NATION Tuesday, November 13, 2018 East Oregonian Page 7A STAN LEE 1922-2018 Creator of a galaxy of Marvel superheroes, dies By ANDREW DALTON AND DAVE ZELIO Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Stan Lee, the creative dynamo who revolutionized the comic book and helped make billions for Holly- wood by introducing human frailties in Marvel superhe- roes, such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk, died Mon- day. He was 95. Lee was declared dead at Cedars-Sinai Medical Cen- ter in Los Angeles, accord- ing to Kirk Schenck, an attorney for Lee’s daughter, J.C. Lee. As the top writer at Mar- vel Comics and later as its publisher, Lee was widely considered the architect of the contemporary comic book. He revived the indus- try in the 1960s by offer- ing the costumes and action craved by younger readers while insisting on sophis- ticated plots, college-level dialogue, satire, science fic- tion, even philosophy. Millions responded to the unlikely mix of real- istic fantasy, and many of his characters, including Spider-Man, the Hulk and X-Men, went on to become stars of blockbuster films. He won the National Medal of Arts in 2008. Recent projects Lee helped make possible range from the films “Avengers: Infinity War,” “Black Pan- ther” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” to such TV series as “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” and “Daredevil.” Lee was recognizable to his fans, having had cameos in many Marvel films and TV projects, often deliv- ering his trademark motto, “Excelsior!” “Captain America” actor Chris Evans mourned the loss on Twitter: “There will AP Photo/Reed Saxon, File In this April 16, 2002, file photo, Stan Lee, 79, creator of comic-book franchises such as “Spider-Man,” “The Incredible Hulk” and “X-Men,” smiles during a photo session in his office in Santa Monica, Calif. Comic book genius Lee, the architect of the contemporary comic book, has died. He was 95. never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, com- fort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kind- ness and will leave an indel- ible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!” Lee hit his stride in the 1960s when he brought the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man and numerous others to life. “It was like there was some- thing in the air. I couldn’t do anything wrong,” he said. His heroes, meanwhile, were a far cry from virtuous do-gooders, such as rival DC Comics’ Superman. The Fantastic Four fought with each other. Spider-Man was goaded into superhero work by his alter ego, Peter Parker, who suffered from unrequited crushes, money problems and dandruff. The Silver Surfer, an alien doomed to wander Earth’s atmosphere, waxed about the woeful nature of man. The Hulk was marked by self-loathing. Daredevil was blind and Iron Man had a weak heart. Some of Lee’s creations became symbols of social change — the inner turmoil of Spider-Man represented ’60s America, for exam- ple, while The Black Pan- ther and The Savage She- Hulk mirrored the travails of minorities and women. “I think of them as fairy tales for grown-ups,” he told The AP. “We all grew up with giants and ogres and witches. Well, you get a lit- tle bit older and you’re too old to read fairy tales. But I don’t think you ever out- grow your love for those kind of things, things that are bigger than life and mag- ical and very imaginative.” Lee scripted most of Mar- vel’s superhero comics him- self during the ’60s, includ- ing ones about the Avengers and the X-Men, two of the most enduring. In 1972, he became Marvel’s publisher and editorial director; four years later, 72 million cop- ies of “Spider-Man” were sold. CBS turned the Hulk into a successful TV series, with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno portraying the doomed sci- entist from 1978-82. A Spi- der-Man series ran briefly in 1978. Both characters were featured in animated TV series as well. The first big-budget movie based on Lee’s char- acters, “X-Men,” was a smash in 2000, earning more than $130 million at North American theaters. “Spider-Man” did even bet- ter, taking in more than $400 million in 2002. A Marvel movie empire would emerge after that, one of the most lucrative mega-fran- chises in cinema history, with the recent “Avengers: Infinity War” grossing more than $2 billion worldwide. In 10 years, the Marvel Cin- ematic Universe film share netted over $17.6 billion in worldwide grosses. Lee’s direct influence faded in the 1970s as he gave up some of his edito- rial duties at Marvel. But with his trademark white mustache and tinted sun- glasses, he was the indus- try’s most recognizable fig- ure. He lectured widely on popular culture. As sales of comics declined, Marvel was forced into bankruptcy proceedings that meant it had to void a lifetime contract prohibit- ing Lee from working for anyone else. Lee later sued Marvel for $10 million, say- ing the company cheated him out of millions in prof- its from movies based on his characters. In 2000, Lee agreed to write stories for DC Com- ics, reinventing Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other signature charac- ters for Marvel’s one-time rival. In the late 1990s, he looked to capitalize on the Internet craze, offering ani- mated “webisodes” of com- ic-like action. Lee’s wife and partner in nearly everything, Joan Lee, died in 2017, leaving a void that made her husband, by then in mental and physical decline, vulnerable to hang- ers-on who began to sur- round him. Lawsuits, court fights and an elder abuse investigation all emerged in the fight over who spoke for the elderly Lee. Lee is survived by his daughter, Joanie, and a younger brother who also worked in comics, Larry Lieber. “I think of them as fairy tales for grown-ups” — Stan Lee, creator of comic book franchises For a complete listing of regional events, visit SATURDAY  NOV 17 Pendleton Convention Center 9 AM - 4 PM Only $2 Admission! Meet our newest general surgeon OVER 100 VENDORS! RAFFLE TICKETS FOR: $2,000 Cash, Gift Baskets, and Door Prizes! MEET SANTA! LUNCH AND DESSERTS! Raffle Tickets available at the door or from any Altrusan Andrew J. Haputa, MD Andrew J. Haputa, MD, is a highly skilled laparoscopic and robotic surgeon. 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