A6 NATION East Oregonian Wednesday, February 13, 2019 Trump not ‘thrilled’ with border deal but leaning toward it Associated Press WASHINGTON — Under mounting pres- sure from his own party, President Donald Trump appeared to be grudgingly leaning toward accepting an agreement Tuesday that would head off a threatened second government shut- down but provide just a frac- tion of the money he’s been demanding for his Mexican border wall. Trump said he would need more time to study the plan, but he also declared he was not expecting another shutdown this week- we’re talking about end when funding here.” for parts of the gov- Accepting the ernment would run deal, worked out by out. He strongly sig- congressional nego- tiators from both naled he planned to parties, would be a scrounge up addi- tional dollars for the Trump disappointment for wall by raiding other a president who has federal coffers to deliver on repeatedly insisted he needs the signature promise of his $5.7 billion for a barrier presidential campaign. along the U.S.-Mexico bor- “I can’t say I’m happy. der, saying the project is par- I can’t say I’m thrilled,” amount for national security. Trump said of the proposed Trump turned down a simi- deal. “But the wall is getting lar deal in December, forc- built, regardless. It doesn’t ing the 35-day partial shut- matter because we’re doing down that left hundreds of other things beyond what thousands of federal work- ers without paychecks and Republicans reeling. There is little appetite in Washing- ton for a repeat. Lawmakers tentatively agreed Monday night to a deal that would provide nearly $1.4 billion for bor- der barriers and keep the government funded for the rest of the fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30. The agreement would allow 55 miles of new fenc- ing — constructed using existing designs such as metal slats— but far less than the 215 miles the White House demanded in Decem- ber. The fencing would be built in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. Full details were not expected to be released until Wednesday as law- makers worked to translate their verbal agreement into legislation. But Republican leaders urged Trump to sign on. “I hope he signs the bill,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who joined other GOP lead- ers in selling it as a neces- sary compromise that rep- resented a major concession from Democrats. Appropriations Com- mittee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala., expressed optimism Trump would be on board. “We believe from our dealings with them and the latitude they’ve given us, they will support it,” he said. “We certainly hope so.” Others were less upbeat. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who traveled with the pres- ident to a rally in Cornyn’s home state Monday night, said, “My impression flying back with him from El Paso last night is that he thinks it’s pretty thin gruel.” Senate backs major public lands bill By MATTHEW DALY Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday approved a major public lands bill that revives a popular conserva- tion program, adds 1.3 mil- lion acres of new wilderness, expands several national parks and creates five new national monuments. The measure, the largest public lands bill considered by Congress in a decade, combines more than 100 separate bills that designate more than 350 miles of river as wild and scenic, add 2,600 miles of new federal trails and create nearly 700,000 acres of new recreation and conservation areas. The bill also withdraws 370,000 acres in Montana and Wash- ington state from mineral development. The Senate approved the bill, 92-8, sending it to the House. Lawmakers from both parties said the bill’s most important provision was to permanently reauthorize the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, which supports conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the country. The pro- gram expired last fall after Congress could not agree on language to extend it. “The Land and Water Conservation Fund has been a pre-eminent program for access to public lands” for more than 50 years, said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. The program has supported more than 42,000 state and local projects throughout the U.S. since its creation in 1964. The hodgepodge bill offered something for nearly everyone, with proj- ects stretching across the country. Even so, the bill was derailed last year after Republican Sen. Mike Lee objected, saying he wanted to exempt his home state of Utah from a law that allows the president to designate federal lands as a national monument protected from development. Lee’s objection during a heated Senate debate in December forced lawmak- ers to start over in the new Congress, culminating in Tuesday’s Senate vote. Sen. Cory Gardner, a Colorado Republican who clashed with Lee on the Sen- ate floor, said the vote caps four years of work to reau- thorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund and pro- tect public lands. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said the bill enhances use of pub- lic lands and water, while promoting conservation and sporting activities such as hunting and fishing. She and other senators called the Land and Water Conservation Fund one of the most popular and effec- tive programs Congress has ever created. The program uses federal royalties from offshore oil and gas drilling to fund conservation and public recreation projects around the country. Miracle-Ear Hearing Centers are looking for qualifi ed people to test their latest product, The Miracle-Ear ® Mirage RISK FREE! � Here’s the catch: You must have diffi culty hearing and understanding in background noise, and your hearing must fall in the range of the hearing aid. People that are selected will evaluate Miracle- Ear’s latest advanced digital hearing solution — the Miracle-Ear Open. 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