B6 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Thursday, February 14, 2019 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Lovers aren’t the only ones who celebrate Valentine’s Day FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: Valentine’s Day I have told him I’m worried is here and, to be honest, I don’t about her using him for his money, know much about St. Valentine. but he doesn’t want to hear it. How can I get through to him? — Wise So I wonder if he meant the day to Sister in Pennsylvania only be about lovers. Dear Sister: You obviously Is there any reason I shouldn’t can’t. However, his lawyer might send valentines to my friends? Why be able to deliver that message should anyone feel bad because more effectively than you. This is they’re not “with” someone? If J eanne why you should strongly encour- you love and/or care about a per- P hilliPs son, can’t you send them a box of age him to have a talk with his law- ADVICE yer before he sells his house or for- chocolates, a card or some flowers? malizes his arrangement with this It seems to me this should be a time lady, who has made her objectives of year you can let a buddy know crystal clear. you appreciate him, or let your brother, Dear Abby: My father passed away cousin, sister, neighbor or co-worker know after a long illness four months ago. I lived you care. in the same building as my parents, but a It doesn’t have to be mushy. Happy different apartment. (I still do.) Valentine’s Day to you, Abby! — Tim in Obviously, I encounter other tenants in Syracuse the public areas of the building. Since my Dear Tim: Valentine’s Day may have father’s death, most of them have asked me started as a celebration of romance and how my mother is doing. However, no one romantic love, but it has broadened to has ever asked me how I am doing. acknowledge other kinds of love and affec- tion. There’s absolutely no reason you can- Frankly, it’s very hurtful. Dad was get- not celebrate the way you described. ting hospice care at home, so I experienced Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Tim, and his decline and finally the loss. Why does no one care to offer me any words of sym- to all my readers, for whom I have great pathy? — Still Grieving appreciation and affection. Dear Still Grieving: When there is a Dear Abby: My brother is a 59-year- death, many people are uncomfortable. old widower. He has dated a few women They don’t mean to be insensitive; they over the years, and he’s very afraid of being simply don’t know what to say to the griev- alone. ing relatives. The woman he is with now has made it I assume that your mother and father clear that she is with him because he can are/were elderly. The death of a spouse provide financial security for her. She’s after many decades of marriage can be pushing him to move in together and get so traumatic that the partner goes into a married, but only after he sells his house decline. Your neighbors may assume that and buys a new one. She said she could because you are younger and stronger, never live there because his deceased wife that you are more resilient and therefore lived there. However, she is unable to con- tribute anything financially, so this would are doing fine. Please don’t hold the fact all be out of his pocket. He looks past all that they haven’t asked how you are doing against them. of this. DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Feb. 14, 1919 In the “double-header” basketball game held yesterday afternoon at the high school the class honors were evenly divided, the girls of the sophomore and senior classes defeating those of the junior and freshman classes by a score of 13 to 4, while the boys of the two latter classes defeated the seniors and sophomores with a score of 16 to 13. The girls’ game was refereed by Miss Mar- garet Crim and was an easy victory for the seniors. The game was fast and Miss Mar- jory Ireland of the senior class was the star hooper. The first half of the boys’ game was refereed by Mr. Crewes, head of the com- mercial department, while during the sec- ond half, Holman Ferrin acted in the same office. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Feb. 14, 1969 Charles Kik, Hermiston, has announced the sale of the Umatilla Speedway, Inc., to Jim Anderson, owner of an auto race track in Lewiston, Idaho, known as Banana Belt Racing, Inc. Anderson said this week that he plans to operate both facilities. The new Umatilla Speedway owner is a former race car driver, and he says he owned the first race car in Lewiston, purchased in 1951. He competed through 1958, and bought the Lewiston quarter-mile track in 1966. Kik opened the Umatilla Speedway in 1967, which he rates as the finest and largest facil- ity of this kind in Eastern Oregon. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Feb. 14, 1994 On the verge of retiring from a 23-year career in law enforcement, Umatilla County Sheriff Jim Carey looked back last week on the improbable beginning of a career he dis- covered late but loved completely. Carey, 58, is retiring on doctor’s orders before his term expires in 1996. Two heart bypass operations in 1991 failed to repair a clogged artery in his heart, and recently he has felt its effects again. A few weeks ago, his doc- tor told him that under no circumstances can his heart rate exceed 90 beats a minute — an order that Carey knew would be impossible to follow if he continued to live in a world of jail escapes, bomb threats and fatal car acci- dents at 2 a.m. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On Feb. 14, 2018, a gun- man identified as a former student opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle at Mar- jory Stoneman Douglas High School near Fort Lau- derdale, Florida, killing 17 people in the nation’s dead- liest school shooting since the attack in Newtown, Connecticut, more than five years earlier. In 1859, Oregon was admitted to the Union as the 33rd state. In 1912, Arizona became the 48th state of the Union as President William Howard Taft signed a proclamation. In 1913, labor leader Jimmy Hoffa was born in Brazil, Ind.; college football coach Woody Hayes was born in Clifton, Ohio; sports broadcaster Mel Allen was born in Birmingham, Ala. In 1929, the “St. Valen- tine’s Day Massacre” took place in a Chicago garage as seven rivals of Al Capone’s gang were gunned down. In 1876, inventors Alex- ander Graham Bell and Eli- sha Gray applied separately for patents related to the tele- phone. (The U.S. Supreme Court eventually ruled Bell the rightful inventor.) In 1984, 6-year-old Stormie Jones became the world’s first heart-liver transplant recipient at Chil- dren’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (she lived until 1990). Today’s Birthdays: TV personality Hugh Downs is 98. Actor Andrew Prine is 83. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is 77. TV personality Pat O’Brien is 71. Magician Teller (Penn and Teller) is 71. Actress Meg Tilly is 59. Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Kelly is 59. Singer-pro- ducer Dwayne Wiggins is 58. Rock musician Ricky Wolking (The Nixons) is 53. Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe is 47. Actress Danai Gurira is 41. Actor Matt Barr is 35. Actress Stephanie Leonidas is 35. Actor Freddie Highmore is 27. Thought for Today: “To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.” — P.G. Wodehouse (1881-1975) PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE