B6 East Oregonian PEANUTS COFFEE BREAK Friday, January 25, 2019 DEAR ABBY BY CHARLES M . SCHULZ Shy guy overcoming addiction flounders in the dating pool FOR BETTER OR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON B.C. BY JOHNNY HART PICKLES BY BRIAN CRANE BEETLE BAILEY BY MORT WALKER Dear Abby: I’m a 28-year-old enjoy that are more social. It may male who has never had a girl- help you to develop your “people skills” so you will feel less anx- friend or a meaningful relationship. ious in other social situations. But I’m well-educated, nice-looking do not allow yourself to use the fact and have a good sense of humor. that you are lonely to destroy your But I get shy and nervous around sobriety because it would be a poor the opposite sex. Compounding excuse. that, I seem to have a serious “rest- J eanne ing face.” People assume I’m frus- Dear Abby: I hate eating with P hilliPs my spouse because his table man- trated or angry/grumpy when it’s ADVICE ners are awful. He sits with both just my normal expression. I’m elbows on the table, leans close worried it makes me unapproach- able or appear to be unpleasant. to the dinner plate and uses his I have overcome addiction, attend daily fingers to push his food onto his fork. He support meetings and have almost a year of mashes everything on his plate together sobriety. I avoid bar/club scenes where a lot before he starts eating, smashes crackers in of people my age socialize. I’m beginning his soup, scrapes his spoon on the bottom to feel very alone and empty. I asked out a of the bowl and slurps his liquids. He also licks his fingers. temp at my job, but she had a boyfriend and He thinks he can modify these behav- offered to set me up with a friend of hers. I iors when he’s with others, but he lapses declined because I was embarrassed. into them even when he’s with friends in My friends tell me it’s a game of num- bers, but it hurts being rejected all the time. a restaurant. Please help me. How can I get I see beautiful, nice women with men who him to change? Must I tolerate it? I have treat them badly, and I obsess over what’s tried constructive suggestions and gentle wrong with me. My experience with women prodding with no success. Please respond is limited. I’m not looking for a commit- in your column because he reads it daily — while he eats. — Distraught Spouse in ment, just some friends to share good times Columbus, Ohio and laughter with. I’d love to have someone Dear Distraught Spouse: Your hus- to spend time with before loneliness awak- band must have many wonderful qualities ens previous bad habits. — About to Give if you married him knowing this is the way Up in Connecticut he consumes his food. Among them is an Dear About to Give Up: I doubt your awareness that he should modify his eat- “resting face” is what keeps women away. ing habits when he’s with friends. Let him It’s more likely the fact that you are afraid know that you are his best friend and you to interact with them. would like him to practice his “party man- Start by talking to some of the women ners” when he eats with you. If he’s reluc- in your support meetings. They already tant, point out that he “lapses” when he’s know something about you and the strides socializing with others, and it isn’t pretty. It you have made in overcoming your addic- may motivate him to try harder. tion. And involve yourself in activities you DAYS GONE BY GARFIELD BLONDIE BY JIM DAVIS BY DEAN YOUNG AND STAN DRAKE 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 25, 1919 Because the common house cat, so popu- lar as a pet but the enemy of birds, has grown valuable because skins now sell for from 50 cents to $1, E.F. Averill, of the United States Biological Survey office here is offering to give instruction on how to “skin the cat” and how to prepare the hides for market. He is emphatic in stating that he will not buy the skins himself, but will tell the local trap- pers names of dealers who will. The skins of 20,000 house cats sold in St. Louis recently for $9,500. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 25, 1969 Russel Wright, former Heppner resident, was injured in a holdup attempt on a street in downtown Seattle Tuesday night, accord- ing to word received here by his brother, Harley Wright. Russel Wright, who lives in Kodiak, Alaska, was in Seattle on busi- ness, and was jumped by two men and a woman. He was knifed in the thigh, but a policeman arrived before the holdup thugs had obtained any money. He was not seri- ously hurt, was treated at a hospital, and had returned to Kodiak when his brother talked to him by phone Thursday. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 25, 1994 David C. Cox, the California truck driver arrested after a TV news magazine re-en- acted a 1981 murder, was arraigned in Umatilla County Circuit Court here Mon- day. Cox is charged with aggravated mur- der, which carries a potential death penalty, and third-degree rape. Prosecutors say Cox struck and strangled Naomi Marie McMa- hill, a 14-year-old Nevada runaway, to con- ceal the rape almost 13 years ago. Her body was thrown into a culvert along Highway 74 southeast of Pilot Rock. McMahill’s body was found in February of 1981, but she remained unidentified until 1986. TODAY IN HISTORY DILBERT THE WIZARD OF ID LUANN ZITS BY SCOTT ADAMS BY BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART BY GREG EVANS BY JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN On Jan. 25, 1971, Charles Manson and three women fol- lowers were convicted in Los Angeles of murder and con- spiracy in the 1969 slayings of seven people, including actress Sharon Tate. In 1533, England’s King Henry VIII secretly mar- ried his second wife, Anne Boleyn, who later gave birth to Elizabeth I. In 1890, reporter Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane) of the New York World com- pleted a round-the-world journey in 72 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes. The United Mine Workers of America was founded in Columbus, Ohio. In 1915, America’s first official transcontinental tele- phone call took place as Alex- ander Graham Bell, who was in New York, spoke to his for- mer assistant, Thomas Wat- son, who was in San Fran- cisco, over a line set up by American Telephone & Telegraph. In 1924, the first Winter Olympic Games opened in Chamonix, France. In 1945, the World War II Battle of the Bulge ended as German forces were pushed back to their original posi- tions. Grand Rapids, Mich- igan, became the first com- munity to add fluoride to its public water supply. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy held the first presi- dential news conference to be carried live on radio and television. In 1981, the 52 Americans held hostage by Iran for 444 days arrived in the United States. In 1990, an Avianca Boe- ing 707 ran out of fuel and crashed in Cove Neck, Long Island, New York; 73 of the 158 people aboard were killed. Actress Ava Gardner died in London at age 67. Today’s Birthdays: Coun- try singer Claude Gray is 87. Actress Leigh Taylor-Young is 74. Actress Jenifer Lewis is 62. Country musician Mike Burch (River Road) is 53. Rhythm-and-blues singer Kina is 50. Actress China Kantner is 48. Actress Ana Ortiz is 48. Drummer Joe Sirois (Mighty Mighty Boss- tones) is 47. Musician Matt Odmar (Jars of Clay) is 45. Actress Mia Kirshner is 44. Actress Christine Lakin is 40. Rhythm-and-blues singer Alicia Keys is 39. Actor Michael Trevino is 34. Pop musician Calum Hood (5 Seconds to Summer) is 23. Actress Olivia Edward is 12. Thought for Today: “The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversa- tions and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own.” — Vir- ginia Woolf, English author (1882-1941). PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN BY DANA SIMPSON BIG NATE BY LINCOLN PEIRCE