TV TIME Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker September 1, 2018 ACROSS 1 Greatest quantity? 5 Closes loudly 10 Fast-talking 14 State with force 15 Coral maker 16 Psychic energy 17 Milanese money, once 18 Weapons provider 19 Machine with pay- outs 20 Loser-by-one-vote’s cry 23 Indian address 24 Ball-balancing creature 25 Wet-dry ___ 28 Lipinski on skates 31 Make a mistake 35 Borodin prince 37 Sports officials, briefly 39 Lacking a point 40 Cyclical anomalies DOWN 1 Sudanese Republic, today 2 Noted Roman poet 3 Without moisture, as land 4 Brit’s streetcars 5 Toledo native 6 Manor overseer 7 “Mater” lead-in 8 Austin Powers, really 9 Black Friday events 10 Refined fill-ups 11 Beaut 12 Links choice 13 Sheet of matted wool 21 “Are,” centuries ago 22 Ariz. neighbor 25 Bishop’s underling 26 Tequila plant 27 Infant’s tummy ailment 29 Be literate 43 Dispatch boat 44 One accomplishing much 45 Funny sketch 46 Grandma’s secret? 48 Accelerated 50 “Get it now?” 51 Rani’s garment 53 Rajasthan-to-China dir. 55 Slums, e.g. 63 Whit kin 64 Say “That’s mine” 65 Paperhanger’s calculation 66 The Ugly Duckling, later 67 Aquarium fish 68 Respectful titles 69 It’s pushed around 70 A Dutch master 71 A grandson of Adam 30 What Hendrix and Dr. J sported 32 Utilizes suitcases 33 Release, in a way 34 “La ___” (Camus work) 36 Opposed 38 Be creepy? 41 Kind of stock 42 Former male slave 47 Builds 49 Modern evidence 52 Dot in the sea 54 Delete 55 Floppy thing 56 Caucus state 57 Film attraction 58 Fully fulfill 59 Collins’ country 60 Activist Brockovich 61 Streamlined, briefly 62 Mouth off TRUTH ALTERNATIVE By Timothy E. Parker sudoku answers S ATURDAY A FTERNOON & E VENING ABC NBC CBS FOX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM (11) KFFX KPTV (19) KEPR KOIN (25) KNDU KGW (42) KVEW KATU NCAA College 2 Football 19 Football Count- 6 down (L) 8 Count. Studio 4 (L) C Studio PBS KTNW OPB CABLE S EPTEMBER 1, 2018 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Football NCAA Football North Cmrolinm (Chmpel Hill) mt Cmlifornim Site: Football NCAA Football Akron mt Nebrmskm Site: Memoriml Stmdium (Lincoln) -- Paid Mike & North First at Most Mom Love Extra (L) Lincoln, Neb. (L) Program Molly Journ. Ten (N) Wanted Conn. Football NCAA Football Akron mt Nebrmskm Site: Memoriml Stmdium (Lincoln) (L) Whack In Depth J. Brown News (N) Love Connection NCAA Football West Virginim vs. Tennessee Site: Bmnk of Americm Hono- Inside Paid Grown Health News News The Big The Big Pink Collar 48 Hours 48 Hours News Stmdium -- Chmrlotte, N.C. (L) Edition Program Journal (N) (N) Bang Bang Crimes (N) (N) rWrestle NCAA Football West Virginim vs. Tennessee (L) Extra Weekend News News News News Ent. Tonight Pink Collar (N) 48 Hours 48 Hours News Am.Ninja NASCAR Auto Racing Sport Clips Hmircuts VFW The Wilder- Journey NCAA Football Michigmn mt Notre Dmme Site: Notre Dmme Stmdium -- News Wheel American Ninja Blue Bloods "Love News Sat. 200 Xfinity Series Site: Dmrlington Rmcewmy (L) Voyager ness Vet South Bend, Ind. (L) Fortune "Denver Finmls" 2/2 Lost" (N) Night NASCAR Racing Sport Clips Hmircuts VFW 200 (L) Paid Paid Getaway NCAA Football Michigmn mt Notre Dmme Site: Notre Dmme Stmdium (L) Paid Paid Getaway NBCPrev Dateline NBC News S.N.L NCAA Football Wmshington vs. Auburn Site: Mercedes-Benz Studio Paid Studio (L) / :05 NCAA Football Louisville vs. Almbmmm Site: :20 Paid Paid Extra Weekend To Be Announced Scandal "Trmnsfer Stmdium -- Atlmntm, Gm. (L) (L) Program Program Cmmping World Stmdium -- Orlmndo, Flm. (L) Studio Program of Power" NCAA Football Wmshington vs. Auburn (L) Studio Paid Homeo. Studio / :05 NCAA Football Louisville vs. Almbmmm (L) Studio Jeop. Paid Paid 20/20 News Wrestle Fresh Garden Greener Joy of Paint Test A Chef's Innova- Second Steves' News- L. Welk "Songs Great British OCD and Me In the Footsteps of Marco Red Austin City Limits Quilting Home World Painting This Kitchen Life tions Opinion Europe hour. (N) From the Movies" Baking "Bremd" Polo Green "Run the Jewels" Rick Steves' Europe: Great German Grateful Dead: Downhill From Here Suze Orman's Financial Solutions for Incredible Aging: Adding Perry Como Classics: 'Till News- Rick Steves' Heart of Italy Cities (N) You Life to Your Years the End of Time (My Music) hour. (N) 13 Sewing Nancy Oregon 12 PM 12:30 1 PM PREMIUM 2 PM 11 Football Extra (L) Cmlifornim Memoriml Stmdium -- Berkeley, Cmlif. (L) 3 Football Football NCAA Football North Cmrolinm (Chmpel Hill) mt Cmlifornim (L) (31) (59) 1:30 A&E C2 AMC 60 ANPL 24 CMT 43 CNBC 72 CNN 68 DISC C1 DISN 26 ESPN 33 ESPN2 34 FNC 66 FOOD 61 FREE 32 FX 6C GOLF 88 GSN 76 HALL 87 HGTV 62 HIST C0 LIFE 29 NICK 27 ROOT 37 SPIKE 42 SYFY 67 TBS C9 TCM C6 TLC 49 TNT C7 UNI 21 USA C8 WE 118 WGN HBO C18 HBO2 C20 HBO3 C21 MAX C49 SHOW C78 STARZ 621 STZENC 644 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Nightwatch Nat. Nightwatch Nat. Live PD Live PD Live PD "Rewind" Live PD < Terminator 3... <++ Above the Law Steven Semgml. <+ On Deadly Ground (‘94, Act) Steven Semgml. <++ Out for Justice Steven Semgml. <++ Under Siege (‘92, Act) Steven Semgml. <++ Hard to Kill Steven Semgml. My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Cat From Hell (N) Cat/ Hell (N) Cat/ Hell (N) Wolves (N) :05 Cat/ Hell <++ Monster-in-Law Jennifer Lopez. <++ Maid in Manhattan Jennifer Lopez. <++ Monster-in-Law (‘05, Com) Jennifer Lopez. <+++ Easy A (‘10, Com) Emmm Stone. :15 <+++ Easy A (‘10, Com) Emmm Stone. Pickler Jay Leno's Garage Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Boss "YESCO" Boss "Tmco Bueno" Boss "Mmmco" Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Paid Paid CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom S.E. Cupp CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom John McCain The 2000s The Nineties "The One About TV" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked "Forsmken" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid "Double Jeopmrdy" Naked and Afraid Naked (N) Naked and Afraid "Nmked mnd Emten Alive" (N) Naked and Afraid StuckM. Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd <++++ Up Edwmrd Asner. Raven's. Raven's. Raven's. Raven's. Raven's. Scoreb. NCAA Football Austin Pemy mt Georgim (L) Scoreb. NCAA Football Cincinnmti mt UCLA Site: Rose Bowl (L) Scoreb. :45 NCAA Football BYU mt Arizonm Site: Arizonm Stmdium (L) :45 SportsCenter (N) ITF Tennis U.S. Open Site: USTA Billie Jemn King Nmtionml Tennis Center (L) ITF Tennis U.S. Open Site: USTA Billie Jemn King Nmtionml Tennis Center (L) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Football Final (N) America's News HQ America's News HQ FOX Report Watters World Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Watters World Judge Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Watters World CajunAce Guy's R. Kids Baking Cupcake Cupcake Chopped Chopped Chopped Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners <++ Little Giants Rick Mormnis. <++ The Hunchback of Notre Dame :05 <++++ Up Edwmrd Asner. :15 <+++ Finding Nemo Albert Brooks. :45 < Finding Dory Ellen DeGeneres. :50 <++ The Parent Trap <+++ The Martian (‘15, Adv) Jessicm Chmstmin, Mmtt Dmmon. < Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues <+ Daddy's Home Will Ferrell. <++ Sausage Party Seth Rogen. <+++ Ghostbusters PGA Golf Dell Technologies Chmmpionship Site: TPC Boston (L) LPGA Golf Portlmnd Clmssic (L) CHAMPS Golf Shmw Chmrity Clmssic Golf C. PGA Golf Dell Technologies Chmmpionship Site: TPC Boston Golf Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud CashCb CashCb Feud Feud Baggage Baggage Baggage Baggage Million? Million? Million? Million? Am.Says Feud < A Harvest W... < Royal Matchmaker < Unleashing Mr. Darcy Rymn Pmevey. < Marrying Mr. Darcy Cindy Busby. < Season for Love Mmrc Blucms. < A Country Wedding Jesse Metcmlfe. G. Girls G. Girls Fixer Upper Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Love It or List It BeachReno (N) Renovation (N) H.Hunt House Impossible (N) Impossible (N) J. McCain Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn S. Pawn Stars: Pumped Up "Rockin' Demls" (N) :05 Pawn :35 Pawn < Psycho In-Law Kmtie Leclerc. < Blood, Sweat and Lies < I Killed My BFF: Preacher's Daug... < The Nanny Is Watching (‘18, Drm) < I'll Be Watching Jmnel Pmrrish. :05 < Killer Single Dad (2018, Thriller) Friends Friends P Ranger Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. H.Danger H.Danger H.Danger Danger <+++ Ice Age: The Meltdown Football NCAA Football Smn Diego Stmte vs. Stmnford Footvolley In Depth Mariners Pregame MLB Baseball Semttle Mmriners mt Omklmnd Athletics (L) Pstgame MLS Soccer Portlmnd vs New Englmnd Pstgame < The Mummy: Tomb of the Drag... < Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull <++ Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom <++++ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade < Raiders of th... <++ Deja Vu <+++ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time <++ G.I. Joe: Retaliation Chmnning Tmtum. <+++ Resident Evil: Afterlife < Annabelle (‘14, Hor) Annmbelle Wmllis. Futur. Futur. Movie <++ Tomorrowland (‘15, Adv) Britt Robertson. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Frontal Wrecked < Them! :45 <++++ The Time Machine :45 <++ Operation Crossbow George Peppmrd. <+++ The Black Swan :45 <++++ Captain Blood Errol Flynn. <++ The Locket :45 <++++ Easy Rider Coupon Coupon Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings The 685-lb Teen Dr. Pimple Dr. Pimple Popper "An Americmn Tmil" <+++ Live Free or Die Hard Bruce Willis. :45 <++ Pacific Rim (‘13, Act) Chmrlie Hunnmm, Idris Elbm. <++ RoboCop (‘14, Act) Joel Kinnmmmn. <++ Real Steel (‘11, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jmckmmn. :45 < Live Free or Die Hard Renta Co Renta Co Como dice dicho María Notice Pagado Pagado Cuentamelo Ya! :55 Bibi Vecinos Guapos Guapos María Notice :55 MFL Fútbol Atlms mt Tigres UANL (L) :55 MFL Fútbol Pmch./GUA (L) < Harry Potter & the Or... <+++ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Dmniel Rmdcliffe. :55 < Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 :10 < Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Modern Modern Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds C.Minds "To Hell" Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami CSI "Sink or Swim" All in (L) Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Movie :50 <+++ The Blind Side Smndrm Bullock. :05 24/ 7 :40 <+++ The Mummy :45 < Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them <++++ Ferdinand :50 < Justice League Gml Gmdot. SharpObj :05 < Father Figures Owen Wilson. Sharp Objects :05 Sharp Objects SharpObj "Fix" SharpObj :45 Sharp Objects :40 Sharp Objects :35 Sharp Objects SharpObj "Milk" Insecure Insecure Flyness :05 < Reign of ... Movie :40 <+++ Whip It Ellen Pmge. :35 < Victoria and Abdul Judi Dench. :50 News :05 < The Silence of the Lambs :05 <+ Kill the Messenger <++ It (‘17, Drm) Bill Skmrsgård. :20 Bill Maher Movie < Why Him? (‘16, Com) Jmmes Frmnco. :25 <++ The Italian Job :20 < Stratton Dominic Cooper. <++ Courage Under Fire <++ Green Zone Yigml Nmor. :55 <++ The Great Wall Movie Shameless Shameless Shame. "Iron City" Shameless Shameless Shameless Shameless Shame. "Emily" Shame. "Lmzmrus" < The Girl on the Train Emily Blunt. America? Movie <++ 2012 John Cusmck. :40 <+ Spider-Man: Homecoming Tom Hollmnd. :55 America Power < Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle <++ 27 Dresses :55 Power :55 Vida America :55 <+++ Coming to America :55 <++ The Mexican Julim Roberts. <+++ The Electric Horseman :05 <+++ The Bounty Hunter <+++ Do the Right Thing Spartacus :55 < The Edge S ATURDAY L ATE N IGHT & S UNDAY M ORNING 12 AM 12:30 1 AM FOX (11) KFFX KPTV CBS (19) KEPR KOIN NBC (25) KNDU KGW ABC (42) KVEW KATU 11 3 2 19 6 8 4 C PBS (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 1:30 Love Modern Two and Mike & Conn. Family a Half Molly Family Family Bob's Bob's Guy Guy Burgers Burgers Hono- Hollywo Real The R.S. rWrestle od News Green Americ- :35 American :35 Paid an Ninja Ninja Warrior Program Saturday Night 1st Look Open Live House Saturday Night :05 Andy :35 Paid Live Stanley Program Rizzoli & Isles Kolchak: Night Stalk "Chopper" Hono- :35 Castle "At :35 Paid rWrestle Close Range" Program Bluegra- A Chef's Nova "The Origami ss Under Life Revolution" Jimmy Buffett: Oregon Outdoor Buried Treasure Art Beat Idaho 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 Two and Mike & Weekend Marketplace a Half Molly <++ Mrs. Winterbourne (‘96, Com) Paid Paid Shirley MacLaine, Ricki Lake. Program Program L.M. Paid Paid Paid Real Spaces Traveler Program Program Program Green :05 Paid :35 Paid Paid Paid On the Paid Program Program Program Program Money Program Am. Entertainers With Open CSI: Miami Athlete Byron Allen House "Dissolved" :05 1st :35 Open :05 Open L.M. Paid Ministry Look House House Traveler Program Lost in Space Voyage Bottom Land of Giants of Sea "The Clones" Paid Hom- Destin- The R.S. Paid Paid Program eowner ation.TV Program Program Nature "India's Ancient Invisible Great British Wandering Lions" Cities "Athens" Baking "Bread" Midsomer M. Independent Lens "Winnie" Fannie "Midsomer Life" Hamer 5 AM 5:30 2 Broke Paid Girls Program Paid Paid Program Program Paid Paid Program Program The Church of Almighty God On the Cross- Money walk (N) Sunday Today (N) Swamp Thing Paid Program Wash. Week Garden (N) Swamp Thing Paid Program Brea- king Big Garden Home 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Rescue Ag PhD Fox News Sunday Paid Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Me Good Day Oregon at 6 a.m. (N) Fox News Sunday Paid <+++ Revolutionary Road Program (‘08, Dra) Leonardo DiCaprio. Paid Full CBS Sunday Morning With Face the Nation Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Program Measure Jane Pauley Program Program Program Program Program In Touch With Dr. CBS Sunday Morning With Face the Nation Alex Xterra Xterra Paid Paid Charles Stanley Jane Pauley Scott Program Program Sunday Today (N) WakeUp Cham- Meet the Press Paid Paid IAAF Track & Field Ryder North pion (N) Program Program Weltklasse Zürich Cup KGW News at Sunrise (N) Health Naturall Cham- Meet the Press IAAF Track & Field Ryder Happ. y, Danny pion (N) Weltklasse Zürich Cup ALF Matter Good Morning This Week Good Hom- LatiNa- America Sea Wildlife "A.L.F." of Fact America Sunday News eowner tion n Latino Rescue Docs Good Morning KATU News This Morning Sunday (N) Your Full This Week Wild Ocean America Sunday Voice Measure Countd. Treks Sid Dinosa- Sesame Daniel SciGirls Cyber- Antique "Austin Walking Into the Lines To the Science ur Train Street Tiger chase (Hour One)" Unknown Contrary Peg + Super Mister Arthur Dinosa- Bob the Rick Steves' Heart Rick Mister Rogers: It's You I Cat WHY! Rogers ur Train Builder of Italy Steves' Like