his Senate District 12, a mid-valley district that includes rural portions of Benton County north and south of Corvallis. But even assuming he files for re-election in 2020, chance are he would be a heavy favorite: In his three races for the Senate, he has never drawn less than 60 percent of the vote in general elections. As you know, Boquist is in trou- ble because of his reprehensible com- ments made just before Senate Repub- licans walked out of the Capitol for a second time in this year’s session. Their goal was to prevent the Sen- ate from achieving a quorum, which requires 20 of its 30 members. With- out a quorum, the Before the sec- ond walkout, Gov. Kate Brown hinted that she would consider sending Ore- gon State Police troopers to round up Republicans if they walked out. Boquist didn’t care for that: On the floor of the Senate on June 19, he told Senate President Courtney that “if you send the state police to get me, hell is coming to visit you personally.” Later that day, Boquist told report- ers for a Portland TV station that any troopers summoned to bring him back to the Capitol needed to be “bach- elors” and should “come heavily armed.” Boquist has not taken back the statements, although he has apolo- gized to Courtney. Some of Boquist’s defenders have said that his statements were meant as hyperbole and were rashly made in the heat of the moment. That may be. But it doesn’t matter: These are not statements that a responsible elected official should make. And consider this: If a student at a university or school campus or a worker in a pri- vate business made similar statements on social media, they’d prompt imme- diate attention from authorities. They are not the sort of statements that can be blithely ignored, especially in today’s world. In fact, Brenda Baumgart, an out- side lawyer hired to investigate the matter, determined that Boquist’s statements “constitute credible threats of violence directed at the senate pres- ident and Oregon state police.” She also found that the threats violated the Legislature’s rule against workplace harassment. She urged the committee to ban Boquist from the Capitol until her investigation was finished, advice that the committee did not follow. The finished investigation may change some minds, but at this point we’d be surprised if Boquist faced tough sanctions from the Senate, although we think censure is war- ranted. But it may fall to the voters to issue a final verdict. The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to the editor to editor@eastoregonian.com, or via mail to Andrew Cutler, 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801