12 - EASTERN OREGON PARENT - October 2018 Students are back in school – help keep them safe with SafeOregon. What is SafeOregon? A free, statewide tip line for Oregon students, parents, school staff and community members to report and respond to student safety threats. The goal is to prevent school safety threats from occurring by providing schools and communities with a tool to report potential threats. What kind of tips? Bullying, violence, threat of violence, harassment, intimidation, cyber bullying, self-harm, etc. How? Specially trained technicians are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for Oregon’s public schools Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Tips can be submitted through email, phone call or text, mobile app or the website. Tips are confidential and can be made anonymously. Does my school have it? Most schools in eastern Oregon have this resource available. Check with your school to see if they are using SafeOregon. More information? safeoregon.com ONE TIP CAN SAVE A LIFE www.imesd.k12.or.us