FAITH Friday, August 17, 2018 East Oregonian Mormon president nixes use of ‘Mormon’ or ‘LDS’ as church name By BRADY MCCOMBS Associated Press SALT LAKE CITY — The faith has the famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir, recently made a documen- tary about its members called “Meet the Mormons” and uses “Mormon” in its official website addresses. But on Thursday church President Russell M. Nel- son said he wants people to stop using “Mormon,” or “LDS” as substitutes for the full name of the religion: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nelson said in a statement that the “Lord has impressed upon my mind the impor- tance of the name he has revealed for his church.” The full name was given by God to founder Joseph Smith in 1838, according to the faith’s beliefs. Its presidents are consid- ered prophets who lead the church through revelations from God. The 93-year-old Nelson ascended to church president in January when the previous president died. An updated style guide posted by the faith suggests using “the Church,” “Church of Jesus Christ” or “restored Church of Jesus Christ” when a shortened reference is needed. For church mem- bers, it requests using “Lat- ter-day Saints” or “mem- bers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” The term “Mormonism” should no longer be used either to refer to the faith’s doctrine, culture and life- style, the guide said. Page 7A FAITH BRIEFS Christian church hosts park worship PENDLETON — An old-fashioned outdoor worship service is planned in Pendleton. Hosted by the First Christian Church, Worship & Pic- nic in the Park is Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at Pioneer Park, 400 N.W. Despain Ave., Pendleton. Christian music will be performed by Faith Street & Grace, a band from Walla Walla. Lunch will be served following the service. Everyone is invited to attend. People are encouraged to dress casual and bring a lawn chair. For more informa- tion, call 541-276-5358. Christian writers to attend summer conference in Portland this month AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File President Russell M. Nelson looks on following a news conference, in Salt Lake City. The church says it will update websites and materi- als in the coming months to reflect the guidance. The terms “Mormon,” ‘’Mormonism” and “LDS” have been used for decades by the religion and by both members and non-members to refer to the Utah-based faith that counts 16 million members worldwide. The church has always requested use of the full name, but accepted the use of Mormon and LDS as short-hand. The church ran a series of ads starting in 2010 under the theme, “I’m a Mormon” to dispel stereotypes by tell- ing the stories of individual Mormons. The campaign included TV ads, billboards and ads on buses. One video posted in 2011 featured Bran- don Flowers, the lead singer of the popular rock song, The Killers. It ends with: “My name is Brandon Flow- ers. I’m a father, I’m a hus- band and I’m a Mormon.” In 2014, the faith followed up by making a documen- tary called, “Meet the Mor- mons” that told the stories of six church members liv- ing around the world, includ- ing Navy football coach Ken Niumatalolo. It will be an “extremely difficult change” since the terms are ingrained among members, journalists, aca- demics and observers, said Patrick Mason, a professor of religion at Claremont Gradu- ate University in California, who is the chair of Mormon Studies at the college. He recently published a book titled, “What is Mormonism?” Mason said he expects church members will do their best to conform but predicted outsiders will continue to use Mormon and Mormonsim “both out of habit and ease, since the formal name of the church is so long.” Mason said Nelson has long insisted on using the full and proper name during his years on the Quourom of the Twelve Apostles, a gov- erning body that sits below the church president and helps make church policy. The decision sparked buzz on social media in Utah, with people pointing out that the news release was being disseminated from a Twitter account with “Mor- mon” in the name — @Mor- monNewsroom — and being posted on a website also fea- turing the word: mormon- PORTLAND — Top editors, agents and award-win- ning authors will come together to assist writers of all lev- els and genres during a faith-based conference to reach their writing goals. The Oregon Christian Writers Summer Coaching Conference provides Includes 10 in-depth (7 hours total) morning coaching classes and 23 hour-long afternoon workshops on such topics as the craft of fiction, nonfic- tion, blogging, children’s and young adult writing, using humor, developing ideas and publishing articles. The conference also offers manuscript reviews, one-on-one meetings with editors, mentoring with published authors and professional panels. The event is Aug. 20–23 at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion in Portland. The registration fee is $550 for OCW members, $595 for nonmembers and $350 for ages 23 and under. Conference also features the Cascade Writing Awards ceremony and daily worship. For more information or to register, visit www.ore- For questions, contact summer- Teen shares about near-death experience at church in Mission MISSION — A teenage evangelist will share her testi- mony, which includes a near-death experience, at Mission Assembly of God Church. While stricken with cancer as a youngster, Mishayle Nohea said she was in a coma and received a message from God to share with others. Now 18, Nohea of Soldier Girl for The Lord Ministries talks about being healed and that God is real. Nohea is a special guest speaker Sunday, Aug. 26, at 11 a.m. at the Mission church, 47328 Short Mile Road. The public is invited to attend. For more information, call Vern Kube at 541-276- 0310 or 541-377-1880. COMMUNITY BRIEFS White Eagle Grange serves Saturday breakfast PENDLETON — A meal of pancakes, French toast, ham, sausage links, hash brown potatoes, eggs, ham and cheese omelet, ham scramble, biscuits and sausage gravy, and coffee and juice is available at the White Eagle Grange. The breakfast is Saturday from 7 to 10 a.m. at 43828 White Eagle Road, located off Highway 395 between Pend- leton and Pilot Rock. The suggested donation is $7 for ages 8 and older, $4 for ages 5-7 and free for those 4 and younger. SUNDAYS Morning Celebration - 10am Morning Kids Place - 10am Evening - 6pm Adult - Study Youth - Small Group Kids - Rangers & Girl’s Ministries In addition, raffle tickets are being sold for a choice between an AR 15 223 or 5.56 caliber DPMS Oracle Semi- Auto 30 round mag 16” barrel, valued at $725. Tickets, which are $10 each, are available at Elite Guns & Bows, Elite Café & Coffee Shop, 1400 S.W. Court Ave., during functions at White Eagle Grange and at several area businesses. The drawing will be held Oct. 26 and will benefit the White Eagle Grange Youth Fund and Pendleton Fourth of July fireworks fund. The win- ner must be at least 18 years old to claim the prize. For more information, con- tact Gail Wilson at 541-310- 9655 or gail11wilson@gmail. com. Seventh-Day Adventist Church Saturday Services Pendleton 1401 SW Goodwin Place 276-0882 Sabbath School 9:20 am Worship Service 10:45 am Arts council sets annual meeting PENDLETON — Mem- bers of the Arts Council of Pendleton are invited to attend the nonprofit organi- zation’s annual meeting. The gathering is Sunday at 5 p.m. at Pendleton Cen- ter for the Arts, 214 N. Main St. Members attending will receive a free pass to the Dani Joy concert at 7 p.m. The meeting provides members with an opportu- nity to view yearly finan- cial reports, hear from staff about the year’s events and activities, and enjoy a pic- nic-style meal and refresh- ments with others who value creative pursuits. The Arts Council of Pend- leton established its nonprofit status in 1974 and oversaw the renovation of the old Car- negie library building into the Pendleton Center for the Arts from 1998-2001. The arts center provides opportu- nities for creative expression and community connection through experiences, educa- tion and advocacy in the arts. Arts council yearly mem- berships are $30 for an indi- vidual and $50 for a house- hold. Members receive keepsake postcards for each exhibit, discounts on pur- chases and class tuition, and invitations to special events. For more information, call 541-278-9201 or visit WEEKLY Groups For All Ages AN ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 1911 SE Court Ave. 541.276.6417 • pendletonfi Good Shepherd Lutheran Church LCMC Sunday worship at 10:00 AM Pastor Michael Smith 420 Locust St. • Boardman, OR 541-481-6132 COMMUNITY 401 Northgate, Pendleton Celebration of of Worship Celebration Worship Sundays 10:00 am Youth: 0-6th grade Midweek Service Midweek Service Wednesdays 6:00 pm Youth: 0-6th grade Overcomer’s Outreach Jr./Sr. High ’ Pastor Sharon Miller 541-278-8082 Pastor Sharon Miller To share your worship times call 541-278-2678 ~Come and be at Peace ~ on 1290 KUMA noon each Sunday Grace Baptist Church Join Us Join On Our Journey With Jesus. Scripture, Tradition and Reason Family service 9am Sunday N.E. Gladys Ave & 7th, Hermiston PH: 567-6672 We are an all inclusive Church who welcomes all. OPEN HEARTS – OPEN DOOR Sunday Worship 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (Nursery Provided) Fellowship, Refreshments & Sunday School Check Out our Facebook Page or Website for More Information 541-289-4535 Tom Inch, Pastor Grace and Mercy Lutheran Church, ELCA (First United Methodist Church) 191 E. Gladys Ave. / P.O. Box 1108 Hermiston, Oregon 97838 14 Martin Drive, Umatilla, OR 922-3250 Worship: 10 AM Sunday School at 11:30 PENDLETON LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH Redeemer Episcopal Church 241 SE Second St. Pendleton (541)276-3809 Sunday Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Holy Communion Noon Weekly Adults Spiritual Life Group All Are Welcome Community Presbyterian Church Sunday Service: 10am & 6pm Tuesday Kingdom Seekers: 7pm Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm We off er: Sunday School • Sign Language Interpreters • Nursery • Transportation • & more! Pastor Dan Satterwhite 541.377.4252 417 NW 21st St. • Pendleton, OR 97801 PendletonLighthouseChurch Service of Worship - 10:00 am Children’s Sunday School - 10:20 am Fellowship - 11:00 am Open Hearted... Open Minded The Salvation Army Center for Worship & Service Sunday Worship Service 9:30 - Sunday School 10:30 - Worship Service Wednesday Bible Study 5:30 Family Fellowship Meal • 6:00 Bible Study COME AS YOU ARE 150 SE Emigrant (541) 276-3369 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH in Mission for Christ LCMC Sunday Worship.........9:00 AM Bible Study......10:00 AM Red Lion Hotel ( Oregon Trail Room ) Come meet Jesus at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Presbyterian Church (USA)- 201 SW Dorion Ave. Pendleton Worshiping God Special Guest Speaker Join us Sundays 9:30 am Sunday Worship 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:30 am Fellowship 11:00 am Sunday School & Adult Class St. Johns Episcopal Church HERMISTON — The Hermiston Travel Club will discuss upcoming trips during an Aug. 23 meeting. A last call has been issued for an Oct. 30 departure for Croatia. Next up is Adven- tures to Costa Rica, Feb. 13, 2019. Also, a French Rivera itinerary Nov. 5, 2019 includes seven nights in Nice, France.. The Travel Club meeting is Thursday, Aug. 23, at the Hermiston Chamber of Com- merce, 1055 S. Highway 395, Suite 111. For questions or to RSVP for the informational meet- ing, contact Debbie Pedro at 541-567-6151. Loving People 108 S. Main • 276-9569 Worship Service: 10:30am Sunday School: 9:30am ELCA 555 SW 11th, Hermiston 567-9497 Nursery provided for all services Sunday School - 9:30 AM Worship - 10:45 AM 6:00 pm Wed Prayer & Worship - 7:00 PM “Proclaiming God’s word, growing in God’s grace” PENDLETON — Peo- ple interested in learning more about the process of creating leathers for Pend- leton Round-Up royalty are invited to Terrific Tuesday. The free event is Tuesday, Aug. 21, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Heritage Station Museum, 108 S.W. Frazer, Pendleton. Mary Bonifer, will lead the program, sharing about what goes into making the spe- cial outfits for the Round-Up queen and princesses. For more information about Umatilla County His- torical Society events, call 541-276-0012 or visit www. WORSHIP P eace L utheran C hurch 210 NW 9th, Pendleton Travel Club offers three destinations Faith Center Church THURSDAYS Celebrate Recovery - 6pm Celebration Place - Kids - 6pm The Landing - Teens - 6pm Terrific Tuesday features leathers PENDLETON BAPTIST CHURCH Behind These Stone Walls Beat the Hearts of Some of the Warmest Most Sincere, Most Caring People in Pendleton. We Invite You to Come Get Acquainted! Worship: 9:40am Fellowship to follow Offi ce 541-276-5358 M-Thr, 8:30-12:30 3202 SW Nye Ave Pendleton, OR 541-276-7590 Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Bible Classes 9:45 AM Sunday Youth Group 6:00 PM Mon. Community Women’s Study 9:30 AM & 6 PM Awana Kids Club (K-6th grade) Wed Men’s Study 6 PM MOPS meeting the 1st Thur of the Month 6 PM First United Methodist Church Pendleton 352 SE 2nd Street, Pendleton OR Sunday Worship 9am • 541-276-2616 Worship Broadcast on KUMA 1290 @ 11am Worship Livestream at Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Rev. Dr. Jim Pierce, pastor