A12 East Oregonian PEANUTS FOR BETTER OR WORSE COFFEE BREAK BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER GARFIELD BLONDIE DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY JIM DAVIS DEAR ABBY Daughter plays second fiddle to brother with grandchild Dear Abby: My mother has recently confided that for the last always had a horrible habit of mak- few years of his marriage he has ing plans and canceling at the last been involved in an on-again, off- again affair. minute. When I make plans with He also told me that for most of her, she invariably cancels the day his marriage his wife has been put- of. Lately she has started mak- ing me feel guilty for not coming ting him down, blaming him for all their problems, constantly accus- around more. ing him of cheating (they have I lost my license two years J eanne been married far longer than the ago, so I can’t drive, and I work P hilliPs affair has been going on) and not full time. She has no job and sev- ADVICE eral vehicles. I’m not saying she letting him see his friends. Abby, I have witnessed some of her behav- doesn’t have things going on, but I ior myself, and it explains why he can’t help but feel she’s just going seemed to drop off the earth after he signed through the motions and making it seem his marriage certificate. like she cares. I don’t know how to help him. He has My younger brother had a baby girl last tried to get his wife to agree to marriage year, and Mom constantly has her or is try- ing to get her. To top it off, my brother lives counseling, but she refuses. He has young in the same town I do. It makes me feel children, and he’s afraid that if he tries to invisible. divorce her, she’ll make sure he never sees them again. I know when parents say they don’t have She has spent years wearing him a favorite child, they are lying through their down and won. He’s no longer the outgo- teeth, but this is blatant. I’m in my 30s and ing, happy person I used to know. He was shouldn’t still be feeling like this. Please always ready to help anyone who needed help. I feel like my parents would be better him, and I want to return the favor. How? off with one less child to make fake plans — Supportive Friend in Vermont with. — Invisible in Ohio Dear Friend: Suggest to your friend that Dear Invisible: Whether your brother is because his wife refuses to go to marriage the favored child, I can’t opine. However, counseling does not mean he shouldn’t go it makes no sense that your mother would for individual counseling without her. If guilt you for not seeing her more often and he does, it may be life-changing for him in then stand you up when you try. a positive way because he may be able to Because you feel slighted, tell her how reconnect with the person he was before he hurtful it is. If the situation doesn’t improve, entered his emotionally abusive marriage. plan fewer visits with her and concentrate I can’t promise his future will be prob- on spending your time with people who do lem-free after that, but he will be stronger make you feel appreciated and loved. and more able to cope with whatever his Dear Abby: I have been friends with wife (or ex-wife) throws his way. a guy, “Derrick,” since high school. He DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 20, 1919 Charles J. Russell of Pendleton has been chosen as one of the 42 members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps of the O.A.C. regiment and left Corvallis last night to attend the annual six weeks encampment at the Presidio, beginning Saturday, June 21, and extending until August 1. The encamp- ment is an annual affair and is attended by members of the Reserve Officers Training Crops units in every land-grant college in the west. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 20, 1969 The Senate Judiciary Committee took no action Wednesday on the nomination of Judge John F. Kilkenny to the 9th U.S. Cir- cuit Court of Appeals. Sen. Hiram Fong, BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN R-Hawaii, requested the postponement. An aide of Fong’s office confirmed the request, but said, “We have nothing against Kilkenny. We think he’s a good man.” Fong had said earlier he would object to all fur- ther nominations to the court until a judge from Hawaii was nominated. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 20, 1994 Denele DeCius of Pendleton tap danced her way to the Miss Umatilla County title on Saturday. She also scored highest in her interview. Twenty-year-old DeCius will rep- resent the area in the Miss Oregon Pageant at Seaside in July 1995. She also received a $1,100 scholarship and crown. Andrea Beaty, 17, of Umatilla, received $650 as first runner-up. Maisie Smith, 19, finished sec- ond runner-up for $350 and also earned the Director’s Award for congeniality. TODAY IN HISTORY BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE BY SCOTT ADAMS Thursday, June 20, 2019 On June 20, 1921, U.S. Rep. Alice Mary Robert- son, R-Okla., became the first woman to preside over a session of the House of Representatives. In 1782, Congress approved the Great Seal of the United States, featur- ing the emblem of the bald eagle. In 1863, West Virginia became the 35th state. In 1893, a jury in New Bedford, Massachusetts, found Lizzie Borden not guilty of the ax murders of her father and stepmother. In 1943, race-related rioting erupted in Detroit; federal troops were sent in two days later to quell the violence that resulted in more than 30 deaths. In 1967, boxer Muham- mad Ali was convicted in Houston of violating Selec- tive Service laws by refus- ing to be drafted and was sentenced to five years in prison. (Ali’s conviction was ultimately overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court). In 1975, Steven Spiel- berg’s shark thriller “Jaws,” starring Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Rich- ard Dreyfuss (not to men- tion a mechanical shark nicknamed “Bruce”) was released by Universal Pictures. In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court unani- mously upheld a New York City law making it illegal for private clubs with more than 400 members to exclude women and minorities. In 1990, South African black nationalist Nelson Mandela and his wife, Win- nie, arrived in New York City for a ticker-tape parade in their honor as they began an eight-city U.S. tour. In 1994, O.J. Simpson pleaded not guilty in Los Angeles to the killings of his ex-wife, Nicole, and her friend, Ronald Gold- man. Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg went on a shooting rampage at Fair- child Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington, kill- ing four people and wound- ing 22 others before being killed by a military police sharpshooter. In 2001, Houston resi- dent Andrea Yates drowned her five children in the fam- ily bathtub, then called police. (Yates was later con- victed of murder, but had her conviction overturned; she was acquitted by reason of insanity in a retrial.) Today’s Birthdays: Actress Olympia Dukakis is 88. Singer Anne Murray is 74. TV personality Bob Vila is 73. Rhythm and blues singer Lionel Richie is 70. Actor John Goodman is 67. Actress Nicole Kidman is 52. Movie director Robert Rodri- guez is 51. Rock musician Jeordie White (AKA Twiggy Ramirez) is 48. Actress- singer Alisan Porter is 38. Actress Dreama Walker is 33. Actress Maria Lark is 22. Thought for Today: “The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.” — Alfred North Whitehead, English philos- opher and mathematician (1861-1947). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE