EASTERN OREGON MARKETPLACE Tuesday, July, 2, 2019 East Oregonian Page 3A 502 Real Estate 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale Turn Here Realty & Travel for all your Real Estate Needs-Call Kerry 541 377 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 What is on your wishlist?? Prompt, Courteous, Reliable service with TURN HERE RE- ALTY to find your New Home Call Kerry 541 377 6855 . (One Realtor accessing all listings available in our area) TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Pendleton Summer is nearly here, it’s a great time to buy that home you have been dreaming of. Call Carolyn Rovier 541-786-0822 Ranch-N-Home Realty 601 & 606 SE Emigrant build- ing for sale. 3582 sq ft plus full basement. 5000 sq.ft lot. $79,500 RMLS#18684546 Call Kal for more info (541) 969-7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $395,000 NEW LISTING Time to Wash Car Wash. 27,443lot- witha 3349 building High traffic area. RMLS#19615657 Call Kal for more info (541) 969-7358. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to a larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 1st time home buyers and don’t know where to begin? I can help you every step of the way to owning your own doorstep. Call Carolyn Rovier so we can get started! Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 Thinking of selling? Now is a great time to sell, prices are up and interest rates are low. Give Carolyn Rovier Call at Ranch-N-Home Realty so I can get your home listed and SOLD! 541-786-0822 New Listing 712 SE Court . Car wash or Espresso shop on a very high traffic intersection. $ 94950 Priced to Sell RMLS#19111739 Call Kal for more info (541) 969- 7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. John J. Howard & Assoc. 541.377.9470 WHY WAIT! GET YOUR CLASS AD NOW! Something for everyone in the Classifieds New Listing… $275,000 3 Bedroom 3 Bath in Rice Addition. Huge living / Din- ing room. Fenced back yard. 2 car Garage. Nicely landscaped. Call Today. MLS# 19166329 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 New Listing… $135000 – 3 Bedroom 1 Bath Ranch Style in Pilot Rock. Hardwood Floors. Vinyl Siding. Large Fenced Back Yard. Cen- tral Air Conditioning. Very nice home. MLS# 19534828 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $239,999- RMLS #18081947 New Listing 4 b/r 1 3/4 bath North Hill. Freshly painted, beautiful hardwood floors just refinished. Great family home. Call Shane for more info (541) 379-7802. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $175,000 Craftsman charm with modern amenities. 3 bed, 2 bath. Hard- wood floors, wood fireplace. Fresh exterior paint, covered front porch, huge deck great for entertaining. Jef 541 969-9539 cell. #19359654 IT WILL SELL EMAIL : CLASSIFIEDS @ EASTOREGONIAN . COM I N C LASSIFIEDS ! IT’S WORTH IT! GET A CLASS AD! UPCOMING GARAGE OR ESTATE SALE? Call 1-800-962-2819 to advertise it in our classified section and get your sale out there! 190 E. MAIN STREET, HERMISTON WWW.P4MORE.COM CLASSIFIEDS NEW CAR? DID YOU CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENT? www.wheatlandins.com Pendleton • Athena • Hermiston • The Dalles • Heppner • Ione • La Grande • Enterprise • Elgin • Baker City • Condon 455 E. Main St., Hermiston • 541-567-8834 P4 & MORE LET US MEAT YOUR NEEDS COMPUTERS PORK 541-567-6562 • Virus & Spyware Removal • Custom Built Systems • Wide Selection of Computer Accessories • New & Used Systems S Serving Eastern Oregon Since 1983 BOX BOX INCLUDES: $ 50 $419,000 Quality mid-century. Attention to detail, exceptional upgrades and maintenance. Wolf range. Subzero refrig. Outdoor kitchen w/gas. Large corner view lot, double garage. Vicki 541 969- 9441 cell. #19666304 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 HOMES SELL FAST IN CLASSIFIEDS! Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $379,900 Majestic Craftsman. Large rooms, 4 bed, 2.5 baths. Refur- bished wood floors, new carpet. Remodeled custom kitchen and master bathroom. Gas heat, tankless water heater. Marsha 541-377-5152 cell. #19685899 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 $199,500 ATHENA. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1798 sf(m/l) home w/partially finished basement. Updated kitchen, forced air heat and cool. Vinyl windows & siding, spacious 2 car garage. Jerry 541-969- 6378 cell. #18092363 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 • 4 Pork Chops • 2 Pork Steak • 1 Pork Roast • 3 Pkgs Pork Sausage • 2 Pkgs Bacon • 2 Ham Steaks All individually packaged for your convenience. MONTHURS 8AM7PM 541.567.2011 FRISAT 8AM5PM 253 W. Hermiston Ave. • Hermiston BOATING GUIDE | RECREATION Family Fun on the Boat A s the weather warms up, beaches will soon be full of outdoor enthusiasts enjoying time with friends and family. Don’t miss out on awesome activities that can be achieved from the comfort of your boat. The National Marine Manufacturers Association says fishing is the most popular activity done on boats. It’s a great way to bond with chil- dren while teaching them the value of nature. Don’t forget to incorporate these other great experiences which can be enjoyed on the water. GO EXPLORING With your GPS device fully charged, spend a day trekking to a part of the lake you haven’t explored before. Encourage children to point out wildlife and different sights. Of course, if you feel like hiking a new area, try and avoid overgrown areas as dangerous animals may be using it as a habitat. If you will be traveling to a deso- late part of the lake, be sure to disclose your location to friends or family and ensure your boat is fully fueled and in peak condition. FIND A PARADE If you are fortunate enough to live near a waterfront town or marina, you may have the opportunity to join a boat parade. Children of all ages will get excited to decorate their vessel and showcase it around the water to other boating enthusiasts. GO TUBING It’s fun for all ages and much easier to master than waterski- ing as requirements for agility © ADOBE STOCK and balance aren’t as necessary. exciting activity together. Don’t forget to wear your safety vests. You can find tubes in multiple sizes. Some are large enough to safely hold mom or dad and a BOAT ON THE WILD SIDE little one to experience an Plan a trip to a waterway that offers adventures like deep-sea fishing or kite surf- ing. If you are a novice boater, you can benefit from hiring a certified skipper to show you the ropes in navigating to unfamiliar waterways. Before you know it, you may be an expert yourself.