COFFEE BREAK Saturday, January 12, 2019 East Oregonian C5 OUT OF THE VAULT Divorce drama becomes firearm fracas Divorces can be ugly. A Pendleton woman in January of 1954 discovered divorces can also be dangerous, after she was shot by the jealous wife of a neighbor. Juanita Julia Harris, 34, of Pend- leton, filed divorce papers against her husband, Willie Harris, in Decem- ber 1953. But three weeks later she changed her mind and decided she wanted her husband back. The Harrises and a neighbor, Daisy Crawford, 23, were playing cards together on Jan. 4, 1954, in the Harris apartment for about two hours. Juanita left the game briefly to visit the bathroom outside the apart- ment, and when she returned she was met by Daisy at the front door. Juan- ita said it appeared Daisy was going to strike her. Juanita pulled a .38 short revolver out of her clothing and fired through the narrow opening between the door and the jamb, hitting the coffee pot dead center. She then reached around the nearly closed door and fired again, hitting Daisy in the shoulder. Juanita also fired two more shots through the door, neither of which hit anyone. The shot that hit Daisy clipped her collar bone, nipping off the end of the bone, and lodged in her neck. Willie Harris decided at this point it was time to disarm his wife. He opened the door — and was met by the muzzle of the gun. Willie claims Juanita pulled the trigger and it snapped on an empty chamber. Convinced all the bullets had been fired, Willie wrestled the gun away from Juanita, then hit her over the head with it three times to subdue her. By this time, a neighbor had called police. When officers arrived, Wil- lie was trying to get Daisy into the car to take her to the hospital. Pendleton police arrested Juanita Harris, then fol- lowed Willie and Daisy to the hospital. After Juanita was checked out by doc- tors, and Daisy was admitted for treat- ment, both Harrises were taken to the police station for questioning. Juanita admitted shooting Daisy. She claimed she was carrying the gun because she thought Willie and Daisy might try to assault her. She also claimed she did not try to fire at her husband. When the gun was examined, officers found one bullet unexploded in the chamber, with no evidence of a misfire. The following day, Juanita was charged with assault while armed with a dangerous weapon. Willie was ques- tioned but turned loose. And Daisy was mending nicely at St. Anthony Hospital. DEAR ABBY Best friend doesn’t share woman’s desire for intimacy Dear Abby: I have been ing about how much I love best friends with “Mickey” him and want to be with him. for about five years. We spend I even started working out at every day together and go out the gym, thinking maybe my to dinner/movies/events, etc. recent weight gain was the He sleeps over at my house, problem. and I cook for him almost I know he “loves” me, but every night. he isn’t attracted to me. I’m When our friendship started afraid if one of us starts dating we were intimate a couple of someone else, our friendship J eanne times but have been strictly will take a hit. Please give me P hilliPs ADVICE platonic ever since. The prob- some advice. — Girl in Love lem is, I’m in love with him. in Connecticut He knows how I feel, and Dear Girl in Love: As long although he claims he doesn’t love me, as you have Mickey as your major pre- occupation, you will not start dating he continues to spend every waking anyone else. You need to stop thinking moment with me and is always trying that his lack of desire for you is your to better me. We do pretty much every- thing a couple would do, minus the fault, because it isn’t. Although it will physical contact. Everybody assumes be painful to call a halt to what’s going we’re a couple. on so you can meet someone who can I think I should also mention that give you what you need, that’s what Mickey is somewhat of a sex addict. you should do. The relationship you’re It makes me self-conscious that he’s in is masochistic. You are being used, constantly thinking about sex but isn’t and it’s not fair to you. turned on by me even when we sleep in Dear Abby: A few years back, my the same bed. 60-something-year-old single sister I don’t want to lose him. I value relocated from a different state to a mile the bond we share and what we have from my home. Since then, my husband together, but I’m constantly think- has become her husband. If something breaks, leaks or needs repair, she calls us. I “get” to handle the easy stuff, and hubby does the heavy-duty stuff. I gave her our riding lawn mower and bought a newer model for us. There was nothing wrong with the mower we gave her, but she called us, crying, that it wouldn’t start. Hubby spent several hours of his one day off trying to get it running, to no avail. He told her she needed to call a repair person. Instead, she bought a spark plug and a fuel filter and started viewing online do-it-yourself videos so she could handle it. She said she “hopes” she can fix it so “he won’t have to come and try to fix it again.” I’m ready to explode! I feel like we’re being taken advantage of. Help! — Sick of Sis in the South Dear Sick: Because you feel you and your husband are being taken advantage of, the next time your sister asks for your husband’s handyman ser- vices, explain that his time off is lim- ited and “suggest” again that she call a professional. If you wish to be more helpful, because she’s relatively new to the area, ask some of your friends if they know someone who is depend- able and competent. ODDS & ENDS Woman sent 159K texts to man she met on dating site South West Water via AP Part of a “fatberg,” a mass of hardened fat, oil and baby wipes, measuring some 210 feet long, in the town of Sidmouth, England. ‘Don’t feed the fatberg’ Huge mass blocks English sewer LONDON (AP) — A Brit- ish official says a giant “fat- berg” has been found block- ing a sewer in southwestern England: a mass of hardened fat, oil and baby wipes mea- suring 210 feet long. Andrew Roantree of South West Water says it will “take our sewer team around eight weeks to dissect this monster in exceptionally challenging work conditions.” He urged the public not to pour grease down the drain or flush baby wipes down the toilet, adding: “Don’t feed the fatberg.” The revolting fat mass was discovered in drains in the coastal town of Sidmouth. In 2017, a 820-foot fat- berg was found in sewers beneath Whitechapel in east London. A chunk of that later went on display at the Museum of London, nestled inside transparent boxes. PHOENIX (AP) — A Phoenix woman accused of stalking a man met on a dating site and sending him more than 65,000 text mes- sages apparently sent more than twice that many. Jacqueline Ades sent a man more than 159,000 text messages — some of which were threatening — over the course of nearly 10 months, according to police records the Arizona Republic obtained via a public records request. The two went on a single date. The man, whose name has not been released, called the police after he found Ades parked outside his home in July 2017. Paradise Valley officers escorted her off his property and that’s when police say Ades began threatening the man. One text read: “I’d make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones.” In April 2018, Ades was arrested for trespassing inside his home while he was out of the country. Ades has pleaded not guilty to charges of stalking and criminal trespassing. Her trial was scheduled to begin Feb. 5. Couple reunited with engagement ring dropped in sewer NEW YORK (AP) — Police in New York City say they helped a couple ring in the new year by reunit- ing them with their missing engagement ring. NBC New York reports the diamond ring was dropped down a sewer grate Thursday near Times Square. Officers noticed the ring in a grate on Eighth Avenue and 48th Street and recov- ered it with the help of the FDNY and a police emer- gency services unit. The NYPD says in a tweet the couple was reunited with their ring Friday. While it was the first engagement ring recovered in 2019, the NYPD found another engagement ring last month that was given back to the couple on “The Ellen Show.” DAYS GONE BY 100 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 12-13, 1919 With Miss Ova Baker in charge of nursing, and Miss Lorene Parker as head of the diet kitchen, a Spanish influenza emergency hos- pital was opened Saturday in Umatilla under the aus- pices of the Umatilla County Red Cross. Eight patients are now in the hospital, and three more are expected today. Miss Della Baker, sis- ter of Miss Ova Baker, left for Umatilla today to assist in the work. 50 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 12-13, 1969 Eighteen yearling Here- ford calves on the Bud Abel ranch near Weston have died mysteriously. State laborato- ries are delving into the deaths. Veterinarian Robert Hutchin- son, Walla Walla, investigated the deaths. He reports there had been no signs of illness among the calves. Other ani- mals in the herd of 31 year- lings continue to be in appar- ent good health. “Indications are that it may have been some type of poison,“ said Dr. Neil Follett, Hutchinson’s colleague. He said it would be at least a week before lab tests are complete. 25 Years Ago From the East Oregonian Jan. 12-13, 1994 When the Oregon Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife volunteered to use discarded Christmas trees to create fish habitat at McKay Reservoir, it was thinking in terms of a couple hundred trees. After last weekend’s tree collec- tion at the lot next to the Siz- zler restaurant in Pendleton, ODFW ended up with 700 trees. And that accounted for only about half the trees donated by Pendleton-area residents. The trees being stored by ODFW will be weighted and submerged in the lake this summer to pro- vide hiding cover for fish, which currently have little or no protection from preda- tors doing low-pool periods. Trees not being stored by ODFW will end up at Rice- Blakey Park — as chips for landscaped areas. B I N G O $ 1,000 WILL GO! d r a v e l u Bo Mon & Thurs: 10:30 & 12:30 Fri.-Sun. 10:30, 12:30, 6:30, 9:30 SATURDAY EVENING $ 5.00 BUY-IN (6 ON - 5 UP) DOUBLE PAY PACKS 12:30 & 6:30 SESSIONS Pull-Tabs and Snackbar Minimum 10 years old with parent or guardian. 6222 W. John Day • Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-2416 • 1-800-890-6485 “Caution: Participation in gambling activity may result in pathological gambling behavior causing emotional and fi nancial harm.” For help, call 1-800-547-6133 THIS DAY IN HISTORY On Jan. 12, 1959, Berry Christy Minstrels and Gordy Jr. founded Motown Woody Allen. In 1966, President Records (originally Tamla Lyndon B. Johnson said Records) in Detroit. In 1828, the United in his State of the Union States and Mexico signed address that the U.S. mili- a Treaty of Limits defin- tary should stay in Vietnam ing the boundary between until Communist aggres- the two countries to be the sion there was stopped. same as the one established The TV series “Batman,” by an 1819 treaty between starring Adam West and Burt Ward as the Dynamic the U.S. and Spain. In 1915, the U.S. Duo, premiered on ABC, House of Representa- airing twice a week on tives rejected, 204-174, consecutive nights. a proposed constitutional In 1971, the ground- amendment to give women breaking situation comedy nationwide the right to “All in the Family” pre- miered on CBS television. vote. Thought for Today: In 1932, Hattie W. Car- away became the first “Censorship ends in log- woman elected to the ical completeness when U.S. Senate after initially nobody is allowed to being appointed to serve read any books except out the remainder of the the books that nobody term of her late husband, reads.” — George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright Thaddeus. In 1945, during World (1856-1950). War II, Soviet forces began a major, successful offen- sive against the Germans Serving Families in Eastern Europe. Air- with Care and craft from U.S. Task Force Compassion 38 sank about 40 Japanese for Over 70 Years. ships off Indochina. In 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Sipuel v. Board of Regents of University of Oklahoma, unanimously ruled that state law schools could not discriminate against appli- cants on the basis of race. In 1965, the music vari- ety show “Hullabaloo” 685 W. 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