NATION/WORLD East Oregonian Page 6A Friday, August 17, 2018 Previously, the page stated: “With Location His- tory off, the places you go are no longer stored.” The AP observed that the change occurred mid- day Thursday, a finding con- firmed by Internet Archive snapshots taken earlier in the day. Vatican in ‘shame and sorrow’ over new abuse cases VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican expressed “shame and sorrow” Thurs- day over a scathing Penn- sylvania grand jury report about clergy who raped and molested children in six dio- ceses in that state, calling the abuse “criminally and mor- ally reprehensible” and say- ing Pope Francis wants to eradicate “this tragic horror.” In a written statement using uncharacteristically strong language for the Holy See even in matters like the long-running abuse scandals staining the U.S. church, Vat- ican spokesman Greg Burke sought to assure victims that “the pope is on their side.” Pope Francis himself wasn’t quoted in the state- ment, and there was no mention of demands in the United States among some Roman Catholics for the res- ignation of Cardinal Don- ald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington. The grand jury report made public this week accused the cardinal of help- ing to protect some molester priests while he was bishop of the Pennsylvania city of Pittsburgh. Wuerl has defended his actions in Pitts- burgh while apologizing for the damage inflicted on victims. Burke said the inci- dents of abuse graphically documented in the report were “betrayals of trust that robbed survivors of their dignity and their faith.” Ex-security leaders blast Trump for yanking clearance WASHINGTON (AP) — Former U.S. security officials issued scathing rebukes to President Don- ald Trump on Thursday, admonishing him for yank- ing a top former spy chief’s security clearance in what they cast as an act of polit- Police work to stop overdoses after 76 fall ill using drug AP Photo/Sergei Grits People ride their motorcycle by damaged buildings in the old town of Homs, Syria, Wednesday. The Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday it is coordinating efforts to help Syrian refugees return home and rebuild the country’s infrastructure destroyed by the civil war. ical vengeance. Trump said he’d had to do “something” about the “rigged” federal probe of Russian election interference. Trump’s admission that he acted out of frustra- tion about the Russia probe underscored his willingness to use his executive power to fight back against an inves- tigation he sees as a threat to his presidency. Legal experts said the dispute may add to the evidence being reviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller. In an opinion piece in The New York Times, former CIA Director John Bren- nan said Trump’s decision, announced Wednesday, to deny him access to classi- fied information was a des- perate attempt to end Muel- ler’s investigation. Brennan, who served under Presi- dent Barack Obama and has become a vocal Trump critic, called Trump’s claims that he did not collude with Russia “hogwash.” The only question remaining is whether the collusion amounts to a “con- stituted criminally liable conspiracy,” Brennan wrote. Later Thursday, the retired Navy admiral who oversaw the raid that killed Osama bin Laden called Trump’s moves “McCar- thy-era tactics.” Writing in The Washington Post, Wil- liam H. McRaven said he would “consider it an honor” if Trump would revoke his clearance, as well. Pentagon delays veterans parade until at least 2019 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Defense Department said Thursday that the Vet- erans Day military parade ordered up by President Donald Trump won’t hap- pen in 2018. Col. Rob Manning, a Pentagon spokesman, said the military and the White House “have now agreed to explore opportunities in 2019.” The announcement came several hours after The Associated Press reported that the parade would cost about $92 million, accord- ing to U.S. officials citing preliminary estimates more than three times the price first suggested by the White House. According to the offi- cials, roughly $50 million would cover Pentagon costs for aircraft, equipment, per- sonnel and other support for the November parade in Washington. The remainder would be borne by other agencies and largely involve security costs. The officials spoke on condition of anonym- ity to discuss early planning estimates that have not yet been finalized or released publicly. Officials said the plans had not yet been approved by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. Google clarifies location-tracking policy language SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google has revised an erroneous description on its website of how its “Loca- tion History” setting works, clarifying that it continues to track users even if they’ve disabled the setting. The change came three days after an Associated Press investigation revealed that several Google apps and websites store user loca- tion even if users have turned off Location History. Goo- gle has not changed its loca- tion-tracking practice in that regard. But its help page for the Location History setting now states: “This setting does not affect other location ser- vices on your device.” It also acknowledges that “some location data may be saved as part of your activity on other services, like Search and Maps.” F RIDAY A FTERNOON & E VENING ABC NBC CBS FOX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM (11) KFFX KPTV (19) KEPR KOIN (25) KNDU KGW (42) KVEW KATU Paid Funn- PBS Bold & B. B & B TMZ Paid Program News Paid The Chew Hilary Duff The Chew This Old House Hour Paint OCon- This nell 2 yAsk 19 News 6 8 4 C KTNW OPB Paterni- Divorce Paid 13 The Talk (N) CABLE A UGUST 17, 2018 2:30 3 PM 3:30 Judge Mathis The People's Court People's Court Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil The Talk (N) The Doctors Days of Our Lives Wendy Williams Dr. Miami Days of Our Lives Portland Today General Hospital The Doctors Dr. Phil Daily Daily Mail TV Mail TV Ellen DeGeneres R. Ray Bob Harper, Christina Milian General Hospital Million? Million? Afternoon Live Project Quilt in Functio- Pinka- Nature Ready nal Fitne Peter Cat Jet Go! Smoke a Day Essent- Wild Nature Cat in Ready Arthur ial Pepin Travels Cat the Hat Jet Go! 12 PM 12:30 1 PM PREMIUM 2 PM 11 Program ty Court Court Program Wendy Williams The Dr. Oz Show 3 12 O' News (N) (31) (59) 1:30 A&E C2 AMC 60 ANPL 24 CMT 43 CNBC 72 CNN 68 DISC C1 DISN 26 ESPN 33 ESPN2 34 FNC 66 FOOD 61 FREE 32 FX 6C GOLF 88 GSN 76 HALL 87 HGTV 62 HIST C0 LIFE 29 NICK 27 ROOT 37 SPIKE 42 SYFY 67 TBS C9 TCM C6 TLC 49 TNT C7 UNI 21 USA C8 WE 118 WGN HBO C18 HBO2 C20 HBO3 C21 MAX C49 SHOW C78 STARZ 621 STZENC 644 1:30 2 PM Police swarmed a Con- necticut park near Yale Uni- versity and searched people’s homes for drugs Thursday in an effort to prevent more overdoses from a batch of synthetic marijuana blamed for sending more than 70 people to the hospital. Social workers and men- tal health professionals also responded to the New Haven Green, where most of the overdoses happened Wednes- day. Authorities described a chaotic scene where people were dropping to the ground unconscious, others vomiting and some becoming lethargic. Officials said 76 people overdosed Wednesday and 17 more fell ill Thursday. Offi- cials weren’t certain whether Thursday’s overdoses involved the same batch of “K2” synthetic marijuana. No deaths were reported, and most of those brought to local hospitals have been discharged. Synthetic marijuana, called “spice” and other names, usually is plant mate- rial sprayed with chemicals or other substances that is sold in small, colorful pack- ets. It has been blamed for other mass overdoses across the country. In May, more than 50 people in Brooklyn, New York, overdosed on K2, none fatally. Some of the New Haven victims tested positive for the powerful opioid fen- tanyl, also blamed for over- doses, but authorities believe this week’s overdoses were caused solely by synthetic marijuana. 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Two and Mom a Half Judy Judy Judge Judge Judy Judy News (N) Ellen Portia De Rossi, James Bay KGW News (N) The Dr. Oz Show Hoda Kotb KATU News (N) Wild Odd Kratts Squad Odd Odd Squad Squad 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 BIG3 Basketball Playoffs Site: American Airlines Center -- Last Modern 2 Broke 2 Broke First at :35 Dateline "On :35 Mike Dallas, Texas (L) Man St. Family Girls Girls Ten (N) the Brink" & Molly BIG3 Basketball Playoffs Site: American Airlines Center (L) Fox News (N) Feud Feud News (N) News Page Six News News News Inside The Big TheSi- TKO: Total Knock Whistleblower (N) Whistleblower (N) News :35 (N) (N) (N) Edition Bang mpsons Out (N) (N) Colbert News News News News Extra ET TKO (N) Whistleblower (N) Whistleblower (N) News Colbert News News News Family Wheel Jeop- American Ninja Warrior "Philadelphia Dateline NBC News :35 (N) (N) (N) Feud "Hawaii" ardy! City Finals" (N) Tonight News News KGW News (N) Cassidy InsEd. Amer.Ninja "Philadelphia City Finals" Dateline NBC News Tonight News News News News Ent. Extra We Day (N) What Would You 20/20 News (N) / :05 (N) (N) (N) (N) Tonight Do? Jimmy Kimmel News News KATU News (N) Jeop. Wheel We Day (N) You Do? 20/20 News Kimmel Arthur Business PBS NewsHour (N) World Asia W.Week Breakin British Baking Great Aman- World (N) News Insight (N) g Big (N) "The Final" (N) Performances (N) pour (N) News Wild Wild Lost L.A. Business PBS NewsHour (N) The Coroner Hinter- :45 Hinterland :40 Masterpiece Classic Kratts Kratts (N) "Life" land "Penwyllt" 2/2 "Northanger Abbey" 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Live PD Live PD PD Cam PD Cam Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD Live PD / :05 Live PD Live PD (L) (N) Movie :50 <++++ The Goonies ('85, Adv) Sean Astin. :25 <+++ Uncle Buck John Candy. :45 <+++ Smokey and the Bandit <+++ Unforgiven ('92, West) Clint Eastwood. Fear the Dead Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse Masters Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse Treehouse (N) To Be Announced :05 Treehouse :05 Treehouse Home I. Home I. Home I. Home I. Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man <++ Pure Country ('92, Dra) Isabel Glasser, George Strait. <++ Pure Country ('92, Dra) Isabel Glasser, George Strait. Sun Records American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed American Greed Paid Program Closing Bell Money Options Mad Money CNN Newsroom The Lead The Situation The Situation OutFront A. Cooper 360 Cuomo CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 Cuomo CNN Tonight Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers Mad Dog Made Mad Dog Made Cooper's Treasure Cooper's Treasure Cooper's Treasure Cash Cab (N) BattleBots (N) Cooper's Treasure :05 MadDog :05 Treasure Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Raven's. <+++ Tangled Raven's. :10 Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Raven's. < Descendants Dove Cameron. :05 < Descendants 2 Dove Cameron. Bunk'd Raven's. Andi M. StuckM. Baseball Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) Baseball Little League World Series (L) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) Tennis Western & Southern Open (L) Football SportsCenter (N) Tennis Western & Southern Open Site: Lindner Family Tennis Center (L) Boxing Golden Boy (L) First Take (N) Tucker Carlson Hannity Ingraham Angle Fox News The Five Hannity Ingraham Angle Shepard Smith Your World The Five Special Report The Story Barefoot Giada Pioneer Pioneer Comfort Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Reba Reba Middle <++ Armageddon ('98, Adv) Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis. :10 <++ National Treasure ('04, Adv) Nicolas Cage. :20 <+++ The Bourne Ultimatum ('07, Act) Matt Damon. The 700 Club Mother Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. < Now You See Me 2 ('16, Act) Lizzy Caplan, Jesse Eisenberg. <++++ Deadpool ('16, Act) Ryan Reynolds. < 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi < 13 Hours: The... PGA Golf Wyndham Championship (L) CHAMPS Golf Golf Portland Open (L) Golf C. PGA Golf Wyndham Championship CHAMPS Golf The Chase Caroline Feud AmerSays AmerSays Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud CashCb CashCb Feud Feud AmerSays Reaction Baggage Baggage < The Perfect Bride Pascale Hutton. < The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells < Summer Love (2016, Romance) < Sun, Sand and Romance < Royal Hearts Cindy Busby. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Fixer Upper Smart Restor Restor Restor Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Spe. Dream H. Dream H. TinyPara TinyPara H.Hunt House H.Hunt House Ancient Aliens "The Mission" Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens (N) Ancient Aliens :05 Search (N) :05 Ancient Aliens The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy The Closer The Closer The Closer The Closer :05 The Closer :05 Closer "Ruby" R Rivets PAW PAW PAW Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. I Am Frankie Sponge Sponge Sponge Friends Friends Friends Friends Paid Paid The Dan Patrick Show (N) Shape Undeniable Buck In Depth Mariners Pre-game MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Seattle Mariners (L) Postgame MLB Baseball L.A. D./Sea. <++ Hitch ('05, Com) Eva Mendes, Will Smith. Mixed Martial Arts Bellator 204 (L) :15 < Wedding ... :25 Two 1/2 Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men Mom Mom Mom Mom < Empire of th... < Megalodon Michael Madsen. < Trailer Park Shark Tara Reid. < Nightmare Shark < Deep Blue Sea 2 Danielle Savre. Wynonna Earp (N) Killjoys (N) Futur. Futur. <+++ Intelligence Ian Tracey. Full Frontal Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy <++ The Hangover Part II :15 <+++ Funny Lady Barbra Streisand. :45 <+++ The Way We Were Barbra Streisand. <++ Yentl ('83, Mus) Barbra Streisand. <+++ The Prince of Tides Nick Nolte. <++ A Star Is Born Barbra Streisand. Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Four Weddings Gypsy Wedd Gypsy Wedd Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes-Dress 90 Day Fiancé (N) To Be Announced Unexpected (N) 90 Day Fiancé Supernatural Supernatural Bones Bones Bones NCIS:NewOrleans NCIS:NewOrleans NCIS:NewOrleans <+++ Ocean's Eleven George Clooney. <++ Ocean's Thirteen Notic. Vecinos Rosa Guadalupe Como dice dicho El Vuelo de la V El gordo y la flaca Primer impacto P. Luche Notic. Rosa Guadalupe El Rico y Lazaro Bestias La piloto Impacto Noticie. SVU "Hysteria" SVU "Wanderlust" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Uncivilized" SVU "Stalked" Law&Order: SVU SVU "Closure" SVU "Bad Blood" Law&Order: SVU Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Mama June Mama June Mama June (N) David Tutera (N) Mama June Mama June Love After Mama June In Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH < Anchorman: The Legend of Ron ... Rules Rules Rules Rules Rules Mother Movie :45 < Napoleon Dynamite :20 <++ The Italian Job :15 Hard Knocks :15 <+++ X2: X-Men United Patrick Stewart. VICE (N) < Murder on the Orient Express Bill Maher (N) VICE Animals. Movie :25 < The Last Boy Scout :15 <+++ Death Warrant :45 <+++ Aliens ('86, Sci-Fi) Sigourney Weaver. :10 <++ Predator 2 Danny Glover. SharpObj "Closer" :55 Sharp Objects < The Snowman Michael Fassbender. <++ Murder by Numbers :45 <++ O Julia Stiles. :20 < Three Billboards Outside Eb... :20 < The Mountain Between Us :15 <++ Taxi Queen Latifah. < Kingsman: The Golden Circle Taron Egerton. Movie Movie :50 < Fast Times at Ridg... :20 <++ Addicted to Love :05 < The Mummy Tom Cruise. <+++ The Bourne Identity <+++ Kong: Skull Island Outcast (N) Outcast Movie <+++ War Horse Jeremy Irvine. <+ The Longshots Ice Cube. :45 < 10 Things I Hate About You <+++ The Rock ('96, Act) Sean Connery. <+++ The Hunt for Red October :15 < Marshall Chadwick Boseman. <++++ Thunderball Sean Connery. :55 Power :55 <+++ Diamonds Are Forever < Life Jake Gyllenhaal. :45 <++++ Thunderball Sean Connery. Power < Proud Mary Power <+++ Ghost :45 <+++ Office Space :15 <++ Big Momma's House :55 < I Think I Love My ... :35 <+++ Independence Day Will Smith. <++ Zoolander Ben Stiller. <++ U-571 F RIDAY L ATE N IGHT & S ATURDAY M ORNING 12 AM 12:30 1 AM FOX (11) KFFX KPTV 3 CBS (19) KEPR KOIN NBC (25) KNDU KGW (42) ABC :05 Anger :35 The 11 M. KVEW KATU 2 19 6 8 4 C PBS (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Game TMZ Live! 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 Celebr- 2 Broke ity Page Girls The Late :35 James Corden :35 Paid Show Program The Late :35 James Corden :35 News Show Tonight :35 Late Night :35 Last Show With Seth Meyers Call Tonight :35 Late Night :35 Last Show With Seth Meyers Call :05 :35 This :05 Paid :35 Paid Nightl. Minute Program Program Jimmy :35 :05 Harry Lori Kimmel Nightl. Loughlin Backstage Pass Great British Baking "The Final" Maste- On Story Performances rpiece "Chicago Voices" 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 USGA Golf U.S. Amateur Championship Round 3 Site: Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Program Program Program Program Program Program Pebble Beach Golf Links -- Pebble Beach, Calif. (L) USGA Golf U.S. Amateur Championship Round 3 Site: 2 Broke King of Paid Paid Cars.TV Paid Paid Paid Good Day Oregon at 6 a.m. Girls Queens Program Program Program Program Program Pebble Beach Golf Links -- Pebble Beach, Calif. (L) :05 Paid Paid Spaces Paid L.M. Hollywo CBS This Morning Saturday (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova- Inspec- Lucky Pet Vet Paid Paid Off-Road Racing Program Program Program Traveler od News Dog Pet Vet tion tors Dog Dream Program Program :10 Paid :35 Our Paid Paid Paid Paid CBS This Morning Saturday (N) Lucky Dr. Chris Innova- Inspec- Lucky Pet Vet Xterra Xterra Off-Road Racing Program World Program Program Program Program Dog Pet Vet tion tors Dog Dream EPL Soccer Arsenal at Chelsea Site: Goal :05 Today Show 1st Look 1st Look 1st Look Family Paid Saturday Today (N) Wake Up Northwest Paid Feud Program Program Stamford Bridge -- London, England (L) Zone (L) Goal :05 Steve! Rick 1st Look 1st Look 1st Look Paid Paid Paid KGW News at Sunrise (N) The Wilder- Journey EPL Soccer Arsenal at Chelsea Site: Stamford Bridge -- London, England (L) Zone (L) Springfield Program Program Program Voyager ness Vet Xterra Paid Paid Cannon 77 Sunset Strip Gomer Gomer Petti- Petti- Good Morning Wild Ocean Sea Wildlife Rock Vaca- Paid Program Program Pyle Pyle coat coat America Saturday Countd. Treks Rescue Docs the Park tion Program :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 Paid :35 Paid 3 Wide Paid Paid Paid Good Morning KATU News This Morning Saturday Wild Ocean Sea Wildlife Rock Vaca- Program Program Program Program Life Program Program Program America Saturday Countd. Treks Rescue Docs the Park tion Esmon- Happy Motorw Airp- Woodsm Rough This Old House Nigella: Milk Ecos- Fons & Great Outback "Return Wonders Mexico This Old House de Tech. Yoga eek (N) ower ith Shop Cut Hour At My T Street ense Porter Performances of the Wet" "Burning North" Hour Lincoln Center Relish this groundbreaking The Kate "Barb News Sid Curious Cat in Sesame Dinosa- Cyber- SciGirls Biz Kid$ Garden Garden Sewing Quilting musical about love and heartbreak. Jungr" Science George the Hat Street ur Train chase Smart Home Nancy Arts :05 CR TV Featuring a selection of products and services. CR TV