East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 01, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 15, Image 15

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    June 2019 - EASTERN OREGON PARENT - 15
June brings a Universe of Stories to your library
In 1987, 10 Minnesota regional
library systems got together to
develop a summer reading pro-
gram. The intention was to choose
a theme, create thematic artwork,
and select incentives that libraries
all over the region could incorpo-
rate. It was a way to help librar-
ies offer a professional, creative
summer reading program without
overtaxing the staff.
Since then public libraries all
over the U.S. have jumped on
board. Themes have ranged from
“Dino-saur into Summer” to this
year’s “A Universe of Stories.”
These themes are selected by com-
mittee and planned several years in
advance. Planning so far ahead al-
lows the committees to arrange for
unified art, and create a manual of
program ideas for the four different
patron groups: Early literacy, chil-
dren, teens and adults. The State
Library of Oregon offers each Or-
egon public library access to
the year’s themed materials
but what the library chooses
to do with those materials is
up to them.
Here in Umatilla County,
you can expect to see a few
fun space-related activities
for young and old. The
Pendleton Public Library
will be hosting a plan-
etarium night on the
front lawn, cour-
tesy of the Children’s
Museum of Eastern
Oregon. Kids who
attended our 2017
space-themed event
will recall the massive inflatable
dome that stretched from floor
to ceiling of the children’s area. In
addition to the planetarium, Pend-
leton, along with Weston, Athena,
Helix, Pilot Rock, Hermiston and
Stanfield, will be hosting the out-
reach team from the Museum of
Natural and Cultural History. Each
summer MNCH offers a summer
reading-themed, hands-on experi-
ence to public libraries. Last year,
to fit the “Libraries Rock” theme,
they brought out rock and mineral
artifacts and activities. This year
the show will be called Our Place in
Space and last approximately 60 to
90 minutes. Attendees can expect a
short story reading, activity stations
and touchable specimens.
These types of events help
bring families into the library dur-
ing the slow summer months but
an important component of the
program is requiring participants
to track their reading. Pendleton
asks that children under the age of
12 read for 30 minutes at a time,
several times a week, while
encouraging older kids
to keep a record of the
books they complete
during the summer. At
the program’s end kids
are invited to turn their
summer reading log in for
a free paperback book of
their choosing. We feel it
is important for chil-
dren to have a book
of their very own
and were lucky to
have the Lion’s
Club purchase
incentive books
for each child.
Your library may
distribute a differ-
ent incentive so be sure and ask the
details of the program when you
The summer reading programs
combination of events and required
reading is your public library’s
best effort to help reduce summer
learning loss. We don’t do it for the
increased circulation, or because
we like to throw parties (although
we do like to party). We do it be-
cause when children leave school
many of them lose access to books
and the accountability of a teacher
to encourage their reading journey.
You can motivate your child to read
over the summer by signing them
up for the summer reading pro-
gram. Please take advantage of this
FREE, educational, entertainment
opportunity for your child.
Jennifer Costley is director of the
Pendleton Public Library and mother
of two.