A12 NATION/WORLD East Oregonian Saturday, May 25, 2019 The forgotten history of Memorial Day the southern Memorial Day holiday was a famil- iar phenomenon through- out the entire, and recently reunited, country. General Logan was aware of the forgiving sentiments of people like Finch. When Logan’s order establishing Memorial Day was published in various newspapers in May 1868, Finch’s poem was some- times appended to the order. By RICHARD GARDINER Columbus State University In the years following the bitter Civil War, a for- mer Union general took a holiday originated by for- mer Confederates and helped spread it across the entire country. The holiday was Memo- rial Day, and this year’s commemoration on May 27 marks the 151st anni- versary of its offi cial nationwide observance. The annual commemora- tion was born in the former Confederate States in 1866 and adopted by the United States in 1868. It is a hol- iday in which the nation honors its military dead. Gen. John A. Logan, who headed the larg- est Union veterans’ fra- ternity at that time, the Grand Army of the Repub- lic, is usually credited as being the originator of the holiday. Yet when General Logan established the hol- iday, he acknowledged its genesis among the Union’s former enemies, saying, “It was not too late for the Union men of the nation to follow the example of the people of the South.” I’m a scholar who has written — with co-au- thor Daniel Bellware — a history of Memorial Day. Cities and towns across America have for more than a century claimed to be the holiday’s birthplace, but we have sifted through the myths and half-truths and uncovered the authen- tic story of how this holi- day came into being. Generous acts bore fruit During 1866, the fi rst year of this annual obser- vance in the South, a fea- ture of the holiday emerged that made awareness, admiration and eventu- ally imitation of it spread quickly to the North. During the inaugural Memorial Day observances ‘The blue and the grey’ EO fi le photo Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop hosts Veterans and Memorial Day ceremonies to recognize veterans and those currently serving in the military. which were conceived in Columbus, Georgia, many Southern participants — especially women — dec- orated graves of Confed- erate soldiers as well as, unexpectedly, those of their former enemies who fought for the Union. Shortly after those fi rst Memorial Day obser- vances all across the South, newspaper coverage in the North was highly favorable to the ex-Confederates. “The action of the ladies on this occasion, in bury- ing whatever animosities or ill-feeling may have been engendered in the late war towards those who fought against them, is worthy of all praise and commenda- tion,” wrote one paper. On May 9, 1866, the Cleveland Daily Leader lauded the Southern women during their fi rst Memorial Day. “The act was as beauti- ful as it was unselfi sh, and will be appreciated in the North.” The New York Com- mercial Advertiser, rec- ognizing the magnani- mous deeds of the women of Columbus, Georgia, echoed the sentiment. “Let this incident, touching and beautiful as it is, impart to our Washington authorities a lesson in conciliation.” Power of a poem To be sure, this senti- ment was not unanimous. There were many in both parts of the U.S. who had no interest in conciliation. But as a result of one of these news reports, Fran- cis Miles Finch, a Northern judge, academic and poet, wrote a poem titled “The Blue and the Gray.” Finch’s poem quickly became part of the American literary canon. He explained what inspired him to write it: “It struck me that the South was holding out a friendly hand, and that it was our duty, not only as conquerors, but as men and their fellow citizens of the nation, to grasp it.” Finch’s poem seemed to extend a full pardon to the South: “They banish our anger forever when they laurel the graves of our dead” was one of the lines. Almost immediately, the poem circulated across America in books, maga- zines and newspapers. By the end of the 19th century, school children every- where were required to memorize Finch’s poem. The ubiquitous publication of Finch’s rhyme meant that by the end of 1867, It was not long before Northerners decided that they would not only adopt the Southern custom of Memorial Day, but also the Southern custom of “burying the hatchet.” A group of Union veterans explained their intentions in a letter to the Philadel- phia Evening Telegraph on May 28, 1869: “Wishing to bury for- ever the harsh feelings engendered by the war, Post 19 has decided not to pass by the graves of the Confederates sleep- ing in our lines, but divide each year between the blue and the grey the fi rst fl o- ral offerings of a common country. We have no pow- erless foes. Post 19 thinks of the Southern dead only as brave men.” Other reports of recipro- cal magnanimity circulated in the North, including the gesture of a 10-year-old who made a wreath of fl ow- ers and sent it to the over- seer of the holiday, Colo- nel Leaming, in Lafayette, Indiana, with the following note attached, published in The New Hampshire Patriot on July 15, 1868: “Will you please put this wreath upon some rebel soldier’s grave? My dear papa is buried at Ander- sonville, (Georgia) and per- haps some little girl will be kind enough to put a few fl owers upon his grave.” President Abraham Lin- coln’s wish that there be “malice toward none” and “charity for all” was vis- ible in the magnanimous actions of participants on both sides, who extended an olive branch during 1the Memorial Day obser- vances in those fi rst three years. Although not known by many today, the early evolution of the Memorial Day holiday was a mani- festation of Lincoln’s hope for reconciliation between North and South. ——— This is an updated ver- sion of an article originally published on May 25, 2018. “Scramble for Scholarships” Friday, June 7th 1pm Shotgun Start Big River Golf Course - Umatilla Golfers of all skill levels are invited to participate in the 26th annual “Scramble for Scholarships” golf tournament. Four person teams can sign up together or individual pairings can be made by the tournament committee. Your $70 entry fee covers green fees, a box lunch, and BBQ dinner, and makes a charitable donation to the foundation to use in awarding scholarships for local health care students. Register at scrambleforscholarships.eventbrite.com or by calling 541-667-3405. Entry deadline is June 5th. 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