10 | Senior Living Summer 2019 SENIOR LIVING | STAYING SAFE Protect Yourself from Extreme Heat With warmer temperatures on the horizon in most areas of the country, now is the time to prepare your home and body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more people in the United States die from extreme heat than earth- quakes, hurricanes, lightning, floods and tornadoes com- bined. With age, our bodies become less able to cool down when temperatures are extreme. Fortunately, there are several proactive steps seniors can take to keep themselves safe this summer. Don’t underestimate the impact heat can have on your health. Remember these tips as the temperatures increase. AIR-CONDITIONING INSPECTION Before the heat is in full force, have a certified HVAC service analyze the integrity of your air-conditioning sys- tem. Ensuring it will perform when you need it most is good peace of mind. They will test it and per- form preventative mainte- nance so it’s running in peak condition. If your AC system breaks down in the middle of the summer, you may face delays before a specialist can make repairs as it is the busy sea- © ADOBE STOCK son. If you should find your- self in this situation, have a back-up plan to stay with a loved one or an emergency fund to check into a hotel until the unit is fixed. REMAIN HYDRATED A key to keeping safe during the summer is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is always important but especially crucial during the heat. If you find yourself out- side for extended periods, be sure to take numerous sips, not just when you’re thirsty, as thirst isn’t a good indicator of hydration. Signs to look for include headache, muscle cramps and dry mouth or tongue. If these symptoms persist, it’s important to seek medical attention before they become worse. BUDDY SYSTEM OR CAREGIVER Call on a friend or loved one to check in on you every few hours during days of extreme heat. You will have peace of mind that if some- thing goes wrong, you will have someone looking out for you. If you need more constant care, consider hiring an in-home caretaker. They can help ensure you are remain- ing hydrated and determine if the heat is beginning to affect your health.