Page 4B CLASSIFIEDS East Oregonian 502 Real Estate 504 Homes for Sale How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to aa larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 TURN HERE for your Real Es- tate needs ---Drop by the big blue arrow on SW Court for ac- cess to all listings for your con- venience. Free market analysis to list your home at the right price. Call Kerry 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave TURN HERE for Profession- al Courteous Representation -Find your new home- 3 or 4 bedroom home, garage or Shop? Call Kerry at Turn Here Realty to find the one on your wishlist. 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Thinking of selling or buying a home? I am happy to help with all your real estate needs and I am available evenings, week- ends and holidays to accommo- date your busy schedule. Also available on short notice. Call Carolyn Rovier Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 Thinking of selling? Prices are climbing as well as the interest rates, it is a great time to sell as the inventory is limited. Free market analysis available, call me today to schedule an ap- pointment. Carolyn Rovier Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. 541.377.9470 TURN HERE for Seller financ- ing. Call Kerry at 541-377-6855. TURN HERE at 305 SW Court and drop by or call 541-377- 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! Call the “Weekend & After Hours Realtor” to view homes at a con- venient time for you. Available on Short Notice, Special Financ- ing Program Information! Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 377-9470 NEW LISTING 3 B/R 1 BATH WITH FAMILY ROOM AND BONUS ROOM MINUTES FROM PENDLETON, $113,600. CALL CATHY FOR MORE INFO. (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 Reach the buyer you are looking for with a low cost, effective classified ad. 504 Homes for Sale $119,000 - REDUCED - Pilot Rock RANCH Style Open living kitchen/ living #1868377. 2-3 bed 2 bath stucco with new deck out back - Call Kerry at 541-377- 6855. Seller will finance with ac- ceptable down. TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave $335,000- Landmark historical home. Over 5200 sqft. 4 to 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. Perfect set- ting for your antiques or great B&B property. Restored/ updat- ed mechanical elements. Vicki 541-969-8243 cell. #18456887 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $175,000- Super tidy home! Bathrooms and kitchen remod- eled. Hardwood floors, gas log fireplace, newer windows and sidings. Trex deck, garden area, detached garage. Dori 541-310- 1001 cell. #18173717 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $199,500- ATHENA. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1798 sf (m/l) home w/ par- tially finished basement. Updat- ed kitchen, forced air heat and cool. Vinyl windows & siding, spacious 2 car garage. Jerry 541-969-6378 cell. #18092363 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541-276-0021 PILOT ROCK Multiple Families Hunting, Tools, Furniture, Household, Toys, Name Brand Clothes Kids and Adult. 67202 E Birch Creek Rd. Pilot Rock Friday & Saturday August 17 & 18, 2018 8:00 - 4:00 HERMISTON Clothing, cabinets, furniture, lots of bikes and bins of knick-knacks. Clothing will be 5 items for $1.00.Furniture priced as marked and bins of knick-knacks will be you name the price. Sale will be inside if it rains. 500 Harper Road Hermiston. Saturday August 18 8:00AM - 11:00AM PENDLETON Movies, CD’s, dressers, clothes, dishes, electric appliances, jewelry, lots more! 3908 NE Riverside Ave Pendleton Thursday - Saturday August 16 - 18 8am - 2pm ---------- Come look for a treasure, after 15 yrs of living on the farm we are moving and are selling most everything. Come look through contractor husbands collection: doors, window, tools, misc. Plus lots of things for the ladies and kids.Clothes, collectibles, furniture, household items, tools, toys 73563 Highway 331 Pendleton 504 Homes for Sale Selling or Buying a property? If you are thinking of selling or buying a home, call for a free consultation. Day’s or evenings, 7 days a week. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 RMLS# 17288483 Seasonal cabin. Cabin is one bedroom with bathroom. Enclosed porch that could be used for additional sleeping area. Wood burning fireplace. Private and Cozy. Re- duced to $87,000. Call Cathy for more info (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates (541) 276-0931 New Listing RMLS# 18644945. Two bedroom 1 bath duplex in Pilot Rock with extra lot for park- ing. No steps. Currently rents for around $1100 to $1200 per month. Call for additional infor- mation (541) 276-0931 or Kal 541-969-7358. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $214,900 New Listing 1420 SW 40th Pendleton, Newer windows, newer siding, newer floors, kitchen and bath. 4 bed- room 1 bath with nice shop/ga- rage. Newer gas rock fireplace. Call for your private showing. Don’t miss out on this one. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $234,500- Beautiful ranch home, many upgrades! 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, w/ 2 bonus rooms. 1 acre piece of heaven. Large deck w/ hottub. Includes a guest house! Dawn 541-310- 9563 cell/ Jerry 541-969-6378 cell. #18048916. Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 New Listing $135,000 – Pilot Rock. 3 Bed- room 1 Bath with detached Ga- rage and Shop. RV Parking. Hardwood Floors. Very nice property. MLS# 18532663 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 $240,000 - 3 Bedroom 3 Bath home on 18 Acres. Wonderful home close to the BAR M. 25 miles out. Beautiful canyon setting. Zoned FR5. MLS# 18576020 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 LOOKING for a second car? The classified section is a complete car-buyer’s guide. $175,000 – UKIAH - 3 Bed 2 Bath Home. Very nice through- out. 210x100 Lot. Detached garage. Garden area. Fenced Yard. Vinyl Siding. Very nice home. MLS# 17230137 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 Friday and Saturday August 17 & 18th 7:00 am ---------- Multi-Family Garage sale Mens xxl rain coats and vest, exercise bike, desk, shampooer, clothes and baby clothes, collectibles, household items and lots of other stuff- come and see 2901 SW Ladow Ave Pendleton Saturday 8-18 8am -2pm ---------- 513 SW Nye Pendleton 8am-? Friday Aug 17 & Saturday Aug 18 MOVING SALE Furniture, queen bed, household goods and LOTS of misc. ---------- LIVING TRUST SALE Added more, yard tools, yard decor,BBQ, Worx trimmer and blower, furniture, house- hold, hobbies, scrap-booking, sewing 720 SE 9th street, Pendleton and NEXT DOOR Thursday 5-8pm Friday & Saturday 9am-? ---------- A little bit of everything for everyone! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national or- igin, or an intention to make any such preference, limita- tion, or discrimination. Famil- ial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver- tising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are avail- able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of dis- crimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll- free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. 501 Open Houses Friday, August, 17, 2018 507 Homes w/Acreage New Listing $299,000 includes a 2910 square foot triplewide mobile home that looks new and 28 very private acres up East Birch Creek. About 8 miles east of Pilot Rock. Incredible views. Call Kal (541) 969-7358. Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $335,000- 4 acre mini-ranch. 3 bed, 2 bath 1800 sf(m/l) ranch style home with large front porch. Metal roof. 4 car garage /workshop. Barn, tack room, wood shed. Marsha 541-377- 5152 cell. #18340292 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 $329,500- 8.49 ACRES/ 4 bed, 2 bath, 2376sf (m/l) 1 level, log home. Highway access, 20 minutes Southeast of Pendle- ton. Superb floor plan, updat- ed kitchen and baths. Covered patio, shop/ garage. Jef 541- 969-9539 cell. #18035772/ 18667482 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 516 Lots & Acreage New listings 2 lots in Ukiah. Could be purchased together or separate. Each lot is $59900. Utilities to property. Call for more info (541) 969-7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $19,900- PRIME location to build a high-demand, multi-fam- ily dwelling, R3 zone. Flat, vacant lot on lower North Hill. Close to all utilities. Molly 541- 969-4188. #18386399 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates (541)276-0021 $45,000- PRICE REDUCED! GREAT VIEWS/ 1.49 ACRES ON 2 CITY TAX LOTS. Zoned for stick built or manufactured home. City sewer/ water to property. Cari 541-377-5058 cell #13575330 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 LOOKING for livestock buyers? Place a low-cost classified ad. $75,000 - VIEW LOT .66 ACRES. Gorgeous Valley View. McKay Area. Exceptional site for your new Stick Built or Manufactured Home. MLS# 18366358 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 Elk Meadows. 10-13 Acre Sites now starting now at $109,650 in- cluding Power & Water. Financ- ing available. Easy commute to LaGrande or Pendleton. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 VIEW LOTS – Royal Ridge. Beautiful views starting at $30,000. Land / Home Financ- ing available. Custom Home Builders/Developers welcome. Call for details. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 525 Commercial $195,000- Business opportuni- ty in downtown Pendleton. Call Shane 541-379-7802 RMLS #18212569 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 $500,000- Commercial/ retail site. Former BPOE/ Elks Lodge, restaurant, and lounge. 24,010 sf (m/l) building located on 7 city lots (1.05 acres). Paved parking, 40+ spaces. Kevin 541-969- 8243 cell. #18144965 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541-276-0021 NEW LISTING - RMLS# 18684546 OLD IRS/ REDCROSS OFFICE BUILD- ING 610 -615 SE Emigrant. Cur- rent gross income $2300 per month. RMV $309,900, for sale for $135,000. Call Kal (541) 969- 7358 Garton & Associates 541-276-0931 501 Open Houses 2812 SW Ladow Ave. Pendleton Friday and Saturday August 17 and 18 7AM - ?? ---------- Sorry about last weekend, sickness in family. Lots of glass collection and misc. things. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, August 19th • 2-4pm 1348 E. Hurlburt • Hermiston, OR Door P rizes! 513 SW 10th St. Pendleton Friday & Saturday August 17&18 9AM - 3PM ---------- Multi Family Yard Sale Furniture, women & mens clothing and shoes. Baby items and clothing. 2417 SW Olsen Ave. Pendleton Friday Aug 17th & Saturday Aug 18th 7am – 12am ---------- 2 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday August 18th 8:30am - 3pm Lots of Misc. & Quality girls clothes 3045 SW Issac Ave. Pendleton 525 Commercial Opportunity to own a boarding house in downtown Pendle- ton! Building offers 9 one room rentals, common kitchen, 2 3/4 bathrooms, laundry, commons area and it’s walking distance to beautiful downtown Pendle- ton! It has new plumbing from the street and throughout build- ing, new HVAC system in 2015 as well as updated electrical. $259,500. Ranch-N-Home Realty 541-786-0822 528 Out of Area Property for Sale Selling or Buying a property? If you are thinking of selling or buying a home, call for a free consultation. Day’s or evenings, 7 days a week. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541-379-8690 631 For Rent Quiet Umatilla country set- ting 2bd/1bath updated mobile home no pets/no smoking $650/ monthly $300/deposit 541-314-3656 Now taking applications. Prairie City - Kircher Korners. 1 bedroom apartment. Low in- come, seniors and handicapped - rent subsidized. Call Bob at 541-620-0123. JOHN DAY 2 bedroom apartment down- town. Newly remodeled interior and exterior, nice porch. Private cottage. $700/month. 541-620-1976 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with washer/dryer hookups; pets allowed. $600 a month, $350 deposit. Next to Thriftway. Riv- erside Home Park, 677 W. Main St. Web - riversidemhp.jimdo. com, call 541-575-1341 or email at riversidehomepark@ 643 Business- Sales Opportunities Notice: Oregon State Law re- quires anyone who contracts for construction work to be li- censed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor’s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website: CALL 1-800-962-2819 to advertise here! 651 Help Wanted Amstad Farming seeks potato digger riders, storage laborers, & 10 wheeler drivers. Apply at 32462 Oregon Trail Rd, Echo, OR. All positions are eligible for harvest bonus. The Oregon Department of Justice seeks a qualified BRANCH SUPPORT SPECIALIST (Office Specialist 2; $2,507 - $3,737/mo) to join the Pendleton Branch of the Division of Child Support. Come enjoy a great work en- vironment, enthusiastic team, and excellent benefits! Apply on-line, announcement DOJ18-0097. Closes 8/19/2018. DOJ is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to workforce diversity. FALL HARVEST C & L Harvesting is prepar- ing for the fall corn harvest and needs Combine Oper- ators and Tractor Opera- tors. Successful applicants must have a valid driver’s li- cense, a good driving record, pass a pre-employment drug screening, and have a com- mitment to work hard and work safely. Wages and benefits vary by job and experience. Posi- tions will be open until filled. C & L Harvesting, LLC is an Equal Employment Opportu- nity Employer. Apply in person at 78757 Westland, Rd., Hermiston. Ask for Steve Williams; phone 541-701-9921. $285,000 Enjoy this lovely home that is better than new! Good sized bedrooms, large master bedroom w/tub & stand alone shower. Granite counters with stainless appliances. Some laminate fl oors, gas fi replace, vinyl fencing and a lighted gazebo. 1,924 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath. Garden includes raised vegetable beds. MLS #18165341 702 E. Main • Hermiston SHIRLEY PARSONS Principal Broker, GRI, ABR Offi ce: 541-289-4663 541-561-7434 OREGON LICENSED REALTOR MAKE MONEY AND HAVE FUN TOO!! HELP SELL THE EAST OREGONIAN Saturday-Saturday Round-Up Week September 8-15, 2018 Age 10 and up: Individual or groups Call 541-564-4530