real talk Best served hot Khloé Kardashian returns for another round of ‘Revenge Body’ By Breanna Henry TV Media Best served hot: When it feels like the whole world is against you, fast food and ice cream will always be there for comfort. Sure, pizza is good, but on Sunday, July 7, Khloé Kar- dashian returns to E! for a third round to prove revenge tastes a whole lot better. There have been loads of makeover reality shows over the years, but “Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian” attempts to break away from the pack by harnessing the negative feel- ings of its participants to give them drive. “Doing it for you” might work for some people, but doesn’t having the chance to shove your newfound sex appeal and confidence right in the face of everyone who doubted you seem like way more fun? Khloé thinks so. “Revenge Body” trans- formations are about the outside and the inside — they give people the tools to take control of their lives and the oh so deli- cious opportunity to confront those who didn’t believe in them. This Kardashian sister is no stranger to the method she preaches, either. After her divorce from basket- ball player Lamar Odom, Khloé worked hard to meet her own weight and confidence goals, telling the media: “It’s a revenge body, but it’s just as much for all my critics who called me ‘the fat one’ for my en- tire existence.” Like the rest of her (in) famous family, Khloé has nearly limitless resources 20 | Screentime at her disposal. From personal trainers to stylists to therapists, she’s getting the best and sharing them all with her contestants. Now entering its third season, the show has already helped people with a whole lot more than just weight loss. A man whose traumatic child- hood led to the creation of a lying alter-ego, a military man who lost his job and identity after a tragic accident, and a woman afraid to break her family’s hearts by telling them about her fiancé’s cheating were all given the mo- tivation and support to change their lifestyles for the better. “Revenge Body” partici- pants get to look great, feel amazing, stand in front of their haters and stick out their tongues righteously (seriously, people do that). After the grueling training and hardcore dieting these peo- ple push through while on the show, I say they deserve a good old- fashioned “nya-nya” at the very least. The new season attempts to break even more ground by featuring a man who struggles to gain weight rather than lose it. Combine the incredible transforma- tions in these peoples’ lives with the fact that “Revenge Body” is one of the few shows on televi- sion produced almost ex- clusively by women, and you can see why “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” might be gaining a whole new meaning. The new season premieres Sunday, July 7, on E! Who do you love?: After 38 seasons on CBS, Khloé Kardashian hosts “Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian” July 3, 2019 | East Oregonian and Hermiston Herald “Survivor” just isn’t sexy any- more. What’s up with all the focus on personality and whole- some family fun lately? Bring back the bikini babes, shirtless hunks and green-tinted night- vision hookups! If you’re in need of a heaping helping of the real reasons people watch reality TV, you won’t want to miss the premiere of “Love Island,” airing Tuesday, July 9, on CBS. OK, so it’s not technically a new show. “Love Island” is based on a British series of the same name that has been running since 2015 and is main- taining a level of popularity almost unheard of in television these days. In this survival reality show, a group of young, ridiculously attractive, ready- to-mingle singles moves to a gorgeous tropical island villa loaded with expensive alcohol and the most luxurious ameni- ties you can imagine. Then they attempt to survive. Remaining on “Love Island” is only difficult if your personal- ity leaves something to be de- sired, but reality TV would never cast someone unlikable, right? In this series, it’s the viewer who chooses who gets voted off the island and which couple takes home the prize in the end. That’s right, the “Islanders,” as they are referred to, absolutely must be part of a couple. If you get dumped while on “Love Island,” you’re out, which might seem simple when there are only six women and six men living in the villa, but what about when brand new hotties are moving in nearly every night? Some people hook up for love, as the show’s title suggests, and others get together for strategy, which the drama-loving viewers are secretly hoping for. Hookups, catfights, drunken shenanigans, betrayals and some absolutely wild chal- lenges are what “Love Island” is designed for, and at the end of it all, the winning couple has to decide, separately, whether to split the prize money or steal it all for themselves. Late laughs Conan Bradley Cooper and his fiancée broke up, which means he is officially single. I read about it on Twitter and then last night, my wife murmured it in her sleep. It was reported in the paper today that after Kim Jong Un found out his older brother was a spy for the CIA, he had him executed. Yes! I disagree with everything Kim Jong Un does or says but, as a little brother, I get it. took over three hours. People in Iowa were like, “We’ve never been this bored — and we live in Iowa.” I read that Mike Tyson wants to build a “marijuana resort” with a music stage and a lazy river, where you can smoke weed anywhere in the park. Or as that’s also known: Six Flags. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said he still might run for president. When asked why he’s considering joining a race with 27 other candidates, the CEO of Starbucks said, “I love long lines.” Walmart just announced that their employees are getting new vests. Yeah, here’s what happened: Walmart asked employees, “What does everyone want?” And they all said, “A livable wage!” Then they’re like, “OK! Vests it is! New vests it is, everyone gets a new vest!” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving her job. Her next job should be much easier; apparently she’ll be doing PR for Bill Cosby. The Blues beat the Boston Bruins in Game 7! It was tough for people in Boston — they were like, “We might not win another championship for three to four months!” A new poll about the 2020 election shows Joe Biden easily defeating President Trump. To win, all Biden needs to do between now and next November is stop talking. I read that Americans spend 40 percent less on Father’s Day than they do on Mother’s Day. I can’t believe it’s that close. On Mother’s Day, you do flowers, brunch and jewelry. For Father’s Day it’s an air freshener from 7-Eleven. The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon The race for 2020 is in full swing, and at an event in Iowa yesterday, 19 different Democrats gave speeches, one after the other, and it I heard that one of the most popular gifts for dads is a home DNA testing kit. So be sure to pick one up if you want a great Father’s Day, or a really awkward one. While Trump was in Iowa, Joe Biden was also there at the same time. It’s very interesting — usually when two guys over 70 go on the same trip, it’s a movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Everybody’s excited about the World Cup and the U.S. women’s national soccer team. That game was amazing, they beat Thailand 13-0! People in Thailand were like, “How could you do this after we made your uniforms!” The Late Late Show With James Corden According to a new survey, the most stressful city in the United States is Los Angeles. Seventy-six percent of L.A. residents feel at least somewhat stressed every day. Which, for me, is proof that eating healthy makes you miserable. I live in Los Angeles. I rather like it; it’s not that bad. Once you get used to the fact that it’s either on fire, running out of water or in the middle of an earthquake, it’s pretty chill. Cannabis use amongst seniors age 65 and older is rising faster than any other age group in the United States. So that explains why your grandma’s started calling you “dude.”