B6 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Tuesday, May 28, 2019 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Memories of the good times still haunt woman after her divorce FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: I was married concentrate on your future. See to my husband for 29 years. We your ex as little as possible, and were separated off and on more allow yourself to grieve the lost than 10 of those years. We were relationship for a specific period both in other relationships but of time. When that time period is would reconnect for months and over, concentrate on meeting new people and cultivating new inter- sometimes years. Then, because ests. If necessary, talking with our lifestyles are so different, we a therapist may be helpful, and I would split up again. J eanne hope you will consider it. There is I divorced him two years ago, P hilliPs life after this, but only if you will but we see each other off and on ADVICE allow it. as friends. I haven’t been in a rela- tionship since our divorce because Dear Abby: My best friend of 50 years was recently diagnosed I still love him. He couldn’t stop with early stages of Alzheimer’s. Because the street life, and I got tired of living on her memory was beginning to slip, my hus- the edge with him. band and I moved her in with us. She pays He’s now in church, off drugs. He has us rent and contributes to meals. gained back some weight and looks like The problem is, she has told friends the man I first fell in love with. I tell him that because she pays rent she shouldn’t every time I see him that I still love him, have to help around the house. My hus- but he doesn’t believe me and acts like he band and I both work. It would be nice if hates me. We have a 27-year-old daughter she would cook us dinner occasionally or he loves and sees. do the dishes. I have asked, but she always I think of the good times we had together has an excuse. I don’t know how to tell her day and night. I can’t sleep sometimes and we are not a bed and breakfast. She has the feel so unhappy without him. Abby, what ability to help. Advice? — Helper Needs can I do to move on? — Lonely and Lost Help, Too in Maryland Dear Helper: I hope you realize that Dear Lonely and Lost: You may love as your friend’s dementia progresses she the person your ex-husband was in the will no longer be able to help around the beginning, but you divorced him for good house, and it could actually be dangerous reasons. Chief among them, he became for her to cook. It would be better for all someone else because of his addiction and concerned if her family would start look- his choices. He may blame you for divorc- ing at dementia care facilities for her, the ing him, but if you hadn’t done it, he proba- bly would not have straightened out. Some- earlier the better, so she will have time to adjust. Some of them offer graduated lev- times love is not enough, particularly when els of care to meet the patient’s increasing it’s a one-way street. needs. Please consider it. It is time to quit looking backward and DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 27-28, 1919 Writer’s cramp claimed one of the coun- ty’s faithful servants today when County Clerk R.T. Brown took up the task of sign- ing the 735 Umatilla county road bonds. Each bond requires the pen and ink signa- ture of the clerk, following which County Judge Charles H. Marsh and County Trea- surer Grace A. Gilliam must affix their signatures 735 times. In addition, Miss Gilliam must register each bond. The 735 $1000 papers arrived early this morn- ing and they will be rushed through the official channels here as the bond houses which purchased them are paying inter- est totaling $113 daily. They are anxious to receive them and place them on the market. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 27-28, 1969 Assistant basketball coach Don Mad- sen was named head coach by the Hermis- ton School Board Monday night. Dwayne Huddleston, Umatilla High School base- ball coach, was offered the head base- ball coaching job. Madsen, a social stud- ies teacher in the high school, will replace George DeLap, whose coaching contract was not renewed. Huddleston would suc- ceed Arnold Owens, whose contract also was not renewed. Huddleston, whose team was hosting Sacred Heart in a state B semi- final playoff game today, said he hadn’t thoroughly studied the Hermiston offer and wouldn’t until after the playoffs. Hud- dleston, a Hermiston High School gradu- ate, has a 73-20 baseball record at Uma- tilla, including a 15-3 mark this season. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian May 27-28, 1994 A farm truck carrying fuel smashed through a Helix School wall Thursday afternoon, just minutes after students had gone home. The truck was parked next to a wheat field up the hill from the school when it slipped out of gear, rolling over playground equipment and then crashing through a second/third grade classroom brick wall at around 3:35 p.m., according to Superintendent Don Parkin. Class gets out at 3:10 p.m. “We’re not holding class in there for the rest of the school year for safety precautions,” Parkin said, adding that the district has filled in the gaping hole with plywood for security. The last day of school is next Thursday. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On May 28, 1977, 165 people were killed when fire raced through the Beverly Hills Supper Club in South- gate, Kentucky. In 1863, the 54th Massa- chusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, made up of freed blacks, left Boston to fight for the Union in the Civil War. In 1892, the Sierra Club was organized in San Francisco. In 1929, the first all-color talking picture, “On with the Show!” produced by Warner Bros., opened in New York. In 1940, during World War II, the Belgian army sur- rendered to invading German forces. In 1957, National League owners gave permission for the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants to move to Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 1964, the charter of the Palestine Liberation Orga- nization was issued at the start of a meeting of the Pal- estine National Congress in Jerusalem. In 1972, Edward, The Duke of Windsor, who had abdicated the English throne to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, died in Paris at age 77. In 1987, to the embar- rassment of Soviet officials, Mathias Rust, a young West German pilot, landed a pri- vate plane in Moscow’s Red Square without authoriza- tion. (Rust was freed by the Soviets the following year.) Today’s Birthdays: Actor John Karlen is 86. Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West is 81. Singer Gladys Knight is 75. Actor Louis Mustillo is 61. Singer Kylie Minogue is 51. Olympic gold medal fig- ure skater Ekaterina Gorde- eva is 48. Television person- ality Elisabeth Hasselbeck is 42. R&B singer Jaheim is 42. Actor Jake Johnson is 41. Actor Jesse Bradford is 40. Actress Monica Keena is 40. Actress Megalyn Echikun- woke is 37. Actress Carey Mulligan is 34. Actor Joseph Cross is 33. Thought for Today: “Courage is the most import- ant of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can prac- tice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.” — Maya Angelou (1928-2014). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE