A4 East Oregonian Tuesday, June 11, 2019 CHRISTOPHER RUSH Publisher KATHRYN B. BROWN Owner ANDREW CUTLER Editor WYATT HAUPT JR. News Editor JADE McDOWELL Hermiston Editor Founded October 16, 1875 OUR VIEW Their memory must remain alive. Always. L ast week the nation and Europe marked the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. There were ceremonies and lau- datory comments and editorials. Then the day concluded. The cer- emonial bunting, the speeches, the replicas of World War II vehicles were put away and reserved for the closet of history. We waited until today to mark the day to make a point. Less than a week later, the ceremonies of that fateful day can seem like a year ago. That should not be so. Traditionally Americans reach for the future. We spend vast amounts of time projecting and fashioning a future of prosper- ity. Collectively, we tend to spend only the necessary amount of time reviewing the past. We are nation continually focused on the future. Wars, after all, are difficult and horrible and best left to the fading tentacles of memory. Yet we cannot, and should not, forget the sacrifice made on June 6, 1944. Millions of Allied soldiers AP File Photo U.S. reinforcements wade through the surf as they land at Normandy in the days follow- ing the Allies’, D-Day invasion of occupied France. stormed the beaches of Normandy into an unknown future. As a group, they were hopelessly young but impossibly optimistic about what the United States could do. We as a nation rightly marked D-Day and the sacrifice of our ser- vice members last week. As time goes on, though, and fewer and fewer D-Day veterans remain with us there is a real risk their memory will fade. We can’t let that happen. We can also not allow the sac- rifice made by our service mem- bers in any conflict fade into obliv- ion. A good case in point is the Spanish-American War. A conflict fought more than a 100 years ago, the war impacted small communi- ties across the nation — including Pendleton. Oregon soldiers fought in more than 40 battles and fire- fights and 16 were killed in action. Another 48 were wounded. Oregon sent its youth to fight in that war but their memory, what they did for our nation, remains largely forgotten. When the drums of war begin to beat the nation should support our service members. When they deploy to foreign shores we should be behind them. And when they return we owe those brave men and women support as well. Yet we also owe them our memory. We owe them more than one day of recog- nition. Their faces and names and sacrifices should not evaporate with time. In the end, it is up to us, those who did not or could not serve, to ensure the memory of those who forfeited safety and security to pro- tect our values. Their memory must remain alive. Always. OTHER VIEWS Legislature taxes the trust of Oregonians T YOUR VIEWS The PDC’s downward spiral The Pendleton Development Com- mission (PDC), better known as our city council, has pulled off the unthink- able. With over $33 million in property taxes at their disposal, they’ve been able to spend but a small portion. The city manager, as executive director of the PDC, for one reason or another elected to appoint an assistant to administer the program. Since the creation of that posi- tion, the number and value of grants has steadily risen. However, administrative costs have skyrocketed. Let’s face it, giving away money ain’t cheap. The council’s plan from day one was to rebuild Main Street and develop the River Quarter into a shopping and tourist mecca from downtown to the Round-Up Grounds, creating a large Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the East Oregonian editorial board. Other columns, letters and cartoons on this page express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily that of the East Oregonian. increase in the tax base by raising prop- erty values with new retail space (we already have a large surplus) and sec- ond-story housing. Had they done their homework like the property owners did, they’d have discovered the whole proj- ect was not financially viable. Unlike the property owners, the people that developed these plans incurred no financial risk. Fortunately, after years of hemming and hawing, the River Quar- ter plan was scrapped. With only a little over $5 million of those PDC funds remaining and time running out, the race is on to see who gets their hands on it first. The city manager is asking for $3 million to use for streets in the Urban Renewal Dis- trict (URD), hoping for swift approval so future budget cuts can be avoided in other city departments. PDC funds have been diverted before to help pay for statues, speed bumps, and to sup- port the Pendleton Downtown Associ- ation. Projects that have nothing to do with raising the tax base, the goal of the PDC. Al Plute, the largest benefactor of the PDC, thinks using the money for streets is a bad idea. He seems to be the only one willing to take the finan- cial risk and has the backing to take full advantage of the program. The assistant director has suggested hiring an assis- tant to assist in accelerating spending of PDC funds. If all goes well, the PDC experiment will end. That’s one less meeting for the city council. Future property taxes can be spent taking care of public property, streets included, where they’re desper- ately needed. Most importantly, PDC administrative costs will disappear completely. Rick Rohde Pendleton he reason Oregonians can put their absolute trust in state gov- ernment is because our elected leaders would never do something unfair with taxes. For instance, legislators would never ever tax a business that wasn’t profitable. Gov. Kate Brown would never ever take away tax rebates that voters them- selves approved at the ballot box. And legislators would never ever try to sneak new taxes by Oregonians and avoid constitutional requirements to pass taxes or requirements governing how tax dollars must be spent. But then this legislative session, state government seems on track to do all three. A shifty, scheming trifecta of taxation. House Bill 3427, passed by the Leg- islature and signed into law by Gov. Brown, may raise revenue for a good cause — education — but it could tax businesses even if they are not making a profit. Brown has proposed slashing the vot- er-approved kicker tax rebate that would return taxes paid to Oregonians. And as Willamette Week reported on Tuesday, a legislative counsel’s opinion raises serious questions about how the carbon-reduction bill, House Bill 2020, could be passed and how revenue could be spent. The bill functions like a tax, the opinion says. Shouldn’t that mean it requires a three-fifths majority per the state constitution? Other issues raised in the opinion question whether Oregon law would allow the proposed invest- ments in the bill in energy efficiency and alternative energy. But don’t worry. The Democratic leadership in control of the state would never let anything questionable happen with taxes. The East Oregonian welcomes original letters of 400 words or less on public issues and public policies for publication in the newspaper and on our website. The newspaper reserves the right to withhold letters that address concerns about individual services and products or letters that infringe on the rights of private citizens. Letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. The phone number will not be published. Unsigned letters will not be published. Send letters to the editor to editor@eastoregonian.com, or via mail to Andrew Cutler, 211 S.E. Byers Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801