A8 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, June 4, 2019 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Escalating violence is signal for wife to leave relationship FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: My husband has house because of it. She made me always had anger issues. Recently, promise not to tell her father why. they have progressed from target- When I told him privately about ing inanimate objects to targeting our conversation, he rolled his eyes and accused our daughter of hav- me. ing a “weak” mentality. Is he being A few weeks ago, when he got unreasonable or is it just me? — upset, he punched the naviga- tion screen in my car out. Then Phrustrated in Philly Your he proceeded to grab my hair and Dear Phrustrated: J eanne daughter doesn’t have a “weak slammed my head into the car win- P hilliPs dow (it didn’t break, but my head mentality.” She’s afraid of dogs, ADVICE hurt for more than a week). and possibly with good reason. Find an animal rescue organiza- He apologized later, but I can’t tion or shelter that encourages the forgive him. Maybe I never will. public to spend time socializing with the What’s worse, I haven’t been able to bring dogs and cats. It may help to get her past myself to leave and don’t really know how her aversion. It has helped other children, to. Is this behavior a deal breaker? — Stuck and it’s also good for the animals. Give it a in Minnesota try and let me know what happens. Dear Stuck: Yes, this is absolutely a Dear Abby: I am a 49-year-old divor- deal breaker. Do not minimize what he did cee. A younger man (31) at work is show- to you. I’m sorry you didn’t go to the emer- gency room after it happened. ing an interest in me. We have talked sev- eral times about seeing each other outside Each time your husband attacks will be of work. Also he is African American. I worse — increasingly so — until he maims would like to go out with him, but I’m not or kills you. For your safety you must get sure how my family and friends would out of there, and the sooner the better. For react. What do you think? — Betwixt and directions on how to safely make your exit, Between contact the National Domestic Violence Dear Betwixt: What are you con- Hotline. The toll-free phone number to call cerned about? Is it that you would be dat- is 800-799-7233 or visit thehotline.org and ing a younger man, one of a different race a counselor there will direct you. or that he’s a co-worker? If it’s the latter, Dear Abby: My 5-year-old daughter, and things don’t work out, it could be dicey. “Maude,” is afraid of large dogs. In the However, if at this stage of your life you past, my husband has publicly scolded her still need approval from friends and family when she cowered away from them. about dating someone you like, it appears A friend of our family has a dog that you are not ready for a relationship. Maude is especially hesitant around, and To My Muslim Readers: A happy Eid- my daughter recently confided that she al-Fitr, one and all! no longer wants to go over to this friend’s DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 3-4, 1919 Trouble looms large for John Christian Zoller, of Duncan, married Saturday night at North Forks, to little Miss Katy Muriel Thurston, who, her father, Frank Thurston, says is not yet 15 years of age. Mr. Thurston is in Pendleton today to take action against Zoller, who is 40, and a man named James Snyder. Zoller, accompanied by a man giv- ing the name of Tom Mooney and his home as Arlington, procured a marriage license Saturday afternoon at the county court house. Zoller produced a note, signed with Mr. Thurston’s name, saying the girl is of age and had his consent to marry. Mooney signed the affidavit that he personally knew the girl to be of legal age. Mr. Thurston declared today that Katy is but 14 years of age and that she was spirited away for the ceremony after Zoller and Snyder returned with the license. The order was branded by Mr. Thurston as a forgery. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 3-4, 1969 The Odd Fellows Building at NE Main and NE 6th, in the heart of the north Mil- ton-Freewater business district, was virtu- ally destroyed by fire of undetermined ori- gin Monday afternoon. Firemen and all trucks and equipment, including three man lifts, fought the dense clouds of smoke and intermittent bursts of flame more than three hours before the fire in the two-story build- ing of wood and tin covered with stucco showed signs of abatement. Damage was confined, however, to the building, erected by IOOF Lodge in 1907 and used continu- ously by the lodge since then. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian June 3-4, 1994 A Hermiston environmental group has collected 500 signatures and organized a postcard-writing campaign against the Army’s plan to destroy chemical weapons. On the other hand, eight members of the Hermiston City Council have written Con- gress in favor of the Army’s plan to inciner- ate chemical weapons at the Umatilla Army Depot. Susan Jones, a member of Citizens for Environmental Quality, gave the local Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advi- sory Commission what she said were nearly 500 signatures against incineration. The petition will be forwarded to Congress. As of Wednesday, 98 of 101 comments received by the Department of Environmental Qual- ity came from DEQ’s pre-printed postcards, signed by residents. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On June 4, 1942, the World War II Battle of Mid- way began, resulting in a decisive American victory against Japan and marking the turning point of the war in the Pacific. In 1919, Congress approved the 19th Amend- ment to the U.S. Constitu- tion, guaranteeing citizens the right to vote regardless of their gender, and sent it to the states for ratification. In 1939, the German ocean liner MS St. Louis, carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees from Ger- many, was turned away from the Florida coast by U.S. officials. In 1943, the president of Argentina, Ramon Castillo, was overthrown in a mili- tary coup. In 1954, French Premier Joseph Laniel and Vietnam- ese Premier Buu Loc signed treaties in Paris according “complete independence” to Vietnam. In 1990, Dr. Jack Kev- orkian carried out his first publicly assisted suicide, helping Janet Adkins, a 54-year-old Alzheimer’s patient from Portland, Ore- gon, end her life in Oakland County, Michigan. In 1998, a federal judge sentenced Terry Nichols to life in prison for his role in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Today’s Birthdays: Sex therapist and media person- ality Dr. Ruth Westheimer is 91. azz musician Anthony Braxton is 74. Actor Parker Stevenson is 67. Singer-mu- sician El DeBarge is 58. Actress Julie White is 58. Comedian Horatio Sanz is 50. Actor Noah Wyle is 48. Actress Angelina Jolie is 44. Rock musician JoJo Garza (Los Lonely Boys) is 39. Country musician Dean Berner (Edens Edge) is 38. Olympic gold medal figure skater Evan Lysacek is 34. Americana singer Shakey Graves is 32. Rock musician Zac Farro is 29. Thought for Today: “When you betray some- body else, you also betray yourself.” — Isaac Bashevis Singer, Polish-born Amer- ican Nobel Prize-winning author (1904-1991). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE