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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 2018)
Page 2C YOUR EO NEWS East Oregonian Saturday, September 1, 2018 Fair announces parade, barbecue contest winners The celebration of “Let’s Stirrup Some Fun!” was kicked off with the annual Umatilla County Fair Kick-Off parade. More than 100 parade entries lined the streets Aug. 4 in preparation for the 2018 fair season. Seven of the entries were awarded first place ribbons: Photo contributed by Lynn Tompkins Blue Mountain Wildlife welcomed visitors from Minamisoma, Japan. A welcome to Japanese visitors Blue Mountain Wild- life recently enjoyed vis- itors from Minamisoma, Japan. Six exchange students and their interpreter, who are part of a Pendleton sis- ter city program, visited the center this past week. Lynn Tompkins, execu- tive director at Blue Moun- tain Wildlife, said Nicole, one of their interns, had a great opportunity to prac- tice her Japanese while conversing with the visitors. Blue Mountain Wild- life is a nonprofit organi- zation whose mission is to preserve wildlife and the habitats in which they live. Services include wild- life rehabilitation and public education. Its pri- mary center is located five miles south of Pendleton at 71046 Appaloosa Lane. For more information, contact 541-278-0215, lynn@bluemountainwild- or visit Symphony soars with Creative Heights Contemporary com- poser Raven Chacon has been commissioned to cre- ate a new piece of music and the world premier per- formance will take place in Pendleton. A $38,000 grant received from the Creative Heights program of The Oregon Community Founda- tion is funding the special project and performance, said J.D. Kindle, execu- tive director of the Oregon East Symphony. The com- missioned work will feature a chamber ensemble com- prised of musicians from the symphony and student musicians from Nixyaawii Community School. While in Eastern Oregon coaching musicians on the performance of his com- missioned work, Chacon will be working with Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts in producing a series of prints based off the commissioned score. Both the music and prints will premiere at the Oregon East Symphony’s annual Winter Chamber Music Concert. The event is Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, with a second performance Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019, at Crow’s Shadow. Chacon is a composer, performer and installation Contributed A sample score by Raven Chacon. The contempo- rary composer will produce a series of prints at Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts based off a commissioned score. The musician’s premier will be featured during Oregon East Symphony’s Feb. 16 Winter Chamber Music concert in Pendleton. Chacon artist from Fort Defiance, Navajo Nation. Each year, he teaches 20 students to write string quartets for the Native American Composer Apprentice- ship Project. The Oregon East Sym- phony works to enhance the cultural wealth of the region through music education and perfor- mance. For more infor- mation, including the upcoming season and to purchase tickets to the Winter Chamber Music concert, visit www.orego- For questions, contact 541- 276-0320 or oesdirec- EOU students cash in with good grades During the eighth year of Community Bank’s Earn While You Learn 704 stu- Program, dent-customers in the Eastern Oregon and south- east Washington area earned $16,777. The first through 12th grade students presented their end-of-the-year report cards during the months of June and July and were rewarded with $1 for every top grade received. Students can earn up to $50 annually through the program. “Community Bank is proud to announce the con- tinued success of our Earn While You Learn pro- gram,” said Community Bank CEO Tom Moran. The program, Moran said, encourages the aca- demic success of young people and assists in teach- ing students the value of saving. Since the program’s inception in 2011, a total of $96,385 has been paid out, said Leah Johnson, Com- munity Bank marketing manager. Community Bank was founded in 1955 by a group of Joseph business lead- ers as the Bank of Wal- lowa County. Since then, it has grown to 14 branches, with 11 in Eastern Ore- gon — including Pendle- ton, Hermiston, Heppner and Milton-Freewater — and three in southeastern Washington. It also operate a Loan Production Office in The Dalles. For more infor- mation, visit www.commu- WEDDING Gabriel and Shanna Escobedo Shanna Barton and Gabriel Escobedo of Hermiston were married Aug. 16, 2018, at Venus Garden at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nev. The bride is the daughter of Robert (Bob) Barton and Joan Barton of Hermiston. The groom is the son of Mary Escobedo of Irrigon. Shanna was walked down the aisle by her father. A maid of honor, best man, four bridesmaids and four groomsmen, three cute flower girls and a handsome ring bearer completed the bridal party. The bride is a 2004 graduate of Hermis- ton High School, a 2007 graduate of Blue Mountain Community College, and a 2010 graduate of Ashford University. She works for Barton Laser Leveling in Hermiston. The groom graduated from Riverside High School in 1998, and from Eastern Ore- Bands & Music: Umatilla County Marching Band; Dance: Gem Cheer Royals; Equestrian: Rancho La Es- condida; Float: Connell Community Float; Motorized Group: Krome Diesel Repair; Non-Float: Com- munity Bank; Royalty: Columbia County Fair; Overall Sweepstakes Award: Connell Community Float; Fair Theme Award: Stirrup a Fun Ride as a Foster Parent. And on Aug. 8, coun- ty-wide bragging rights and a new pellet smoker bar- becue sponsored by Ranch & Home were on the line during the annual Back- yard BBQ Contest at the Umatilla County Fair. Team “3rd Degree,” led by Tyrel Burns of Weston, took home the grand prize and top honors after gathering the highest combined scores from the five required grill- ing divisions of beef, lamb, potato, onion and dessert. He also took first place in the optional Bloody Mary division. Contest food, products and prize money were pro- vided by local sponsors River Point Farms, Blue Mountain Potato Grow- ers, Cenex Harvest States, Eastern Oregon Mobile Slaughter, EOM Con- struction, Oregon Potato Commission, Ranch and Home, Tyson Foods, Ore- gon Lamb, Golden Valley East, Oregon Grain Grow- ers Distillery and Uma- tilla County Cattleman’s Association. The heat did not beat the grilling teams as they pre- sented their foods to plenty of willing tasters after the official judging was con- ducted. The overall win- ner received a wood pellet smoker and cash prizes. For each of the divisions, $300 was awarded for first place, $200 for second, and $100 for third. Winners included: Grand Prize Winner: 3rd Degree - Tyrel Burns Tri-tip Beef: Smokin Hot - Jacob Potter (1); 3rd Degree - Tyrel Burns (2); Grillin & Chillin - Paula Morgan (3). Lamb Roast: 3rd Degree - Tyrel Burns (1); Taylor Morgan (2); Grillin & Chillin - Paula Morgan (3). Onion: 3rd Degree - Tyrel Burns Finally, Open Class (non- 4-H/FFA) exhibitors earning special ribbons during the 2018 Umatilla County Fair were as follows: Baked Goods Quick Breads Best of Show: Linda Gonzalez; Miscellaneous Baking Grand Champion: Mariah Kahler; Cookies Grand Champion: Tammi Lynch, Melissa Shilhanek, Ashley Treadwell; Cookies Reserve Cham- pion: Courtney Ross, Tessa Irvine; Quick Breads Reserve Champion: Marcee Moore; Yeast Breads Judge’s Choice: Marilyn Salem; Cakes Judge’s Choice: Courtney Ross. Clothing Boys & Men Best of Show: Judy Bertsch; Recycled & Repurposed Grand Champion: Tammi Lynch; Babies & Toddlers Grand Champi- on: Grecia Ramirez; Toys & Stuffed Animals Grand Champion: Pauline Vanderbrake, Reserve Champion Marilyn Schuening; Childrens Sizes 7-12 Reserve Champion: Irene Pena; Knitted, Crocheted & Tatted Reserve Champion: Jerene Barndt; Acces- sories Fabric or Leather Judge’s Choice: Marilyn Schuening. Creative Arts Woodcraft Best of Show, Grand Champion: Robin DeLeSandro, Reserve Champion: Jenny Reeves, Judge’s Choice: Dennis Coykendall; Beadwork Grand Champion: Louise Beach; Leathercraft Grand Cham- pion: Rulen Jemmett; Decorated Craft or Object Grand Champion: Jessica Weiland, Reserve Champion: Rebecca Taylor; Hobbies Reserve Champion: Shelly Coykendall; Pottery Reserve Champion: Phil Hummell; Theme Award: Betty Jarrett. Creative Kids Foods Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Evelyn Golightly, Reserve Champion: Helen Smith; Foods Age 7-9 Grand Champion: Violet Vander- stelt, Reserve Champion Tucker Holton; Foods Age 10-12 Grand Champion: Ruth Vanderstelt, Reserve Champion: Ruth Vanderstelt; Foods Judge’s Choice: Jack Flemmer; Foods Overall Grand Champion: Ruth Vanderstelt, Reserve Champion: Ev- elyn Golightly; Photography Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Rory Spike, Reserve Champion Jack Flemmer; Photography Age 7-9 Grand Cham- pion: Brooklyn Rafferty, Reserve Champion Emerson Spike; Photog- raphy Age 10-12 Grand Champion: Ian Baxter, Reserve Champion: Haile Link; Photography Judge’s Choice, Overall Grand Champion: Rory Spike, Overall Reserve Champion: Ian Baxter; Hobbies Best of Show: Blake Ritzer; Hobbies Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Jacob Hoffman, Reserve Champion: Helen Smith; Hobbies Age 7-9 Grand Champion: Blake Ritzer, Reserve Champion: Matthew Cole; Hobbies 10-12 Grand Champion: Peyton Hereford, Reserve Champion: Samuel Cole; Hobbies Judge’s Choice: Samuel Cole; Hob- bies Overall Grand Champion: Blake Ritzer, Reserve Champion Samuel Cole; Fine Arts Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Karlee Marks, Reserve Champion: Jack Flemmer; Fine Arts Age 7-9 Grand Champion: Emerson Spike, Reserve Champion: Maya Go- mez; Fine Arts 10-12 Grand Champi- on: Ezy Gomez, Reserve Champion: Peyton Hereford; Fine Arts Judge’s Choice, Overall Grand Champion: Ezy Gomez; Dolls & Friends Age 6 & Under Grand Champion, Reserve Champion: Karlee Marks; Dolls & gon University in 2011. He is a journeyman electrician for C&W Services in Hermiston. The couple enjoyed a honeymoon at Riviera Maya in Mexico. They will hold a reception Sept. 8 at the Barton home. Ribbons and awards may be picked up from the fair office Monday through Fri- day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1705 E. Airport Road, Hermiston. BIRTHS St. Anthony Hospital, Pendleton AUG. 20, 2018 MILANI — Brandy Baker and Justin Milani of Pendleton: a boy, Logan James Milani. SYKES — Rachel S. Sykes and Christo- pher D. Sykes of Pendleton: a boy, Waylon Christopher Sykes. AUG. 24, 2018 BRUNING — Jennifer L. Bruning and Steven A. Bruning of Pendleton: a boy, Aidan Dean Bruning. COLLINS — Brianna L. Collins and Jeffrey S. Collins of Pendleton: a girl, Rea- gan Lee Collins. AUG. 26, 2018 SULLIVAN — Shay L. Smith and Brodey J.P. Sullivan of Hermiston: a girl, Madilynn Louise Sullivan. Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston AUG. 22, 2018 DEL CURTO — Brenda J. Garcia and Rob Del Curto of Stanfield: a boy, Presley Lawrence Del Curto. Visit us online at P et of the Week Casper is a very energetic 5 month old, loves to play specially in water, is friendly with other dogs and people . 523 Pets Adopted in 2018! Gabriel and Shanna Escobedo Friends Age 7-9 Grand Champion: Kratos Jacquez, Reserve Champion: Andrew Kerwin; Dolls & Friends 10- 12 Grand Champion: Madeline Jared, Reserve Champion Carson Smith; Dolls & Friends Judge’s Choice: Karlee Marks; Dolls & Friends Overall Grand Champion: Madeline Jared, Overall Reserve Champion: Karlee Marks; Clothing Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Jack Flemmer, Reserve Champion: Karlee Marks; Clothing Age 7-9 Grand Champion, Reserve Champion: Emerson Spike; Clothing 10-12 Grand Champion: Elle Spencer, Reserve Champion: Carson Smith; Clothing Judge’s Choice: Em- erson Spike; Clothing Overall Grand Champion: Elle Spencer, Reserve Champion: Emerson Spike; Crafts Age 6 & Under Grand Champion: Jack Flemmer, Reserve Champion: Karlee Marks; Crafts Age 7-9 Grand Champion: Michael Downing, Re- serve Champion: McKenzie Marks; Crafts 10-12 Grand Champion: Ezy Gomez, Reserve Champion: Elle Spencer; Crafts Judge’s Choice: Ty Hansell; Crafts Overall Grand Cham- pion: Ezy Gomez, Overall Reserve Champion: Michael Downing. Fine Arts Painting-Watercolors Best of Show: Hannah Arey; Painting-Acrylics Grand Champion: Bethany Tolman, Arlen Clark, Reserve Champion: Bethany Tollman; Painting-Oils Grand Champi- on, Reserve Champion: Mark James; Drawing-Pen & Ink Grand Champion: Amber Carnahan, Reserve Cham- pion: Jennifer Brown; Drawing-Soft Media Reserve Champion: Karley Arritt. Floriculture Cut Flower Collections Best of Show: Betty Jarrett; Youth Floral De- sign Best of Show: Edith Mickelsen; Misc. Potted Plants Best of Show: Debbie Tracy, Judge’s Choice: Mari- lyn Salem; Annuals Grand Champion: Kratos Jacquez, Ginger Wyckoff, Reserve Champion: Luke Walder, Naomie Wyckoff; Roses Grand Champion: Caroline Jared, Reserve Champion: Marcee Moore; Cactus Judge’s Choice: Wallace Davis. Land Produce Bush Beans Best of Show: Mason Smith; Zoo Creatures Grand Cham- pion: Karlee Marks, Edith Mickelsen, Mickenzie Marks, Nadalie Cannell; Vegetables Judge’s Choice: Serenity Gracie Tucker-Walls, Carson Smith. Photography Amateur Best of Show, Grand Champion: Kohl Konningrud; Special Needs Grand Champion: Daniel Tuck- er; Amateur Judge’s Choice: Anicia Jemmett, Rachel Martin; Amateur People’s Choice: Carol McIntosh; Amateur Theme: Roger Berger. Preserved Foods Vegetable Preservation Best of Show, Grand Champion: Jeri Jordan, Reserve Champion: Ashlynn Cutburth; Soups Grand Champion, Reserve Champion: Marcee Moore; Jam or Jelly Grand Champion: Marcee Moore, Reserve Champion: Kris Dorran; Pickles & Relish Grand Champion: Kris Dorran, Reserve Champion: Bertha Sager; Dried Foods Grand Champion: Myrene Birt, Reserve Champion: Mason Smith; Fruit Preservation Reserve Champi- on: Ginger Wyckoff; Judge’s Choice: Marcee Moore. Textiles & Needlecraft Stitchery Best of Show: Jane VanRyn; Knitted, Crocheted & Tatted Grand Champion, Reserve Champion, Judge’s Choice: Rose Perry; Quilts & Quilted Items Grand Champion: Julie Logosz, Reserve Champion: Barb Furlong, Theme Award: Ranne Grant; Stitchery Judge’s Choice: Angela Koester. (1); Conestoga - Jeffrey Marks (2); Smokin Hot - Jacob Potter (3). Potato: Taylor Morgan (1); Grillin & Chillin - Paula Morgan (2); Smokin Hot - Jacob Potter (3). Dessert: Smokin Hot - Jacob Potter (1); 3rd Degree - Tyrel Burns (2); Taylor Morgan (3). Bloody Mary (optional division): 3d Degree - Tyrel Burns (1); Smokin Hot - Jacob Potter (2); Grillin & Chillin - Paula Morgan (3). Visit Casper at the Pioneer Humane Society/Paws Tues - Sat • Noon - 4pm 517 SE 3rd ST, Pendleton 541-276-0181 Check out the PAWSABILITY Thrift Store CASPER -megumi’s dog grooming- 541.276.6220 920 SW Frazer Ste. 105 Pendleton, OR 97801 125 S. M ain St., Pendleton 541-276-9292