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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 2019)
RECORDS Tuesday, June 18, 2019 PUBLIC SAFETY FRIDAY 12:36 p.m. — Two vehicles crashed together at Highway 207 and Feedville Road, Hermiston. The wreck blocked one lane of traffi c. Oregon State Police reported a Dodge pickup tried to turn south onto the highway from the stop at Feedville Road and crashed into a northbound Dodge car. One driver and two pas- sengers suff ered minor injuries and went to Good Shepherd Med- ical Center, Hermiston. Sate police cited the pickup driver for not obeying a stop sign. 10:08 a.m. — A Hermiston resident of West Joseph Ave- nue reported a neighborhood dog chomped at her and almost attacked a service person in her driveway. 10:36 a.m. — Pendleton police received a report of graffi ti at Roy Raley Park, 1205 S.W. Court Ave., Pendleton. 12:25 p.m. — A Hermiston resident asked to speak to an offi cer about receiving harassing text messages. 4:21 p.m. — Hermiston police received a report of a burglary on the 100 block of Southwest Third Street. 4:55 p.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce responded to a disturbance at Warehouse Beach on Highway 730, Umatilla. SATURDAY 11:14 a.m. — Pendleton police took a report for a vehicle theft at Lindell Auto And Truck Parts, 411 Highway 11. 8:08 p.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce responded to the campground at Hat Rock State Park near Hermiston for a report of an assault. 9:06 p.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce took a report for a burglary on Wildhorse Road, Weston. 9:36 p.m. — A 16-year-old son learning how to drive from his father crashed their Chevrolet Suburban into a power pole on a curve on Foster Road near Saddle Mountain Road a few miles east of Milton-Freewater. Line workers from Columbia Rural Elec- tric determined the pole would be fi ne. A tow truck hauled off the Chevrolet. SUNDAY 2:21 a.m. — A 911 caller reported a male running into traffi c on Interstate 84 near Hermiston. 3 a.m. — A caller reported a possible burglary at We Sell Stuff , 342 S.W. First St., Pendleton. 4:43 a.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce received a report of a vehicle theft from South Fifth Street, Athena. 7:26 a.m. — The Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce received a report of a vehicle theft from South Water Street, Weston. 3:11 p.m. — Pendleton police responded to a report of two males fi ghting at Stillman Park, 413 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton. 9:22 p.m. — Emergency agencies responded to a hay fi re at Lyle Lane and West Ferndale Road, Milton-Freewater. ARRESTS, CITATIONS Friday •Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce arrested Maria Isabelle Palo- marez, 48, of Milton-Freewater, for unauthorized use of a vehicle. •Umatilla Tribal Police arrested as Andrew Joseph Hauser, 25, of Pilot Rock, for second-degree conduct and felony possession of heroin. •Pendleton police arrested Justin Joy Barnes, 33, of Pendleton, for felony fourth-degree assault. Saturday •Pendleton police cited Corey McDonough, 37, of Pendleton, for driving under the infl uence of intoxicants. Doris I. Ferguson Dorothy ‘Jane’ Weston Boardman June 1, 1931 — June 10, 2019 Irrigon October 26, 1935 — May 28, 2019 Doris I. Ferguson of Donald Ferguson and wife Boardman, Oregon, was born Nicole, Pendleton, Oregon; on June 1, 1931, in Neode- sisters, Barbara and Sandra; sha, Kansas, to parents, Otto brothers, Otto “Keith” and Keith Schoonover and Felista Freddy; 12 grandchildren; 10 Nadine Foster great-grandchil- Schoonover. She dren; and numer- died on June 10, ous nieces and 2019, in Hermiston, nephews. Oregon, at the age Doris was pre- of 88 years. ceded in death by Doris was raised her husband, Don- in and attended ald Ferguson, a schools in Shelton, daughter, Julie Washington. She Lester, and her was united in mar- parents. Ferguson riage to Donald A celebration Wayne Ferguson in of life service will 1948 in Idaho. They lived in be held for both Doris and Ordinance, Huntington (for Don on Saturday, June 22, 14 years), La Grande, Weston 2019, starting at 1 p.m. and and Corvallis, Oregon. She concluding at 3 p.m. at the moved to Boardman, Oregon Pheasant Banquet Room, 149 in 2012, where she has lived E. Main St., Hermiston, since. Doris was a member Oregon. of the Junior Old Timers. She A graveside service will be enjoyed reading, needle work, held on Sunday, June 23, 2019, painting, cooking, genealogy, at 1 p.m. at the Athena Ceme- and big band music. tery, Athena, Oregon. She is survived by her Those who wish may make daughters, Linda Schisler and contributions in Doris’ mem- husband George, Boardman, ory to the American Cancer Oregon; Vickie Morris and Society. husband Dee, Union, Ore- Please share memo- gon; and Pamela Lenon, La ries of Doris with her fam- Grande, Oregon; sons, Dar- ily at burnsmortuaryhermis- ren Ferguson, Kennewick, Burns Mortuary of Washington; Dusty Fergu- Hermiston, Oregon is in care son, Hermiston, Oregon; and of arrangements. Dorothy “Jane” Weston receptionists at St. Mary of Irrigon, Oregon, was born Cancer Center Clinic in on October 26, 1935, in Oak- Walla Walla, Washing- dale, California. She died on ton, and the staff at Vange May 28, 2019, in Hermiston, John Memorial Hospice in Oregon, at the age Hermiston, Ore- of 83 years. gon. Jane was Jane was a former mem- raised in Oak- ber of St. John’s dale, Califor- Christian Church. nia, and attended She is sur- school there until vived by her hus- her mother passed band of 61 years, away in 1952, Win Weston; when she moved to daughters Bar- Vancouver, Wash- bara Shafer and Weston ington, to live Ruth Shefchek; with her father. She gradu- son David Weston; fi ve ated from Vancouver High grandchildren, and three School and met Winfred great-grandchildren. “Win” Weston at a midtown Jane was preceded in ballroom dance class. They death by her parents, broth- were united in marriage on ers James and John, sister July 11, 1957, in Stevenson, Kay, and a granddaughter, Washington. Monica. They lived in Portland, A memorial service will Oregon, for 28 years until be held on Sunday, June 23, moving to Irrigon, Oregon, 2019, at 1 p.m. at Burns Mor- in 1984 where they have tuary chapel, Hermiston, lived since. Jane volunteered Oregon. Burial will follow at Stokes Landing Senior at Desert Lawn Memorial Center in Irrigon, was a Cemetery, Irrigon, Oregon. CAPCO and RSVP volun- A celebration of life gath- teer for over 20 years and ering will follow at Stokes served as secretary/treasurer Landing Senior Center, Irri- for the Old Time Fiddlers for gon, Oregon. 13 years. She enjoyed walk- In lieu of fl owers, dona- ing, cooking, canning, dry- tions in Jane’s memory may ing apples, reading, knitting, be made to Stokes Landing sewing, crocheting, photog- Senior Center or St. Mary raphy and making Christ- Cancer Center, Walla Walla, mas gifts for family and Washington. friends. Please share memories Jane was very grate- of Jane with her family at ful for all of the excel- Burns Mortuary of Herm- lent care she received from her friends, family, all of iston, Oregon, is in care the doctors, nurses and of arrangements. Winlock, Washington Nov. 30, 1934 — June 10, 2019 Betty Jean Tucker, for- ton. Betty fi shing, camping, mer Umatilla, Oregon, resi- trips in the motor home, crab- dent of Winlock, Washing- bing, playing bingo and was ton, was born on November an animal lover. 30, 1934, in Parsons, Kansas. She is survived by her She passed away sons, Gordon on June 10, 2019 in Blankenship and Centralia, Wash- wife, Molly, Stan- ington, at the age fi eld, Oregon; of 84 years. James Blanken- Betty was ship, Irrigon, Ore- raised and attended gon; daughter, Ona school in Echo, Felker and her hus- Oregon. She lived band, Mike, Win- in Washington and lock, Washing- Oregon where she ton; brother, Rock Tucker worked as a cook Wright, Hermis- in various restau- ton, Oregon; seven rants as well as owning and grandchildren, numerous operating “LaCasita Blanca” great-grandchildren nieces in Sweet Home, Oregon, for and nephews. several years. Betty returned Betty was preceded in to Echo, Oregon, and later death by her husband, Larry lived in Stanfi eld for a time Tucker, daughter, Kim Marl- before she was united in mar- nee; grandson, Jason Blan- riage to Lawrence Tucker kenship; and her parents. on January 1, 1970, in Ken- A memorial service will newick, Washington. They be held on Monday, June 24, lived in Snohomish, Wash- 2019, at 1 p.m. at Community ington, Tumwater, Wash- Crossroads Church, Stan- ington, Springfi eld, Oregon, fi eld, Oregon. A private fam- and Grand Coulee, Washing- ily burial will be held at the ton, before settling in Uma- Echo Cemetery, Echo, tilla, Oregon, in 2004. Betty Oregon. moved to Winlock, Washing- Please share memories ton, in 2015 where she has of Betty with her family at lived since. burnsmortuaryhermiston. She had been a member of com. Burns Mortuary of the Eagles and Moose Lodges Hermiston, Oregon is in care in Grand Coulee, Washing- of arrangements. 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Friday, June 14, 2019 Megamillions 19-40-47-57-65 Megaball: 6 Megaplier: 2 Estimated jackpot: $50 million Lucky Lines 2-7-10-16-FREE-17-24-28-30 Estimated jackpot: $49,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 2-1-6-1 4 p.m.: 7-8-9-5 7 p.m.: 0-5-4-5 10 p.m.: 6-9-4-5 Saturday, June 15, 2019 Powerball 8-11-14-16-49 Powerball: 14 Power Play: 3 Estimated jackpot: $92 million Megabucks 9-13-17-22-23-43 Estimated jackpot: $4.2 million Lucky Lines 2-7-10-13-FREE-20-24-28-32 Estimated jackpot: $50,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 0-4-6-3 4 p.m.: 1-0-3-5 7 p.m.: 9-1-6-0 10 p.m.: 8-5-7-7 Win for Life 10-56-69-77 Sunday, June 16, 2019 Lucky Lines 4-5-11-16-FREE-18-23-27-32 Estimated jackpot: $51,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 7-1-7-8 4 p.m.: 2-7-4-5 7 p.m.: 8-6-1-3 10 p.m.: 7-8-7-7 Monday, June 17, 2019 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 1-2-9-4 STRESE, IVAN — Funeral service at 3 p.m. in the chapel at Burns Mortuary, 685 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. JUNE 19 — 21 No services scheduled SATURDAY, JUNE 22 FERGUSON, DORIS — Celebration of life ser- vice at 1 p.m. in the banquet room at The Pheasant, 149 E. Main St., Hermiston. MAEL, JAMES — Graveside service with mili- tary honors at 11 a.m. at the Monument Cemetery. A celebration of life remembrance gathering and potluck luncheon will follow at the Monument Senior Center, 269 Main St. THAUT, LEO — Funeral service at 11 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 850 S.W. 11th St., Hermiston. Burial with military honors fol- lows at the Hermiston Cemetery. SUNDAY, JUNE 23 FERGUSON, DORIS — Graveside service at 1 p.m. at the Athena Cemetery. WESTON, JANE — Memorial service at 1 p.m. in the chapel at Burns Mortuary, 685 W. Herm- iston Ave., Hermiston. Burial will follow at Des- ert Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Irrigon. A cele- bration of life gathering will follow the services at Stokes Landing Senior Center, 150 Columbia Lane, Irrigon. DEATH NOTICES Gail L. Horning Hermiston Oct. 6, 1950 — June 9, 2019 Gail L. Horning, 68, of Hermiston, died Sunday, June 9, 2019, at her home. She was born Oct. 6, 1950, in La Grande. A memorial service will be held Satur- day, July 6, 2019, at 1 p.m. at Stokes Landing Senior Center, Irrigon. Arrangements are with Burns Mortu- ary of Hermiston. Share memories with her family at Daphne May Kaiser Walla Walla April 10, 1938 — June 15, 2019 Daphne May Kaiser, 81 of Walla Walla, died Sat- urday, June 15, 2019, at her home. She was born April 10, 1938. Arrangements are with Munselle-Rhodes Funeral Home of Milton-Freewater. Michael D. “Mick” Kindle Heppner May 1, 1948 — June 14, 2019 Michael D. “Mick” Kindle, 71, of Heppner, died Fri- day, June 14, 2019, at a Portland hospital. He was born May 1, 1948 at Colfax, Washington. A celebration of life will be held, Friday, June 28, 2019, at 3 p.m, at the Morrow County Fairgrounds building. Arrangements are with Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner. Leo Thaut Hermiston June 17, 1927 — June 13, 2019 Leo Thaut, 91, of Hermiston, died Thursday, June 13, 2019, in Hermiston. He was born June 17, 1927, in Union Gap, Washington. A funeral service will be held Saturday, June 22, 2019, at 11 a.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 850 S.W. 11th St., Hermiston. Burial with military honors will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery. Arrangements are with Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Share memories with his family at Ajon Webster Pendleton Oct. 24, 1989 — June 16, 2019 Ajon Webster, 29, of Pendleton, died Sunday, June 16, 2019, in Pendleton. He was born Oct. 24, 1989, in San Diego, California. Arrangements are with Pendle- ton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Karen L. Wilson Karen L. Wilson Pendleton Karen L. Wilson, 76, of Pendleton, died Sunday, June 16, 2019, in Richland, Washington. She was born Sept. 21, 1942, in Enterprise. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop gon! For the first time in Eastern Ore VETERAN BENEFIT Please Welcome Summer Godier Summer has lived in Hermiston most of her life and with seven years of experience, she specializes in men’s and women’s hair cuts. Also, colors, perms and waxing. Hours are Mondays thru Fridays 9am-5pm, plus Saturdays by appointment. FREE ESTIMATES! 102 E Columbia Dr. Kennewick 99336 LOTTERY TUESDAY, JUNE 18 EXPO19 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 27TH PENDLETON CONVENTION CENTER Learn about all of your Federal and State benefits Under one roof! NEW THIS YEAR: 509-308-1354 License #188965 A5 UPCOMING SERVICES OBITUARIES Betty Jean Tucker East Oregonian Veterans town hall meeting with odva director kelly fitzpatrick 6 p.m. july 26 same location WZ^Ed/EWZdEZ^,/Wz Walk-ins are welcome. 541-567-2911 • 315 SW 11th Street • Hermiston, OR 97838 W W W. E X P O.O R E G O N D VA .C O M