A6 NATION East Oregonian Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen to comply with Senate subpoena Friday, January 25, 2019 Senate rejects rival Dem, GOP plans for reopening government By ANDREW TAYLOR and ALAN FRAM Associated Press By MICHAEL R. SISAK AND ERIC TUCKER Associated Press WASHINGTON — A Senate committee has sub- poenaed President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, his attorney said Thurs- day, and Cohen intends to comply with the interview demand related to the Rus- sia investigation. The development comes one day after Cohen post- poned his public testimony to a House committee. Lanny Davis, a lawyer for Cohen, disclosed the subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee in a one-sentence statement, and later told The Asso- ciated Press in a text mes- sage that “we will comply and hope to agree upon rea- sonable terms, ground rules and a date.” Cohen is set to begin a three-year prison sentence in March. The Senate commit- tee did not immediately confirm the subpoena, but any interview with Cohen would almost certainly take place in private, in keep- ing with how the commit- tee generally has conducts Russia-related hearings. Cohen earlier this week delayed his Feb. 7 appear- ance before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform on the advice of his legal team, citing ongoing cooperation in spe- cial counsel Robert Muel- ler’s Russia investigation and threats against his fam- ily. Trump, along with his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has publicly urged the Jus- tice Department to investi- gate Cohen’s father-in-law, insinuating that Cohen’s relative was part of some unspecific criminal activity. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File In this Sept. 19, 2017, file photo, Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, steps out of a cab during his arrival on Capitol Hill in Washington. “If he wants to criticize Cohen, he can,” Davis said. “Obviously, picking on his family publicly is a way of silencing him or intimidat- ing him. And certainly he has engendered great fear in his extended family, which is why we postponed it.” In an interview Thurs- day, Davis said the House should take an imme- diate vote on censuring Trump “as a step before an impeachment investi- gation,” and he pushed for a criminal investigation of Giuliani involving allega- tions of obstruction, wit- ness intimidation and wit- ness tampering. The decision to post- pone the House interview pushed back the chance of a public airing on additional details of Cohen’s relation- ship with Trump, including hush money payments that Cohen has admitted arrang- ing for two women who say they had sex with the presi- dent. Trump has denied the allegation. WASHINGTON — A splintered Senate swatted down competing Demo- cratic and Republican plans for ending the 34-day par- tial government shutdown on Thursday, leaving Pres- ident Donald Trump and Congress with no obvious formula for halting the lon- gest-ever closure of federal agencies and the mount- ing damage it is inflicting around the country. The twin setbacks trig- gered a swirl of bipartisan activity, unseen for weeks, as senators from both sides floated a plan to temporar- ily resolve the vitriolic stale- mate by reopening gov- ernment for three weeks while bargainers hunt a deal. At the same time, Sen- ate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., dashed to the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to explore potential next steps. “We’re talking,” Schumer told reporters, one of the most encouraging state- ments heard since the shut- down began Dec. 22. At the White House, Trump told reporters he’d support a “reasonable” com- promise but suggested he’d want it to include a “pro- rated down payment for the wall,” which he did not describe. He said he has “other alternatives” for get- ting wall funding, an appar- ent reference to his disputed claim that he could declare a national emergency and fund its construction using other programs in the fed- eral budget. It was initially unclear whether the flurry would produce results. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., whose relationship AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., talks to report- ers at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday, a day after officially postponing President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address until the government is fully reopened. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., heads to the Senate floor prior to a vote on ending the partial government shutdown, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday. with Trump seems to have soured daily, told reporters a “big” down payment would not be “a reasonable agree- ment.” Asked if she knew how much money Trump meant, Pelosi said, “I don’t know if he knows what he’s talking about.” Contributing to the pres- sure on lawmakers was the harsh reality confronting 800,000 federal workers, who on Friday face a second payday with no paychecks. Underscoring the strains, Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., angrily said that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had forced a 2013 shut- down during which “peo- ple were killed” in Colorado from flooding and shuttered federal agencies couldn’t help the state’s emergency workers. Moments earlier, Cruz accused Democrats of blocking a separate, doomed bill to pay Coast Guard per- sonnel during this shutdown to score political points, adding later, “Just because you hate somebody doesn’t mean you should shut the government down.” In an embarrassment to F RIDAY A FTERNOON & E VENING ABC NBC CBS FOX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM (11) KFFX KPTV (19) KEPR KOIN (25) KNDU KGW (42) KVEW KATU PBS (31) KTNW (59) OPB Into the Divorce Steve! CABLE 2 PM J ANUARY 25, 2019 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 JTdge Mathis (N) The People's CoTrt TrTth TrTth People's CoTrt (N) Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil Paid Mom Last Last Program Man St. Man St. Wendy Williams JTdy JTdy (N) News (N) FTnn- Bold & The Talk (N) JTdge JTdge News News 2 yAsk B. 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Kratts and Ends" (N) Company tFire a Day Paint MyGre- Ciao Mickela NatTre Ready ArthTr ArthTr Odd SqTad "Odds Wild Wild 13 This ekTable Italia Mallozi Cat Jet Go! and Ends" Kratts Kratts 11 Wild CoTrt 3 12 O' News (N) 12 PM 12:30 1 PM PREMIUM 1:30 A&E C2 AMC 60 ANPL 24 CMT 43 CNBC 72 CNN 68 DISC C1 DISN 26 ESPN 33 ESPN2 34 FNC 66 FOOD 61 FREE 32 FX 6C GOLF 88 GSN 76 HALL 87 HGTV 62 HIST C0 LIFE 29 NICK 27 PARMT 42 ROOT 37 SYFY 67 TBS C9 TCM C6 TLC 49 TNT C7 UNI 21 USA C8 WE 118 WGN HBO C18 HBO2 C20 HBO3 C21 MAX C49 SHOW C78 STARZ 621 STZENC 644 1:30 2 PM Trump that could weaken his position whenever negotia- tions get serious, the Dem- ocratic proposal got two more votes Thursday than the GOP plan, even though Republicans control the chamber 53-47. Six Republi- cans backed the Democratic plan including freshman Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who’s clashed periodically with the president. For most of the day, both parties showed their sympa- thy for unpaid federal work- ers while yielding no ground in their fight over Trump’s demand to build a border wall with Mexico. The Senate first rejected a Republican plan reopen- ing government through September and giving Trump the $5.7 billion he’s demanded for building seg- ments of that wall, a proj- ect that he’d long promised Mexico would finance. The 50-47 vote for the measure fell 10 shy of the 60 votes needed to succeed. Minutes later, senators voted 52-44 for a Demo- cratic alternative that sought to open padlocked agencies through Feb. 8 with no wall money. That was eight votes short. It was aimed at giv- ing bargainers time to seek an accord while getting pay- checks to government work- ers who are either working wihout pay or being forced to stay home. Flustered lawmakers said Thursday’s votes could be a reality check that would prod the start of talks. Through- out, the two sides have issued mutually exclusive demands that have blocked negotiations from even starting: Trump has refused to reopen government until Congress gives him the wall money, and congressional Democrats have rejected bargaining until he reopens government. 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Modern Modern Family Family News (N) News Inside (N) Edition News News News Family (N) FeTd KGW News (N) News News (N) (N) News (N) PBS NewsHoTr (N) 2 Broke 2 Broke Last Cool Hell's Kitchen (N) First at :35 Dateline :35 Mike Girls Girls Man St. Kids Ten (N) "Frantic" & Molly FeTd FeTd Last Man CoolKids Hell's Kitchen (N) News (N) News Page Six The Big TheSi- Big Brother (N) Hawaii Five-0 BlTe Blood "Meet News :35 Bang mpsons the New Boss" (N) Colbert Extra ET Big Brother (N) Hawaii Five-0 BlTe Bloods News Colbert Wheel Jeop- ISU FigTre Skating U.S. Championship Women's Free Site: News :35 (N) ardy! 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Clara PBA Bowling Doubles Championship Van Hel. <++ Ghost Rider (‘07, Act) Nicolas Cage. <++ Van Helsing (‘04, Act) Hugh Jackman. <++ Ant-Man (‘15, Act) Paul Rudd. <++ Fast and FTrioTs Vin Diesel. < Everly (‘14, Act) Salma Hayek. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.GTy Fam.GTy BobBTrg. BobBTrg. BobBTrg. < Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch. <+++ The DUFF < A Face in the... <+++ Bright Leaf Gary Cooper. <+++ The FoTntainhead <++ Strike Me Pink Eddie Cantor. <+++ Road to Bali :45 <+++ Baby Face :15 <+++ Broken Arrow Hoarding Hoarding My 600-lb Life "Nicole's Story" Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes-Dress Family by the Ton Family by the Ton Family by the Ton Family by the Ton STpernatTral Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones <+++ The AccoTntant (‘16, Cri) Ben Affleck. <+++ The AccoTntant Notic. Vecinos Como dice dicho Tenias QTe Ser TT En Tierras Salva El gordo y la flaca Primer impacto P. LTche Notic. Rosa GTadalTpe JesTs Mi Marido Tiene Amar a MTerte Impacto Noticie. SVU "Wanderlust" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Uncivilized" SVU "Stalked" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Closure" SVU "Bad Blood" Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: C.I. Law:CI "Phantom" Love After Love After Love After Love After Love After (N) Extreme Love (N) Love After Extreme Love Love After Love After In Heat of Night BlTe Bloods BlTe Bloods BlTe Bloods <+++ Live Free or Die Hard (‘07, Act) Bruce Willis. PTre "Ordination" Married Married Married Married Married Married Mother Mother < The Emperor'... :15 Newspaperman :45 <++ Isle of Dogs Bryan Cranston. <++ CoTples Retreat Vince Vaughn. :25 < Anchorman: The Le... < Geostorm (‘17, Act) Gerard Butler. 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PBS NewsHour Great Performances "Orphee et Great Music Music Eurydice from Lyric Opera of Chicago" Performances Hall Hall 5 AM CR TV 5:30 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Natural Mike & Program Program Program Program Program Program World Molly Paid Paid Good Day Oregon at 6 a.m. (N) Good Into the Program Program Feet Wild CBS This Morning Saturday (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova- Inspec- Innova- InsideB- Dog Pet Vet tion tors tion Ball (L) CBS This Morning Saturday (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova- Inspec- Hope in InsideB- Dog Pet Vet tion tors the Wild Ball (L) Saturday Today (N) Wake Up Northwest Paid Paid Program Program Paid Paid KGW News at Natur- VetsSav. Voyager EarthOd Cons- Paid Program Program Sunrise (N) ally (N) (N) (N) yssey (N) umer (N) Program Petti- Petti- Hillbil- Hillbil- Good Morning Wild Ocean Rescue The coat coat lies lies America Saturday Countd. 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