East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 06, 2018, Page Page 2C, Image 20

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East Oregonian
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Pamela A Case, EagleOne Photography
Members of the Hermiston High School class of 1968. (Note: maiden names listed for women) Bottom row: Laurie
Herman, Lynn Burns, Ron Wallace, Leonard Cooper, Richard Scarlett, Pam Robinson, Clinton Kelly, Albert Minnick.
Second row: Pamela Case, Coleen Dickerson, Doris Melvin, Donna Giesen, Trisha DeMoss, Jeanne Normandin,
Linda Boleyn, Mavis Rosema, Kathy Fredericksen, Susan Hoffman, Laura Cassens. Third row: Marcia Wood, Kathy
Miller, Pearl Chinn, Paula Hamilton, Maureen Hoggins, Patty Ralston, Vickie Gettmann, Jerry Cullers, Julie Harris,
Linda Ward, Andrea Aichele, Kathy McGowan, Fran Reeves, Marlene Crawford, Herbert Shaw, Alan Shockman.
Fourth row: Raymond Wizner, Ruth Richardson, Steve Jackson, Debbie Rust, Nancy Hayes, Janice Hartley, Bill
Neuffer, Chris Hunt, Dave Follett, Teresa Moncrief, Wanda Hunt, Bob Smith, Kathy Gilleese, Linda Cooper, Tom
Templeton, Gary Putnam, Doug Stoddard, Sam Bloom, Danny Aiken, Jerry Vasquez, Pat Frischmuth, Bob Gray.
HHS class of ’68 celebrates 50 years
Approximately 60 mem-
bers of the Hermiston High
School class of 1968 recently
gathered to reminisce and
renew friendships 50 years
after turning the tassel.
Held Sept. 20-23, the
reunion activities kicked off
with a gathering sponsored
by Susan Hoffman and her
husband, Richard Page,
at Midway Bar & Grill. A
Mexican fiesta buffet held
Sept. 21 offered festive fun at
the home of Bob and Vickie
Smith. Musical entertain-
ment and a smoked pig with
all the fixings were the high-
lights of a Sept. 22 get-to-
gether, compliments of Dave
and Andrea Follett. And, to
wrap up the weekend’s festiv-
ities, Richard Scarlett and
Wanda Hunt hosted break-
fast at their Hat Rock home.
Classmate Pamela Case
of EagleOne Photography,
who served as class photog-
rapher, took the official class
picture. To reach reunion
organizers, contact hermis-
tonhigh68@yahoo.com, 541-
564-0887, 541-561-3011 or
search Facebook for “Herm-
iston High School Class of
received a shiny new cup
cutter and broken tee recep-
tacles for each hole, said
Megan Olsen, the course’s
general manager.
Also, Megan reminds
area golfers that 2019
annual memberships are
now available. For those
who get linked up prior to
Thursday, Nov. 15, they
will receive a discount.
For more information,
contact the pro shop at 541-
922-3006, megan@golfbi-
griver.com or stop by the
course at 709 Willamette
Ave., Umatilla.
SEPT. 17, 2018
TAYLOR — Alisha M.
Taylor of Ione: a girl, Kins-
ley LeAnn Taylor.
SEPT. 18, 2018
Photo contributed by Megan Olsen
Gunner Olsen, superin-
tendent of the Big River
Golf Course in Umatilla,
tries out the new cup cut-
ter provided to him by the
Big River Men’s Club.
With a National Public
Lands Day theme of natural
resource resilience and resto-
ration, the Oregon Military
Department hosted activi-
ties at Biak Training Cen-
ter, located near Redmond.
Activities during the Sept
21 event included a presen-
tation on pollinator species, a
hands-on bat house building
workshop and a site cleanup.
Participants included cadets
from the Oregon National
Guard Youth ChalleNGe
Program and area home-
school organizations. The
project was funded through
a grant from the National
Environmental Education
Foundation and Depart-
ment of Defense Legacy
National Public Lands
Day helps ensure people of
all ages and abilities connect
with public lands for recre-
ation, hands-on learning and
community building. The
Oregon Military Department
continues to support environ-
mental stewardship and keep-
ing training lands sustainable
for the future.
People across the country
have been coming together
for National Public Lands
Day — the largest, single-day
volunteer event for America’s
public lands — for a quarter
of a century. While officially
designated as the fourth Sat-
urday in September, in recog-
nition of its 25th year, events
have been held across the
country beginning Sept.1 and
will continue through Oct. 8.
Hundreds of thousands
of individuals and volunteer
Good Shepherd Medical
Center, Hermiston
SEPT. 21, 2018
Photo contributed by Stephen Bomar
Jacob Becker and Brendon Coleman, cadets with the
Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program,
participate in a cleanup effort coinciding with National
Public Lands Day.
organizations have joined
together to provide mainte-
nance, restoration, improve-
ment, and cleanup projects
as well as recreation and
hands-on learning activities
on public lands at the fed-
eral, state, and local level.
Participating federal agencies
include the Bureau of Land
Management, Department
Photo contributed by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Cynthia Parks, a pharmacist from Echo, deployed to
North Carolina to assist the federal medical response
to Hurricane Florence in as part of the National Disas-
ter Medical System.
responders from across the
nation to assist where needed
after the hurricane made
As part of the NDMS
team for nearly two decades,
Parks has deployed in
response to numerous hur-
WILSON — Jade Wil-
son and Cobe Wilson of
Pendleton: a girl, Paisley
May Wilson.
SEPT. 24, 2018
ELK — Ginella R.
Thompson-Red Elk and
Daniel E.C. Red Elk of
Pendleton: a boy, Hunter
James Thompson-Red Elk.
Hurricane Florence response
team includes Echo resident
Cynthia Parks, a phar-
macist from Echo, was
called upon last month to
provide assistance as part of
the National Disaster Med-
ical System. As a member of
the Disaster Medical Assis-
tance Team, Parks deployed
to North Carolina in response
to Hurricane Florence.
The medical system pro-
vides support to communi-
ties during disasters or pub-
lic health emergencies. It’s
comprised of approximately
5,000 physicians, nurses,
veterinary staff, paramedics,
and other experienced pro-
fessionals, which are orga-
nized into more than 70
response teams.
As Florence approached
the East Coast, the U.S.
Department of Health and
Human Services deployed
more than 500 medical
sea A. Calvillo and Drew
A. Dickens of Hermis-
ton: a girl, Reign Gaelynn
SEPT. 23, 2018
FRY — Chelsea R.
Hamman and Conner A.
Fry of Pendleton: a boy,
Marshall James Fry.
OCT. 1, 2018
Volunteers roll up
sleeves for National
Public Lands Day
ricanes and other natural
disasters, as well as to assist
in providing support during
large non-emergency mass
For more information
about the response teams,
visit www.phe.gov.
of Defense, the Environ-
mental Protection Agency,
National Park Service, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice and the USDA Forest
For more information
about National Public Lands
Day, visit www.neefusa.org/
and Alysha
maids and bridesmen were
Larissa Hitzman, Erica
Hitzman, Jessica Hitzman,
Zachary Binkerd, Sean
Arbogast, Katelin Norris,
and Claudia Ramirez.
The bride was escorted
down the aisle by her
mother and father. She was
in an ivory Justin Alex-
ander gown with elegant
embroidered detail.
The couple is now living
in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
She works at the Portland
VA hospital, and he works
for Reddaway Trucking.
St. Anthony Hospital,
Golfers provide slice of joy
for course superintendent
Christmas came early
for Gunner Olsen of Big
River Golf Course in
The Big River Men’s
Club presented the course
superintendent with a cou-
ple of gifts that will make
his job a lot easier. He
Alysha Hitzman of
Pendleton, Oregon, and
Benjamin Cabral of Med-
ford, Oregon, were mar-
ried Saturday, September
1, 2018, in Abigail’s Gar-
den at the Abernethy Cen-
ter in Oregon City, Oregon.
Umatilla County Commis-
sioner George Murdock,
officiated the ceremony.
The bride and groom met
and graduated from Pacific
University in Forest Grove,
The bride is the daugh-
ter of Dr. and Mrs. Jona-
than Hitzman of Pendleton,
and the groom is the son
of Mr. Benjamin Cabral of
Medford and Mrs. Josefina
Cabral of Phoenix, Ore.
The best man was Tra-
vis George of Grants Pass,
Oregon. The groomsmen
and groomswomen were
James Rockwell, Kyle
Howe, Timothy Ponzoha,
Austin White, Meghann
Gini, Brian Keefe, and
Zachary Willits.
The matron of honor
was Chyanne Jolliff of
Pendleton. The brides-
Ayala and Jared Purcell of
Boardman: a girl, Emery
Millie Purcell.
SEPT. 23, 2018
M I L B R O D T- R E N -
NER — Bethanie S.
nic J.G. Renner of Stan-
field: a girl, Bentlie
JuliaAnn Milbrodt-Renner.
SEPT. 24, 2018
GALVEZ — Sarah
K. Galvez and Euclide
R. Galvez of Kennewick,
Wash.: a girl, Jade Isabella
SEPT. 25, 2018
— Maria G. Gonzalez
Marin and Jesus E. Rico
Flores of Boardman: a girl,
Dalila Rico Gonzalez.
SEPT. 27, 2018
LEAVITT — Heidi-
lyn M. Leavitt and Rory
D. Leavitt of Hermiston:
a boy, Ruick Rhys Leavitt.
SEPT. 28, 2018
FLORES — Ashley
A. Pitts and Roberto A.
Flores of Hermiston: a girl,
Karmin Lynn Flores.
OCT. 1, 2018
MECHAM — Chris-
tina B. Mecham and Chris-
topher R. Holden of Uma-
tilla: a girl, Emma Grace
Whitmore Road looking great
The purpose of this letter is to express my thanks
to the work of the Umatilla County Road Crew that
restored Whitmore Road. I was beginning to think it
would be impossible to make it ever again navigable.
I’m glad to be wrong. Thank you, crew. You did a
great job!
Don Reese
P et of
the Week
ZsaZsa is 2 yrs old spayed Siamese
that needs a quiet home without
small children or other animals. Zsa
Zsa is shy until she feels comfortable
with the person. She came in very
feral and was sent to a foster home
where she did very well.
601 Pets Adopted in 2018!
Visit ZsaZsa at the Pioneer
Humane Society/Paws
Tues - Sat • Noon - 4pm
517 SE 3rd ST, Pendleton
Check out the
-megumi’s dog grooming-
920 SW Frazer Ste. 105
Pendleton, OR 97801
125 S. M ain St.,