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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 2018)
RECORDS Saturday, September 1, 2018 Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office WARRANTS Saturday, September 1, 2018 Justin Daniel Ayers Age: 21 Sex: M Charge: Parole Violation (PV): Burglary, theft Bail: No bail Last known location: Pendleton, OR Christopher John Boman Age: 42 Sex: M Charge: Failure to appear Bail: $40,000 Last known location: Hood River, OR NO PHOTO Cynthia Lee Campbell Age: 21 Sex: F Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Theft Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Jayme Russell Castellaw Age: 23 Sex: M Charge: FTA: DUII Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Hermiston, OR Kaisa Joseph Way Congdon Age: 30 Sex: M Charge: PV: DUII, driving while sus- pended/revoked, recklessly endangering another, reckless driving Bail: No bail Last known location: Milwaukie, OR Jerry Dale Crone Age: 47 Sex: M Charge: PV: Assault, strangulation, harassment Bail: No bail Last known location: Milton-Freewater, OR Daniel Lincoln Davis Age: 48 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Criminal trespass, theft Bail: No bail Last known location: Hermiston, OR Anna May Douglas Age: 27 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Possession of methamphetamine Bail: $80,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Travis Arlen Landon Age: 25 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Fraudulent use of credit card Bail: $2,000 Last known location: Umatilla, OR NO PHOTO Laurreena Jorrdan Loftin Age: 32 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Placing polluting substance in water Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Spokane, WA Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at any- time. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541- 966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. PUBLIC SAFETY LOG THURSDAY 1:20 a.m. - Umatilla police found graffiti at River Park, Stephens Avenue and Powerline Road, Umatilla. 9:08 a.m. - An Irrigon resident reported her grand- daughter in elementary school has marijuana in her backpack. The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office is investigating. 9:59 a.m. - Hermiston police responded to a burglary on the 600 block of Southwest Ninth Street. 11:33 a.m. - Pendleton police and fire responded to Northeast Johns Place for a person suffering mental distress. 12:42 p.m. - Umatilla police responded to a 911 call for a domestic disturbance at Seventh Street and Sloan Avenue. 12:45 p.m. - Pendleton police responded to Grecian Heights Park, 1910 S.W. Athens Ave., on a report that two children younger than 5 were in the park alone. They were gone by the time police arrived. 12:52 p.m. - A woman told police her ex-boyfriend contacted her through third parties in violation of the restraining order she has against him. 1:26 p.m. - A resident of North Earl Street, Stanfield, came to the police office to discuss the condition of his yard and possible code violations. 1:42 p.m. - Umatilla police dealt with the graffiti at Powerline Road and Stephens Avenue. 3:41 p.m. - A Pendleton mother asked for an officer to talk to her children, ages 5 and 9, because they stole a $500 watch from their babysitter. The babysitter did not want to press charges. 5:04 p.m. - The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received a report of possible child abuse and opened an investigation. 10:06 p.m. - A caller reported a woman was screaming in the bus shelter at Roy Raley Park, 1205 S.W. Court Ave., Pendleton. 10:49 p.m. - A 911 caller reported domestic violence at Locust Mobile Village, 1501 N. Elizabeth St., Milton-Freewater. 10:52 p.m. - And another 911 caller reported a distur- bance at Cecil Street and Sagebrush Road, Hermiston. ARRESTS, CITATIONS •The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Jose Manuel Longoria, 52, of Irrigon, on six counts of identity theft, one count of first-degree theft and for failure to pay fines. East Oregonian COMMUNITY CALENDAR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 PENDLETON EAGLES STEAK AND LIVE MUSIC, 6-11:59 p.m., Pendleton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St., Pendleton. Dinner from 6-8 p.m., music from 8 p.m. to midnight. Mem- bers and guests welcome. (541-278-2828) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 PENDLETON EAGLES BREAKFAST, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Pendleton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St., Pendleton. Open to members and guests. (541-278-2828) PFLAG PENDLETON, 4 p.m., location varies, Pendleton. No-host lunch followed by meeting. Everyone welcome. (Vickie Read 541-966-8414) SUNDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY, 4-5 p.m., Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, 120 E Beech, Hermiston. Sunday Evening Bible Study begins at 4pm. Check us out on Facebook. (Pastor David 541-567-3232) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 HEPPNER GARDEN CLUB, 7 p.m., St. Patrick’s Senior Center, 190 N. Main St., Hep- pner. PENDLETON AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, 7 p.m., Pendleton City Hall community room, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. (Michael Califf 541-276-8132) INLAND NORTHWEST MUSICIANS CHORALE REHEARSAL, 7-9 p.m., Harris Jr. Academy gymnasium, 3121 S.W. Hailey Ave., Pendleton. No tryouts; all welcome. No re- hearsals June-July-August or Christmas-New Year. (Salli Ketchersid 541-289-4696) AMERICAN LEGION POST 37, 7:30 p.m., Hermiston VFW, 45 W. Cherry Ave., Hermiston. Members, transfers and interested veterans welcome. (Bob Daniel 541-571-5882) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 ECHO QUARTERBACK CLUB, 6 a.m., Echo Community School home ec room, 610 Gerone St., Echo. (541-376-8214) PENDLETON TOASTMASTERS NO. 154, 6:30 a.m., Pendleton City Hall community room, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. GREENFIELD GRANGE PINOCHLE, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Greenfield Grange 579, 209 N.W. First St., Boardman. (541-481-7397) BIBLE STUDY, 10 a.m., First United Meth- odist Church, 352 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. (Rev. Jim Pierce 541-276-2616) “THE LIFE MODEL: LIVING FROM THE HEART JESUS GAVE YOU” BOOK STUDY GROUP, 1-2:30 p.m., Bowman Building, 17 S.W. Frazer Ave., Pendleton. (Pat 541-276- 6671) BLUE MOUNTAIN GENEALOGY SOCI- ETY, 1 p.m., Pendleton City Hall community room, 501 S.W. Emigrant Ave., Pendleton. Bring a laptop. New members welcome. (Karen Licurse 541-276-0923) WOMEN’S IMPROVEMENT CLUB OF MILTON-FREEWATER, 2 p.m., Milton-Free- water Community Building, 109 S.E. Fifth Ave., Milton-Freewater. (Kathy Klay 541-861-2266) STUDYING THE MIRACLES OF JESUS, 4-6 p.m., Good Samaritan Ministries, 319 W. Locust Ave., Hermiston. (541-564-1041) AWANA, 6:30-8 p.m., Pendleton Baptist Church, 3202 S.W. Nye Ave., Pendleton. For children age 3 through sixth grade. (541-276- 7590) A SHARP PLAYERS ORCHESTRA RE- HEARSAL, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Pendleton High School band room, 1800 N.W. Carden Ave., Pendleton. Intermediate orchestra for players of any instrument. (JD Kindle 541-276-0320) PRELUDES ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL, 6:30 p.m., Blue Mountain Community College McRae Activity Center, 2411 N.W. Carden Ave., Pendleton. For beginning strings players of all ages. (JD Kindle 541-276-0320) PAGE TURNERS BOOK CLUB, 6:30 p.m., Great Pacific Wine & Coffee Co., 403 S Main St, Pendleton. ODD FELLOWS EUREKA LODGE NO. 32, 7 p.m., IOOF Hall, 19 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. (Gladys Biggerstaff 541-377-0068) KBLU-FM COMMUNITY RADIO, 7 p.m., Bowman Building Suite 352, 17 S.W. Frazer Ave., Pendleton. Pendleton-area community radio station. Public welcome. (Gary or Vickie 541-566-0131 or 541-566-2744) AMERICAN LEGION POST 24, 7 p.m., American Legion Hall, 424 S.E. Eighth Ave., Milton-Freewater. All veterans welcome. (Bar- ney 509-876-6067) HERMISTON MASONIC LODGE NO. 138 AF & AM, 7:30 p.m., Hermiston Masonic Lodge, 200 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 HERMISTON BREAKFAST KIWANIS CLUB, 6:30 a.m., Umatilla-Morrow Head Start, 110 N.E. Fourth St., Hermiston. WILLOW RUN LADIES GOLF CLUB, 8 a.m., Willow Run Golf Course, 78873 Toms Camp Road, Boardman. Rain or shine. Need not be a member to play. (541-481-4381) NIMBLE THIMBLES QUILTERS, 10 a.m., Aunty Ida’s Quilt Shop, 425 W. Hermiston Ave., Hermiston. (541-567-2726) OREGON RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSO- CIATION UNIT 9, 11:30 a.m., Mac’s Bar & Grill, 1400 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Everyone welcome. (Bill Mayclin 541-276-4540) CAY-UMA-WA TOASTMASTERS, 12-1 p.m., Wildhorse Resort & Casino, 46510 Wild- horse Blvd, Pendleton. Everyone welcome. (Jeannette Taylor 541-276-9492) RETIRED ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES, 12 p.m., Sunridge Retirement Community, 3234 S.W. Nye Ave., Pendleton. Luncheon $3.50 per person, reservations re- quested. (Edith 541-276-8622) HERMISTON LIONS CLUB, 12 p.m., Desert Lanes Bowling Alley, 1545 N. First St., Hermiston. ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL OF PEND- LETON, 12 p.m., Red Lion Inn, 304 S.E. Nye Ave., Pendleton. GREENFIELD GRANGE GWA, 1 p.m., Greenfield Grange 579, 209 N.W. First St., Boardman. (541-481-7397) HERMISTON ELKS DINNER, 5:30-8 p.m., Hermiston Elks Lodge, 480 E. Main St., Herm- iston. (541-567-6923) COURTS Sentences PENDLETON — The follow- ing felony sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: FELONY •Dillan Drake Massey, 28, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Theft I: sentenced to 2 years probation, 120 sanc- tion units, 60 maximum jail units, 80 hours community service, $350 fine and $4,650 fine-suspended,; pleaded guilty to Identity Theft, Fraud- ulent Use of Credit Card and Theft II: sentenced to $100 fine for each count (sentenc- es discharged) plus restitu- tion to be determined; plead- ed guilty to Unlawful Entry of Motor Vehicle, Forgery II and a second count of Theft II: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years pro- bation and $100 fine for each count, plus restitution to be determined and court costs and fees. •Dana Gilberta Conner, 54, Pendleton, pleaded guilty to Possession of Metham- phetamine: sentenced to 18 months probation, 90 sanc- tion units and 30 maximum jail units, (conditional dis- charge). Suits Filed PENDLETON — The follow- ing suits have been filed in Umatilla County courts (in- terest, court costs and fees not listed): •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Erica V. Sando- val: seeks $1,278.04. •Jefferson Capital Systems LLC vs. Melanie Black Crader of Weston: seeks $1,907.70. •Credits Inc. vs. Joseph A. and Gladys E. Morrison of Hermiston: seeks $724.73. •Credits Inc. vs. Marise- la Mendoza of Hermiston: seeks $523.23. •Credits Inc. vs. Edgar Valdez and Martha Valdes of Irrigon: seeks $4,193.07. •Credits Inc. vs. Armando Romo of Hermiston: seeks $4,052.64. •Credits Inc. vs. Jamie M. Knowles (Emerson) of Herm- iston: seeks $1,347.13. •Credits Inc. vs. Bobby and Taelor Key of Hermiston: seeks $684.99. •Credits Inc. vs. Abraham and Claudia Vargas of Irri- gon: seeks $4,532.81. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Kevin and Ni- cole Carver of Pendleton: seeks $947.24. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Mickie Carlyle of Milton-Freewater: seeks $677.07. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Holly A. Hill of Weston: seeks $394.32. •Collection Bureau of Wal- la Walla Inc. vs. Eduardo C. and Maria Hernandez of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $217.71. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Lester William Berens and Teresa Jo Berens of Milton-Freewater: seeks $6,503.74. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Timothy Moo- thart of Hermiston: seeks $3,289.80. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Andrea Lucile Munkers of Pilot Rock: seeks $3,675.14. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Annette Powell of Hermiston: seeks $372.95. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Celia Ordonez Caceres of Hermiston: seeks $1,077.93. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Steven and Lori Goucher of Hermiston: seeks $496.97. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Chris and Shan- tel Werhan of Athena: seeks $1,520.46. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Oscar O. Ramirez Barreto and Chris- tina Ramirez of Umatilla: seeks $647.10. •Credits Inc. vs. Jay L. Wolfe of Pendleton: seeks $2,627.50. •Credits Inc. vs. Sarah and Michael McNeeley of Pilot Rock: seeks $4,640.86. •Credits Inc. vs. Kristian Yap Allan of Umatilla: seeks $1,007.89. judgment for $5,323.35. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Michelle Mack of Echo: judgment for $1,770.14. •Credits Inc. vs. Patsy and Dennis Sabin of Pendleton: judgment for $1,825.43. •Credits Inc. vs. Joseph and Miranda Milliken of Hermis- ton: seeks $1,204.36. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices vs. Nohely Monroy of Hermiston: judgment for $440.01. •Credits Inc. vs. Zachary T. Avery of Hermiston: seeks $729.26. •United Finance Co. vs. Rob- ert L. Brown of Pilot Rock: judgment for $948.70. Judgments Divorces PENDLETON — The follow- ing judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): PENDLETON — Divorce de- crees were signed in Umatil- la County Courts for: •Capital One Bank vs. Lan- chi H. Nguyen of Hermiston: judgment for $2,407.43. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Terry David Pen- land of Athena: judgment for $414.78. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Celess Pesina of Hermiston: judgment for $420.75. Linda J. Minthorn of Beaver- ton and Whitney B. Minthorn of Pendleton; Jesus Ramon Gastelum of Umatilla and Stephanie Marie Whitebird of Portland; Miguel Angel Mendiola-Lezama of Uma- tilla and Mirna Giles Aguilar of Beaverton; Heidi Dareen Sayles of Hermiston and Garth Dee Sayles of Board- man; Steven William Lusty of Pendleton and Shirley Elmi Lessa Lusty of Bedford, Mass.; Doris White and Ken- neth Charles White of Mil- ton-Freewater. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Jennifer A. and James Rowden of Hermis- ton: seeks $335.54. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Karen Marie Ward of Pendleton: judg- ment for $1,781.69. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Ronald Morton of Hermiston: seeks $397.77. •Credits Inc. vs. Robert L. Bie- gel Jr. of Umatilla: judgment for $1,397.05. PENDLETON — Marriage li- censes have been registered in Umatilla County for: •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Tamie Norris of Hermiston: seeks $726.94. •Credits Inc. vs. Nanci Islas of Hermiston: judgment for $3,335.12. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Esparanza Mar- tinez Flores of Milton-Free- water: seeks $994.03. •Credits Inc. vs. Erica and Aaron Schmidt of Pendleton: judgment for $2,380.95. Paul Edward Mingham, 57, of Eltopia, Wash., and Jennifer Lynn Webster, 40, of Port- land. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Shari Ann and Bennie Wilson of Stanfield: seeks $780.36. •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Joaquin Elias Jaimes and Martha Jaimes of Milton-Freewater: seeks $362.72. •Victor Delgado of Umatilla vs. Jose Mora of Umatilla: seeks $700. •Wells Fargo Bank N.A. vs. John L. Hood II of Pendleton: seeks $5,221.43. •Credits Inc. vs. Brian Barrett of Umatilla: judgment for $4,817.81. •Credits Inc. vs. Shannon L. Lunzmann (Lunzman) of Pilot Rock: judgment for $737.31. •Credits Inc. vs. Alex R. Ho- mer of Hermiston: judgment for $2,689.48. •Credits Inc. vs. Mattias Rahm of Hermiston: judg- ment for $1,918.04. •Credits Inc. vs. Octavio Tena Bazan of Hermiston: judg- ment for $1,365.52. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Su- sana Greda: seeks $1,014.99. •Credits Inc. vs. Martin (Mar- ty) Little of Pilot Rock: judg- ment for $891.81. •Sunthurst Energy LLC of Pendleton vs. My Mechan- ic of Klamath Falls: seeks $9,505. •Capital One Bank vs. Melis- sa C. Cawley of Pendleton: judgment for $1,437.84. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Elizabeth Breckenridge: seeks $956.22. •Bonneville Billing & Col- lections Inc. vs. Michael W. Montee of Pendleton: seeks $439.29. •Bonneville Billing & Col- lections Inc. vs. Michael C. Smith of Athena: seeks $388.22. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Karen Mendoza of Hermis- ton: judgment for $1,382.89. •Capital One Bank vs. Kate- lina F. Tuai Ena of Stanfield: judgment for $1,958.71. •Barclays Bank Delaware vs. Valerie L. Hurford of Umatil- la: judgment for $1,783.50. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Irma J. Lopez (nka Ponce) of Milton-Freewater: Marriages Loren Denny Pursifull, 45, and Heather Leigh Curry, 46, both of Stanfield. Chester Thomas Hall, 47, and Deana Anne Cordell, 46, both of Hermiston. Lucas Don Palmer, 26, and Natasha Marie Forkner, 27, both of Pendleton. Brian Elliott Flegel, 24, of Milton-Freewater and Jaazia Carolina Moran Bracamon- tes, 21, of Puyallup, Wash. Jacob Wesley Rasmussen, 22, and Taylor Leigh Morris, 21, both of Pendleton. Samuel Roger Nielson, 24, of Medford and McKenzie Re- nee Edwards, 23, of Adams. Bryce Nelson Kennedy, 23, and Thalia Leon Leon, 25, both of Umatilla. Mark Douglas Dickey, 60, and Jody Stutsman, 60, both of Pendleton. Sean Ryan Callihan, 31, of Spokane Valley, Wash., and Lindsey A. McIntosh, 34, of Blanchard, Idaho. Jason Aaron Almaguer, 22, of Stanfield and Shelby Lynn Harris, 21, of Pendleton. Gabriel Ray Campbell, 22, and Megan Marie Ellis, 20, both of Pendleton. EXTRACTIONS, WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL,ORAL AND IV SEDATION •Collection Bureau of Wal- la Walla Inc. vs. Emeline A. Trejo of Pendleton: seeks $2,166.82. •Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Mi- chelle R. Getchell: seeks $1,602.03. •Wells Fargo Bank vs. Tim- othy Testerman of Umatilla: seeks $ The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. Page 7A •Ray Klein Inc. dba Profes- sional Credit Service vs. Micah J. Thompson: seeks $3,214.23. 1100 Southgate, Suite 3. Pendleton OR 97801 •Evergreen Financial Ser- vices Inc. vs. Karina Torres of Hermiston: seeks $2,042.78. We are open from 7:30am - 4:30pm M-Th 541.276.5272