East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page C5, Image 21

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Saturday, July 6, 2019
East Oregonian
Woman hesitates to go all in on a promising relationship
Dear Abby: I just started
normal to have the urge to flee
dating an amazing guy. He is
something amazing because
sweet, funny and handsome, but
I don’t want to lose the ability
I don’t feel as strongly for him as
to have total freedom? Or am I
he does for me. Maybe it’s too
scared of commitment? Life is
early in the relationship for me
complicated; I am complicated.
to be worried about feelings, or
— Unsure in the South
J eanne
P hilliPs
maybe as much as I want to have
Dear Unsure: From where I
deep feelings for him, I don’t.
sit, you do not appear to be ready
Lately, I have been tempted
to settle down. Also, you have
to cheat. That sounds awful, I know,
“just started” dating this amazing man.
but for some reason, I feel it’s my last
Unless he starts pushing you to have
chance before things start getting really
an exclusive relationship, you would be
serious with this guy. I want so badly
wise to give it more time and see how
to have this amazing relationship with
things play out. Whatever it is that is
him. It really feels like I could grow
holding you back will become apparent
old with him, and I’d be OK with it.
if you proceed slowly.
Or maybe I want a lifelong partner so
Dear Abby: My mother-in-law
badly that I’m forcing myself to keep
manipulates my husband into lying to
seeing this guy. He’s basically every-
me and going behind my back. She is
thing I’ve ever hoped for, and yet I’m
hard on him if he doesn’t return her
hesitating, unwilling to give up being
calls promptly, to the point of calling
single and having freedom.
the police and having them come to
Is it normal to feel this way? Is it
our home to “make sure his wife hasn’t
done anything to him.”
My husband and I feel her demands
are destructive to our marriage. Last
Thanksgiving was the first time he
chose to spend the holiday with me
and didn’t see his family. It caused an
uproar, and now she’s giving him the
cold shoulder and threatening to leave
him out of the will. Help! — In-Law
Blues in Texas
Dear Blues: Your husband should
not have had to choose between spend-
ing Thanksgiving with his wife or his
family. There must be a lot more going
on in addition to what you have put in
your letter.
Be smart. The two of you should talk
about this with a licensed marriage and
family therapist who can help your hus-
band find ways to cope with his moth-
er’s emotional blackmail and threats to
disinherit him. Her need to control her
son is sick and, I agree, destructive to
your marriage. Please don’t wait.
100 Years Ago
From the East Oregonian
July 6-7, 1919
The heavy wind and dust storm of Saturday afternoon and
evening prevented Lieut. J.M. Fetters, army aviator, from reach-
ing Pendleton in time to give an exhibition flight that evening
and he did not arrive until 12:15 Sunday. After circling about
the city to get his bearings on the landing field, he descended
and spent the afternoon and night here. At 7 this morning the
lieutenant, with his mechanic, Sergeant Owen Kissel, took to
the air headed for their home station, Mather Field, Califor-
nia. Their first stop was to be at Arlington, another stop was
planned for The Dalles and Portland was to be reached early
in the afternoon. They will reach Sacramento tomorrow.
50 Years Ago
From the East Oregonian
July 6-7, 1969
Wayne Scott Brown, 21, Hermiston, was listed in extremely
critical, but stable condition this morning at Pendleton Com-
munity Hospital following a one-car accident early Saturday
night near Hermiston. Extent of his injuries has not been deter-
mined, but reports indicate a possible leg fracture. Brown was
westbound on Highway 207 (Diagonal Road) when his car hit
the shoulder of the road, went into the barrow pit, rolled over
several times and slammed into a power pole. The auto also took
out approximately 40 feet of fence and came to rest on its top.
25 Years Ago
From the East Oregonian
July 6-7, 1994
Darla Crespin was pregnant with Joe Perez’s baby on the
day he was shot to death in a downtown Hermiston parking
lot. That was one of the revelations defense attorney Ken Mor-
row made during a preliminary hearing Tuesday on behalf
of his client John R. Crespin Jr., 46, who is accused of mur-
dering Perez, 36. Morrow was unsuccessful in convincing
Judge Warner Wasley that Crespin was acting under extreme
emotional distress when he killed Joe Perez on the afternoon
of June 5. Morrow wanted the charge of murder reduced to
manslaughter because of Crespin’s emotional state at the time
of the shooting so he could be released from jail, where he is
being held without bail. Wasley rejected Morrow’s argument
and upheld the charge of murder.
On July 6, 1885, French
scientist Louis Pasteur tested
an anti-rabies vaccine on
9-year-old Joseph Meister,
who had been bitten by an
infected dog; the boy did not
develop rabies.
In 1535, Sir Thomas More
was executed in England for
high treason.
In 1942, Anne Frank, her
parents and sister entered a
“secret annex” in an Amster-
dam building where they were
later joined by four other peo-
ple; they hid from Nazi occu-
piers for two years before
being discovered and arrested.
In 1964, the movie “A
Hard Day’s Night,” starring
The Beatles, had its world
premiere in London.
In 1971, jazz trumpeter
and singer Louis Armstrong
died in New York at age 69.
In 1994, 14 firefighters
were killed while battling
a several-days-old blaze on
Storm King Mountain in
Thought for Today:
“Freedom is always and exclu-
sively freedom for the one who
thinks differently.” — Rosa
Luxemburg, Polish-German
revolutionary (1871-1919).
Universal Crossword
Edited by David Steinberg July 6, 2019
1 Traffic frustrations
5 Begot
10 Vegas calculation
14 River to the Caspian
15 “I believe” statement
16 Round dance
17 Golf tournament for
the 50+
19 Wingtip-to-wingtip
20 Levy system
21 IRA, perhaps
23 Applied, as icing
25 Pair
26 Extremely spicy chilis
33 Fusses
34 Neutral, for one
35 Without delay
36 Got muddy
40 Topped with a scoop
42 French for “born”
43 Tinted
45 “Just joshin’!”
46 Source of a puddle
jumper’s thrust
51 Speedometer fig.
52 Prophet swallowed by
a big fish
53 Pressurized spray type
57 Kauai cocktails
61 Croat or Pole
62 Certain cavern crosser,
or what crosses a
word break in 17-, 26-
or 46-Across
64 Italian bubbly
65 “Show me your cards!”
66 Aslan, e.g.
67 2020 candidate
68 Fashion brand whose
letters are in “clothes”
69 Doghouse site
1 Fair
Field of study
Tailless cat
Go unnoticed
One removing wrinkles
Sales caller
Blissful place in the
Signed agreement
“You’re making me
Competed on “The
Ken of “thirtysomething”
Toyota model
reintroduced in 2019
Basenji or beagle
“I ___ considered that”
It’s bid upon departure
Tool such as a drill
Pod item
Miso soup mushroom
“IN SUSPENSE” By Jeff Eddings
sudoku answers
31 Influential French
32 One may call
Stockholm home
37 Stack restaurants
38 On cloud nine
39 Deutsch article
41 With fierceness
44 The FBI is part of it
47 Campy fare
48 Large citrus
49 Make possible
50 Hair-loss product?
53 “Right away!”
54 Otherwise
55 “Infestation” heavy
metal band
56 Highlands lake
58 1998 Sarah
McLachlan hit
59 Composer Stravinsky
60 Email button
63 Patrick, to