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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 2018)
SPORTS Tuesday, August 14, 2018 East Oregonian Page 3B RODEO: Cooper ties calf in 8.3 seconds, Farm-City his favorite NW rodeo to finish tied for first in the first round, and their 4.7 seconds in the main event was enough for third place. Their time of 9.1 seconds on two head put them first in the aver- age and allowed both to leave town with $6,318. Continued from 1B ishes in the rodeo. “To split the high score of the night with my travel partner Chase is cool,” Spears said. “We both had great bulls and we did our job, they didn’t perform to their ability quite like they can, but we both placed at the rodeo and it’s great to split with my partner.” Spears rode Scared Famous from Corey and Lange, manag- ing a few big leaps and some quick bucks for his score, though he said the bull “just didn’t have the trip that he usually has.” Spears, who lives in Terrebonne, Oregon, was very familiar with Scared Famous, as he rode the bull for 86 points last year and Dougherty just rode it for 87.5 points to win the California Rodeo Salinas on July 22. Dougherty, a western Oregon native from Canby, rode Corey and Lange’s Tequila, which was a bull he was looking forward to riding. “It’s a bull I’ve always wanted to get on,” he said. “I’ve seen him a lot, a good rodeo bull that bucks really cool around to the left, up and down, my kind of bull.” Both riders leave with $1,548 each in their pockets with the fourth place finishes, which will help their cause for NFR berths as Dougherty is now ninth in the world and Spears is 18th. Wyatt Covington earned the bull riding title and a $5,161 pay- out with his 86.5 points from Fri- day and Walla Walla’s Derek Kol- baba finished third. Bareback riding The 2018 season has not gone the way Steven Peebles would have liked, as the Redmond bare- back rider came to Hermiston on Saturday 25th in the world stand- ings more than $26,000 away from the final qualifying spot to the NFR. Though Peebles is a likely longshot to make the NFR with the season starting to wind down, he did get a boost on Saturday as he scored an 87-point ride to finish tied for second with Steven Dent at the Farm-City Pro Rodeo. “I’ve needed a big hit like this,” Peebles said after his ride, “so to come out here and do this was pretty awesome.” Peebles rode Calgary Stam- pede’s Tootsie Roll for his sec- ond-place score, which earned him a $3,657 payout and moved him up one spot in the standings to 24th. Steer Wrestling Staff photo by E.J. Harris Tuf Cooper of Decatur, Texas, ropes his calf in 8.3 seconds in tie down roping. Barrel racing “This pays pretty good, but there’s still a lot of rodeo left and still a lot of climbing to do,” Pee- bles said. Orin Larsen’s 88.5 points from Friday’s performance was enough to win the championship and a $5,485 payout. Jessi Fish and her 10-year-old horse named Showoff put together a really good run in the barrel rac- ing performance on Saturday, completing the course in 17.10 seconds. But even though the time net- ted her the top time of the night, it was only good enough for a third place finish in the overall stand- ings. Jennifer Barrett put together a 16.83-second run in afternoon slack to win the title and a $4,213 payout, knocking off Jessie Telford and her 16.89-second time from Wednesday. Tie-down roping Tuf Cooper certainly lived up to his name at Farm-City on Saturday night. The night’s tie-down rop- ing event was slow to start, with most competitors either receiving no-time or clocking in the double digits. It wasn’t until the Decatur, Texas cowboy took to the arena that the crowd got what they came for. Cooper tied his calf in just 8.3 seconds, which tied him with Ty Baker for the top time in the round and earned him $1,699. As Cooper, 29, made his victory lap around the arena, announcer Randy Corley noted his “mil- lion-dollar smile,” and Cooper charmed the Hermiston crowd even further when he proclaimed that Farm-City is his favorite rodeo in the Northwest. This was his tenth year at Farm-City. “This is one of the bigger and better rodeos that I’ve been to,” he said. “It’s great to show up again at the same rodeo under the same West Point, Mississippi’s Will Lummus earned the top time of the night with a 4.0-second run to earn the $100 nightly bonus and bottle of Chute 8 whiskey. However, the run only netted Lummus — currently ranked No. 5 in the world — a $623 payout because of the even faster times set earlier in the week. Heppner’s Blake Knowles hung on to win the steer wrestling title with his time of 7.4 seconds on two head and he leaves town $5,101 richer. It was a big boost for Knowles, as he moved up three spots to 10th place in the world standings as he tries to qualify for his fourth NFR and first since 2015. All-Around Staff photo by E.J. Harris Jessi Fish, of Franklin, Tennessee, rounds a barrel on her way to a 17.1-second ride in barrel racing. great conditions.” Cimarron Boardman took the title in the average with a time of 17.8 seconds on two head. Team roping For Erich Rogers of Round Rock, Arizona, and Clint Summers of Lake City, Florida, their first time rodeoing at Farm-City was a success. Saturday night’s team roping competition was tight, with Rog- ers and Summers clocking in at 4.3 seconds, edging out Brady and Riley Minor of Ellensburg, Wash- ington — the No. 8 and 9 contend- ers in the world standings — by just 0.1 seconds. “This is the first year we’ve been roping together,” Summmers said. “This is an awesome rodeo — it pays great, and to get support like this is just amazing.” However, the big winners over- all were Lane Ivy and Blaine Vick of Dublin, Texas, who were crowned the Farm-City team rop- ing champions. The team clocked in at 4.4 seconds in afternoon slack After dazzling the crowd on Thursday with top rides in both bareback and saddle bronc, Ste- ven Dent’s performances held up through the rest of the week and earned him the coveted Farm-City All-Around title and trophy saddle. Dent, from Mullen, Nebraska, finished tied for second in bare- back and tied for third in saddle bronc, earning him a combined $6,144. It’s the fourth all-around title for Dent this season, joining the Lexington (Kentucky) Rodeo, Roughrider Days Rodeo (Dickin- son, North Dakota) and Kit Carson County Fair and Rodeo (Burling- ton, Colorado). EAST'40OREGON marketplace Place classified ads online at or call 1-800-962-2819 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, leave a voicemail and we’ll confirm your ad the next business day. Email us at classiGieds@ or fax: 541-278-2680 East Oregonian Deadline is 3 p.m. the day before publication 211 S.E. Byers Ave. 333 E. Main St. We accept: Pendleton, OR 97801 Hermiston, OR 97838 104 Special Notices 104 Special Notices PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY OF PUBLICATION. While we are happy to make any necessary corrections, we can not be responsible for errors appearing for mul- tiple days. Thank you! 110 Announcements CLASSIFIED LINE AD DEADLINES East Oregonian 3pm the day prior to publication Hermiston Herald 10am Tuesday 1-800-962-2819 Hermiston School District wants to inform parents/guardians and former Special Education stu- dents that on October 1, 2018, the district will destroy the re- cords of students who ended/ex- ited Special Education Services from 1980-1998. If a student wants to obtain their record, he/she needs to sign a consent for release of informa- tion and provide photo identifi- cation. The record can be ob- tained at the Hermiston School District Office in person or can be faxed. All unclaimed records will be destroyed on October 1. For additional information, please contact Special Pro- grams Secretary Tracy Hep- worth at (541) 667-6035. 151 Event Tickets Eastern Oregon Events See local events at: BUY IT! SELL IT! FIND IT! East Oregonian &ODVVLÀHG 1-800-962-2819 FOR SALE Round-Up tickets for everything: Concert, PBR and Rodeo. Call for more info (541)429-1026 181 Lost & Found Lost: Smith & Wesson 22 Re- volver in leather holster. Lost be- tween SW 1st and the 76 Station in East Pendleton. $250 Reward! (541)969-9712 184 Personals Contact Dayle or Grace at 1-800-962-2819 to place your classified ad! 301 RVs & Travel Trailers 2015, 27 foot Salem by Forest River, sleeps up to 6 $23,500. Umatilla, OR 509-499-0207 502 Real Estate How Much is your Home Worth? Call Matt Vogler, The Week- end and After Hours Realtor, for a free Market Analysis. 541.377.9470. More Listings needed to meet current buyer demand! John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 37739470 GARAGE SALES are a big success when advertised in the classified ads! TURN HERE for your Real Es- tate needs ---Drop by the big blue arrow on SW Court for ac- cess to all listings for your con- venience. Free market analysis to list your home at the right price. Call Kerry 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave TURN HERE for Profession- al Courteous Representation -Find your new home- 3 or 4 bedroom home, garage or Shop? Call Kerry at Turn Here Realty to find the one on your wishlist. 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave Thinking of selling or buying a home? I am happy to help with all your real estate needs and I am available evenings, week- ends and holidays to accommo- date your busy schedule. Also available on short notice. Call Carolyn Rovier Ranch3N3Home Realty 541378630822 502 Real Estate 504 Homes for Sale 504 Homes for Sale Thinking of selling? Prices are climbing as well as the interest rates, it is a great time to sell as the inventory is limited. Free market analysis available, call me today to schedule an ap- pointment. Carolyn Rovier Ranch3N3Home Realty 541378630822 Current MLS listings include several 3 and 4 bedroom, 2 bath homes for sale in popular loca- tions. Call Matt Vogler, “The Weekend and After Hours Re- altor” for addresses and pricing. 541.377.9470 $335,000- Landmark historical home. Over 5200 sqft. 4 to 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. Perfect set- ting for your antiques or great B&B property. Restored/ updat- ed mechanical elements. Vicki 541-969-8243 cell. #18456887 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541327630021 New Listing RMLS# 18644945. Two bedroom 1 bath duplex in Pilot Rock with extra lot for park- ing. No steps. Currently rents for around $1100 to $1200 per month. Call for additional infor- mation (541) 276-0931 or Kal 541-969-7358. Garton & Associates 541327630931 504 Homes for Sale Prices are up! Now may be the time to gain some equity and move up to aa larger home. Call Matt Vogler for a free Market Analysis. John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 37739470 TURN HERE for Seller financ- ing. Call Kerry at 541-377-6855. TURN HERE at 305 SW Court and drop by or call 541-377- 6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave FOR QUICK CASH Use a classified ad to sell items around your home you can no longer use. Call the “Weekend & After Hours Realtor” to view homes at a con- venient time for you. Available on Short Notice, Special Financ- ing Program Information! Call Matt Vogler, 541.377.9470 John J. Howard & Assoc. (541) 37739470 $175,000- Super tidy home! Bathrooms and kitchen remod- eled. Hardwood floors, gas log fireplace, newer windows and sidings. Trex deck, garden area, detached garage. Dori 541-310- 1001 cell. #18173717 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541327630021 $199,500- ATHENA. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1798 sf (m/l) home w/ par- tially finished basement. Updat- ed kitchen, forced air heat and cool. Vinyl windows & siding, spacious 2 car garage. Jerry 541-969-6378 cell. #18092363 Coldwell Banker Whitney & Associates 541327630021 NEW LISTING 3 B/R 1 BATH WITH FAMILY ROOM AND BONUS ROOM MINUTES FROM PENDLETON, $113,600. CALL CATHY FOR MORE INFO. (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates 541327630931 Selling or Buying a property? If you are thinking of selling or buying a home, call for a free consultation. Day’s or evenings, 7 days a week. Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541337938690 $119,000 - REDUCED - Pilot Rock RANCH Style Open living kitchen/ living #1868377. 2-3 bed 2 bath stucco with new deck out back - Call Kerry at 541-377- 6855. Seller will finance with ac- ceptable down. TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL 305 SW Court Ave RMLS# 17288483 Seasonal cabin. Cabin is one bedroom with bathroom. Enclosed porch that could be used for additional sleeping area. Wood burning fireplace. Private and Cozy. Re- duced to $87,000. Call Cathy for more info (541) 215-0103. Garton & Associates (541) 27630931 $214,900 New Listing 1420 SW 40th Pendleton, Newer windows, newer siding, newer floors, kitchen and bath. 4 bed- room 1 bath with nice shop/ga- rage. Newer gas rock fireplace. Call for your private showing. Don’t miss out on this one. Garton & Associates 541327630931 $234,500- Beautiful ranch home, many upgrades! 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, w/ 2 bonus rooms. 1 acre piece of heaven. Large deck w/ hottub. Includes a guest house! Dawn 541-310- 9563 cell/ Jerry 541-969-6378 cell. #18048916. Coldwell Banker Whitney & Asssociates 541327630021 New Listing $135,000 – Pilot Rock. 3 Bed- room 1 Bath with detached Ga- rage and Shop. RV Parking. Hardwood Floors. Very nice property. MLS# 18532663 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541337938690 $240,000 - 3 Bedroom 3 Bath home on 18 Acres. Wonderful home close to the BAR M. 25 miles out. Beautiful canyon setting. Zoned FR5. MLS# 18576020 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty “Our office is wherever you are” 541337938690 GET A JOB... check out the employment &ODVVLÀHGVWRGD\