REGION East Oregonian Page 6A Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Protection service knocks down website for Umatilla County Glacier latest U.S. park to be scorched by Western wildfires By MATTHEW BROWN Associated Press A wildfire destroyed structures and forced evac- uations Monday from the busiest area of Montana’s Glacier National Park, as officials in California pre- pared to reopen Yosem- ite National Park follow- ing a two-week closure at the height of the summer season. Glacier’s Sprague Creek campground was closed and evacuated, a day after a fast-moving fire triggered the evacuation of dozens of guests from the historic Lake McDonald Lodge late Sunday night. Park officials said in a statement that structures on the north end of Lake McDonald were lost, but they did not provide details on the number and type. The fire grew to between 2 and 4 square miles by Monday afternoon. “It just completely exploded. Yesterday we were watching it grow all day, and now it’s so smoky you can’t see anything,” said Kyersten Siebenaler with Glacier Outfitters, which rents boats in Apgar, a small community at the south end of the lake. The outfitting company was trying to help tourists who evacuated find places to stay on the east side of the park, where it was not as smoky, Siebenaler said. A second campground, a Chris Peterson/Hungry Horse News via AP An air tanker drops water over a wildfire burning in Glacier National Park, Mont. motel and private residences inside the park’s bound- ary also were evacuated. A 30-mile stretch of the scenic Going-to-the-Sun Road was closed to traffic. The road, with breathtaking views of the park’s mountainous interior, is a major draw for tourists. Triple-digit temperatures across parts of the state — paired with lightning from passing thunderstorms — set the stage for several new large fires to take hold in Montana in recent days. Among them was a 3-square-mile fire that trig- gered an evacuation order for residents of 15 houses southwest of the town of Ennis, Montana. The fire was burning in challenging mountain terrain with a mix of pine, fir and spruce trees, said fire information spokes- man Dave Sabo. Montana had a slow start to this year’s fire sea- son following a record-set- ting 2017 in which more than 2,400 square miles burned. This year’s fires so far have charred a combined 30 square miles of the state. In Colorado, a wildfire in the southwestern portion of the state ignited by lightning July 29 had burned across 34 square miles by Monday. Wildfires flare up regu- larly at many of the large national parks that dot the U.S. West, often burning in densely-forested, backcoun- try areas where their effects are limited. This year’s blazes threaten to have a magnified impact coming at the height of the summer tourist season. More than 400,000 vis- itors last month passed through the west entrance of Glacier, near McDon- ald Lake. That was almost half the park’s total. August is typically just as busy, and a protracted shutdown of part of the park could hurt the tourist-driven local economy. “We’re hoping this is short-lived,” said Danny McIntosh, marketing man- ager for Glacier Park Collec- tion by Pursuit, which oper- ates Motel Lake McDonald. McIntosh said all of the guests in the motel’s 28 rooms were relocated to other accommodations run by the company. Yosemite was sched- uled to reopen Tuesday after being largely closed since July 25 because of smoke from fires in remote areas that choked the scenic Yosemite Valley. The closure caused upheaval for thousands of tourists whose summer trips were cancelled. Visitors were warned to expect lim- ited hours and services as the park returns to normal. The fire burning in Gla- cier was one of several started in the park by light- ning on Saturday evening. Windy, dry conditions on Sunday caused the blaze to spread rapidly, in full view of tourists and people who live and work around Lake McDonald, a 9-mile (14-kilometer) body of water ringed by steep-sided mountains. Two planes from Can- ada were brought in to help battle the blaze, but offi- cials said high winds pre- vented their pilots from fly- ing close enough to the fire to be effective. PENDLETON — Umatilla County’s web- site was down during the weekend. Dan Lonai, director of the county’s adminis- trative services, said the county last week imple- mented Project Shield, the free service Google provides to protect sites against denial-of-service attacks, which are cyber efforts to bombard web services with heavy traffic. Lonai said it looks like the new protection, how- ever, took down the coun- ty’s website. “It’s not supposed to do that,” he said. Lonai became aware of the problem Mon- day morning and said he would contact Google to sort out the problem. The county’s website was up and running before 10:30 that morning. The county fair wrapped up on the week- end, and county com- missioners have no pub- lic meetings this week for lack of a quorum. According to the coun- ty’s online schedule, Com- missioner Bill Elfering is at the Oregon Associ- ation of Counties board retreat Monday and Tues- day in Welches, then the rest of the work week is at a CityCounty Insurance Services Board meeting in Sunriver. Commissioner Larry Givens is in the office Monday and Tues- day, then he takes vaca- tion. And Commissioner George Murdock is on vacation through Aug. 28. Multi-talented entertainer presents unique concert duced to ventriloquism at age 8 when his par- ents gave him a “puppet” for Christmas. It didn’t take him long to figure to the technique, and he was entertaining friends and family. While on a concert tour shortly after high school, others in the group encour- aged Vernon to incorporate ventriloquism into the pro- gram. Although initially Vernon was hesitant, it proved to be a big hit. For more information, call 276-5358. For more about Vernon, visit www. PENDLETON — A Florida man shares his faith in a unique way — incorporating his skills in singing, songwriting and ventriloquism. Brent Vernon and his friend Sam will appear in concert Wednesday from 7-8:15 p.m. at the Pendle- ton First Christian Church, 215 N. Main St. There is no admission charge. Vernon, who was intro- COMING EVENTS TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 CRAFTERNOONS, 4:15 p.m., Pendleton Public Library, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Drop in for a group or individual craft project. All ages. (541-966- 0380) PENDLETON EAGLES TA- COS AND BINGO, 6 p.m., Pend- leton Eagles Lodge, 428 S. Main St., Pendleton. Regular packet $10, special packet $5. Proceeds donated to local charities. Public welcome. (541-278-2828) INSIDE OUTSIDE THE LINES ADULT COLORING, 6-7:30 p.m., Irrigon Public Library, 490 N.E. Main St., Irrigon. Materials provid- ed. Bring snacks to share. (541- 922-0138) PENDLETON KNITTING GROUP, 6 p.m., Prodigal Son Brewery & Pub, 230 S.E. Court Ave., Pendleton. (541-966-0380) AUDIOBOOK DOWNLOADS, 6 p.m., Pendleton Public Library, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Learn how to download free au- diobooks with your library card. Free. (Heather Culley 541-966- 0380) STORY AND CRAFT TIME, 6:30 p.m., Milton-Freewater Pub- lic Library, 8 S.W. Eighth Ave., Milton-Freewater. For elementary school-age children. (541-938- 8247) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 EARLY MORNING BASKET- BALL, 6-7 a.m., Pendleton Rec- reation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. All ages. Free. (Casey Brown 541-276-8100) BABY & ME LEARN & PLAY, 10-10:45 a.m., Hermiston Pub- lic Library back entrance, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. En- gaging children and getting them excited about music, improving motor skills and sparking creativ- ity while supporting early literacy development. For children ages newborn to 4 years and parent/ T UESDAY A FTERNOON & E VENING ABC NBC CBS FOX 12 PM 12:30 1 PM (11) KFFX KPTV (19) KEPR KOIN (25) KNDU KGW (42) KVEW KATU Paid 2 19 6 8 4 C PBS KTNW OPB Paterni- Divorce Paid CABLE A UGUST 14, 2018 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 Two and Mom a Half Judy Judy Funn- Bold & The Talk (N) Judge Judge yAsk B. Judy Judy News B & B The Talk (N) The Doctors Dr. Phil News (N) TMZ Paid Days of Our Lives The Wendy Daily Daily Ellen DeGeneres Program Williams Show Mail TV Mail TV Scarlmtt Johansson News Paid Days of Our Lives Portland Today Ellen DeGeneres KGW News (N) The Chew Hank General Hospital The Doctors Rachael Ray The Dr. Oz Show Azarta Emmrtl Lagassm The Chew General Hospital Million? Million? Afternoon Live KATU News (N) StretchE Pinka- Nature Ready Wild Odd Frontline "Our Man tn Tmhran" ssentric Peter Cat Jet Go! Kratts Squad Paint Jazzy Mexican Steves' Nature Cat in Ready Arthur Odd Paulson Veg. Table Europe Cat the Hat Jet Go! Squad 13 12 PM 12:30 1 PM PREMIUM 2 PM Judge Mathis The People's Court People's Court Let's Make a Deal Dr. Phil 11 Program ty Court Court Program 3 12 O'Clock News Wendy Williams The Dr. Oz Show (31) (59) 1:30 A&E C2 AMC 60 ANPL 24 CMT 43 CNBC 72 CNN 68 DISC C1 DISN 26 ESPN 33 ESPN2 34 FNC 66 FOOD 61 FREE 32 FX 6C GOLF 88 GSN 76 HALL 87 HGTV 62 HIST C0 LIFE 29 NICK 27 ROOT 37 SPIKE 42 SYFY 67 TBS C9 TCM C6 TLC 49 TNT C7 UNI 21 USA C8 WE 118 WGN HBO C18 HBO2 C20 HBO3 C21 MAX C49 SHOW C78 STARZ 621 STZENC 644 1:30 2 PM guardian. (541-567-2882) STORY TIME, 11:15 a.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541- 567-2882) STANFIELD SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Stanfield Community Center, 225 W. Roo- sevelt, Stanfield. Cost is $3.50 for seniors, $6 for others. (541-449- 1332) 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 Last Last Man St. Man St. News (N) News News (N) (N) News News News News (N) (N) News News News News (N) (N) News News Arthur Nightly Business Wild Wild Kratts Kratts 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Modern Modern Family Family News (N) News Inside (N) Edition News News News Family (N) Feud KGW News (N) News News (N) (N) KATU News (N) PBS NewsHour (N) 2 Broke 2 Broke Shazam "Eptsodm Love "Johnathan First at Dateline "Into thm :35 Mike Girls Girls Elmvmn" (N) and Ambmr" (N) Ten (N) Wtld" & Molly Feud Feud Beat Shazam (N) Love Conn. (N) News (N) News Page Six The Big TheSi- NCIS "Onm Man's Bull "Kmmp Your NCIS: New News :35 Bang mpsons Trash" Frtmnds Closm" Orleans (N) Colbert Extra ET NCIS Bull NCIS:NewOrleans News Colbert Wheel Jeop- America's Got Talent "Ltvm Quartmr Making It "Party News :35 "Hawatt" ardy! Ftnals 1" (N) Ttmm!" (N) (N) Tonight Cassidy InsEd. Got Talent "Ltvm Quartmr Ftnals 1" (N) Making It (N) News Tonight Ent. Extra Bachelor in Paradise Pt. 2 of 2 from Castaways "Man News (N) / :05 Tonight Aug 13 (N) Down" (N) Jimmy Kimmel Jeop. Wheel Bachelor Pt. 2 of 2 from Aug 13 (N) Castaways (N) News Kimmel World Steves' No Passport Requ Frontline "Our Man tn Tmhran" Pt. 2 of Aman- News News Europe "D.C." (N) 2 from Aug 13 (N) pour (N) (N) Ask-Old Business PBS NewsHour (N) Penelope Keith's No Passport Requ Frontline "Our Man tn Tmhran" Pt. 2 of House (N) Coastal Villages "D.C." (N) 2 from Aug 13 (N) 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Interve. "Ttffany" Intervention Interve. "Dantml" Interve. "Gtnjmr" First 48 "Mtsstng" The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 :05 The First 48 <+++ Tombstone ('93, Wmst) Val Ktlmmr, Kurt Russmll. <++++ Casino (1995, Crtmm Story) Sharon Stonm, Jom Pmsct, Robmrt Dm Ntro. <+++ Goodfellas ('90, Crt) Jom Pmsct, Ray Ltotta. :05 < The Shawshank Redemption Vet Gone Wild R. Mountain Vet Pit Bull Parolees Pit Bull Parolees Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Extinct or Alive Extinct Alive "Thm Zanztbar Lmopard" Weird "Inkmd" Extinct or Alive :25 Home Imp HomeI. Home I. Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man < The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement < The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement <++ Maid in Manhattan Jmnntfmr Lopmz. Mad Money Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit Shark Tank Shark Tank The Profit Paid Program Closing Bell Fast Money CNN Newsroom The Lead The Situation The Situation OutFront A. Cooper 360 Cuomo CNN Tonight CNN Tonight A. Cooper 360 Cuomo CNN Tonight Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Exp. Unkown Hard to Kill Hard to Kill Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Catch (N) Dead Catch (N) Deadly Catch (N) :05 Hard to Kill :05 Deadly Catch Bunk'd Bunk'd Bunk'd Raven's. Raven's. Bizaard. Bizaard. Jessie Jessie Bunk'd Bunk'd Raven's. <+++ Cinderella Ltly Jamms. Andi M. Raven's. StuckM. StuckM. Bizaard. Raven's. Andi M. StuckM. NFL Live SportsNation (L) Horn (N) Interrupt SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter Special "Fantasy Football Draft" (L) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) C. Football (L) Talk (L) NFL Live (N) Horn (N) Interrupt Softball Ltttlm Lmagum World Smrtms (L) SportsC. Softball Ltttlm Lmagum World Smrtms (L) Highly? Horn Interrupt First Take Tucker Carlson Hannity Ingraham Angle Fox News Tucker Carlson Hannity Ingraham Angle Shepard Smith Your World The Five Special Report The Story Southern Let's Eat Pioneer Pioneer Chopped Junior Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped Reba Reba Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Mother Mother Mother Mother <+++ The Notebook ('04, Rom) Ryan Gosltng. <++ Monster-in-Law Jmnntfmr Lopmz. The 700 Club Mother Mother Mike&M. Mike&M. Mike&M. <+++ Spectre ('15, Act) Chrtstoph Waltz, Dantml Cratg. <++ Taken 3 ('14, Act) Ltam Nmmson. <+++ The Wolf of Wall Street ('13, Dra) Jonah Htll, Lmonardo DtCaprto. Feherty Feherty Feherty Golf Central (N) School Academy G.Rounds "2010 Rydmr Cup: Smsston 3 at Cmlttc Manor" (N) PGA Tour Learn Great Rounds "2010 Rydmr Cup: Smsston 3 at Cmlttc Manor" The Chase Caroline Feud AmerSays AmerSays Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud Feud CashCb CashCb Feud Feud AmerSays Reaction Baggage Baggage < Royal Matchmaker < Marrying Mr. Darcy Ctndy Busby. < Love on the Sidelines Emtly Ktnny. < Love on Ice ('17, Rom) Jultm Bmrman. < Dater's Handbook Mmghan Marklm. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Flippers Flippers H.Hunt House H.Hunt House Counting Cars Count. Count. Count. Count. Cou. Cars: Drive Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged in Fire Forged "Thm Ktltj" Forged in Fire (N) Count. Count. :05 Counting Cars The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Married1stSight Unlocked Married Married (N) :05 Seven Year (N) :05 Married PAW Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Loud H. LoudH. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Loud H. Dare Dare < To Be Announced Friends Friends PAW Machines PAW Paid Paid Dan Patrick (N) Shape Dub Play H.S. Football Ormgon East-Wmst Shrtnm Gamm Mariners Pre-game MLB Baseball Smattlm Martnmrs at Oakland Athlmttcs (L) Postgame MLB Baseball Sma./Oak. <+++ Unstoppable :25 Two 1/2 Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men 2½Men Mom :35 Mom :10 Mom :50 Mom :25 Mom Friends Friends Friends Friends :25 Friends < Sharktopus v... < Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda < Zombie Shark Jason London. < Megalodon Mtchaml Madsmn. < Toxic Shark Kabby Bordmrs. < Santa Jaws ('18, Sct-Ft) Rmtd Mtllmr. < Sharknado 2: ... Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Am.Dad Fam.Guy Fam.Guy BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang BigBang Wrecked Drop Mic Conan <+ Laughing Boy :15 <+ Playmates ('42, Mus) Kay Kysmr. <++ Strictly Dynamite <++ The Girl From Mexico < Hot Pepper < Honolulu Lu Lupm Vmlmz. < The Half-Naked Truth <+ Ladies Day Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings Four Weddings Gypsy Wedd Gypsy Wedd Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes OutDaughtered OutDaught. (N) Daughter (N) :05 Rattled (N) :05 Daughter Super. "Road Ktll" Super. "Hmart" Supernatural <+++ The Dark Knight Rises ('12, Act) Annm Hathaway. <++ Ant-Man ('15, Act) Paul Rudd. Animal King (N) Animal Kingdom <+++ 300 Notic. Vecinos Rosa Guadalupe Como dice dicho El Vuelo de la V El gordo y la flaca Primer impacto P. Luche Notic. Rosa Guadalupe El Rico y Lazaro Bestias La piloto Impacto Noticie. Miz (N) Chrisley Modern Modern Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Law&Order: SVU Modern Modern Modern Modern WWE Super Smackdown Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Pantc" Law&O. "Entttlmd" Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order LawOrder "Mmga" Law & Order In Heat of Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods BlueB. "Extlms" MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH Carter (N) MASH MASH MASH MASH Carter Mother Mother :15 <++ Land of the Lost Wtll Fmrrmll. <+ Transcendence Johnny Dmpp. :05 <+++ War for the Planet of the Apes Bill Maher News < Justice League ('17, Act) Gal Gadot. Hard Knocks '18 Insecure SharpObj Movie :45 <++ Star Trek: Nemesis :45 <++ Hannibal ('01, Thrtl) Jultannm Moorm. VICE (N) Flyness :05 < The Silence of the Lambs Animals. Animals. Hard Knocks '18 Last Wk VICE Ballers BillMaher < The Truth About Charlie San Fran :15 <+++ Kiss Kiss Bang Bang <+++ It's Complicated Mmryl Strmmp. :05 < The Mountain Between Us The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling :55 The Zen Diaries Movie :40 <++ Cradle 2 the Grave Jmt Lt. :25 <+++ The Bourne Identity :25 <++ Bad Company Chrts Rock. :25 <++ The Pink Panther <++ Addicted to Love :45 < Swimming With Sh... :20 Outcast :15 <++ Lost in Translation <+++ The Big Chill Glmnn Closm. < The Girl on the Train Emtly Blunt. < All I See Is You Blakm Ltvmly. <+++ The Punisher Thomas Janm. America? :35 The Affair America? < Catch & Relea... :55 Power < Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle <++ Beverly Hills Cop II :45 Power :45 <++ Hoodlum ('97, Crt) Laurmncm Ftshburnm. Power < Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle < Resident Evil: The Final... :40 < When the Bough Breaks :25 <+++ Bedtime Stories :10 <+++ Mission: Impossible <++ White Men Can't Jump <++ 2012 ('09, Act) Amanda Pmmt, John Cusack. Movie T UESDAY L ATE N IGHT & W EDNESDAY M ORNING 12 AM 12:30 1 AM FOX (11) KPTV 3 CBS KEPR KOIN NBC (25) KNDU KGW (42) KVEW KATU 2 19 6 8 4 C PBS (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 :05 CR TV Featuring a selection of products and services. 4 AM 4:30 5 AM CR TV 5:30 6 AM AgDay 6:30 The Game Game TMZ Live! Celebr- 2 Broke 2 Broke King of Paid Paid This News Good Day Oregon Good Day Oregon ity Page Girls Girls Queens Program Program Minute (N) at 5 a.m. (N) at 6 a.m. (N) The Late :35 J.Corden Ruby :35 Paid :05 CBS Overnight News Morning News News News News Show Rose, Ben Simmons Program News (N) (N) (N) (N) The Late :35 J.Corden Ruby :35 News :05 CBS Overnight News Morning News KOIN 6 News at 5 KOIN 6 News at 6 Show Rose, Ben Simmons News (N) a.m. (N) a.m. (N) Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 Last :05 Today Show Early Early Early Wake Up Northwest (N) Show Spike Lee Call Today Today Today Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 Last :05 Steve! Early Early Early News KGW News at KGW News at Show Spike Lee Call Today Today Today (N) Sunrise (N) Sunrise (N) :05 :35 This :05 ABC World News Now Featuring the morning's top stories and America News News News News Nightl. Minute breaking news from around the world. Morning (N) (N) (N) (N) Jimmy :35 :05 Harry Anne :05 ABC World News Now America News KATU News This Morning (N) Kimmel Nightl. Heche, Alex Roe Morning (N) News Songs Frontline "Our Man in Tehran" Pt. 2 of British Baking Performances Antiques Esmon- W.L.- Center 2 from Aug 13 "Patisserie" "Chicago Voices" Roadshow de Tech. Yoga PBS NewsHour Antiques Ore. Ore. Frontline "Our Man in Tehran" Nightly World Power Wild Roadshow Exper. Exper. Business News Yoga Kratts KFFX (19) ABC :05 Anger :35 The 11 M. 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 Good Day (N) Good Day Oregon CBS This Morning (N) CBS This Morning (N) Today Show (N) Today Show (N) Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America (N) Ready Jet Go! Nature Cat Cat in the Hat Curious George Sesame Street Pinka- Peter 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 Paid Ocean Program Myst. MORE Good Day Oregon (N) Harry Jillian Michaels Let's Make a Deal Super WHY! Daniel Tiger Steve! Jason Crime Watch Ritter, Kellie Pickler Daily The 700 Club Rachael Ray Zach Braff, Caissie Levy The Price Is Right The Young and the Restless The Price Is Right The Young and the Restless Megyn Kelly Today (N) Millio- Hot Today (N) naire? Bench Megyn Kelly Today (N) Daily Daily Today (N) Blast Blast Live Rose Byrne, The View Jon Paid This Chris Byrne Hamm, Meek Mill Program Minute AM Northwest The View Jon Live Rose Byrne, Hamm, Meek Mill Chris Byrne Dinosa- Peg + Daniel Splash & Curious Sit and ur Train Cat Tiger Bubbles George Be Fit Daniel Splash & Sesame Super Dinosa- Bob the Tiger Bubbles Street WHY! ur Train Builder