A12 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Wednesday, May 29, 2019 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Girlfriend competes for time with man still living with ex FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE short or hide the fact that he is tex- Dear Abby: I have been dat- ing my boyfriend for two years. He ting you. Unless he rearranges his is 10 years older, in his mid-40s. priorities, you should not only not He is wonderful, kind, smart, and move in with him, you should find treats me well. There is only one a boyfriend with whom you’re No. 1. issue: He still lives with his ex-girl- friend from 10 years ago. Dear Abby: My wife, “Riley,” She and I do not get along. She and I got married three months infringes on my time with him — ago. I’m a corporate pilot and have J eanne been for most of our two-year rela- has him run her errands, drive her P hilliPs tionship. Now she’s telling me if I around, etc. when I am at his (their) ADVICE don’t quit my dream job, she will house. He also ends calls with me leave me. at night to talk with her, and his I signed a yearlong contract with texts abruptly stop. Later I’ll find this company, so it will cost me well over out she was in his bedroom talking/venting $10,000 to get out of it early. She hates my to him about her current boyfriend or some schedule, even though I work only about other subject. 11 days a month. Riley thinks I have to be She recently put in an offer to buy a home every night, even though I warned house that was accepted. After she moves her that because of my career, I would be out of the house they are renting, he plans to gone a lot of nights. She knew what she was remain there and would like me to move in getting into, yet she’s trying to force me with him. Here’s the catch: He says he will into giving up this dream job or lose her. be going over to her (new) house to mow Please help. — Torn in the South the lawn, rake leaves, take care of her car, Dear Torn: Riley knew you were a pilot etc. He says he runs these errands for her when she married you. You explained to her because she pays him. I have told him how what that meant. That she would threaten much it bothers me. I feel he is placing her to leave you because she doesn’t like the above me. Am I crazy for being upset over responsibilities your career carries with it this? — Second Best in Virginia is immature and controlling. Dear Second Best: You’re not crazy. If she was serious when she made the Unless your boyfriend is hard up for ultimatum, I think you should take her up money, it appears there may be more to his on it. And before you marry anyone else, be relationship with his ex-girlfriend than he sure the woman is independent. Then have has revealed to you. If he was disconnected premarital counseling to ensure something from her emotionally — and possibly sexu- ally — he wouldn’t cut your conversations like this doesn’t happen again. DAYS GONE BY BEETLE BAILEY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY MORT WALKER BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 29, 1919 Determination to continue plans for their new church was made last evening by the building committee of the First Presby- terian church, at a meeting in the offices of Dr. F.E. Boyden. The body decided to take up plans where they left off by the declara- tion of war, in 1917, and to open a campaign for crystallization of sentiment favoring the new edifice in the near future. While specifications for the proposed new home at the corner of Alta and Willow streets called for a cost of $32,000 before the war, it is estimated that the same class of struc- ture would now cost close to $70,000. This amount can hardly be raised before fall, the committee believes, but holds hope that within six months ground may be broken. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 29, 1969 Maybe it’s the long distance between Eastern Oregon waterholes that makes them hustle … or maybe it’s because they were afraid of the metro life and conflict among men in the city that spooked them. At any rate the wives of Hermiston Jay- cees had two of the state’s fastest turtles in the turtle race at the Jaycee convention in Portland over the weekend. Linda Tolles and Inez Frost each took a turtle to the race. McMinnville Jaycee wives needed an entry and Mrs. Frost loaned them her tur- tle for the competition. “Frosty” came in second as the McMinnville entry behind the Hermiston entry of Linda Tolles. Jay- cee Bill Tolles said Hermiston now can lay claim to the “turtle capital” title as well as the state’s leading livestock feeding cen- ter and the home of the “world’s tastiest watermelons.” 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 29, 1994 When Glen Guenther looks at a math problem, all the pieces of the puzzle pres- ent themselves at once. Speeding trains, triangles and trigonometry — nothing gets past the 17-year-old Pendleton High School junior. Guenther put his mathemat- ical mind to work once again at the Oregon Invitational Mathematics Examination, a competitive contest that poses problems to the state’s best math students. Guenther took home the second place award, adding it to his collection of other top finishes — including a first place prize that took him to Washington, D.C., as an eighth grader. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On May 29, 1953, Mount Everest was conquered as Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tensing Nor- gay of Nepal became the first climbers to reach the summit. In 1790, Rhode Island became the 13th original colony to ratify the United States Constitution. In 1917, the 35th pres- ident of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. In 1932, World War I veterans began arriving in Washington to demand cash bonuses they weren’t sched- uled to receive until 1945. In 1954, English run- ner Diane Leather became the first woman to run a sub-five-minute mile, fin- ishing in 4:59.6 during the Midland Championships in Birmingham. In 1977, Janet Guthrie became the first woman to race in the Indianapolis 500, finishing in 29th place (the winner was A.J. Foyt). In 1985, 39 people were killed at the European Cup Final in Brussels, Belgium, when rioting broke out and a wall separating British and Italian soccer fans collapsed. In 1988, President Ron- ald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev opened their historic summit in Moscow. In 2008, the Vatican issued a decree stating that anyone trying to ordain a woman as a priest and any woman who attempted to receive the ordination would incur automatic excommuni- cation. Actor-comedian Har- vey Korman, Emmy win- ner for “The Carol Burnett Show,” died in Los Angeles at age 81. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Kevin Conway is 77. Actor Helmut Berger is 75. Rock singer Gary Brooker (Procol Harum) is 74. Actor Anthony Geary is 72. Actor Cot- ter Smith is 70. Movie com- poser Danny Elfman is 66. Actress Annette Bening is 61. Singer Melissa Etheridge is 58. Actor Anthony Azizi is 50. Actress Laverne Cox is 47. Singer Melanie Brown (Spice Girls) is 44. Rapper Playa Poncho is 44. Latin singer Fonseca is 40. Actor Billy Flynn is 34. Actress Lorelei Linklater is 26. Thought for Today: “When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the sim- plest things — not the great occasions — that in retro- spect give off the greatest glow of happiness.” — Brit- ish-born American comedian Bob Hope (born this date in 1903, died 2003). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE